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Mayavada Philosophy depresses me

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Hari OM:


Great and simple logic i would say....


If you "experience" in your dream today that a Tiger attacks you, will you be alive or Dead tomorrow?


There is lot of subtle, mixed and confusing logic in your statements which is anethema to any logical arguments


1) Advaitha --- means one without the Second, while "Void" means Nothing which is similar to Buddhists/Sankyha philosphy so don't use "Void" while arguing against Advaitha


2) Advaitha (or for that matter, Dvaitha and even Vistadvaitha) does not talk about "experiences", rather about the "experiencer" (i.e., YOU), try to read the "Drk, Dristha & Drishti" explanations before start of arguments.


The basic questions for all school of thoughts is "Who is that Experiencer" who experiences the things, where does he live , what are his characteristics in three states (wake, sleep and dream) , How does he changes the state? why the experiences changes with the change of State and what is that Fourth state of experience ? How does Birth and death becomes insiginficant in that Fourth state? and so on.


After analyzing deep into these questions the Acharyas had formulated the three (main) schools and each one is almost justified, however, only person who enters the Fourth state (Samadhi) is said to understand the Truth. So don't try to ridicule or do character assassination of Acharyas without even understanding the basics.


Advaitha says (something like) God is 1 , while Jiva is 0.00000......00000.....0000.....0001 and there are trillions and trillions of Jiva but the sum total of all is still 1.0000...00...001, which can be rounded safely to 1 (without a second) (the fractional parts being discarded of "no use")


Dvaitha also accepts the above equation but says the fractional part can be (and should be) of decorative use to the "1" which is its real purpose and should not be just discarded.


Vistadvaitha is much more complex to explain here.


So please dont jump into an astrophysical argument forum without knowing what is the difference between a star and a planent


I like how this Advaitin claims that the other person's argument is without logic, and then proceeds to give a very verbose, tangential, and ultimately illogical response. It's as if he has nothing substantive to say, but he has to say something, so he proceeds to throw out some quasi-scientific arguments, mix in a little Vedanta terminology, and presto! Instant Vedanta.



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So that means God doesn't exist at the present moment because he has been divided into trillions and trillions of particles. So would that actually make the advaitins athiests because their theory suggests that there is no God right now?


Hari OM:


Advaita does not mean "God doesn't exist" rather it means "Nothing exist except God". If we have to summarize is like:


Dvaitha --- "everything is from God"


VisitaDvaitha---"Evertything IS God"


Advaitha ---- "There is Nothing but God"


So how after creating infinite (or trillions and trillions ) of particles still God remain full (or How this is also Purnam and that is also Purnam?)-- is beyond our comprehension.


And naturally if something is beyond comprehension people react in strange way, like trying to ridicule/ character(or even physical) assisnate/ ignore/ curse the guy who is coming with that incomprehensible idea (this is called the bounded rationality in psychological terms)


as per my opinion , all the views of Acharyas (Dvaitha, VisitaDvaitha, Advaitha and even Sunyavada) are correct in their relative framework of reference, also all the paths leading to them (Karma, Gyana, Bhakti, Dhyana, Dana, Tapa and Hatha...) are valid , and probably this is what is meant by "Truth is one but Seers see it differently"


And there is no hard and fast rule like for some path the result is some, like all Gyananis will reach Advaitha and all Karmis will reach the Dvaitha Truth)


And God has no specific preference for any individual soul taking any individual path, or not taking any Path. He has no Grand plan to move ALL the souls into some path and make them reach the same final destination (Loke Bina ruchi)


Each and every individual soul has to take their own decision regarding the Path and destination, and put their best possible and sincere effort.


If (and only if) you make that choice and abide by the rules and regulations (aka scripture) of that choice , make your best possible sincere effort He will help you to reach that goal.


Instead if you think that Krishna had made a Grand plan to take you back to Vaikuntha (since He is feeling empty without you) and will be sending Gurus/prophets again and again , and who will strive with all their energy and intelligence to send you back to vaikuntha, and your only duty is to just mock/ridicule at other Acharyas/persons who don't agree with this point, then sorry you would be wasting your time, energy and the provided intelligence

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I agree. We should not ridicule other faiths. If you think the advaita philosophy will take you back Home, follow it. But the Sastra says otherwise.



Instead if you think that Krishna had made a Grand plan to take you back to Vaikuntha (since He is feeling empty without you) and will be sending Gurus/prophets again and again , and who will strive with all their energy and intelligence to send you back to vaikuntha, and your only duty is to just mock/ridicule at other Acharyas/persons who don't agree with this point, then sorry you would be wasting your time, energy and the provided intelligence
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I agree. We should not ridicule other faiths. If you think the advaita philosophy will take you back Home, follow it. But the Sastra says otherwise.

Hari OM:


Thanks for your agreement (at least half-heartedly)


i also agree that faiths need not be ridiculed since each one is correct for some types of people.


BTW in advaita philosophy there is no "back Home", any how that is a minor point and we can close this argument in Happy notes.


OM shanti..

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Krishna wud have mocked at u for fighting among urselves about dvaita,advaita....

neither Meera or pahalada Maharaja nor Eknath and for tha matter nor did any f the gopikas ever bother about any of this it is only for love that they craved we all have not even stepped into our transcendental positions.,how can we talk about anything but Lord Krishna...,our so called equations with god?..

Gys Devote urselves to discuss the lord's lilas rather than discussing what will happen to us after death

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