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Malific influence of Planet Saturn

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I think I have malific influence which gives me lot of problems. I made a bit of an offence years ago by putting a ring of Shani devi (diety of Saturn), in the dustbin (garbage), because I thought why am I wearing this junk. I think that was a big mistake, and I went back to see where it was but it had gone.


What's the best way to overcome it?

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I think I have malific influence which gives me lot of problems. I made a bit of an offence years ago by putting a ring of Shani devi (diety of Saturn), in the dustbin (garbage), because I thought why am I wearing this junk. I think that was a big mistake, and I went back to see where it was but it had gone.


What's the best way to overcome it?


The gem alloted with Saturn is sapphire and a sapphire of the proper seize and quality for a ring to counteract a difficult Saturn influence costs about 2000 US dollars. So it is probably not so that you have offended Shani devi because such a ring also has to be installed by rituals. It might be rather the loss of the material value of that ring which was unnecessary.

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Three daanas for cure-all remedies:


1. kanya daana

donate clothes, food, and money to a girl below the age of puberty on a thursday or friday. to cure or gain something.


2. vidya daana

give free education to someone. incl donate books, supporting someone's education, tuition, scholarships, etc.


3. anna daana

donate food to needy


These are simplest and easiest. The more hands-on you can be and actually do these things yourself is nice. To help others we accrue punya and sukritya which counteracts any papa we have from previous situations.




Many Hindu temples also have seva programs. Example www livermoretemple dot org website go to Human Services on Menu Bar. Also Bhaktivedanta Ashram is doing all of these activities in India you can send a donation there.


Another more costly measure is to do Vedic poojas for the nine planets esp Shani. www astrojyoti com in India offers Shani Shanthi and Navagraha Poojas. Then pay on internet and priests in India perform for you.


Or any Hindu temple such as www ramatemple dot org The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago has a section Pooja Items you bring to have priest perform the Navagraha Homam, Mrithyunjaya Homam, or Shanthi Path for example.




Many saints in their manifest leelas started out appears as though they have some problems then they do pious activities and their situations change for the better. In almost all the stories basically person starts out somewhat self-centered and then the service attitude towards others kicks in and the cherishing of self attitude lessens. These stories are in every religion.




What are your talents and skills? Or what can you procure easily and then give to others? One lady I read about remembered crying every night as a homeless child on the streets of New York City because she was cold and hungry and no home and appeared to her as if everyone else is in a nice warm home and joyfully laughing with warm bed, electricity and food etc.


So when she grew up she always remembered this and she personally by herself began every Saturday to go to park and feed sandwiches to the homeless. She never made a big organization only it is her. Then the homeless tell her what they need and she finds clothes or blanket for them. Now she is feeding thousands of people every Saturday cold sandwiches amd juice, then once a month a hot meal. She is doing on her own for 20 years now, just this lady and a few join her to donate and serve out the food.




I have met many people like this, such as a former self-described alleged member of Mafia had a change of heart and he now devotes his life to helping the homeless. So just start somewhere and do some small things now and then. You will feel such joy it becomes like an addictive drug. You can

help many people and this mitigates your bad karmas from past.




Also when we see first hand the homeless and with our own hands we are giving them a bag of full of charity donations then our pride and anger vanishes for a moment. By spending more and more moments like this is like having surgery on our soul, like scraping away the evil tendencies we have (not you but myself) to be selfish grasping and proud. When we see helpless hopeless persons looking into our eyes studying us very carefully for sincerity or not, then we want to give them benedictions and some real hope.


This is like planting new seeds in us of new impressions on our mind, vahanas, that lead to new vrittis and samskaras. Sometimes it is difficult if we are around self-described "spiritual" people but mostly all they are doing is arguing with each other or being greedy arrogant and selfish under the guise of being the highest "spiritual" persons in the world. This kind of pollutes us to become used to this kind of association. However if we help the homeless and hungry then in stories of Vedas many times it was a god testing us.




For example ione story from Asia: when one person died they were all like, "Oh my god I did not know I was going to die so soon. What I did with my life?" And a god said, "Well I was there warning you. Remember when you passed a homeless person, that was me there reminding you to help others before you die. Remember even I asked you for donation?"


And another god said, "And remember one time I passed you in the street and I was very lame and crippled and blind and covered with sores? That was me a god warning you that your body also soon will become old and diseased."

Then the person was like "Oh shoots, even you both gave me so many warnings even and I did not listen." Then in his next life he remembered this and tried to help others more.




So start anywhere you have one or two spare moments do nice things for people, combine with what you have realized internally what is true and very soon Shani stops putting the squeeze on you. Shani sees you are becoming saintly then does pranam to you as a kind illustrious sincere soon-to-be fully enlightened soul.


Aum Tat Sat.

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