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Nirjala Ekadashi

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Today is Nirjala Ekadashi. And I am keeping it. But I am not sure about what foods are allowed to eat in this Ekadashi.


I think that fruits, vegetables and milk are allowed. But is water allowed?


Although I am not taking water and eating fruits and milk only.


Can anyone help me by giving the information on what foods are allowed in this Ekadashi and break my confusion.




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Hare Krishna,


Here's what I've heard and read about it. Today a total fast should be observed if you have broken your fast during, or did not observe one or more of the previous ekadasis. If you do that on this special Ekadasi the slate of those broken Ekadasis will be wiped clean. The ideal is to observe a total fast for 24 hours, i.e. no liquids or food for each and every Ekadasi. So if you have not broken your Ekadasi, you can observe regular Ekadasi Prasadam. Otherwise a total fast is certainly recommended. Here follow the allowed and the forbidden foodstuffs:






"Water, fruits, roots, milk, ghee, the request of a brahmana, the order of a spiritual master and medicine do not wane one's fast."




Srila Prabhupada specified foodgrains and beans (pulses) as foods that must be avoided on Ekadasi. One may use spices for cooking, although mustard seeds should be avoided.* You should not use powdered asafatoeda (hing), since it (generally) contains grains. Sesame seeds are also to be avoided, except on Satila Ekadasi, when they may be offered and eaten.

Do not use any cooking ingredients that might be mixed with grains, such as ghee that has been used to fry puris, or spices touched by hands dusted with chapati flour.

There is absolutely NO doubt about what is NOT permissable to eat on Ekadasi.

ANNA. However it is how you translate this word that makes the difference. I

once again submit what Pradyumna Prabhu told me Srila Prabhupada told him many

years ago. When asked by Pradyumna what we could eat Srila Prabhupada said

"Fruits, Roots, Nuts, Milk". If you stick to these types of foods you should

be fine. Of course the sure way is to fast completely. Water of course can be

taken. Except if you wish to do Nirjala. (Gaura Keshava dasa. 3rd Oct 1998. [Text 1740554 from COM])

* Someone who is very strictly observing Ekadasi should avoid all spices except pepper, rock salt and cumin. He should also eschew certain vegetables, such as tomatoes, cauliflower, eggplant, and leafy vegetables. Temple kitchens need not follow these strictures, since Srila Prabhupada did not establish them. Individual devotees may observe these rules if they choose, either making their own arrangements for cooking on Ekadasi, eating uncooked foods such as fruit, or observing full fasting. These arrangements should not interfere with the temple cooking schedule.



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Shuvo You are doing well. In other ekadasis you can dtake milk, ghee,curds,fruits{raw};should avoid cooked things.grains are prohibited

you can drink lot of water during tis time .. try to perform fast on every ekadasi. If you can keep fast without anything then it is best and bring lot of virtues.


Hare Krsna...


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Yes it is a good question. cooked food means fire touched which is prohibited ; but this is all I ahave known. I donot know the reason behind.

We can hope taht some other devotte will answer your question shuvo.


thank you..suvo





hare krsna..




But, what is the problem with fire touched. So, do you recommend me to take raw milk?:confused: Please anwer.....I am confused.:idea:




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No shuvo i donot recommend you to take raw milk;) ..But i can tell you one thing ; you better avoid milk in ekadasi(if you are confused about it}.


i cannot help you anymore on this subject.I also have confusion on this matter. What i have told you is not learned from scriptures but only heard from people..

I hope you take the matter easily and you can consult with priest in temple to remove your confusion...


hare krsna..


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