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Dead animal - eating its flesh (allowed or not?)

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An omnivorous friend of mine posed this question to me the other day. 'The reason why you don't eat meat is becasue it involves harming the animal, but what about if the animal is already dead. Can you eat the meat then, as you have not harmed the animal'. I did not have an answer. Could someone explain why we still can't eat it.

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Would your friend eat road kill? A diseased animal? A carcass he found somewhere that died a natural death? Not only would that be gross but unsanitary and deadly. I think the idea behind not eating dead flesh is to give your body life and not things that have ceased to have life. When you eat death you yourself get closer to death.

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What about from a religious perpsective, why should we still not eat meat that was say killed by accident by someone else say a couple of minutes ago?


Personally i too find meat revolting, even just thinking about it, but when someone questions this, i dont from a religious perspective have any knowledge or argument to back this up with.

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Primarily, Lord Krishna would not accept dead meat as a bhoga offering, so how could devotees have it? it can never be prasadam.


Secondly, it is in the mode of ignorance (that which is rotting) and as such cannot be good for the maintenence of good health and vitality; a scientific reason why we shouldn't eat it.


These are stupid questions and I would suggest that you cut ties with such friends and associate with more devotees. Anyone with half a brain should know that eating meat, from any circumstance, is impure and never conductive to our health or spiritual growth.

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Primarily, Lord Krishna would not accept dead meat as a bhoga offering, so how could devotees have it? it can never be prasadam.



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That- the universal form of the Lord- was a representation of how the Lord is the cause of death for all those soldiers in the Mahabharat war, and not Arjuna. It was the Lord's plan and Arjuna was only a tool for the execution of that plan. For the atheists the Lord appears as cruel death. Human beings are never the cause of actions- that is carried out by the Lord's material energy and hence ultimately by Him. The fact that the Gita says, I paraphrase, 'Arjuna; I can see all the kings rushing into your many mouths and get crushed', doesn't mean that in His spare time, the Lord in His universal form eats people and animals. He chastises the micreants and destroys them.


In any case the Lord is perfectly free to do whatever He wants. He alone has that right.


In the Gita He says, 'If one offers with devotion, a leaf, some fruit, water or flowers I will accept'. He never says 'offer me a carcass and I will accept it'.


I hope by this explanation it can be understood that the Lord does not want us to offer Him meat.

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In any case the Lord is perfectly free to do whatever He wants. He alone has that right.


you hit the nail on the head !!

how can we decide what the lord wants or do not want !


if he wants to eat meat who are we to say have some leaves !!


what about the animal sacrifices that are mentioned in the sriptures !! evan human sacrifices !!


and yagna is non different from KRISHNA !!

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Hare Krishna

all glories to srila prabhupada



dont hear somebody and do something which is against the laws of nature and dont be a victim of sense gratification.




Everything is right what you are saying i agree but, where are you ? and in what age are you ?you know that.


Dear sir,

we are in the age of kali yuga i.e age of darkness and age of iron not the age of gold i.e satya yuga.those rules and sacrifices which you are saying is not applicable to this dark kali yuga.that means if we are capable of offering animals then it can be accepted but there is no purity.isnt it?

there are no qualified bramanas even to do fire sacrifice.might be some few but rest they are doing it for passion and fashion.This is kali yuga


Kalau sudra sambhava


Everybody who are born in this kali yuga are sudras.If you or me are bhramana then it doesnot mean that by birth we are bahmana but by quality we are not ? so its said by krishna but why did he spoke in Bhagavad gita that "Patram puspam phalam toyam" not "patram puspam sariram toyam"that means 'If one offers with devotion, a leaf, some fruit, water or flowers I will accept'. not he says that he will accept flesh or we shall eat flesh. why Krsna said you know?

because the men in this kali yuga are less intelligent, lazy, unsatisfied and hankering for even simple things and also making quarrel for silly matters.krishna says in bhagavad gita that he came to re-establish the link which have been broken by time. so then to reestablish that he is speaking bhagavad gita. and you cannot understand sastra for your convenience. real meaning is there which is different? that cannot be speculated and interpreted and that means we are getting into the pangs of one of the quality of kali yuga, i.e lazy. giving up the restriction is not intelligent and sacrificing everyhting for the satisfication of the lord is Tapasya. please try to get good association and read Srila prabhupada's books



Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna

all glories to srila prabhupada



dont hear somebody and do something which is against the laws of nature and dont be a victim of sense gratification.




Everything is right what you are saying i agree but, where are you ? and in what age are you ?you know that.


Dear sir,

we are in the age of kali yuga i.e age of darkness and age of iron not the age of gold i.e satya yuga.those rules and sacrifices which you are saying is not applicable to this dark kali yuga.that means if we are capable of offering animals then it can be accepted but there is no purity.isnt it?

there are no qualified bramanas even to do fire sacrifice.might be some few but rest they are doing it for passion and fashion.This is kali yuga


Kalau sudra sambhava


Everybody who are born in this kali yuga are sudras.If you or me are bhramana then it doesnot mean that by birth we are bahmana but by quality we are not ? so its said by krishna but why did he spoke in Bhagavad gita that "Patram puspam phalam toyam" not "patram puspam sariram toyam"that means 'If one offers with devotion, a leaf, some fruit, water or flowers I will accept'. not he says that he will accept flesh or we shall eat flesh. why Krsna said you know?

because the men in this kali yuga are less intelligent, lazy, unsatisfied and hankering for even simple things and also making quarrel for silly matters.krishna says in bhagavad gita that he came to re-establish the link which have been broken by time. so then to reestablish that he is speaking bhagavad gita. and you cannot understand sastra for your convenience. real meaning is there which is different? that cannot be speculated and interpreted and that means we are getting into the pangs of one of the quality of kali yuga, i.e lazy. giving up the restriction is not intelligent and sacrificing everyhting for the satisfication of the lord is Tapasya. please try to get good association and read Srila prabhupada's books



Hare Krishna














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I repeat;


In the Gita He says, 'If one offers with devotion, a leaf, some fruit, water or flowers I will accept'. He never says 'offer me a carcass and I will accept it'.


>how can we decide what the lord wants or do not want !


Because He directly tells us via the above verse and via the words of the Acaryas in the bona fide Vaisnava sampradaya. None of the Vaisnava acrayras have ever advised those seeking to serve the Lord to offer Him meat.


>if he wants to eat meat who are we to say have some leaves !!


I have provided a bona fide source of where Lord Krishna says what can be offered to Him, can you provide a similar verse where He directly says that He wants to eat meat? I am quite certain that such a verse does not exist.


>what about the animal sacrifices that are mentioned in the sriptures !!


The scriptures exist for guiding all people even those who want to eat animals. Such sacrifices are in the mode of darkness/ignorance, tamo guna. In the introduction of the Gita Srila Prabhupada explains how some animal sacrifices are offered to Goddess Kali with prayers which basically say that 'as I (the personal enacting the animal sacrifice) kill this animal, I am willing to take the place of this animal in my next life'. So, if one wants to come back as an animal to be slaughtered, one can go ahead and slaughter animals.


However, it is mistake to think that this is what Lord Krishna wants. Lord Krishna and all Vishnu Tattva preside over the mode of goodness- Sattva guna. As such there are also scriptures for the worship of Krishna which are also Sattva guna scriptures for example the Bhagavat-Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Chaitanya Bhagavat, Padma Purana, Sri Isopnanishad, Bhatki Rasmrta Sindhu, etc. The list goes on and on. Basically all the scriptures that Srila Prabupada translated are all Sattvic scriptures for the path of bhakti and surrender to the Supreme Lord. In none of these scriture will you find any suggestions of animal sacrifices (let alone human sacrifices).


In this connection it should also be noted that the Lord incarnated as Lord Buddha in order to reduce the authority of those who were at the time improperly following the Vedas by indulging in excessive animal slaughter. In this way He advocated the path of non-violence.


Then to bring back the authority of the Vedas, Lord Shiva advented as Shankara Acarya, and by the order of Lord Krishna preached the atheistic mayavada philosophy to delude the demoniac.


Finally, the most magnanious Lord Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with Lord Nityananda and the Pancha Tattva advented to establish the only bona fide sacrifice/yagna and mode of worship in Kali Yuga- the chanting of the Holy Names.


The names of God are non-different from and the chanting of the Lord's Holy Names are the most super-excellent and authorised yagna for Kali yuga. This is the true purport of the notion that yagna is non-different from Lord Krishna.


Therefore please always chant and remember the most Holy Names of Nityananda, Gauranga and Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.


Yours in the service of Shri Shri Guru and Gauranga.

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Thanks for all the replies, some very nice replies. I think i have something to use to argument my point further with my friend. I am trying to convert him into a veggie and that is the reason why i keep close company with him.




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Thanks for all the replies, some very nice replies. I think i have something to use to argument my point further with my friend. I am trying to convert him into a veggie and that is the reason why i keep close company with him.





If not the argument that Krsna will not accept the offering will have no effect even though true. Let flesh eaters eat the naturally dead carcass, who cares. Prabhupada talks about how when a cow would die naturally the cobblers would take the leather for shoes and drum heads and some class of meateaters would eat the meat.


I think you should just acknowledge his point on eatting non-slaughtered meat. Why he would want to is another thing. But then that is true of all meat eaters.

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Online pamphlet called: "How to Win An Argument with a Meat-Eater"


Available at www dot gurudeva dot org


Click onto: "Publications"

www dot gurudeva dot org slash resources


Choose: "Pamphlets"

www dot gurudeva dot org slash resources slash pamphlets




1. Also, one reason why no one should not eat meat is for health reasons. It's summed up by this slogan "BEEF: IT'S WHAT'S ROTTING IN YOUR COLON"


The human digestive system, especially in regards to the length of our colon, is designed for eating grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables as they break down faster in the body than meat.



2. Another reason why is whatever consciousness the animal had at the time of death gets transferred to you. So if the animal was suffering from old age, or died violently hit by a car, then that state of mind will be transferred to you: a state of mind of fear.



3. Also you don't know what the animal was eating and why it died. So if the animal died because it accidentally ate herbicide poison or was slowly intentionally poisoned to death, you will be eating that poison.


I'm thinking of the many bio-hazard environmental endocrine disruptors that might be found in the world today that an animal could have access to. Say if it was a rat poisoned by Warfarin, if intentional poisoning, or an animal living in vicinity of Bhopal India and accidental poisoning.



4. Another reason is animals live high on the food chain. Say if you found a perfectly good dead fish, it could be filled with mercury and dioxin and PCBs.

Mercury, dioxin, PCBs and other substances which cause neurological and brain damage are found in fish even in the most expensive sushi restaurants.



5. Another reason is say you found a dead animal in present day Vietnam. That animal is probably filled with a chemical manufactured by Dow Chemical Company called Agent Orange in every cell of its body.


So if you eat it, then it is an endocrine disruptor as well as disrupts your genetic makeup. So eat a dead animal that you do not know the history of then very well you could be causing mutation to your future children and grandchildren.



6. Or the same thing is you are a Bikini Islander and say you found a dead animal: land or ocean animal. Thanks to nuclear testing by US Government on your atoll for several decades, you would be ingesting plutonium and also cause birth defects to your children and grandchildren.




If you eat some dead animal that you find: first of all an animal has the highest concentrations of man-made carcinogens and mutogens in it because it exists highest on the food chain. In ecology it is called a CONSUMER versus a PRODUCER. Producers have less concentrations of pesticides, herbicides, mutagens, and carcinogens in the cells of their body.


Secondly if you eat a dead animal that you find, it will rot in your colon because it will take faster for the human body to break it down. The animal flesh will be emitting more toxic wastes into your body since it takes longer for it to break down. This puts more stress on your body, all of the poisons and wastes that are by-products of your gut breaking down a substance.


Thirdly whatever consciousness the creature had at the time of death would be transmitted to you. For example if you die by fear then certain chemicals flood the cells of the body. So you will be ingesting these chemicals that the body produces when it is suffering or has fear: the "fight or flight" syndrome.


In conclusion, that is why Srila Prabhupada said, "As long as there is meat-eating, there will be war." Not only the karmic reactions but eating meat produces a certain reaction on so many different levels, just like a chemistry experiment produces a certain result. That's why Krsna doesn't want you to eat it and that is why Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha urge vegetarian diet also in the Bible, Quran, and Dhammapada. That's why Albert Einstein, Albert Schweitzer, Plutarch, Pythagoras, Alice Walker, Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Gandhi, Coretta Scott King, Billie Jean King, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Joe Namath, Billie Jean King, John Lennon, George Harrison, Clint Eastwood, and so many others chose not to eat meat in any form, too.

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what about the animal sacrifices that are mentioned in the sriptures !! evan human sacrifices !!




I view animal sacrifice and of course human sacrifice as barbaric, abominiable and products of gross ignorance and I could not care less if the prescription for them is found in some old books called scriptures. Old Testament is also filled with these low class ideas.


Just my opinion.

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The whole world has been in 'Kill or be killed' mode for uncountable years and so the cycle perpetuates, and the planet has steadilly degraded through war after war of endless killing, by those caught up in this apprehention of defence and offence to survive.

It seems that those who gain enough intelligence to see through this stumbling block evolve to living and let living (vegetarianism)and then start to evolve spiritually to another level of consciousness that opens up channels to infinitely better realms of existence. But the meat eater will never never know unlessl they ever ever go there.


What saddens me is to see alot of these fortunate Indians born as vegetarians, coming to the west or looking to the west thinking that by drinking and meat eating they are somehow liberated.

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I repeat;


In the Gita He says, 'If one offers with devotion, a leaf, some fruit, water or flowers I will accept'. He never says 'offer me a carcass and I will accept it'.


>how can we decide what the lord wants or do not want !


Because He directly tells us via the above verse and via the words of the Acaryas in the bona fide Vaisnava sampradaya. None of the Vaisnava acrayras have ever advised those seeking to serve the Lord to offer Him meat.


>if he wants to eat meat who are we to say have some leaves !!


I have provided a bona fide source of where Lord Krishna says what can be offered to Him, can you provide a similar verse where He directly says that He wants to eat meat? I am quite certain that such a verse does not exist.


>what about the animal sacrifices that are mentioned in the sriptures !!


The scriptures exist for guiding all people even those who want to eat animals. Such sacrifices are in the mode of darkness/ignorance, tamo guna. In the introduction of the Gita Srila Prabhupada explains how some animal sacrifices are offered to Goddess Kali with prayers which basically say that 'as I (the personal enacting the animal sacrifice) kill this animal, I am willing to take the place of this animal in my next life'. So, if one wants to come back as an animal to be slaughtered, one can go ahead and slaughter animals.


However, it is mistake to think that this is what Lord Krishna wants. Lord Krishna and all Vishnu Tattva preside over the mode of goodness- Sattva guna. As such there are also scriptures for the worship of Krishna which are also Sattva guna scriptures for example the Bhagavat-Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Chaitanya Bhagavat, Padma Purana, Sri Isopnanishad, Bhatki Rasmrta Sindhu, etc. The list goes on and on. Basically all the scriptures that Srila Prabupada translated are all Sattvic scriptures for the path of bhakti and surrender to the Supreme Lord. In none of these scriture will you find any suggestions of animal sacrifices (let alone human sacrifices).






In this connection it should also be noted that the Lord incarnated as Lord Buddha in order to reduce the authority of those who were at the time improperly following the Vedas by indulging in excessive animal slaughter. In this way He advocated the path of non-violence.


Then to bring back the authority of the Vedas, Lord Shiva advented as Shankara Acarya, and by the order of Lord Krishna preached the atheistic mayavada philosophy to delude the demoniac.


Finally, the most magnanious Lord Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with Lord Nityananda and the Pancha Tattva advented to establish the only bona fide sacrifice/yagna and mode of worship in Kali Yuga- the chanting of the Holy Names.


The names of God are non-different from and the chanting of the Lord's Holy Names are the most super-excellent and authorised yagna for Kali yuga. This is the true purport of the notion that yagna is non-different from Lord Krishna.


Therefore please always chant and remember the most Holy Names of Nityananda, Gauranga and Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.


Yours in the service of Shri Shri Guru and Gauranga.

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I view animal sacrifice and of course human sacrifice as barbaric, abominiable and products of gross ignorance and I could not care less if the prescription for them is found in some old books called scriptures. Old Testament is also filled with these low class ideas.


Just my opinion.






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... Great Stuff !!... Why Was The First Post So Very Terse But Anyway I Think Nar Would Appreciate This Post Much More That Your Previos Post..once Again Thanks



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Dear Mexgil,


Nobody wish to die by eating meat of deceased animals. It is sometimes the tastes, habits & circumstances which force the people to eat meat.


An inocent child is habitual to eat the food what his parents feed him. Later when the child grows, he can not change his eating habits even if he wish to with some exceptions. A person who did not eat meat since childhood can not be able to eat meat with ease. He will have to practice it with tolerance.


Even the circumstances have bigger impact on the eating habbits. The people who kill the animals do so only to earn the money. If you do not buy the meat from them, the food will be wastage or will be bought by others. So what is wrong ?


Those who chose the path of sanyasi, must follow what is right for them, but condemning others who eat meat, is not correct eventhough it is obstacle for the spiritual growth. Everybody's goal is different in life. People must decide on their own what is right for them after realizing.

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Dear Jaswant,


Heavy food leads to a Tamasic state and induces sleep only eventhough it is vegetarian food. There is a general misapprehension that a large quantity of food is necessary for health and strength. Much depends upon the power of assimilation and absorption. Generally, in the vast majority of cases, most of the food passes away undigested along with the faeces. Moderation plays a vital part in keeping up perfect health. Almost all diseases are due to irregularity of meals, overeating and unwholesome food. Eating all things at all times like a monkey is highly dangerous. Such a man can become a Rogi or sick man easily; but he can never become a Yogi.


The diet should be such as can maintain both physical efficiency and good health. The well-being of an individual depends more upon perfect nutrition than on anything else. Various sorts of intestinal diseases, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, a lack of high vitality and power of resistance, rickets, scurvy, anaemia or poverty of the blood, and beri-beri are all due to faulty nutrition. It is not so much the climate as food which plays the vital role in producing a strong, healthy body or a weakling suffering from a host of diseases. An appreciable knowledge of the science of dietetics is essential for everybody, to maintain physical efficiency and good health. One should be able to make up a cheap and well-balanced meal from only certain articles of diet. What is needed is a well-balanced diet, not a rich one. A rich diet produces diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas. A well-balanced diet helps a man to grow and also to turn out more work. It increases his body-weight and keeps up efficiency, stamina and a high standard of vim and vigour.


While the people in meat-eating countries are physically active and strong, the same cannot be said of their spiritual attainments. The people who do physical work, the meat-eating suits their work but not for those who chose a spiritual path.


Ignorant people kill innocent animals under the pretext of making a sacrifice to the goddess. In reality it is meant to satisfy the palate only. What inhuman and horrible crimes are being committed in the name of God and religion! Ahimsa is the first virtue that a spiritual aspirant should try to possess. He should have reverence for life.

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In keeping with the spirit of your own post I can ask... Why do you say the Vedas are eternal? Just because someone told you?


Are animal sacrifice and man/animal sacrifice eternal?


What do you call eternal? I believe Vaisnavism is the only eternal activity of the soul and I see no place for animal sacrifice or human sacrifice in Vaisnavism.

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Below is an example of one large reason in action. Big corporations have such a HUGE financial stake in seeing to it that animal slaughter and experimentation take place uninteruppted that they will do anything in their power to keep the public in ignorance over what is really going on. An ignorance they see to it westerners are saddled with from early childhood on through their hyno-advertising schemes.


from another forum:






The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is currently pending in Congress, and industry groups are doing their best to push it through quickly and with little public scrutiny, Patriot Act style, before Fall recess.

Please act now to make sure that the War on Terrorism, and the tragedy of 9/11, isnt used to push a political agenda and silence dissent.



The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act expands the Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992. Supporters say it is meant to stem illegal actions taken against controversial animal enterprises, or any company that does business with an animal enterprise. But the sweeping language in the bill goes much, much further.


* AETA labels the tactics of Martin Luther King and Gandhi as terrorism. It spells out penalties for an offense involving exclusively a nonviolent physical obstruction of an animal enterprise or a business having a connection to, or relationship with, an animal enterprise, that may result in loss of profits but does not result in bodily injury In other words, a terrorism law includes nonviolent civil disobedience.


* AETA risks the prosecution of undercover investigators, whistle-blowers and other activists as terrorists. It defines economic damage as including the loss of profits. The extremely vague and overly broad language in the bill puts all activists at risk. Causing the loss of profits isnt terrorism. Its effective activism. And even activists that arent prosecuted under the law will feel the chilling effect of its terrorist rhetoric.


* AETA isnt needed. Existing laws are already overly broad: the Animal Enterprise Protection Act was used to successfully convict the SHAC 7 this year on terrorism charges for running a website. And AETAs penalties for violence arent needed, because the animal protection movement has never killed a human being.


All Americans should be concerned, regardless of how they feel about animal issues. The word terrorism should not be batted around against the enemy of the hour, to push a partisan political agenda. Who will be next?


What you can do:


* Contact U.S. representatives and urge them to oppose HR 4239.

* Contact U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose S 3880 (previously S 1926).

* Contact animal advocacy and environmental organizations, which have overwhelmingly remained silent on this legislation, and demand that they help defeat it.

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Animal rights and non-violence to creatures needs to be taught through spiritual education, not through "activism".

Many of these activists don't have a clue.

They don't believe that animals have souls.

They just feel sympathetic to the pain and suffering of animals.


I really doubt that "activism" has accomplished much in the way of animal rights.

Non-violence to animals comes naturally as people are educated about the Vedic spiritual knowledge.


Even if they stop "activism" though laws, that will not stop the movement of non-violence to animals which spreads through education, not through protest and activism.


I don't believe that these protests do anything to actully further the cause of animal rights.

Non-violence to animals will come automatically as Vedic spiritual knowledge is spread through the dissemination of Bhagavad-gita around the world.


Those who preach Vedic knowledge are the best advocates for animal rights.

Violent protestors and activists are just giving the New Age spirituality of yoga and Eastern religions a bad image.


If somebody wants to really further the cause of animal rights then they should open up a vegetarian restaurant and teach people through a positive approach rather than all this activism and protest.


If the government outlaws animal rights protests, that won't really do much of anything to stop the non-violence to animals that comes naturally with the spread of Vedic knowledge.

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