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Gayatri mantra is scientific

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Datta pandya

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In 10th chapter of Bhagavad Geeta, in 35th verse, Lord Krishna recognised Himself as Gayatri Mantra. The syllebles of this mantra is structured in such a way that each sylleble activates those glands in our body, that gives benifits to the devotee.


The details are in the table below.



No. Letter Gland Involved Energy


1 Tat Tapini Success

2 Sa Saphalta Bravery

3 Vi Vishwa Maintenance

4 Tur Tushti Well-being

5 Va Varda Yoga

6 Re Revati Love

7 Ni Sookshma Money

8 Yam Gyana Brilliance

9 Bhar Bharga Defense

10 Go Gomati Intellect

11 De Devika Suppression

12 Va Varahi Devotion

13 Sya Sinhani Power of Retention

14 Dhee Dhyan Life-Breath

15 Ma Maryada Self-restraint

16 Hi Sfuta Penance

17 Dhi Medha Farsightedness

18 Yo Yogmaya Awakening

19 Yo Yogini Production

20 Naha Dharini Sweetness

21 Pra Prabhava Ideal

22 Cho Ooshma Courage

23 Da Drashya Wisdom

24 Yat Niranjan Service

Gayatri mantra activates the above mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotee. Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis.


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Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis


i'm gonna play devil's advocate here (no offences intended)....


for it to have a "solid scientific basis" it needs to be grounded on emperical evidence. Otherwise it's just a theory. Or a myth. Or a rant.

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You can find it at www.awgp.org


ok i went there and looked up the Gayatri stuff. So what?


I don't deny the power of the Gayatri Mantra, as well as all the other mantras in the Vedic texts. I know they are immensely powerful.


I do however deny your "superscience" claim. Again, what empirical evidence is there to back up your claim? I'm saying this because all too often people are trying to put Vedic thought onto us as if it is scientifically proven . as if all the big words used in the english video on your website somehow proves your claim?? Spirituality and science are two very different things. They both have a place in our lives. But i don;t think we should mix them up because it is inevitable that such claims will be knocked back.

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Dear Gaea,


Yes, Science and Spirituality are two different things. Spirituality is the Pure knowledge of WHO AM I? Science is basically an information which already existed and someone discovered it. Over the years science has progressed tremendously in both positive as well as negative way. Both science and spirituality are incomplete without each other. If you follow spirituality without science, it becomes a Blind faith and if you follow science without spirituality, it brings destruction. Science and Spirituality goes hand in hand. If you are really interested in the how exactly the Vedic Mantras work, please refer to the book ETERNITY OF SOUND AND THE SCIENCE OF MANTRAS, written by Vedmurty, Taponistha Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya, the founder of All World Gayatri Pariwar. You can find this book online at:


This is only a fraction of Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharyaji's original hindi Vangmay, SHABDA BRAHMA NAAD BRAHMA.

I can give you many examples how people changed through Gayatri sadhana. It is an extremely powerful mantra.



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I appreciate your sentiments and thanks for the link. I agree that science and spiritually should go hand in hand, but I still feel they should not be mixed. The danger is that you will push away those who are ingrained in the scientific process - indeed I have yet to find anyone who claims scientific proof of the spiritual things you are talking about. I am sure on the spiritual level all of your claims are valid - but it doesn't cut the mustard on the material level. It's like trying to convey a very complex painting in the form of sound - sound just doesn't have the capacity to convey visual images in the way light can.


It's not that I don't believe in the spiritual stuff - i do. But to make the claim that its scientifically explainable - i reckon that's a little difficult to swallow.


By the way, i must admit the book is long and so at best i can only glance at it. To back your claims up, can you give a short summary please?




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Gaea, perhaps human-made science itself is highly limited. If empirical science can only extend as far as human comprehension can go (even in the minds of the most intelligent), then we must admit that science and experimental data can only reveal a limited set of reality/truth. I believe that the most progressive scientists must believe this because as our material science develops, it becomes more and more apparent that phenomena exist in this universe and perhaps beyond that are simply beyond our material grasp (through our senses). I feel that so called scientists have developed their own narrow religion that believes and even worships empirical proof and observation over all else. My point being that perhaps the results of vedic mantras are beyond measurment and experiment as we know of it today.

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ya, even i feel science (nowadays) is so imperfect that it could be correlated with any of the vedic texts or mantras. Vedic stuff are perfect and chanted by perfected ones.... This new bogus logic of science and spirituality going hand in hand can bring some peace but only tempororily. .. I my self am a researcher and see how imperfect is this science and also the assmuptions it makes for certain things are very baseless......


We should bring back the vedic system.,And this has to be done from the house.......doesnt seem like people in Bharath know that still. afterall only if they get time to think after watching bollywood obscene movies,,,,

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In 10th chapter of Bhagavad Geeta, in 35th verse, Lord Krishna recognised Himself as Gayatri Mantra. The syllebles of this mantra is structured in such a way that each sylleble activates those glands in our body, that gives benifits to the devotee.


The details are in the table below.



No. Letter Gland Involved Energy


1 Tat Tapini Success

2 Sa Saphalta Bravery

3 Vi Vishwa Maintenance

4 Tur Tushti Well-being

5 Va Varda Yoga

6 Re Revati Love

7 Ni Sookshma Money

8 Yam Gyana Brilliance

9 Bhar Bharga Defense

10 Go Gomati Intellect

11 De Devika Suppression

12 Va Varahi Devotion

13 Sya Sinhani Power of Retention

14 Dhee Dhyan Life-Breath

15 Ma Maryada Self-restraint

16 Hi Sfuta Penance

17 Dhi Medha Farsightedness

18 Yo Yogmaya Awakening

19 Yo Yogini Production

20 Naha Dharini Sweetness

21 Pra Prabhava Ideal

22 Cho Ooshma Courage

23 Da Drashya Wisdom

24 Yat Niranjan Service

Gayatri mantra activates the above mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotee. Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis.




Yeah, right. I've been chanting the Gayatri mantra for months without any effect whatsoever. It's all rubbish. Two times a day, doing a full 108 chants per sitting, and nothing changed, nothing improved.


I tried calling out to God for help, but he didn't listen nor do I think he cares. If there is a God, he is truly an apathetic one, unworthy of worship as far as I'm concerned.

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sampradaya vihina ye mantras te viphala matah

atah kalau bhavisyanti cat-varah sampradayinah


A Mantra is useless unless it is received through a sampradaya, and therefore there are four Vaisnava Sampradayas in Kali-yuga.(Padma Purana)

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sampradaya vihina ye mantras te viphala matah

atah kalau bhavisyanti cat-varah sampradayinah


A Mantra is useless unless it is received through a sampradaya, and therefore there are four Vaisnava Sampradayas in Kali-yuga.(Padma Purana)



How is it useless unless it is received through a sampradaya?


I've heard of people chanting the gayatri mantra who don't belong to any sampradaya, nor do they have any gurus. Yet they still supposedly see benefit of the mantra chanting.


What's so special about a sampradaya anyway?

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Dear friends,

Sorry, I could not continue the discusion because of Diwali.


Science of mantra is actually the science of sound waves. Afterall the mantra is also made of syllables, chanting of which creates sound waves that is sonic energy.


Usually sound waves are very effective. Let me give you some practical examples:

1. The effect of what you say can make positive or negative effect on the listener.

The terrific effect of Mr.Winston Churchill's "V" for "Victory" motto had changed the fate of England in world war 2. Mahatma Gandhi's speeches had a power to hypnotize the listeners.

Few scornful words of Draupadi had triggered the ego of Duryodhana.. and thus resulted in the devastating war of Mahabharata. This example clearly signifies the calamitous effects of negative use of immense power of sabda(word orspeech). The harmful effects of abusive language and dirty words on our conscious mind are obvious. We might utter such words while quarreling or in anguish or when our mind is excited…; the reaction is easily seen in the deformation of the otherwise pleasant face-expressions or almost shaking posture of the limbs…. etc. The ill-intentioned, vulgar or erotic words get latently registered in our subconscious mind and assimilate insidious impact in terms of maligning our samkaras (inherent and intrinsic tendencies) and thus may pervert our character in the long run.

2. Music is used to cure diseases

3. Pregnant women are told to read good stories for the development of the babies in the woomb.

4. The snakes start dancing with some music.

5. Certain musical Ragas creat rain fall

6. Some yogies use some Mantras to remove poision after snake bites.

7. You bought a very expensive peace of outfit that you liked a lot and when you wore it, if few people tell you, that it does not look good on you at all, next time you will think twice before you decide to put it on. What is that? Effect of words on your mind.

8. We all know the use of Ultrasound and Sonographic technology. That show the powerful effect of sound waves.


This human body is a treasure box – the sat cakras, the three extrasensory ‘knots’ (granthis), the three nadis (the latent energy currents/canals along the endocrine column), das pranas (ten streams of prana), 72000 nerves and muscles and the upatyikas endowed in a living human-body.


We do not realise the power of these functional domains because in ordinary cases they are inactive. The combination of specific syllables and vowels in the mantras is so designed that the japa (continuous recitation)of a particular mantra would have definite effects on some specific functional centers and domains of the hidden source of life.

In ancient time our sages could communicate through telepathies, they could communicate with animals and birds. Their blessings came true. All these were because their nadies and sat chakras and glands were active through a lot of Upasana and Sadhana.

The Gayatri mantra is configured in such a way that recitation of it activate particular centers in our body that develops devine qualities in us.

You can understand more by reading the book Sabda Brahma Nad Brahma written by Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya and can be found at www.awgp.org.



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Here is the unique conception of Gayatri as revealed by His divine grace Srila B.R. Sridhara Maharaj for those who have'ntread for those who have another reading is always everfresh.





"The gayatri mantra will excite us to be mindful

about Srimati Radharani's lotus feet, to obey her orders."


"Radha-dasyam, the service of Srimati Radharani, is the ultimate meaning to be extracted from the gayatri mantra."


The Mantra

om bhur bhuva sva tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo na pracodayat om

om - the seed mantra which contains everything within it; bhur - the physical world; bhuva - the mental world; sva - the intellectual world; tat - that, the three planes of experience; savituh - the soul; varenyam - worshipable, venerable; bhargo - the supersubjective area, the svarupa-sakti; devasya - who is beautiful and playful, Krsna, Reality the Beautiful; dhimahi - come meditate; dhiyah - of meditation, of service; yo - who; na - us; pracodayat - enthuses our capacity;


"Above the three planes of mundane experience, bhu, bhuvah, svahdot_clear.gif is the soul, savitur,dot_clear.gif who shows us everything just like the sun. Above the soul is the supersubjective plane which is varenyam,dot_clear.gif most venerated and worshipable. That worshipable plane of existence is called bhargo,dot_clear.gif brilliant and illuminating. The supersubjective area, bhargo,dot_clear.gif is the plane known as the svarupa-sakti dot_clear.gifwhich is the internal pleasure potency of deva,dot_clear.gif Krishna, Reality the Beautiful. That bhargodot_clear.gif is His own divine potency Srimati Radharani. Let us meditate upon the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani, whose extended self and essential nature, mahabhava,dot_clear.gif is the svarupa-sakti, dot_clear.gifand who enthuses our capacity of devotional service. Let us surrender unto Her divine service."


The meaning of the brahma gayatri dot_clear.gifmust bring us to the conclusion of Srimad-Bhagavatam.dot_clear.gif The gayatri mantradot_clear.gif and the Srimad-Bhagavatamdot_clear.gif are one and the same. It is the very gist of the Vedanta-sutra. Srimad-Bhagavatamdot_clear.gif is the elaborate commentary of gayatri:



artho 'yam brahma-sutranam bharatartha-vinirnay

gayatri-bhasya-rupo 'sau vedartha-parivrmhita




"The meaning of the
is present in
The full purport of the
is also there. The commentary of the
is also there and fully expanded with all Vedic knowledge." (
Garuda Purana


The meaning of the gayatri mantra dot_clear.gifmust be in the line of Srimad-Bhagavatam.dot_clear.gif If we analyze how this is possible, we shall uncover the steps leading the gayatri mantra, dot_clear.gifto the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

What is the meaning of gayatri ? The word gayatridot_clear.gif is a combination of two Sanskrit words: ganatdot_clear.gif (what is sung) and trayatedot_clear.gif (gives deliverance). This means, "A kind of song by which we can get our salvation, relief, emancipation. Gayatridot_clear.gif is known as veda-mata,dot_clear.gif the mother of the Veda.dot_clear.gif If we examine the Vedicdot_clear.gif conclusion from it's most condensed aphorism to its most extensive expression, we shall find that it begins with omkara : the Vedicdot_clear.gif symbol OM. That truth is expressed as the gayatri mantra,dot_clear.gif then it appears in the form of the Vedas, dot_clear.gifand then as the Vedanta-sutra. dot_clear.gifFinally, the Vedicdot_clear.gif conclusion is given its fullest expression in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.dot_clear.gif Since the meaning, the purpose of Vedicdot_clear.gif knowledge progresses in this line, the gayatri mantradot_clear.gif must contain within it the meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam ---that is, that the Krsna conception of Godhead is the highest. This must be the meaning of the gayatri mantra, dot_clear.gifbut the problem is how to extract Srimad-Bhagavatam-----the Krsna conception------ from within the womb of gayatri. dot_clear.gifI heard that Jiva Goswami has given such an interpretation, but I could not find where it is written. I heard that he has given the meaning of gayatridot_clear.gif leading to Krsna consciousness. Anyhow, the tendency awakened in me to draw the meaning to the Krsna conception.

The general meaning of gayatridot_clear.gif is "that song which grants liberation." Liberation must have some positive meaning. Liberation means not freedom from the negative side, but positive attainment. This is the definition given in Srimad-Bhagavatam : muktir hitvanyatha rupam svarupena--- unless and until we attain the highest possible positive position, real mukti,dot_clear.gif real salvation, has not been effected. Mere withdrawal from the negative plane cannot be called liberation. Hegal has said that the object of our life is self-determination. We must determine our normal function in the organic whole---not mere emancipation in a positive function in the domain of service. This is considered to be the highest attainment of life. This is the real meaning of gayatri.

The word gayatridot_clear.gif comes from two Sanskrit roots: ganatdot_clear.gif and trayate. Trayate dot_clear.gifmeans positive attainment to the final stage (sva-rupena vyavashitih ). And ganatdot_clear.gif means not mere sound, but musical sound. That musical sound which grants us the highest positive deliverance indicates the sankirtana of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the flute song of Sri Krsna.




bhvades-tat savitur-vavarenya-vihitam ksetrajna-sevaya-arthakam

bhargo vai vrsabhanuja-atma-vibhava-eka-aradhana sri-puram

bhargo jyotir-acintya-lilana-sudha-eka-aradhana-sri-puram

bhargo dhama-taraga-khelana-sudha-eka-aradhana-sri-puram

bhargo dhama-sada nirasta kuhakam prajnana lila-puram



devasya dyutisundara-eka-purusasyaradhaya-dhi-preyasina

gayatri-muralisÝa-kirtana-dhanam radhapadam dhimahi

gayatri-gaditam mahaprabhu-matam radhapadam dhimahi

dhir-aradhanam eva nanyad-iti-tad-radhapadam dhimahi

srila sri-bhaktiraksaka sridhara deva-gosvami maharaja




The purport of the brahma-gayatri is as follows: The first word is OM. Om is the seed mantra which contains everything within it. The next word is bhur. Bhur is where we are--Bhu-loka-- the world of our experience. The next word is buvah. Buvarloka is the world of mental acquisition. It is the support, the background of our experience. Our present position of experience is the effect of our mental acquisition. That we are here in the world of experience is not an accident; we have acquired this position by our previous karma. The physical sphere, this present world of experience, is only the product, the outcome of our previous mental impulses. And the subtle world of previous karma, the mental sphere, is known as Bhuvarloka.

The next word in the mantra is svah. Above Bhuvaloka is Sva-loka. The mental world (Bhuvarloka) means acceptance and rejection: what to do and what not to do--"I like this, I don't like that." Sva-loka, however, is the plane of decision, the world of intelligence (Buddiloka). Our intelligence tells us, "You may like this, but you don't do that, for then you will be the loser." That plane, the plane of reason, is known as Sva-loka. In this way, this material world is composed of three general layers, bhur, the physical world, bhuvah, the mental world, and svah, the intellectual world.

Of course, a more detailed analysis will reveal seven layers: Bhur, Bhuvah Svah, Maha, Jana, Tapa, and Satyaloka. This has been dealt with in detail by Sanatana Goswami in his Brhad-Bhagavatamrtam. Here, these seven strata have been summarized in three planes of existence: physical, mental, and intellectual. And these three planes of experience have been summarized in a word, tat.

The next word in the brahma-gayatri is savitur. Savitur generally means surya, the sun. And the sun means, figuratively, that which shows or illuminates; that by which we can see. The three gross and subtle strata within this world are shown to us by a particular thing, savitur. What it that? The soul. Actually, the world is not shown to us by the sun, but by the soul. What really gives us perception and allows us to see gross things? It is not actually the sun that helps us to see; we see with the help of the soul. This is found in Bhagavad-gita (yatha prakasayaty ekah krtsnam lokam imam ravih). The soul reveals this world to us just as the sun does. The sun can show color to our eyes, the ear can reveal the sound world, and the hand can reveal the touch world. But really in the center is the soul. It is the soul who gives light to this world, who gives us an understanding of the environment, the world of perception. All perception is possible only because of the soul. Here, the word savitur, which generally means sun, can only mean soul, like the sun, shows us everything.

All seven strata of our existence-represented by bhur, the physical plane, bhuvah, the mental plane, and svah, the intellectual plane-have here been reduced to one entity: tat-"that.That" is shown by the sun which in this context indicates the soul. Here soul means individual soul. The individual soul is the cause of his world. Not that the mind is in the world, but the world is in the mind. Berkeley has said that the world is in the mind. Here it is being expressed that everything is seen with the help of the sun. If there is no sun, everything is dark- nothing can be seen. So without light, nothing can be seen. And in a higher sense, light means the soul. The soul is the subject and the soul's object is the seven planes of experience within this world.

The next word in the gayatri mantra is varenyam. Varenyam means puja: worshipable, venerable. This indicates that although within this plane--the objective world--the is the subject, there is another domain which is to be venerated and worshipped by the soul. That is the Supersoul area.

That worshipable plane of existence is known as bhargo. Bhargo means the super subjective area, the area of the Supersoul. This is mentioned in the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam: dhamna svena sada nirasta-kuhakam satyam param dhimahi. Srila Vysadeva says that here he is going to deal with another world whose pristine glory is so great that by its own ray, all misconceptions are brushed aside. The subject is the soul, and its object is all these worlds of experience. And the super subject, is the venerable area which is superior to the subject, the soul-- that is the super subjective area.

The word bhargo means"more subtle than the soul," and "holding a more important position than the soul." So this means the Supersoul, the Paramatma. In general, of course, the word bhargo ordinarily means light. Just as an X-ray can show us what the ordinary eye cannot see, bhargo is svarupa-sakti: higher, more powerful light that can reveal the soul. And that energy--bhargo--belongs to whom? It belongs to deva. What is the meaning of the word deva? Deva means "who is beautiful an playful," that is, Sri Krsna: Reality the beautiful. He is not a nondifferentiated substance, but is full of lila, pastimes. Deva means pastimes and beauty combined and this is Krsna.

His domain is bhargo, brilliant, and it is varenyam, to venerated by the jiva soul. What is the nature of the svarupa-sakti? It is the vaibava, the extend body of Srimati Radharani. She holds the full service responsibility and the energy to serve Krsna. bhargo is no less than the vaibava, the extended body of Srimati Radharani, which contains everything for the service of Krsna. Bhargo represents Mahabava, the predominated moiety, and deva, Krsna, is Rasaraja, the predominating moiety.

In the gayatri mantra, we are requested, bhargo devasya dhimahi: "come meditate". What sort of meditation is possible in that plane of dedication? Not abstract meditation, but service cultivation, krsnanusilanam. Dhimahi means " to participate in the spontaneous flow, the current of devotion in Vrndavana." And what will be the result (dhiyo yo nah pracodayat)? The capacity of our cultivation will be increased. As we serve, a greater capacity and willingness to serve will be given to us in remuneration-- just as interest is added to capital in the bank(dasa kari' vetana more deha prema-dhana). In this way, our dedicating principle will be increased again and again. Dhimahi means aradhana, worship. It cannot but be explained in terms of aradhana, puja, seva-- worship, adoration, loving service. The word buddhi means that which we cultivate with the help of our intelligence. But here, dhi is a reference to that venerable intelligence which descends into this plane to help us cultivate service. So dhimahi does not mean abstract meditation, but devotional service. This is the underlying meaning of the gayatri mantra.

Gayatri, the song of deliverance, also means sankirtana. Kirtana is also sung, and it also improves us towards the highest goal. The sankirtana of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also reinstates us in out highest serving position. So brahma-gayatri in connection with Mahaprabhu comes to mean krsna-kirtana. Then it reaches Vrndavana and the flute-kirtana. And when we enter Vrndavana, we shall find that the sweet sound of Krsna's flute helps to engage all the Lords servants in their respective duties. When the flute is sounded, the gopis and others are adjusted in their respective duties. At night, the gopis, hearing the sound of the flute will run to the Yamuna, thinking, "Oh, Krsna's is there." And when Yasoda hears the song of Krsna's flute, she thinks, "My son is there. He is coming home soon." In this way, the sound of the flute engages all the servants of the Lord in their respective positions and inspires them to be mindful of their service.

In my Sanskrit commentary on the gayatri mantra, I have written dhiraradhanam eva nanyaditi tad radha-padam dhimahi : All other services are represented fully in Radhika. Like branches they are all part of her. Madhura rasa is the chief or mukhya-rasa, the combination of all rasas. Srimati Radharani is Mahabhava--she represents the entire serving attitude.

The flute-song of Sri Krsna, expressed as the gayatri mantra, is reminding us and engaging us in our service. And what is our service? Our service must be to surrender ourselves in the service of Srimati Radharani-to accept the suggestion of Radharani. The gayatri mantra will excite us to be mindful about Srimati Radharani's lotus feet, to obey her orders. She is mainly representing the whole service area. So to try to engage ourselves in her service, under her order- to accept her direction and to obey her- that is the service of Sri Radha. In this way, the meaning of the gayatri mantra has been drawn to radha-dasyam, self-determination (svarupena vyavasthitih ).

In the meantime, the partial representations in vatsalya and sakhya rasa are also part and parcel of the original mellow of conjugal love, madhura rasa. The vatsalya rasa devotees will serve Nanda and Yasoda, the sakhya rasa devotee will serve Sridama and Sudama, but ultimately, the whole system in one conception is included in Radharani.

Radha-dasyam,dot_clear.gif the service of Srimati Radharani, is the ultimate meaning to be extracted from the gayatri mantra. That is the supreme end of our life. It cannot but be so. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the ultimate or full-fledged theism to be extracted from the Vedas, Upanisads, and so many scriptures. All the revealed truth rises to its acme, to its highest position, in the conception given by Srimad-Bhagavatam. And Srimad-Bhagavatam teaches us that the highest realization, self-determination, is the service of Srimati Radharani-that under her guidance we may serve Sri Krsna. We aspire for a direct connection with her service.

What, then, is the inner meaning or purport of the word bhargo? Bhargo means the sum, or "who shows us by light." Radharani is the daughter of Vrsabhanu. I have selected the word bhanu. To represent her personal extended self, I have given the word vaibhava. Vaibhava means, "what comes out," or "extended self." Prabhava is the central representation and vaibhava is the outer extension. The very gist of svarupa-sakti is Srimati Radharani, and the whole svarupa-sakti is her extended self. The town of her beautiful service is the whole svarupa-sakti.

Just as rays of light extend from the sun, the whole internal potency is an extension of Mahabhava, Sri Radhika. She has developed herself into such a beautiful area of brilliance, of internal energy, and thereby she serves her Lord. All these necessary things have sprung from her. To help her in serving her Lord, they all come out. When the entire internal energy is condensed in a concise form, it is Mahabhava, Radharani. And when Radharani wants to serve, she extends herself in limitless different ways. And with some contribution from Baladeva and Yogamaya, the whole spiritual world, including Vrndavana, Mathura, and Vaikuntha, evolves to assist Srimati Radharani in the service of Sri Krsna.

In this way, I have drawn out radha-dasyam,dot_clear.gif the service of Srimati Radharani as the meaning of the gayatri mantra and have tried to represent it in the above Sanskrit verse.

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