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Follow the Mahatma, everybody else is fake

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I can't believe nobody's interested in following the greatest man in the world, ever. Mahatma Gandhi was a great vaishnava, who lived a life of extreme austerity and self-discipline, unlike these modern gurus who have 25 cars, mansions and what else not. Most of these gurus come over to US or some rich country to exploit gullible masses. Yet, people fall for this over and over. It is a shame.


I hope all of you can give up false prophets (you know who I am talking about, don't you!) and worship Gandhi as a true devotee of God. Time is running out.

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I can't believe nobody's interested in following the greatest man in the world, ever. Mahatma Gandhi was a great vaishnava, who lived a life of extreme austerity and self-discipline, unlike these modern gurus who have 25 cars, mansions and what else not. Most of these gurus come over to US or some rich country to exploit gullible masses. Yet, people fall for this over and over. It is a shame.


I hope all of you can give up false prophets (you know who I am talking about, don't you!) and worship Gandhi as a true devotee of God. Time is running out.


Gandhiji's pad yatras and other noble deed was funded by The Birla family of India, they are still one of the richest family of India. True...the man lived his life in strict discipline but so does the modern gurus u spoke to gain publicity...for example swami ram dev..he never wears more than a dhoti and unlike Gandhi he never got married.....all the posters and propogandas in the newspaper didn't come cheap even in the early 1900's...come to sabarmati ashram its not less than a mansion u will like it...


I am in no way insulting Gandhiji...he was a noble man and lived his life in purity..I hope...


Vaishnava?....he never took diksya from any one...he may have read the Srimad Bhagwat Gita but so does every other aged person in India.


Follow him?...where..India got her independence 57 years ago...got no other country to free...may be iraq:)


The one who makes u understand what is Brahm...what is mayaa and What is Jeeva tatwa is a guru and should be followed...not some social reformer or freedom fighter....they just need ur physical support....



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Gandhiji's pad yatras and other noble deed was funded by The Birla family of India, they are still one of the richest family of India. True...the man lived his life in strict discipline but so does the modern gurus u spoke to gain publicity...for example swami ram dev..he never wears more than a dhoti and unlike Gandhi he never got married.....all the posters and propogandas in the newspaper didn't come cheap even in the early 1900's...come to sabarmati ashram its not less than a mansion u will like it...


I am in no way insulting Gandhiji...he was a noble man and lived his life in purity..I hope...


Vaishnava?....he never took diksya from any one...he may have read the Srimad Bhagwat Gita but so does every other aged person in India.


Follow him?...where..India got her independence 57 years ago...got no other country to free...may be iraq:)


The one who makes u understand what is Brahm...what is mayaa and What is Jeeva tatwa is a guru and should be followed...not some social reformer or freedom fighter....they just need ur physical support....





Not all modern gurus are fakes. And if you think all of them are, then maybe you're just a fool.


Even modern gurus who seem like fakes may actually be authentic at what they claim, though they may be imperfect as far as being a guru is concerned. It's important to discriminate between imperfection, perfection, guru, and impostor. It's very hard, but one must know what the person is claiming and consider it with what he or she knows to be true of spiritual matters and science (sometimes the two conflict, then it is your choice what to believe).

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I don't know what's wrong with you but Gandhi was not the greatest person or Indian who ever lived. He helped get independence for India, but he gave part of it to muslims. Remember we had many freedom fighters for India, Gandhi was just the last. He did alot of good especially for the low castes but he made alot of mistakes too. You obviously don't know much about Gandhi because he himself said we must never worship him, so please do not tell people to worship Gandhi as Gandhi never said he was a guru or prophet. He wasn't a vaishnava, his thought were more neo-advaitist. He didn't believe Krishna existed as a historical person, he believed in Brahman.


If you read his book 'My experiments with truth' you'll find out alot about the real Gandhi and will see that he even tried meat-eating because of his muslims friends. At least these gurus wouldn't do something like that. You have real gurus and you have fake gurus. Gandhi wasn't even a guru, he was a politician.

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Not all modern gurus are fakes. And if you think all of them are, then maybe you're just a fool.


What? I never said that...I myself have a guru..what the?


Even modern gurus who seem like fakes may actually be authentic at what they claim, though they may be imperfect as far as being a guru is concerned. It's important to discriminate between imperfection, perfection, guru, and impostor. It's very hard, but one must know what the person is claiming and consider it with what he or she knows to be true of spiritual matters and science (sometimes the two conflict, then it is your choice what to believe).


True man! u are right...not all of them are a fake....Mahabharata says trust only the person who wears saffron in kalikal (Rishi Markand)


Gandhi consumed meat? Man! he was a bigger stupid then todays politicians..giving up religion for greed....


May Maryada Shri Purushottam Lord Raam have mercy on his soul

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Gandhi consumed meat? Man! he was a bigger stupid then todays politicians..giving up religion for greed....


:mad: Please give reference(s)/source for this information. And you are saying he is bigger stupid than todays politicians. On what basis you are saying so? can you give examples with proper references.

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:mad: Please give reference(s)/source for this information. And you are saying he is bigger stupid than todays politicians. On what basis you are saying so? can you give examples with proper references.

Man! why the hell are u angry with me for? I ain't the one who said he ate meat...I didn't even knew this......read the post from a guest above that said he is meat eater....

But if he ate meat he was big stupi then todays politicians....how?

well...atleast todays politician even with strong secular comments towards the masses follow their own strict religious rituals....they will never double back on their custom........may be on their campaign promises....


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Mahatma Ghandi was no Hindu! He admitted to having slept with young girls to test his tolerance and the idiot was even a racist! He hated Blacks....there is proof in old newspapers. So please don't come on here and ask Hindus to follow Mahatma Ghandi.

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Mahatma Ghandi was no Hindu! He admitted to having slept with young girls to test his tolerance and the idiot was even a racist! He hated Blacks....there is proof in old newspapers. So please don't come on here and ask Hindus to follow Mahatma Ghandi.


Young girls?...Man!...

Did he do that when he was young?

We hindus really got a grudge against him...don't we?


Gandhi is also the name of an insect in India....it can destroy a large area of cultivation in just one day...


Goto http://www.thesanatandharma.bravehost.com for knowing the lives of true saint unlike the Mahatma


The one who started this thread must be sitting and hinking why on earth he started this.

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Young girls?...Man!...

Did he do that when he was young?

We hindus really got a grudge against him...don't we?


Gandhi is also the name of an insect in India....it can destroy a large area of cultivation in just one day...





Unfortunately, yes he did admit to sleeping with young sudra girls to test his tolerance and admits to having failed several times...and he didn't do this when he was young, he was quite old but the girls were very young. He also admits in his book that he was a very "horny" person since a young age. Now I know no one is perfect and everyone has desires but Ghandi trying to test his tolerance on young girls? This stuff is just ridiculous and then people want to walk around and act like he is some spiritual leader because he saved India. The man may have saved India but that doesn't make him a good person. He broke many promises. Just because a person is non-violent doesn't make him or her a good Hindu. Ghandi further criticized Krishna by saying that he didn't believe Krishna was real. However, Hindus want to call him a spiritual leader?


There is also proof in newspapers where Ghandi admitted to Blacks naturally bieng of low birth and dirty. No great spiritual leader would put down an entire race in this way. Ghandi was a real kiss ass to the British and thats why they put him up on a pedastal.


Sorry, but he is no master. I will never see him as a guru. There are many other great Hindu gurus to follow in this world.

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You are absolutely right there are several Mahapurush in this world and Gandhi don't seem to be one of them. He didn't believe in Krishna? .....well now the little respect I had for him for freeing India is turned to a normal respect for a human being...Thanks Man!

Man! you really nailed this thread:smash: .......I don't know why the member who started this thread didn't respond to any of our coment....I guess he is being non-violent...:-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think there is much to admire in the Mahatma, and much to learn from.

The fact that he was open enough to try eating meat, bold enough to lay with young girls knowing it would be a tough test (knowing he would likely fail, and did), shows me that he wasn't simply following dogma blindly. He was experiencing Truth.

Temptation is true. Discipline is true. Testing is true. He wasn't locked away from the world and protected from the trials and temptations. He put himself there to test him dedication.

Ghandiji was human as the rest of us. A Divine manifestation. The One manifested into a one, a part. Just as you are. We are all the same. Some are able to be clear channels and show the right way, others try their best, and some give up hope of being able to match other's examples. Ghandiji never, in my knowledge, claimed to be a guru, one to be worshipped, a vaishnava. I think, still, he is a good example of a bold leader, and a an amazing human being.


We all have our own paths in life. We are not all made to live austerities, not all to make a family, not all to search. Some are content to follow writings. All of this is valid.

In all traditions, the truth is said: Be still, and know that I am with you.


In the atma, the paraatma is. In the part, there is the whole. Do not look to an outside source for truth, for direction. The outside is good to remind us that which we are and that which we are capable of. The truth resides within. Be still, listen to the anahata, and know that the truth of one moment may not look like the truth of another moment.


Know that you are already saved.

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Unfortunately, yes he did admit to sleeping with young sudra girls to test his tolerance and admits to having failed several times...and he didn't do this when he was young, he was quite old but the girls were very young. He also admits in his book that he was a very "horny" person since a young age. Now I know no one is perfect and everyone has desires but Ghandi trying to test his tolerance on young girls?



From what I've heard the girls he slept with to test his celibacy were either his nieces or granddaughters. He thought keeping it in the family was purer than sleeping with women outside.


He did try meat, he says so in his book- "my experiments with truth".


Gandhi is not self-realised or a holy man. He is simply a politician who practiced some spiritual ideas and created his own philosophy. Gandhi alone didn't get Freedom, it was a long struggle of India's many freedom fighters starting from Mangal Panday to Gandhi being the last. He shouldn't be given all the credit for everything.

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I can't believe nobody's interested in following the greatest man in the world, ever. Mahatma Gandhi was a great vaishnava, who lived a life of extreme austerity and self-discipline, unlike these modern gurus who have 25 cars, mansions and what else not. Most of these gurus come over to US or some rich country to exploit gullible masses. Yet, people fall for this over and over. It is a shame.


I hope all of you can give up false prophets (you know who I am talking about, don't you!) and worship Gandhi as a true devotee of God. Time is running out.


Jai Sriman Narayan:


I am sure Gandhi was a great man but not greater than Krishna or God!


We cant compare fake swamis to Gandhi and then say whether he should be followed or not. I would rather check on the guidelines from the Gita and true swamis and then see where he fits in. In my opinion Gandhi comes nowehere above Bose, Veer Sawarkar, Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel, Gopal Krishna Gokhale etc. I would consider Gandhi a very good political statesman but would not make him a saint or even a philosopher.


  • Arjuna wanted non-violence. Krishna advised him against that towards adharmic people. Yet Gandhi stuck to non-violence against Adharmis! I am not sure if this really helped the society at large. Was Krishna wrong if Gandhi is right? All the other names I stated above were atleast aware of Krishna and his teachings and to a great extent Gandhi suppressed any similar thoughts.
  • Krishna advised Karma yoga, Gnana yoga and Bhakti yoga. The amount of information on these was exhaustive enough to help one actually follow in day-to-day life and in the end reach Krishna. Which yoga did Gandhi advise and what evidence does Gandhi provide that his path (only non-violence and some strange methods of celibacy) works for all beings?
  • Somewhere in the chain of threads on the topic it was stated that Gandhi slept with young girls to test his celibacy. Where is it stated that one must do this to test his celibacy? (in Gita? in Vedas? in Puranas?). If only Gandhi stated this, with what authority but for mental speculation? was it a revelation that he received from God? If not, then Gandhi experienced something that he thought was truth and propagated it. All fine so far, but unless it is authentic how can everyone follow it? You see, Gita, Vedas have always been true for all types of people.

There is no need to follow anything else but God's teachings and the teachings of those who base their thoughts on the same lines.

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I think there is much to admire in the Mahatma, and much to learn from.

The fact that he was open enough to try eating meat, bold enough to lay with young girls knowing it would be a tough test (knowing he would likely fail, and did), shows me that he wasn't simply following dogma blindly. He was experiencing Truth.

Temptation is true. Discipline is true. Testing is true. He wasn't locked away from the world and protected from the trials and temptations. He put himself there to test him dedication.

Ghandiji was human as the rest of us. A Divine manifestation. The One manifested into a one, a part. Just as you are. We are all the same. Some are able to be clear channels and show the right way, others try their best, and some give up hope of being able to match other's examples. Ghandiji never, in my knowledge, claimed to be a guru, one to be worshipped, a vaishnava. I think, still, he is a good example of a bold leader, and a an amazing human being.


We all have our own paths in life. We are not all made to live austerities, not all to make a family, not all to search. Some are content to follow writings. All of this is valid.

In all traditions, the truth is said: Be still, and know that I am with you.


In the atma, the paraatma is. In the part, there is the whole. Do not look to an outside source for truth, for direction. The outside is good to remind us that which we are and that which we are capable of. The truth resides within. Be still, listen to the anahata, and know that the truth of one moment may not look like the truth of another moment.


Know that you are already saved.


I really admire your comments here.




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