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The edge of military maddness

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I can't tell if its just me or if the world really is getting worse and worse by the year. 60 Minutes just had a really disturbing segment on kids beating up and killing homeless people. To me it was just shocking how desensitized our society is becoming to violence. Maybe its always been this bad and the access to media simply is bringing it out. But I dont' think so. Music is getting louder and angrier. Commercials are getting more obnoxious. There is a commercial I saw for a video game where you play a hit man. You just look around and it all seems like its getting really bad.


As for that weapon, remember if we know about it, then they have something far bigger already. The Stealth Fighter, first used in the Gulf War, that was under development during Jimmy Carter inthe 1970s. They didn't reveal it until early 1990s. And thats what they showed. There are plenty of things they have up their sleeves. Reportedly they've been working on what is called "the rods from god". These are titanium rods that are shots down from outter space onto the target. They act as massive missiles when they impact with the ground.

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The programing of the illusionary energy thru material technology is becoming very subliminal, it seems to be really fine tuning it's subtle ways of conditioning the thought process of young souls who are curious with this form of entertaining contemplation.

I can't help but think that this is in preparation for some horrific Armageddon confrontation.

It's becoming increasingly more difficult to even communicate with younger generations, as they have their own codes of silence and reciprical language that they trust amongst themselves and generally won't share with elders.

There are many computer programmers from the older generations who have no interest in spiritual life, that design these games, in turn effecting behavioural patterns, desensitizing souls to their own best welfare, glorifying the very activities the sastras condemn. And condeming those activities the saints recommend. Maya has honed it's skills time and again to conceal and confuse access to the Real Truth, returning with a different replay each time.


I can understand why George Harrison called his last album 'Brainwashed'.

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The programing of the illusionary energy thru material technology is becoming very subliminal, it seems to be really fine tuning it's subtle ways of conditioning the thought process of young souls who are curious with this form of entertaining contemplation.

I can't help but think that this is in preparation for some horrific Armageddon confrontation.

It's becoming increasingly more difficult to even communicate with younger generations, as they have their own codes of silence and reciprical language that they trust amongst themselves and generally won't share with elders.

There are many computer programmers from the older generations who have no interest in spiritual life, that design these games, in turn effecting behavioural patterns, desensitizing souls to their own best welfare, glorifying the very activities the sastras condemn. And condeming those activities the saints recommend. Maya has honed it's skills time and again to conceal and confuse access to the Real Truth, returning with a different replay each time.


I can understand why George Harrison called his last album 'Brainwashed'.


To understand others, one must first understand oneself. :rolleyes:


How are you expect the younger generation to communicate with the older generation when you do not communicate properly among yourselves?


Older generation study for sake of study (don't understand what they are studying also), pray because everyone prays (not with faith), have a lot of materialistic needs, have a lot of desires and understand less about themselves than they do others. How could they expect the younger generation to be any different? :confused:


And not all games are bad and have no Spiritualism in it. A lot of Asian games (especially from Japanese companies) have good spiritual aspects to it.

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Sephiroth I appreciate there are good games, also they are even making a game of Krsna's pastimes. There are no doubt many kids that violent intake is water off a ducks back too.

But I am talking about those that are weak minded and there are games that brainwash kids into doing xtreme nonsense. Unlike reading a book these kids are locked into this world almost 24/7 with endless repeatition. I should know i have one 18 year old who only sufaces from his computer for a little air, to raid the fridge or occasionally help with a project around the house. As a father and well wisher i'm concerned about the effect that has on his thinking, doing and feeling.

Obviously I'd rather see him doing endless repeatition of the Holy Names

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Sephiroth I appreciate there are good games, also they are even making a game of Krsna's pastimes. There are no doubt many kids that violent intake is water off a ducks back too.

But I am talking about those that are weak minded and there are games that brainwash kids into doing xtreme nonsense. Unlike reading a book these kids are locked into this world almost 24/7 with endless repeatition. I should know i have one 18 year old who only sufaces from his computer for a little air, to raid the fridge or occasionally help with a project around the house. As a father and well wisher i'm concerned about the effect that has on his thinking, doing and feeling.


Obviously I'd rather see him doing endless repeatition of the Holy Names


Repeating the Holy Names just because the father had told the son to do, will not make the son any holier, wiser or more spiritual.


"Do not stretch the string too hard or it will break; Do not loosen the string too much or it will not play properly. There should be a balance as in everything" - the first lesson Gautama Buddha have learnt which made him stop doing severe tapas which weakened his body. It will be beneficial if you ponder about this. :)


You are lucky to have a good son. I have seen many youths who goes out to pubs, smoke cigarettes, hand around with the wrong crowd, indulge themselves with sex and such.


Compare to them, which one do you like? Do you prefer a youth who sits at home, within your own views and help out with household whenever he is asked? OR do you prefer a youth who goes out and do things which you will not be proud of?


I too like your son - always play games in my room with my Playstation 1 and 2 and my mother always complains about it (my father doesn't bother about it). I asked the same question as above to her, as I ask you.

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Hmph ... When beggers allowed to rule, they can rule with so much blind Ego. :rolleyes:


Last year, North Korea have launched two missiles which flew over South Korea and Japan and defied international outburst. When the World didn't do anything, God strick them down with natural disasters which crippled the nation for almost 3 to 6 months.


And you could thought that they could learn their lesson. Obviously, Communist Atheists could do anything but learn their error of their ways. Now, they are back, testing nukes.


A perfect example how demonic thinkings and leadership could bring chaos and destruction to themselves, same like in the Puranas.

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