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High Blood Pressure treatments worth using

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Some heads up physicians are now suggesting their HBP patients try working with a small device being sold as Resperate. It is a about the size and shape of a portable CD player. It has a belt that goes around your diaphram that measures your normal breathing pattern. Once that is established it then creates a melody using primarily two distinct tones, one for breathing in the other for breathing out. The patient is then to follow the lead of the tones which gradually take you to the point of ten breaths or less per minute which they call the therapeutic zone. Each session lasts 15 minutes and is done several times a week. In trials the average reduction in BP was 14 points systolic and 8 points diastolic. Those that practiced more has even greater reductions.


My body has hypertension and I would have bought one except they want 300 bucks for something that should cost about $30. So I am beginning my own controlled breathing practice.


The only thing new about this idea is the gadget itself. This is kindergarten stuff for yogis who have been doing this for thousands of years.


I have long quit taking the meds the allopath prescribed. Side effects etc. but have been making good progress with herbs and amino acids to dilate the blood vessels so the added breathing should be enough to place in safe zone.


High blood pressure is called the silent killer as there are virtually no warning signs. Please have it checked.


If you have any good tips like herbs etc. please share them with us.

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If you have high blood pressure so what??? If you have cancer, so what?? The more the opportunities for death the better. Do you want to continue living in this "make believe" world were we deceive others into believeing that we are happy and successful . Death a word i dreaded in the past has become my most favorite word in my dictionary..

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If you have high blood pressure so what??? If you have cancer, so what?? The more the opportunities for death the better. Do you want to continue living in this "make believe" world were we deceive others into believeing that we are happy and successful . Death a word i dreaded in the past has become my most favorite word in my dictionary..


"The more oppurtunities for death the better." Sorry to be so blunt but I believe your understanding of death is very superficial. Death of the body is easy. If you really seek out this oppurtunity I am sure you could accomplish this goal in any number of ways in a matter of only a few minutes. But you wisely do not take this option. In fact I would wager that if threatened with immediate death you would do all you could to avoid that outcome.


No I do not want to "continue living in this make believe world" forever. But to experience death in the mere bodily sense is not the door to liberation. If it were we all would have long ago been liberated for "many many births we have had in the past". Death in the bodily sense is just a step towards a subsequent rebirth. " For one who has died birth is certain, for one who has been born death is certain.


The death we seek and even strive for is the death of ahankara or false identification with gross and subtle matter, "Iam the body...I am the mind."


The human form of life is to be considered a gift from nature. We should not artifically ignore it's care or curse it. We should use it to our full advantage as long as we have it. And yes to be honest I still curse mine daily but see the need to grow beyond that attitrude. The human form is said to be the suitable boat for crossing over the ocean of misery, of birth and death. Such a boat should be well cared for and not artfically sunk.

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Another common cause of HBP is dehydration. The allopaths mindlessly start someone with HBP on diuretrics to make then urinate and salt restricted diets to stop water from accumulating. If the HBP is due to dehydration though this is the worse thing one could do.


When there is not enough water in the arterial system the smooth muscle tissue that controls vein dialation and constriction tenses up to ensure that thee is enough pressure to drive water into the cells that need it along with other nutrients.


That constriction causes the BP to rise and hence to diagnosis of HBP.


In such cases one should not take such medications and instead drink more water often throughout the day and also take a little salt along with it to rehydrate the body.

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