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Krsna doesnt take us to Goloka - because He loves us

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I read this story somewhere. The story may not be actual incident but it does have an important teaching.


Once a god came to visit Earth. After spending some time, he was going back. Then he saw a pig. He was inside mud. The god was overcome with compassion. He said to the pig, "Let me help you. I can pull you out of the mud."

The pig replied, "Wait. Let me roll in the mud for some more time."

He spent some more time rolling in the mud. Then he asked the god who he was. The god said, "I am a god. I have come from heaven and now going back."

The pig said, "Will you take me also to heaven?"

The god said, "Yes, why not? Come with me."

The pig said, "I hope there is lot more mud in heaven."

The god replied, "No, no. There is no need of mud in heave. Heaven is very beautiful with clean water. There are beautiful gardens with beautiful and fragrant flowers. There are trees of tasty fruits.


The pig said, "If there is no mud there, then I do not want to come. I suggest that you also roll in the mud for some time. You will feel real happiness."


The god laughed and went.



Often a question is asked: -

If God loves everyone and if it is true that reaching God's abode is the ultimate happiness, then why doesn't God take everyone there? We say that this world is full of sufferings. Then why is he making us take birth here again and again?


The answer may be that we are not ready to be in God's abode. In spite of sufferings, we are attached to this world and we will not be happy being near God unless we get rid of this attachment.

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No problem. It must have been a wordly pig :)



By mistake I thought that I had opened Spiritual Discussions Forum and I started this thread. Now I find that it is World Review forum.
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I read this story somewhere. The story may not be actual incident but it does have an important teaching.


Once a god came to visit Earth. After spending some time, he was going back. Then he saw a pig. He was inside mud. The god was overcome with compassion. He said to the pig, "Let me help you. I can pull you out of the mud."

The pig replied, "Wait. Let me roll in the mud for some more time."

He spent some more time rolling in the mud. Then he asked the god who he was. The god said, "I am a god. I have come from heaven and now going back."

The pig said, "Will you take me also to heaven?"

The god said, "Yes, why not? Come with me."

The pig said, "I hope there is lot more mud in heaven."

The god replied, "No, no. There is no need of mud in heave. Heaven is very beautiful with clean water. There are beautiful gardens with beautiful and fragrant flowers. There are trees of tasty fruits.


The pig said, "If there is no mud there, then I do not want to come. I suggest that you also roll in the mud for some time. You will feel real happiness."


The god laughed and went.



Often a question is asked: -

If God loves everyone and if it is true that reaching God's abode is the ultimate happiness, then why doesn't God take everyone there? We say that this world is full of sufferings. Then why is he making us take birth here again and again?


The answer may be that we are not ready to be in God's abode. In spite of sufferings, we are attached to this world and we will not be happy being near God unless we get rid of this attachment.


but you could move it to the spiritual discussion forum - it is a good point for discussion!

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The Goloka is not some place far away. Ever hear the expression, "The Kingdom of God is within you?" Goloka is located in inner space.


You, the pure essence, are saccidananda. Goloka is pure saccidananda.


God does five things: create, maintain, destroy, conceal, and reveal. So God created you a jiva. You sprang like a bija or seed from the tatastha. You are covered by 36 tattvas.


Your soul goes through reincarnation and the various situations you encounter burn off the dross of the anava mala or ego. The 36 tattvas are covering your pure essence.


ACBSP said it was like "dust covering the mirror of the heart". Or you gave example of pig covered in mud. First step is get out of mud: stop doing tamasic activities. Then next step is let mud dry off: rajas guna activites cease. Then next step is the dried mud flakes off and falls off easily: sattva guna activities.


Next doing your sadhana under guidance of sants and bona-fide spiritual satgurus. The spiritual practices help one to stop identifying with the material body: stop thinking you are a pig [or whatever of 8, 400, 000 species of life].

You are now entering platform of transcendence.


So not like you are going to a place but realizing who you really are. That is why they call it self-realization. It is incredibly exciting. So this all takes place by the concealing grace of the Lord and the revealing grace of the Lord.


Is like a glass ceiling, the various 36 tattvas. You can't fake being self-realized or not. It's like a graduation. You go through prescribed curriculum of aall of the sadhanas and all of the inner experiences with the catalysts being outer happenings all orchestrated by the Divine. Then when you finally take the whole curriculum, i.e. if you meet all of the qualifications and go through all of the inner experiences then you are rewarded with Divine Sight. Like a veil is lifted. You wonder why you didn't know it all of the time.


And that is just your BA degree so to speak. Then keep on going more and more within and within and within. Then your MA and PhD and post doc and so on.


Anyway it is concealing grace and revealing grace. And you are right, that is all that God is is love. No sense to give you revealing grace you don;t pick up on it. Actually revealing grace always is there but covered by the tattvas so can't pick up on it. Is like a maturation process.


Is like a tree trunk. Look at 1000 year old redwood trees in Muir Woods in SF California. How long they have been around. Have very big thick trunks and has rings or circles for every year alive. So our soul has that also: young medium and old souls. The young souls like saplings easily covered by the weeds. Even they call it that: the bhakti lata bija or devotional creeper.


Anyway is all inside you already. That is what is really exciting. It's basically just a maturation process. Is very cool. Like they do not admit the kindergarten kids to college. Have to see your high school transcript. So our transcripts are the Akashic Records. Then the revealing grace is awarded how we did on our curriculum of many lives.

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