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Scores dead in Mumbai train bombs : Why?

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=629 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3>

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=416><!-- S BO --><!-- S IIMA --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=203 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>_41875088_blast_afp203b.jpg The explosions occurred during evening rush hour

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IIMA --><!-- S SF -->At least 100 people have been killed by seven near-simultaneous bombs on the train network in the Indian financial capital, Mumbai (Bombay), police say.

The first explosion went off at about 1830 local time (1300 GMT), during the peak of the evening rush hour in the suburbs on the busy Western Railway.

Correspondents spoke of scenes of pandemonium, with people jumping from trains and bodies flung onto tracks.

There have been a number of bomb attacks in Mumbai in recent years. <!-- E SF -->

The city and the capital Delhi have been put on high alert, and Mumbai's entire rail network has been shut down.

<!-- S IIMA --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=203 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>_41875558_mumbai_blasts2_203.gif

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IIMA -->Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh appealed for calm and described the incidents as a "shocking and cowardly attempt to spread a feeling of hatred".

Pakistani leaders also condemned the blasts as a "despicable act of terrorism".

Police said the co-ordinated blasts took place at Matunga, Khar, Mahim, Jogeshwari, Borivali and Bhayandar, with most on moving trains and two at stations.

A shopkeeper at a market near one explosion said it was so powerful they thought they had been "hit by lightning".

Television images show dazed and blood-splattered commuters being carried by fellow passengers to waiting ambulances, as rescue workers clambered through wreckage to reach victims.

The force of the blasts ripped doors and windows off carriages and scattered luggage and debris.

Clothes, shoes and personal possessions were strewn along the tracks.

<!-- S IBOX --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=208 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=5>o.gif</TD><TD class=sibtbg>MUMBAI BLASTS

Aug 2003: At least 44 people killed in double car bombing

July 2003: Three killed in bus blast

Mar 2003: 11 killed in commuter train

Jan 2003: 30 injured in market attack

Dec 2002: 23 injured at McDonald's outlet

Dec 2002: Two killed in bus blast

Mar 1993: More than 250 killed in serial blasts

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IBOX -->A medical student at a hospital in Parel, which has received many of the wounded, told the BBC News website the "floors are filled with bloodstains".

"There were so many [injured people], I couldn't really count," Sunny Jain said.

"There are not enough ambulances and many people are making their own way to the station. They are coming in taxis and by foot." The city's suburban train system is one of the busiest in the world, carrying more than six million commuters a day.



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because these people believe in a God of wrath and damnation, and think they are agents of this wrath and damnation. The Koran presents a violent portrait of God, and has produced violent people.


My heart goes out to all the families who had a loved one slaughtered today. :(



Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!

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MUMBAI: Terrorists struck big on Tuesday, setting off seven blasts in suburban trains that left at least 144 dead, preceded by five grenade attacks in Srinagar earlier in the day in which eight people were killed.


Over 300 people were injured in the string of blasts in first-class compartments of suburban trains around 6 pm, during peak-hour traffic.


As the blasts ripped apart train compartments, mangled bodies of passengers were hurled out and survivors, many of them bleeding profusely, jostled to come out, leading to chaotic scenes.


The blasts occurred between 6.24 pm and 6.35 pm at Mahim, Bandra, Matunga, Borivili, Mira Road, Jogeshwari and Khar when most office-goers were returning home.


Prime Minister Manmohan Singh late on Tuesday reviewed the security situation in the aftermath of blasts in Mumbai and Srinagar after which he expressed the government's resolve to "fight and defeat the evil designs of terrorists".


He appealed to the people to maintain calm in the face of terror attacks after an emergency meeting at his residence with home minister Shivraj Patil among those present.


"We will work to defeat the evil designs of terrorists and will not allow them to succeed," Singh said in a statement read out by Patil after the meeting, which was also attended by national security advisor M K Narayanan, home secretary V K Duggal and IB chief E S L Narasimham.


He appealed to the people to remain calm and not to believe in rumours but carry out their activities normally. "The government will take all possible measures to maintain law and order and defeat the forces of terrorism."


Describing the series of blasts in Mumbai and J&K as "shocking and cowardly attempts to spread a feeling of fear and terror among our citizens", the prime minister said the government was committed to fighting terror in all its forms.


"My heart reaches out and grieves for all those affected by these blasts and who have lost their near and dear ones. I condemn these shameful acts aimed at our peace-loving people," Singh said.


Observing that the citizens of Mumbai had faced a similar trauma over a decade ago, he said, "I am confident that the people of this great city have the will and courage to face the situation and stand firm in their resolve to carry on their normal activities without succumbing to threats of terror".


Congress president Sonia Gandhi, home minister Shivraj Patil and rail minister Lalu Prasad are leaving for Mumbai late on Tuesday for an on-the-spot review.


The decision was announced by Patil after the hour-long emergency meeting. Hospital authorities in the city confirmed arrival of over 100 bodies by 8.30 pm.


A large number of injured people were admitted to various government and private hospitals in various parts of the city.


Maharashtra chief secretary D K Shankaran put the figure of dead at 105 and the injured at around 230. A private TV channel reported seeing 15 bodies at Matunga station.


Video footage showed people with blood on them being treated, other commuters carrying victims and some people lying motionless near tracks.


At least one train was split in half by the explosion. The Western Railway system was shut down and Mumbai was put on red alert after the blasts.


Police in Delhi also heightened security. Airports were also put on alert.


Maharashtra chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh announced Rs 1 lakh compensation to the families of the dead.


All seven were high-intensity explosions and initial reports said wired timing devices were used in all the cases. Eyewitnesses at Matunga railway station said RPF jawans arrived only half-an-hour after the blast occurred.


The first blast occurred at Khar on a train going from Churchgate to Borivili. The explosion took place at 6.24 pm between Santa Cruz and Khar stations.


The Matunga blast appears to be the most severe at the moment. Relief and rescue operations were affected because of heavy rains.


All local phones, including mobile services, in the city were jammed, apparently due to congestion in the system as anxious people tried to reach their loved ones.


While Mumbai Police Commissioner A N Roy appealed to people to remain calm, Union home secretary V K Duggal said there was no connection between the Mumbai and Kashmir blasts.


Intelligence sources, however, said the explosions were an attempt by terrorists to divert India’s attention from elections being held in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir.

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Damned bastards [to start with] - they are ONLY MADE WORSE by their propensity to kill to push-on their stupid plans for global-theocracy - replete with evil and cowardly terror plans to reach it - DREAM ON YAH EVIL FREAKS!




So here is something of curiosity:


"Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf offered condolences over the loss of life, the Foreign Ministry said, adding: "Terrorism is a bane of our times and it must be condemned, rejected and countered effectively and comprehensively."

New Delhi has accused Pakistan of training, arming and funding the militants. Islamabad insists it only offers the rebels diplomatic and moral support."





So what is wrong there? "Islamabad insists it only offers the rebels diplomatic and moral support" - so how does that jive with: Terrorism is a bane of our times and it must be condemned, rejected and countered effectively and comprehensively - so how does that happen while Pakistan; "offers the rebels diplomatic and moral support"?




So how long does the free world tolerate this nonsense? When do these freaks make even gentlemen want to hunt them down? Can't be too long now?

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Sadly I don't think this will change anything. It seems everyone in the world is caving to muslim extremism out of fear of offending someone or someones religion but if a Christian does something like this they are all over Christians in a heartbeat. I know in America the liberals have become very sympathetic to muslim extremists. I can understand not being all that pleased with Bush but it seems the liberals hate him so much that they are even allying themselves with muslim terrorists even to the point where they don't even call something like what happened today a terrorist act. It was merely a bombing or something. I don't know what to say. I guess the Kali-yuga just gets more and more absurd by the minute.





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It just hit me that some of those costumes Muslims wear remind me of KKK clan gear.


Cowards always hide beneath sheets and masks.


The sick thing is these freaks actually think they are serving their god, with this human genocide. Sickkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!


May their karmic retribution be swift.

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Latest news is that SIMI - the Students Islamic Movement of India were involved with help from Lashkar.


To them, they believe that they have gone an Islamic duty by killing kafirs (unbelievers). They have little or no regard for non-muslims, so that's why they delight in killing over 200 innocent Indians. They believe any muslims accidentally killed in this attack will go to heaven while all Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists & Christians will go to hell - basically anyone who doesn't believe in Islam.

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