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prasada to poor people

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At 04:53 PM 12/28/01 -0500, Akhilesvara (das) ACBSP (Montreal - CAN) wrote:

> It degenerates

>most of the time like the example of this new sannyas on VNN right now, who

>writes page after page how he doesn't want to see women around him.)


So he has a computer hook-up in his cave? Impressive!


Madhusudani dasi

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Dear Nitai prabhu,


The whole idea of distributing prasadam to the poor is not bad.But, the

point was if the labour is invested for the rich , the Poor is automatically

taken care of. But, with the poor, you cannot call the rich. But, with the

richest you can call the poor.


In an emergency situation of spreading Krinshna conciousness, Srila

prabhupad had to go the west and preach .He himself saw how the people were

not interested in India. Therefore, after Srila Prabhupad had his western

disciples, immediately, the impact was huge in India.This is because, they

saw the dancing white elephants of Srila Prabhupad.


I believe that this is where we are stuck at this point. It is not that poor

people are excluded.

Our tactics and programmes are to hit the top people and the below ones

automatically follow.


Therefore, the riches community can come to the temple and we give them



The devotees don't waste valuable time at less productive output.And let the

new joining teams take the responsibility.The more educted devotees should

go our for preaching.


We must threfore focust on college preaching, universities and Harinam.



Mukta purusa das.

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>So he has a computer hook-up in his cave? Impressive!


>From his article:


"Because I have repeatedly seen with my eyes the number of casualities in

the sannyasa ashram and in almost all cases I have carefully noticed that

the cause was talking too much with Matajis."


I think he is greatly confused on this point. It isn't talking with Mataji's

that makes a sannyasi fall down (any more than talking with men makes one a

homosexual), it is pride, lust and anger.

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> "So preference should be given in India. They're poor."


So Srila Prabhupada said apparently different things at different times,

which Hari-sauri Prabhu has reconciled thus:


> The danger Srila Prabhupada saw of prasada distribution being done only to

> the poor is that it might then be taken by the givers as well as the

> recipients as some kind of mundane altruism.


It seems that although Srila Prabhupada surely wanted devotees to distribute

prasada widely, he also did not want the "Help the starving" -- "Every

minute x children die of hunger" approach, which is not conspicuous by its

absence in ISKCON today.

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