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Eggs are vegetarian.

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Since they are unfertilized, they are no different than milk.




Let them be fertilized and to become a chicken. Why do u link milk with eggs. They are not the same!

Ultimately eggs will produce chickens, so they aren't vegeterian!:rolleyes:



HAre KRishna


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Eggs sold in American grocery stores have no chance of becoming chickens, hence they are ok to eat.


At least it is not as bad as yogurt, which sometimes has live or dead bacteria in it. Maybe people will think twice before killing millions of living entities.

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If eggs are vegetarian, so are animal fetuses.


It's important to clarify that only UNFERTILIZED eggs are vegetarian.


However, do you know how unfertilized eggs are produced? They are produced by cruel factory farming. If you won't shun eggs because of their link to producing fetuses, perhaps you should consider shunning even unfertilized eggs because of their connection to animal cruelty.

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If eggs are vegetarian, so are animal fetuses.


It's important to clarify that only UNFERTILIZED eggs are vegetarian.


However, do you know how unfertilized eggs are produced? They are produced by cruel factory farming. If you won't shun eggs because of their link to producing fetuses, perhaps you should consider shunning even unfertilized eggs because of their connection to animal cruelty.


The same can be said for commerical milk and the ways that cows are treated to obtain it. By that logic, should we shun milk too?

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If eggs are vegetarian, so are animal fetuses.


It's important to clarify that only UNFERTILIZED eggs are vegetarian.


However, do you know how unfertilized eggs are produced? They are produced by cruel factory farming. If you won't shun eggs because of their link to producing fetuses, perhaps you should consider shunning even unfertilized eggs because of their connection to animal cruelty.


Good point indeed.

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The same can be said for commerical milk and the ways that cows are treated to obtain it. By that logic, should we shun milk too?


Absolutely we should shun commercial milk. I find it ironic that people that speak so strongly about cow protection also take part in this cruel practice.

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Please do not defame the Vegetarian Society. The Vegetarian Society in the of Hawaii, for example, has these categories for members:


___ vegan

___ vegetarian [no meat, fish, or fowl]

___ not yet vegetarian


Eggs are part of the "fowl" category


The Vegetarian Society of Hawaii is the largest Vegetarian Society in the United States. Beginning with four members in 1990, it has over 2000 members today.


We have a daily TV show called "Tasty and Meatless". We hold our annual membership meeting at Govinda's Restaurant located on the premises of

ISKCON Hawaii Temple, which is leased from Alfred Brush Ford, the great

grandson of Henry Ford, aka Ambarisa Das.


You can get a 5% discount at the largest pure vegetarian health food store chain in Hawaii, Down to Earth, if you are a member of our Society. Plus discounts at many, many other places also too numerous to list here.


We have a quarterly newsletter that you will receive if you are a member of

our Society. It will inform you of things on the front page in the cover story like "Veg Talk Wins Punahou Speech Festival" and see a picture of Radheya Fournier. Punahou is the most prestigious private school in the State.


Radheya Fournier is a third generation Western bodied Vaishnava. His grandmother is an initiated disciple of ACBVSP. Radheya won the Punahou Speech festival competing against over 368 other entrants of the best and brightest students in the State. His topic? Why everyone should be on a vegetarian diet.


Why are you defaming a society that holds its annual meetings at Govinda's restaurant and praises the Vaishnavas? I would like you to please clarify WHICH vegetarian society thinks eggs are okay. Can you do that please?


Our Society brings in the top guest speakers from all over the country to

address our monthly meetings held at Ala Wai Golf Course pavillion. Our board of directors includes PhDs. MDs, RNs, and Registered Dieticians, many of whom work at Castle Hospital, a Seventh Day Adventist Medical Center.


We have recently brought in guest speakers such as Alicia Silverstone; Dr Terry Shintani MD JD MPH; John McDougall, MD; Michael Greger MD; Ruth Heindrich PhD; Rynn Berry; Pete Singer; Patrick McDonnell the creator of Mutts cartoon; and Dr. Paulette Chandler MD, MPH who teaches at Harvard

Medical School.


These talks are video recorded and then presented on Olelo the public access

television station all across the State. For more information plese visit our website world wide web dot VSH dot org. Our monthly newsletter is very lively and features book reviews, recipes, medical information.


I am appalled that someone would defame the name and good work of the Vegetarian Society. Perhaps you did not know that Srila Prabhupada predicted that Hawaii would be the first Krishna Conscious state in the United States. How did you think that was going to happen, simply by doing the pick at the airport?


In the future please clarify which vegetarian society engages in such heinous activities as advocating eating chicken fetuses from factory farms. Thank you for your kind attention in this matter.

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Please do not defame the Vegetarian Society. The Vegetarian Society in the of Hawaii, for example, has these categories for members:


___ vegan

___ vegetarian [no meat, fish, or fowl]

___ not yet vegetarian


Eggs are part of the "fowl" category


The Vegetarian Society of Hawaii is the largest Vegetarian Society in the United States. Beginning with four members in 1990, it has over 2000 members today.


We have a daily TV show called "Tasty and Meatless". We hold our annual membership meeting at Govinda's Restaurant located on the premises of

ISKCON Hawaii Temple, which is leased from Alfred Brush Ford, the great

grandson of Henry Ford, aka Ambarisa Das.


You can get a 5% discount at the largest pure vegetarian health food store chain in Hawaii, Down to Earth, if you are a member of our Society. Plus discounts at many, many other places also too numerous to list here.


We have a quarterly newsletter that you will receive if you are a member of

our Society. It will inform you of things on the front page in the cover story like "Veg Talk Wins Punahou Speech Festival" and see a picture of Radheya Fournier. Punahou is the most prestigious private school in the State.


Radheya Fournier is a third generation Western bodied Vaishnava. His grandmother is an initiated disciple of ACBVSP. Radheya won the Punahou Speech festival competing against over 368 other entrants of the best and brightest students in the State. His topic? Why everyone should be on a vegetarian diet.


Why are you defaming a society that holds its annual meetings at Govinda's restaurant and praises the Vaishnavas? I would like you to please clarify WHICH vegetarian society thinks eggs are okay. Can you do that please?


Our Society brings in the top guest speakers from all over the country to

address our monthly meetings held at Ala Wai Golf Course pavillion. Our board of directors includes PhDs. MDs, RNs, and Registered Dieticians, many of whom work at Castle Hospital, a Seventh Day Adventist Medical Center.


We have recently brought in guest speakers such as Alicia Silverstone; Dr Terry Shintani MD JD MPH; John McDougall, MD; Michael Greger MD; Ruth Heindrich PhD; Rynn Berry; Pete Singer; Patrick McDonnell the creator of Mutts cartoon; and Dr. Paulette Chandler MD, MPH who teaches at Harvard

Medical School.


These talks are video recorded and then presented on Olelo the public access

television station all across the State. For more information plese visit our website world wide web dot VSH dot org. Our monthly newsletter is very lively and features book reviews, recipes, medical information.


I am appalled that someone would defame the name and good work of the Vegetarian Society. Perhaps you did not know that Srila Prabhupada predicted that Hawaii would be the first Krishna Conscious state in the United States. How did you think that was going to happen, simply by doing the pick at the airport?


In the future please clarify which vegetarian society engages in such heinous activities as advocating eating chicken fetuses from factory farms. Thank you for your kind attention in this matter.


Good work.

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These talks are video recorded and then presented on Olelo the public access television station all across the State.


Do you have these sent to Na Leo here on the Big Island? I've seen them only occasionally, and I wonder if you try to get them on regularly here.


BTW, I think Radheya's grandmother is Laulyam, who was initiated by Satsvarupa Maharaja, not by Srila Prabhupada.

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I don't eat eggs. I don't like eggs. I think eggs are disgusting.


However, if somebody is really attached to eating eggs, then I would say keep eating eggs until you want to stop eating eggs.


Cultivate your knowledge about food in goodness, passion and ignorance.

Cultivate your knowledge of Bhagavad-gita and Vaishnava culture.


Then, someday when you no longer desire to eat eggs, then it will be easy to stop.

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Sorry I was using words a little bit too heavy, my main point is I don't want to scare anyone away from every Vegetarian Society in the world.


It's amazing how much the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii promotes KC things; they even do things like print testimonies of famous people who ate lunch in the local Govinda's, read books by Prabhupada on the table, and decided to change their entire diet because of Prabhupada.


Sorry any offenses I committed. The good thing is I'm amazed by all of the good things we did in KC and thank you each and every one all of the good. At the local University a Chemistry professor heads up the Vegetarian Club [also on the Board of Directors] and there is a KC lunch wagon selling Prasadam plate lunches in the Sustainability courtyard.


I learn so much from the newsletters esp the dietary aspects. We are losing too many good devotees to cancer. It is amazing the testimonials of the

young people in the newsletter and how so many are stepping up to the plate and just saying no to meat, fowl, and fish.


One correspondent wrote a whole column one time thanking all of the people who did things to make people aware of Vegetarian diet back in the day. So please don't be afraid to check out your local Veg society or start your own!

And if yours is a little bit off, maybe you can share some books with them like:


"Dominion", "Eternal Treblinka", "The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery", "Poisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look at the Modern Poultry Industry", "Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the US Meat Industry", "Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher who wouldn't Eat Meat" [we brought in Howard Lyman the author of that book].


One local community college made every student and professor read "Fast Food Nation". You can do it! You can read reviews of all of these books at

world wide web dot vegparadise dot com slash vegreading.


Once again sorry my bad, I would not want to offend any Vaisnava. Thanks again everyone who helped to make vegetarian diet more acceptable all around the world. I have had Indian nationals tell me "thank you!" also: people who reside in USA and happily take what we now have available in Western countries' dietary choices for granted.


So I am passing that "thank you" on to all of you: thank you everyone all of the good work to spread awareness of a conscious diet for transcendence.

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thing is about eggs if sum of u didnt know this..


eggs CANT produce life in any sort if a rooster hasnt inpregnated the hen.. same with humans, women cant bare child if a man hasnt had sex with her, this is pure logic.. and the next thing, eggs cannot be adopted to human terms like menstruation, because chickens etc dont have a menstruation cycle like humans, any spíeces that lay eggs dont have menstruation.. chickens can lay several eggs every day withou bein inpregnated.. that meens they lay eggs that are only protein, but they are barren.. in sweden there are chickens that may go freeley as they wish, same with cows, so the milk and eggs arent being taken in a cruel way..


and eggs being nasty, that is a personal point of view.. dirt etc only stick on the protective shell made of calk, so the protein isnt being dirty.. read science also if u gonna talk about sceientific things..

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Only the food which are in the mode of goodness...or rather say "satvic"



sattvic food.. and why arent eggs above that category then? because plants are life and they react to damage but they cant feel pain, but eggs arent life, only protein when it isnt been inpregnated.. so why would God not take this as a offering?

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