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Please help! Needing Info on Vrndavan!

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Hare Krsna!

Since this forum gets more attention than the others, i wanted to post a link here to my questions of travelling to Vrndavan. Members who live in India could you help me? Or those who travel there often?

How much does the bank charge for using a USA issued debit card in India?

and many more questions, please follow link below, i have not had any replies...................






thankyou in advance, bhakta chris

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I am not very experieced having been there only one time. I did however learn that it is not always safe to use ATM's there. There is a bank and post office at Krsna Balarama mandhir and I would feel much safer dealing with them.


Also take a money belt and use it without fail.

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thanks for your help here :namaskar:


a new question: i have heard that one should not put their luggage in the trunks of taxis, is there anything to this?


Bhakta C.


Sometimes a problem as they can dash off without you. Best way for me is to not take more on the plane than one bag as a carry on. When you get a cab you can just place it next to you in the back seat. What else is needed beyond maybe some vitamins. You can buy lite cotton pants in Vrndavan.

Bring underwear and a some t-shirts


You best bet is to arrange a taxi through Iskcon Vrndavan and youwill be met at the aitport. THIS IS A BIG DEAL. Because if you don't you will be MOBBED by twenty people offering taxi rides and they will follow you everywhere. That is what happened to me. Also if you land in Delhi at night the last thing you want to hassal with is getting a safe ride.


Do not drink the water even once. On the street they sell bottled water everywhere but you must be careful there also. I bought one and didn't notice until I went to use it that the plastic seal had been removed. They will take the empty bottles and refill them with no purified water.

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thanks for your help here :namaskar:


a new question: i have heard that one should not put their luggage in the trunks of taxis, is there anything to this?


Bhakta C.




If you have to put luggage in the trunk of a taxi then just make sure to remove it and have it in your own care before you pay the driver. He won't drive off if he hasn't collected the fare.

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I used to travel all over India alone (early 70s), no money belt, wearing rubber slippers, wandering the streets in unknown districts at night in the dark (often called dangerous), sleeping outside under trees, sleeping in train stations, travelling on 3rd class trains, taking public buses through Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi and even up to Badariksrama, wearing a simple dhoti, etc. Never once had a problem of any kind. But times have changes, Chris. So try wearing body armor and learn martial arts. (Oh yeah, and chant good rounds too.)

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