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Vayu Siddhi

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Hello Dennis,


Siddic Powers are natural progression of the spirit on its journey back to the source. They are however an obstacle that should be avoided at all costs.


I have met people with these powers and most use them as a recreational tool to massage their own ego's. I would not recommend the pursuit of this area for your own sake. I don't think that you will find anyone Kundalini Teacher who will tell you specific Kriya for the attainment of these powers. There are books available on this subject from other authors who also say the above but go into detail about the 8 major siddhis. Many siddhi's are not possible in this age of Kal Yug.






Dennis <mprgrandmaster (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


Thursday, 18 January, 2007 2:33:20 PM

Kundalini Yoga Vayu Siddhi



Could you,please, elaborate on Vayu siddhi, what it is, how it is used/developed etc?



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Hello Dennis,


Siddic Powers are natural progression of the spirit on its journey back to the source. They are however an obstacle that should be avoided at all costs.


I have met people with these powers and most use them as a recreational tool to massage their own ego's. I would not recommend the pursuit of this area for your own sake. I don't think that you will find anyone Kundalini Teacher who will tell you specific Kriya for the attainment of these powers. There are books available on this subject from other authors who also say the above but go into detail about the 8 major siddhis. Many siddhi's are not possible in this age of Kal Yug.






Dennis <mprgrandmaster (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


Thursday, 18 January, 2007 2:33:20 PM

Kundalini Yoga Vayu Siddhi



Could you,please, elaborate on Vayu siddhi, what it is, how it is used/developed etc?




You've met people with actual siddhis? Because I thought these siddhis were only on the spiritual plane/allegorical plane, and they do not exist in this reality.


I personally think siddhis are good (if they are real) to a certain extent: they should be used simply as tangible evidence of the truth of spirit, and that's as far as it should go.

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hello, one and all...


the siddhis are yes, supernatural, but only called so because of the aforementioned age of kali we are coming out of...


they are just natural birth rights to man as part of the divine being of God.


all people who are on the path to enlightenment, whether they be a hindu yogi, a nun, a monk, or someone in the household, belonging to any religious order, or a child discovering meditation in second grade with hardly or no intellectual concept of God, may have. We all are naturally endowed with the siddhis in our inate God Given selves, we just have to bring these out to the forefront, for this is what God has procured for us.


The siddhis may be attained by any number of practical means. There is Bhakti yoga, worship of the divine, Jnana yoga, or disciplines with self realization as the main aim, and many others.


There are the siddhis which can be gained from Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation movement, which I find to be quite effective, restful, and blissful, although I have not practiced them for myself, I do TM which is a less advanced technique of meditation.


Also, there is an 18 mukhi rudraksha bead which ensures the attainment of the 18 siddhis. This can be bought online.


Rudraksha beads are the sacred gemstones of Hinduism. They come from the tears of Shiva, when he was sitting in the forest in meditation he opened his eyes, and as he desired to relieve suffering from mankind, this divine plant grew, bearing fruit, in the form of rudraksha beads. They are revered even by the denizens of heaven as the most auspicious thing one could own.


:) I hope this was helpful! And all is possible through God and the GURU.

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