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Did Lord Krishna pray to Lord Siva?

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In the Shiv Puran it sais that Lord Visnu is the adorer of Lord Siva.

It has also been said that Lord Rama prayed with Hanumanji to Lord Siva and installed a Siva-Ling before his fight with Ravana.

However, I have never read anything about Lord Sri Krsna worshipping Lord Siva. Did this ever happen?

Please add information if you know about this topic. Do not be shy.


Hare Krishna

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In the Shiv Puran it sais that Lord Visnu is the adorer of Lord Siva.

It has also been said that Lord Rama prayed with Hanumanji to Lord Siva and installed a Siva-Ling before his fight with Ravana.

However, I have never read anything about Lord Sri Krsna worshipping Lord Siva. Did this ever happen?

Please add information if you know about this topic. Do not be shy.


Hare Krishna


Jai Ganesh

From The Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva

Section XIV

Krishna -16000 Wives (Part 1)

The blessed Vishnu said: "I salute Mahadeva. Salutations to Thee. O Thou that art eternal origin of all things. The Rishis say that Thou art the Lord of the Vedas. The righteous say that Thou art Penance, Thou art Sattwa, Thou art Rajas, Thou art Tamas, and Thou art truth…….

The puissant Sankara then, devoted to the good of the universe, looked at the goddess Uma and the lord of the celestials and myself also, and thus spoke unto me":

"We know, O Krishna, that Thou, O slayer of foes, art filled with the greatest devotion towards us. Do what is for Thy good. My love and affection for Thee is very great. Do Thou ask for eight boons. I shall verily give them unto Thee. O Krishna, O best of all persons, tell me what they are, O chief of the Yadavas. Name what Thou wishest. However difficult of attainment they be, Thou shalt have them still".

The blessed Krishna said: "Bowing my head with great joy unto that mass of energy and effulgence, I said these words unto that great Deity, with a heart filled with gladness, -firmness in virtue, the slaughter of foes in battle, the highest fame, the greatest might, devotion to Yoga, Thy adjacence, and hundreds upon hundreds of children- these are the boons I solicit of Thee".

"So be it" said Sankara, repeating the words I had uttered. After this, the Mother of the universe, the upholder of all things, who cleanses all things, who is the spouse of Sarva (Siva), that vast receptacle of penances said with a restrained soul these words unto me:

"The puissant Mahadeva has granted Thee, O sinless one, a son who shall be named Samva. Do Thou take from me also eight boons which Thou choosest. I shall certainly grant them to Thee"

Bowing unto her my head, I said unto her:

"I solicit from thee non-anger against the Brahmanas (Brahmins), grace of my father, a hundred sons, the highest enjoyments, love for my family, the grace of my mother, the attainment of tranquillity and peace, and cleverness in every act!"

Uma said: "It shall be even so, O Thou that art possessed of prowess and puissance equal to that of a celestial. I never say what is untrue. Thou shalt have sixteen thousand wives. Thy love for them and theirs also for Thee shall be unlimited. From all Thy kinsmen also, Thou shalt receive the highest affection. Thy body too shall be most beautiful. Seven thousand guests will daily feed at Thy palace."

Vasudeva continued: "Having thus granted me boons both the god and the goddess disappeared there and then with their Ganas. All these wonderful facts, I related fully to that brahmana of great energy, viz., Upamanyu (from whom I had obtained the Diksha before adoring Mahadeva). Bowing down unto the great God, Upamanyu said these words to me" :

Upamanyu said: "There is no deity like Sarva. There is no end or refuge like Sarva. There is none that can give so many or such high boons. There is none that equals him in battle."

There is reference in Bhagvat when all the vrajvasi together with Krishna went to Shiv temple to pray to Lord Shiva, I do not have the exact verse on me at the moment

Jai Shree Krishna

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You should go to Mahabharata Anushasana Parva and read the instructions of Lord Krishna to Yudhishthara. Krishna ellaborately tells him how he received initiation in Pashupat Yog from the great rishi Upmanyu and performed hard penance (last few months standing on the tip of his toe without eating or drinking anything), to please the Lord of Lords - Sadashiva!!

It is really interesting.



This is very interesting! Post more please.


Hare Krsna

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