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WOW! I'm SHOCKED!!!!! O_O; I was honestly planning to make a new topic on Hanuman today and post that apparently 'real' photograph of Hanuman inside a cave in my new topic, asking other people if they thought it was authentic or not. So I go onto this forum to make my new topic, and lo and behold! Someone's ALREADY posted a new topic on Hanuman, and not ONLY that... but once I downloaded your powerpoint presentation, I noticed that it contained the SAME photograph that I wanted to post. Now THAT, my friends, is rather freaky! However, I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and therefore I do not believe that you posting this new topic on Hanuman before me was a coincidence. Thank you for creating this new topic on my behalf. I hope the people here on this forum are just as fascinated as I am at that Hanuman photograph. As for the authenticity of that photograph, I believe that it is REAL, because I believe that Hanuman is a GENUINE historical figure, and not only that, but also a chiranjeev. I remember reading somewhere on the net that Brahma bestowed a boon on Hanuman that would allow him to live as long as the life of Brahma, so that seems to explain how Hanuman was apparently photographed in his flesh and blood form. Anyway, sorry for the long post! I hope everyone loves the photos! ^_^

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Well, now as you have asked for...


#1. The text in the open book seems to be more blurred than actual photograph. (You cannot make out what is written).


#2. The font size in the open book is too large. Hardly one shloka will fit in a page. So He will actually need lot many books, to have complete ramayana. It is also not spaced properly.


#3. That garland which Hanumanji is wearing is in form of semi circle, where as actually if would be in shape of 'V' due to gravity. But this is true if the garland is made up of thread.


#4. The tail (if it is) handing at bottom right does not look like tail.


By writing these, I do not intend to be offensive for anyone as I myself am Hanuman Bhakt.

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I don't see how anyone can claim to have a picture of Hanuman as he surely is in spiritual form, and not material form if he exists. The camera cannot hope to photograph the spiritual form, so it must be fake.


To those people who like to fake such things, I hope they suffer a lot in their next life. They're playing with people's faiths and mocking them just for their own pleasure.

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i have seen this photo in the my local temple when i was kid

noone said about this photo or its history


i only found this photo in the internet with its history... to me its true

i get a mindful peace when... when i see this photo


in god there must be no question ask

we pray tree stones and we believe there is god there


the only fake photo if you ask is ask clamed holy man showing that they can summon god in fire which are computer graphically created


what fonts and garland and tail got to do with this


i m not from india..... maybe you can check with our indian brother to see if there was such incident at the said date


god is everything ... sprit and material... god is nothing


please do not curse people even the photo is fake (Maybe)

it may and may not had made some people more toward god to worship

specially me more toward


we believe in prayer we believe in bhajan we believe in pilgramage we believer in scarifice we believe in fasting we believe in cutting bald we believe in all god is one


but we don't believe in a photo ( there is no proof noone has walk with him )


except i heard in india there someone (forgot his name ) that hanuman will play with him an indian game .


have anyone heard something like this


sorry for long post

he saying

i writing

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this is absurd and ludicris....


i cant believe people are actually supporting this or believing it in some way....


the picture doesnt even look real....it looks like a picture of a picture or a picture that was drawn itself......


this picture is supposed to convince people of hanuman's existance???

the only people it will CONVINCE are the ones who are searching for any form of support to their belief, which they themselves may have subconious insecurities about....those without insecurities wouldnt need somuch evidence to support their claims....


besides than, hanuman probably represents an aspect of indian regional culture within the south eastern area of india where sri rama was helped by a group of people in his search for sita. the main proponent of this help from those people is who we have come to know today as hanuman. whether his name was actually hanuman or not we will never know......

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