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Astrology : Science or...?

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Dear Respected Members,


Myself, Hemraj Sethia.


I am here because of my years long attraction towards Astrology. Astrology unlike others has always been a profession of learned persons. I have known a number of professional astrologers who have their higher degrees in science/mathematics and have chosen astrology as their career and are quite successful, more than we other professionals having name, fame & money all.


and since it is based on sound scientific assumptions and minute mathematical calculations, it has always been a subject of interest for other professinals in other fields. Beacuase this is where faith and science meets. Myself,an agnostic have always been attracted towards astrology and have never been able to digest the fact that people can ever make predictions based upon the birth charts!


Is that ever possible!!:eek2:


I consulted a lot of astrologers and spend a handsome amount of money as their fees in the last five years but when i consolidated all the results, I found a few things correct and others were completely out. So again I am in a paradox.


Is Astrology a 100% fact? why it happens that most of them are able to make a good outcome about past but not future? Can somebody spend their precious time and efforts to explain me?


As a professional I am a CA and I was said by a very esteemed astrologer that I would never be able to complete my CA still I did it


I was supposed to get married in Oct 06 but still not!!


why these contradictions happens??


Thanks in advance



Hemraj Sethia


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Astrology is a science. Generally past events are justified by explanations by astrologers. Horary also gives very good results for future.


Anyway can we have some more details of you to rectify your chart

Like mother father birth details, educational period dates, any accidents, any surgery, travel etc...



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Thanks for reverting Mark


I am a CA qualified in 02. No such major incidents ever happened in life but the success in my life gets stopped at the last moment when i am about to get it. I n the last three months i have been thru 3 big interviews and shortlisted in final rounds but finally dint get the offers. why so happens to me. Even in CA i got seriously ill before exams. numerous other incidents...


My father and mother's details are unavailable for which i m sorry. they are 65 and 60 yrs aged.


please help if u can



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