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how does our daily karmas extinct?

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i have a brief knowledge about karmas.i know that karmas get extinct when they bear their fruits of action in course of time... my doubt is that how do we clear our daily karmas...

after every karma do we say 'krishnarpanam' or at the end of the day we pray to god and offer all day's karmas to the lord?

pls clarify....



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i have a brief knowledge about karmas.i know that karmas get extinct when they bear their fruits of action in course of time... my doubt is that how do we clear our daily karmas...

after every karma do we say 'krishnarpanam' or at the end of the day we pray to god and offer all day's karmas to the lord?

pls clarify....




Krishna has to be appeased!!! Krishna's devotees have to be exhalted whole heartedly, they have to appeased. Go become a greatest of the devotees, sins would vanish in no time. What sin can touch for the one who has taken the shelter of a pure devotee of the lord....That says it all........


hari hari bol

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i have a brief knowledge about karmas.i know that karmas get extinct when they bear their fruits of action in course of time... my doubt is that how do we clear our daily karmas...

after every karma do we say 'krishnarpanam' or at the end of the day we pray to god and offer all day's karmas to the lord?

pls clarify....



Hello Sailu,

“extinct’ Karmas ? when the fruit it bares is not sweet or when the existence is of selfish regard such as the instinctive beast reins.

Every action you offer whether by mouth or other must support the “A” list; of others prior to yourself. Be aware of being a part versus being a separate 'you.'

In training, I used to ask my self; is this for me or will this offer a better setting then before to continue? Whether it be picking up trash, offering someone a ride or even to offer a piece of information allowing another to cross a puddle.

In all aspects of interactions the best ‘balance’ is to be of comprehension that to live for the self; like an old owl, who hears but never speaks, harboring learned information for a reclusive gain; or to steel, or kill, or lie, or harm or anything which is for the self prior to taking other’s into consideration are all negatives that will go extinct; cease to live.

Where a big problem sets in is in rituals; God does not need any ritualistic junk. Your commitment is within and to ‘show’ outside to another is for selfish gain. Like painting on your face; covering skin cells to profess to others. God didn’t need that, the person wants recognition or to fit a mold and it is only of others preconceptions that the mold is there!

Not eating meat; the cow is one of the best beasts to convert grasses to protein on the planet. Honor this critter as he builds the flesh you live within. Honor your fathers who live in the cells you are made with the best sustenance known.

Here is an example; the plant is alive just as the beasts. The reasons for eating one are the same for the other. The difference does not know that!

Karma is a simple item to balance; just live! Be aware of your surrounding, be aware of those around you and whom you can nurture with the gifts you have learned but be careful of the lies because you may become a pawn within the atrocities.

So do not become complacent just to become a part of a norm or ritual. That complacency can be of ignorance versus true understanding.

To settle the score and return balance; when you harm another directly answer to them. It is best to be humble, knowing your error and asking to be forgiven, then to have it said from the one you harmed. Each error is known; each is of an extinct nature; either be of life or soon to be extinct.

Honor each as if to look into the eyes of God himself for this consciousness is that life within the flesh; aware and able to feel.

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