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Letter from Satsvarupa to Dhanurdhar Swami

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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From the letter - :crazy: "If read carefully the actual purport of the article calls for faith in the ISKCON Guru as one who demonstrates faith in Srila Prabhupada and brings devotees to him. This is what I would actually like to convey: that your disciples should have faith in you as a Prabhupadanuga spiritual master."



Bhavananda too Satsvarup Das?


Forgiveness here is not yours to offer. That is the sole proprititorship of any victims. It is a personal matter and not an institutional one.

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Is Gurus in Iskcon Uttama-adikari. If not they are Madhyama-adikari? So they not actually Gurus in true sence. Guru means like something high. Most Guru Iskcon, (i have no idea why), are trying but they not 'Uttama', I feel this is the greatest injustice to the human race (not just Iskcon), what will you gain by offering your respect to them? They not like Prabhupada. They should be respect for thier position, don't make a joke out of it. That;s how I feel anyway, I don't know what goes on thier. I wish they would stop the farcical Guru worship as well. They should direct it at Prabhupada. They are offending Krishna at every step.

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"If read carefully the actual purport of the article calls for faith in the ISKCON Guru as one who demonstrates faith in Srila Prabhupada and brings devotees to him."


covert ritvik approach and philosophy

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How can one be fallen and remain a guru still? Guru means liberated soul/pure devotee. So if one is fallen he is conditioned. When one is conditioned and fallen how can they deliver another conditioned soul? This clearly shows that Satsvarupa, Dhanurdhara are fallen but yet they claim to be gurus. What a hypocirsy?


Do they know any sastra? Or are they cheating themselves and others? Poor gurus and poor disciples and finally poor ISKCON and poor GBC for still supporting this funny guru system where child abusers are gurus and the protectors of the child abusers are also gurus. :)

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