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The Wrath of Israel or Who wants war in the Middle East?

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In 1966 there was a quite similiar situation:


The following is an excerpt from a lecture by His Divine Grace on Bhagavad-gita 4.19 in New York, August 5, 1966.


Nava-yauvana: Also they say that religions are the causes of war. In Lebanon now the Christians are killing the Muslims and the Muslims are killing the Christians in the name of...


Prabhupada: And the Communists are killing capitalists and capitalists are killing Communists. What is that? Is that religion? Then? How you can stop war? Because you are animal, you fight, you can give some name, either on religious ground or this philosophical ground. But because you are animal you will fight. You can give a different name. That is different thing. But because you are dogs, you'll fight. The real religion is why they will fight? Religion means to accept God. So if you are Muslim, I am Hindu, if I accept God, if You accept God, then where is fight? If we accept that God is the proprietor, God is the father, then where is the question of fight? Because we are not religious, therefore fight. Otherwise, if you accept God is the supreme father, if I accept God is the supreme, why fight?


So if you are Muslim, I am Hindu, if I accept God, if You accept God, then where is fight? If we accept that God is the proprietor, God is the father, then where is the question of fight? Because we are not religious, therefore fight


So here he being critical of false followers of faiths - not that he is denouncing biblical faiths - [like you do].

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So here he being critical of false followers of faiths - not that he is denouncing biblical faiths - [like you do].


I denounce religious primitives who butcher other people using their religion as a prop. I denounce injustice regardless of whatever good intentions may be claimed by the perpetrators.

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I denounce religious primitives who butcher other people using their religion as a prop. I denounce injustice regardless of whatever good intentions may be claimed by the perpetrators.


Thanks Kula! Not only people - cows also. Am I right to assume that Bhakta Donald is a cheerleader of religious faiths whose core ritual is kosher butchering of cows also known as shehitah? Do you want us to respect this rascaldom as biblical faith?

Since the US immigration office made endless troubles for Srila Prabhupada to stay and preach in USA it should be clear that he couldnt speak like he actually wanted especially against the bleeding to death of cows.

Fortunately we can! So called religions - biblical or not bibilical but who preach and practice cow slaughter are nothing but demoniac subcultures which will be finally blown out by their own karmic reactions.

However, if Bhakta Don considers the nations in Middle East as false followers of biblical faith, then why defend anyone involved with such enforcement?

OK, Isreal is the only place in Middle East where Krishna Temples are allowed to preach/spread Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan Mission, this is the only valid argument to support Israel. But even on the website of ISKCON Israel

http://www.yogaoflove.org you'll find a heavy warning of what happens to sinful people who butcher cows:




In sum, when there will be now total war in the Middle East, if at the end comes out that Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan Movement can spread to all those places like Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc - then all those war victims would make at least some sense. On the other hand Bhakta Donald is right - fundamentalistic Islamic nations are so demoniac that they kill Vaishnavas when spreading the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.

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Israeli Bombardment Of Lebanon Escalation For World War Three


Hyped incursions, kidnappings designed to trap Syria and Iran


Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.com | July 24 2006

The Israeli bombardment of Lebanon is the next escalation of a conflict that is being orchestrated according to a set roadmap that leads directly to World War Three.

Israel, the United States and Great Britain have been caught red-handed on numerous occasions staging terror attacks and false flag provocations in the Middle East for over 50 years.

How can we any longer believe anything our governments tell us about their actions in the Middle East?

Immediately after Bush's ultimatum to Iran which was rebuffed, conventional and normal captures and military incursions on both sides, when measured against the bellwether of the usual temperature of chaos in the region, are suddenly hyped beyond all proportion by the world media.

Israel's bombardment of the length and breadth of Lebanon has been characterized by its targeting of innocent civilians - including two incidents in Marwaheen and Taire where civilians were ordered to leave an area whereupon their escape vehicles were deliberately pulverized by Israeli Hellfire missiles.

At their root these are the very characteristics of a terrorist state engaging in terrorist attacks upon innocent populations.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah's limited response has impacted mainly military targets - with many suggesting that the often recycled pictures of damage from Hezbollah rockets betrays the notion that thousands have been fired as the Israelis claim.










Some would go further and finger the Israelis for attacking their own interests to maintain a false scapegoat and justification for further evisceration in Lebanon. Israel's documented history of manufacturing

phony Al-Qaeda groups to demonize the Palestinians is without question.

Israel's insistence that a ground war and an advance into northern Lebanon is not out of the question could bring the Syrians and their Iranian allies into the conflict which would in turn would present the saliva-drenched Neo-Cons with their long-awaited pretext to take Assad and Ahmadinejad out of the game.

This is nothing less than a cooked escalation for war.

As reported by New Yorker magazine, US troops and special operations forces have been active inside Iran for over a year waiting for the right opportunity to enact destabilization tactics once the green light is given.

This is simply another fuse that has been lit to ignite the order out of chaos agenda that has already turned Iraq into a hellhole only stable enough for one foundational precedent - a limitless occupation and an endless slush fund of no-bid contracts for US government affiliated corporations. In addition, tight control of oil flow and jacked-up prices to promote artificial scarcity worldwide continue to benefit blueprints laid out by oil companies many years before.

Whether it stops in Lebanon or rolls into Syria - this is the orchestration of World War 3, World War 4 to Neo-Cons - if only on the level of a trial balloon to judge how events will play out when a similar hand is dealt.


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...........he clearly mentions non-vaishnava's with the use of these words; the leaders of society, the executive heads, the learned and intelligent men - do you see what I mean here?

You're a big fool! Prabhupada never mentioned non-Vaishnavas!

What are non-Vaishnavas in this age of kali? Hogs, dogs, camels and asses.

Thats how Prabbhupada mentions non-Vaishnavas:






samstutah purusah pasuh

na yat-karna-pathopeto

jatu nama gadagrajah


TRANSLATION: Men who are like dogs, hogs, camels and asses praise those men who never listen to the transcendental pastimes of Lord Sri Krsna, the deliverer from evils.


PURPORT: The general mass of people, unless they are trained systematically for a higher standard of life in spiritual values, are no better than animals, and in this verse they have particularly been put on the level of dogs, hogs, camels and asses. Modern university education practically prepares one to acquire a doggish mentality with which to accept the service of a greater master. After finishing a so-called education, the so-called educated persons move like dogs from door to door with applications for some service, and mostly they are driven away, informed of no vacancy. As dogs are negligible animals and serve the master faithfully for bits of bread, a man serves a master faithfully without sufficient rewards.

Persons who have no discrimination in the matter of foodstuff and who eat all sorts of rubbish are compared to hogs. Hogs are very much attached to eating stools. So stool is a kind of foodstuff for a particular type of animal. And even stones are eatables for a particular type of animal or bird. But the human being is not meant for eating everything and anything; he is meant to eat grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar, etc. Animal food is not meant for the human being. For chewing solid food, the human being has a particular type of teeth meant for cutting fruits and vegetables. The human being is endowed with two canine teeth as a concession for persons who will eat animal food at any cost. It is known to everyone that one man's food is another man's poison. Human beings are expected to accept the remnants of food offered to Lord Sri Krsna, and the Lord accepts foodstuff from the categories of leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. (Bg. 9.26). As prescribed by Vedic scriptures, no animal food is offered to the Lord. Therefore, a human being is meant to eat a particular type of food. He should not imitate the animals to derive so-called vitamin values. Therefore, a person who has no discrimination in regard to eating is compared to a hog.

The camel is a kind of animal that takes pleasure in eating thorns. A person who wants to enjoy family life or the worldly life of so-called enjoyment is compared to the camel. Materialistic life is full of thorns, and so one should live only by the prescribed method of Vedic regulations just to make the best use of a bad bargain. Life in the material world is maintained by sucking one's own blood. The central point of attraction for material enjoyment is sex life. To enjoy sex life is to suck one's own blo od, and there is not much more to be explained in this connection. The camel also sucks its own blood while chewing thorny twigs. The thorns the camel eats cut the tongue of the camel, and so blood begins to flow within the camel's mouth. The thorns, mixed with fresh blood, create a taste for the foolish camel, and so he enjoys the thorn-eating business with false pleasure. Similarly, the great business magnates, industrialists who work very hard to earn money by different ways and questionable means, eat the thorny results of their actions mixed with their own blood. Therefore the Bhagavatam has situated these diseased fellows along with the camels.

The ass is an animal who is celebrated as the greatest fool, even among the animals. The ass works very hard and carries burdens of the maximum weight without making profit for itself. The ass is generally engaged by the washerman, whose social position is not very respectable. And the special qualification of the ass is that it is very much accustomed to being kicked by the opposite sex. When the ass begs for sexual intercourse, he is kicked by the fair sex, yet he still follows the female for such sexual pleasure. A henpecked man is compared, therefore, to the ass. The general mass of people work very hard, especially in the age of Kali. In this age the human being is actually engaged in the work of an ass, carrying heavy burdens and driving thela and rickshaws. The so-called advancement of human civilization has engaged a human being in the work of an ass. The laborers in great factories and workshops are also engaged in such burdensome work, and after working hard during the day, the poor laborer has to be again kicked by the fair sex, not only for sex enjoyment but also for so many household affairs.

So Srimad-Bhagavatam's categorization of the common man without any spiritual enlightenment into the society of dogs, hogs, camels and asses is not at all an exaggeration. The leaders of such ignorant masses of people may feel very proud of being adored by such a number of dogs and hogs, but that is not very flattering. The Bhagavatam openly declares that although a person may be a great leader of such dogs and hogs disguised as men, if he has no taste for being enlightened in the science of Krsna, such a leader is also an animal and nothing more. He may be designated as a powerful, strong animal, or a big animal, but in the estimation of Srimad-Bhagavatam he is never given a place in the category of man, on account of his atheistic temperament. Or, in other words, such godless leaders of dogs and hoglike men are bigger animals with the qualities of animals in greater proportion[4] This verse indicates that those who praise men who are like animals are no better than dogs, hogs, camels and asses. Sva means "dog," vid-varaha means "stool-eating hog," ustra means "camel," and khara means "ass." If the Nobel Prize is given to a scientist who is a rascal, the men on the committee who give him that prize are no better than dogs, hogs, camels and asses. We don't accept them as human beings. One animal is praised by another animal. Where is the credit in that? If the men on the committee are no better than animals, anyone who receives the Nobel Prize in science is fool number one, because animals are praising him, not human beings. (2.3.19)



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1893 Amin Al-Husseini. Born in Jerusalem under Ottoman rule


1914-1917 Husseini’s First Taste of Jihad


Amin Al-Husseini swears allegiance to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian genocide. He is an officer stationed in Smyrna and participates first-hand in the Armenian genocide. One and a half million Christians are slaughtered under the sword of Islamic Jihad by the Ottoman Army.


From The Armenian Genocide (1914-1924) to the Arab Genocide (1917-today)


1917 Pan-Islamic Vision Comes to Palestine

Amin Al-Husseini returns to Palestine. He brings with him lessons of genocide and the vision of leading a Pan-Islamic empire, where Jews and Christians are not acceptable.


1920 The Violence Begins

1920/1921. Riots. Amin Al-Husseini becomes lead figure in organizing riots against locals. Amin Al-Husseini begins life-long campaign of inciting hate between Jews and Muslims under British Mandate of Palestine. He begins rule of terror over local Muslim leaders, who denounce him as an ignorant thug.


1921 Grand Mufti Against The Will of The People

The British, against the local Muslim vote, appoint Amin Al-Husseini as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Amin Al-Husseini came in a poor fourth place in the vote. The Muslim community rejected his candidacy because he had not received any credible Islamic education. He was neither a Sheikh (religiously accredited leader) nor an Alim (Islamic scholar). He becomes the pre-eminent Arab power in Palestine. His brutality becomes notorious and is rejected by local Muslim leadership.


1922 Head of Supreme Muslim Council

Amin Al-Husseini is appointed Head of Supreme Muslim Council (1922-1937). He is hugely disappointed by the end of the Ottoman Empire under Ataturk. Husseini becomes fanaticized by the idea that he must restore the lost Islamic Empire. He vows to fight all Muslim seculars.


1922 Jerusalem

Amin Al-Husseini implements restoration of Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. He has the Dome gold-plated for the first time. Thereafter, Jerusalem takes on more importance as Holy Muslim site in the eyes of the Arab World.


1928 Husseini Joins Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood established in Egypt by Hassan El Banna in 1928. Amin Al-Husseini becomes a central member and ideological inspiration for the Muslim Brotherhood. Mother organization for today’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. The Muslim Brotherhood preaches Wahhabi Islam, which justifies violent means to rid the ‘Muslim world’ of its non-Islamic element. It envisions a Pan-Islamic Empire, where strict Islamic law rules over all.


1929 Hebron Massacre

Amin Al-Husseini organizes more riots in Palestine. He spreads false rumors to further turn the local Muslims against the Jews. Random murdering of Hebron Jews begins. Hebron Jewish community was over 2,000 years old.


1931 Founder of World Islamic Congress

Amin Al-Husseini starts to build his own political base. He preaches Islamic unity and creates the World Islamic Congress in 1931.


1933 Hitler Finds Arab Support

Arab Nazi political groups spring up throughout Middle East:

Young Egypt. Led by Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Gamal Nasser (future Egyptian President).Young Egypt’s political slogan “One Folk, One Party, One Leader” is a direct translation from German of Nazi slogan.

Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Led by Anton Saada (known as the Syrian Fuhrer)


1936 Husseini Meets Hitler’s banker

Francois Genoud, later known as the Swiss Banker of the Hitler’s Third Reich, travels to Palestine to meet Amin Al-Husseini for the first time. Their relationship will continue well into the 1960’s.


1936 Palestine Riots Weapon of Choice Suicide Squads Muslim Leaders assassinated

Amin Al-Husseini is main organizer of riots. He organizes suicide squads against the local authorities. Applies Nazi methodology of “systematic extermination” of any Arab suspected of less than total loyalty to Pan-Islamic vision of Muslim Brotherhood. Any “non-Islamic” element is a threat to his Pan-Islamic vision. Many Muslim and Christian Palestinian intellectual leaders and clerics assassinated for protesting Husseini’s Islamic terror.

1936-1938. Murdered by Husseini’s men:

Sheikh Daoud Ansari ( Imam of Al Aqsa Mosque), Sheikh Ali Nur el Khattib (Al Aqsa Mosque), Sheikh Nusbi Abdal Rahim (Council of Muslim Religious Court), Sheikh Abdul el Badoui (Acre, Palestine), Sheikh El Namouri (Hebron), Nasr El Din Nassr (Mayor of Hebron). Between Feb. 1937 and Nov 1938, Eleven (11) Mukhtars (community leaders) and their entire families slain by Amin al Husseini’s men.


1937 On Hitler’s Payroll

Amin Al-Husseini visits Jerusalem German Consul. He meets SS Hauptschanfuehrer A.Eichman and SS Oberscherfuehrer H. Hagen to discuss “the Jewish question”. Amin Al-Husseini subsequently receives financial and military aid from Nazi Germany.


1941 Mufti Joins Hitler In Jihad against Britain

Amin Al-Husseini arrives in Rome, where he meets fascist leader Benito Mussolini, the genocidal butcher of Ethiopians in Africa. Mussolini vows to help the Palestinian cause against the Jews. From Rome, Husseini declares Fatwa-Jihad against Britain. He preaches the notion of Pan-Islamism, with vision of Muslim unity to further his cause.


1941 European Jews Must Not Make It To Palestine

Amin Al-Husseini in Berlin meets with Adolf Hitler and is active in the decision to exterminate all Jews through the infamous Final Solution.

Hitler was reportedly content with deporting the Jews out of Europe to Palestine. Husseini perceived this as a threat to his stronghold in Palestine and pushed successfully for the extermination of the European Jews.


1941 Christian Serbian Genocide

Husseini’s Personal Project 300,000Non-Muslim Deaths. Amin Al Husseini meets Croat Nazi A.Artukovic and M.Budak during WWII.

April 25th Amin Al-Husseini is made chief architectof Nazi offensive in Bosnia Serbian-Cyrillic alphabet outlawed. Orthodox Serbs forced to wear Blue armband. Jewish Serbs forced to wear Yellow armband.

While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title “Protector of Islam”. One hundred thousand (100,000) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They seek Nazi approval to establish autonomous Nazi protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.

Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan, calling for the extermination of the Serbian population. Nazi Germany refuses to implement the Pejani plan.

Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:

Orthodox Christian Serbs: 200,000 killed

Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed

Gypsies: over 40,000 killed


1942 10,000 Children Die

Amin Al-Husseini intervenes personally with Nazi High Command to block Red Cross offer of exchanging 10,000 Jewish children for Nazi prisoners of war. They will die in Hitler’s gas chambers.


1943 Nazi Muslims “Cream Of Islam”

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire.Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.


1943 Prime Minister of Pan-Arab Government

Amin Al Husseini Meets Chief Commander of Nazi SS: Heinrich Himmler Amin Al-Husseini is made Prime Minister of Pan-Arab Government by Nazi regime. His headquarters are in Berlin. He plans construction of concentration camp in Nablus (Palestine) to implement the “final solution” in Palestine to exterminate the Jews there, as an extension of Hitler’s plan. Mufti becomes close friend of Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS (Nazi Officers). Amin Al-Husseini is given a private tour of Aushwitz death camp by Himmler, where he insists on seeing first-hand the murder of Europe’s Jews.


Nazi View of Islamic Religion

Head of Nazi SS troops Heinrich Himmler stated to Chief of Nazi propaganda Josef Goebbels:

have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed in action. A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers.”

Nazi Islam

Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS, and close colleague of Amin Al-Husseini, financed and established Islamic Institute (‘Islamische Zentralinstitut’) in Dresden under the Mufti. The purpose was to create a generation of Islamic leaders that would continue to use Islam as a carrier for Nazi ideology into the 21st century.

Mufti Addresses Bosnian Muslim Nazi Troops

March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.”

Amin Al-Husseini is one of the founders of Arab League. Goal is to reinforce Pan-Islamic unity. Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. Husseini is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab League.

1946 British Forgive Husseini

Shockingly, the British give Amin Al-Husseini amnesty. He returns to Palestine.

1946 Leader of Muslim Brotherhood

Amin Al-Husseini is appointed leader of Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem. Wahhabi Islam becomes the perfect vector for Husseini’s policy of ethnic cleansing. He uses recently acquired Nazi methodology to implement his vision of an Arab World free of Jews (Juden-Rei in German).

1946 Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity

Yugoslavia requests extradition from Egypt of Amin Al-Husseini for War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity. Egyptian government refuses to release him.

Yasser Arafat’s Teacher and Uncle:

Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him. Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini. Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.

Amin Al-Husseini places Yasser Arafat in charge of arms procurement and shipment for the Mufti’s Irregular Forces: “The Holy Strugglers”

With UN recognition, Israel declares statehood. Arab League immediately declares Jihad (Holy War) against Israel. Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan immediately declare war on the new Jewish state and invade Israel.

Amin Al-Husseini : “I declare a Holy War, My Muslim Brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all!”

Four Wars

The Arab League, co-founded by Amin Al-Husseini, will support and declare all wars against the State of Israel in the 20th century. (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973) It will also support both Intifadas.

1949-1952 ODESSA Network

Losers Regroup.

ODESSA network. Egypt, home of Muslim Brotherhood, and Syria incorporate thousands of Nazi experts into Egyptian and Syrian army, government and propaganda service. Vatican heavily involved in providing travel visas for Nazi officers. Amin Al-Husseini is directly implicated in providing safe haven to ex-Nazis in Arab lands. He is the main connection with Francois Genoud, Swiss banker of Third Reich, who finances the ODESSA network with money stolen from European Jews.

Husseini-Genoud Connection Nazi Money To Fund Twenties Century Jihad

After World War II, Hitler’s Swiss banker, Francois Genoud, visited Amin Al-Husseini multiple times in Beirut.Genoud finances the ODESSA network. He sponsors Arab Nationalism with Nazi money. In Cairo and Tangiers, Genoud sets up import-export company called Arabo-Afrika, which is a cover to disseminate anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda.Genoud sets up Swiss bank accounts for North African liberation armies of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. In partnership with Syria, he sets up Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva. In 1962, he becomes Director of Arab People’s Bank in Algeria.

1962 President of World Islamic Congress Arab Lands Judenrei (Free of Jews)

Amin Al-Husseini becomes president of World Islamic Congress, which he founded. The Islamic Fundamentalists implement plan of making Arab lands Judenrei (free of Jews), as Hitler did in Europe. All Jewish communities of North Africa and Middle East are persecuted. Hundreds of thousands of Arab Jews, whose presence in Arab countries predates Islam by a thousand years, are killed or forced to leave their homelands.

Want any more LOL :)

This is the garbage people in Israel have grown up living with. I support them 100% and were it not for my many pieces of body art I would convert for the soul purpose of going over and joining the IDF and defending those beautiful souls that are the Israelies.

So let's look at this point:

"Nazi View of Islamic Religion

Head of Nazi SS troops Heinrich Himmler stated to Chief of Nazi propaganda Josef Goebbels:

have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed in action. A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers.”

Nazi Islam

Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS, and close colleague of Amin Al-Husseini, financed and established Islamic Institute (‘Islamische Zentralinstitut’) in Dresden under the Mufti. The purpose was to create a generation of Islamic leaders that would continue to use Islam as a carrier for Nazi ideology into the 21st century."

So that is interesting - one wonders what points of this past still stain various Islamists and their hate for Jewish people and of course a Jewish State. We can see that people in these groups ascribe to the same attitudes and dark fallacies - so - is nazism still alive in our world? Does it survive in this dark chapter of Islam?

All the talk about 'the nazi past' may be moot - as it may not be past at all...

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When the king protects the citizens from the disturbances of mischievous ministers as well as from thieves and rogues, he can, by virtue of such pious activities, accept taxes given by his subjects. Thus a pious king can certainly enjoy himself in this world as well as in the life after death. [sB 4.14.17]


That was spoken by - cruel King Vena - a very long time ago - these are very proper sounding words - spoken by a demon.


My insignificant enemies the demigods have combined to kill my very dear and obedient well-wisher, my brother Hiranyaksa. Although the Supreme Lord, Visnu, is always equal to both of us—namely, the demigods and the demons—this time, being devoutly worshiped by the demigods, He has taken their side and helped them kill Hiranyaksa. [sB 7.2.6]


So here the demon seemingly speaks truth and then - he contradicts himself.


He knew that God takes the side of the demigods - not becasue of the worship they offer - but rather - because the demons are usually doing something which is a threat to everyone.


In the next verse we see an example of the delusions he suffered:


The Supreme Personality of Godhead has given up His natural tendency of equality toward the demons and demigods. Although He is the Supreme Person, now, influenced by maya.... [sB 7.7.8-8]


The demon even encouraged his servants to go on a terror campaign:


Thus the demons, being fond of disastrous activities, took Hiranyakasipu’s instructions on their heads with great respect and offered him obeisances. According to his directions, they engaged in envious activities directed against all living beings. [sB 7.2.13]


This is what these Islamic revolutionary types are like - these present day terrorists - being fond of disastrous activities - they'll take the islamic revolutionary's leader's instructions on their heads with great respect and according to their directions - they'll engage in envious activities directed against all living beings.


Hiranyakasipu made a nice speech and in Srimad Bhagavatam we can see that - so what do we make of his seemingly clear understanding of things and - his abject violence atrocities and offences?


The demon's own envy was the cause and - it was thus his greatest enemy! Isn't it so for all souls?


I wonder if these terrorists ever see that they too are terminal with envy.

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