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Bhagwan Swaminarayan to be god?

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We don't actually worship our gurus, we only ask them for guidance and blessings in life. Um...He has mentioned akshar-purshottam, he established with his paramhansas that his perfect ideal devotee was gunatitanand swami. We don't. Vartal and all the other minor, non-existence swaminarayan sampradayas dont follow authentic text.



We have saints who we ask for guidance, after all that is one of their purposes. A saint has 64 lakshans (characteristics). One of them isnt to be treated liek God or sitting in thrones. In fact its the opposite. Gunatitanand Swami livd liek a true saint. He never slept on a bed, nor got his legs pressed by a shishya. Ate once a day, carried out many fasts including Ekadashis etc. Never talked about Akshar Purshpottam Upasna.. He talked about Sarvopari Upasna. Never taking Avgun of acharya,sant or HAribhakt nor BahgwanHimself. If you say that VArtal or Amdavad diocese are minror, then why did Pramukh Swami (BAPS head) go t odo darshan at their temples and have darshan of their saints?


Why is the Arti of the BAPS changed? HE has mentioned Akshar Purshottam ypus say? What upasna is this? Where is this sort of Upasna mentoned? Name the scripture and give me the reference. Why does Gunatitanand Swami not mention it then in his VAtus (talks) then? Lord Swaminarayan mentioned on many occasions a variety of his devotees as the idealest. From this it cannot mean they are Akshar incarnate, Gopalanand Swami was Akshar. Yet no one is Purshottam Bhagwan but one.


You say that the original Swaminarayan Samraday does follow authentic text. Well why are the original text written by Nandsanto (saints in Gods time) belonging to Amdavad and Vadtal, along with the temples that Lord Swaminarayan built Himself. All six of the temples belong to them. Why do you not have acharyas , the very lineage Lord Swaminarayan declared as His successors of the Dhamrkul lineage. Who initiate the female devotees?


My friend you need to read authentic text such as Satsangi Jivan, VAchnamrut, Bhaktchintamani, Harililamrut, Shri HAri Digvijay. AND ESPECIALLY THE DESH VIBHAAG NO LEKH, written by Shatanand Swami in the presence of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Not these fake scriptures created by BAPS.


You are far from Moksh as you have not yet understood the AGNA and UPASNA of the Swaminarayan Sampraday. Ypu need to read the authentic text. If you want then yo ucan find the truth, but it is you who wishes not to. I have looked at all sides and found where the truth lays. I was born into a family which followed the Maninagar Swaminarayan sanstha. But now, after looking into all the sect, they seem more liek cults rather than sects. This includes BAPS, HAridham Sokhda, MAninagar sanstha, Kakaji etc.


The truth if needed to be searched can be found in two places :


The Amdavad Gadi and VAdtal Gadi. These are the original orthodox diocese created by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. This can be clearly seen. The divine heritage and satsang is carrried down from day one. There is alot of proof to suggest this. But we have to prove nothing to nobody.


By the way there is a black and white photograph of saints initiated by Lord Swaminarayan Himself!!!, These saints sit near Acharyas within it!! I have seen this photo edited within the BAPS BOOk. but the acharyas in the photo are cut out by BAPS and only show the saints in the book published by BAPS called VAchnamrut gems.Why does BAPS always have to edit this photo? This is where originality lays.


These saints were Bhumanand Swami, Adbhutanand Swami, Pavitranand Swami and Pragnanand Swami with the second acharya Bhagwatprasadji Maharaj. This clearly shows that this is where the truth lays. It was after that some saints broke away to create its own cult (BAPS). Even Sadguru Gunatitanand Swami lived alongside Acharya RAguvir and Prasadji Bhagwat prasadji MAharaj (the 1st and 2nd Acharyas).

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And you my friend, need a life. BAPS didnt make anything fake. Get a life you fukin prik. Muthafukin bitch, stop insulting god. Pramukh swami maharaj dont sit on thrones, theyre called chairs you dumb shit. I am closer to moksha then you, i belive in akshar-purshottam, you need to read the qouaran son, go convert urself you so-called fukin bitch of a swaminarayan, ur not swaminarayan, ur sumthing which no human shud have to be a muslim. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKK UUUUURR MMMMUUUMMMMM

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LOL, and you claim to be closer to moksha?! :) You're as far away from it as the ends of this universe!



And you my friend, need a life. BAPS didnt make anything fake. Get a life you fukin prik. Muthafukin bitch, stop insulting god. Pramukh swami maharaj dont sit on thrones, theyre called chairs you dumb shit. I am closer to moksha then you, i belive in akshar-purshottam, you need to read the qouaran son, go convert urself you so-called fukin bitch of a swaminarayan, ur not swaminarayan, ur sumthing which no human shud have to be a muslim. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKK UUUUURR MMMMUUUMMMMM
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And you my friend, need a life. BAPS didnt make anything fake. Get a life you fukin prik. Muthafukin bitch, stop insulting god. Pramukh swami maharaj dont sit on thrones, theyre called chairs you dumb shit. I am closer to moksha then you, i belive in akshar-purshottam, you need to read the qouaran son, go convert urself you so-called fukin bitch of a swaminarayan, ur not swaminarayan, ur sumthing which no human shud have to be a muslim. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKK UUUUURR MMMMUUUMMMMM


I am a Hare Krishna and i am from gujrat. I know what you are feeling. But i have to say this ! You have a pramukh swami's photo on your post, and you have using such words !! Why ? Are you sane !


Please understand you may have faults, but when you have pramukh swami's photo with you you have to act responsibly, even if you do not feel like it !

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And you my friend, need a life. BAPS didnt make anything fake. Get a life you ****ing prik. **********ing bitch, stop insulting god. Pramukh swami maharaj dont sit on thrones, theyre called chairs you dumb ****. I am closer to moksha then you, i belive in akshar-purshottam, you need to read the qouaran son, go convert urself you so-called ****ing bitch of a swaminarayan, ur not swaminarayan, ur sumthing which no human shud have to be a muslim. ******************** UUUUURR MMMMUUUMMMMM


You speak with quiet confidence and ucanny spiritual authority. I wish to associate with you because you have attained moksha. How do I join up? It seems there are different camps within Swaminarayana. Should I join BAPS? And do you have Temples in the West? I take it that joining means following the four regulative principles, although it appears that primal scream therapy is part of the process? Any info would be appreciated.


Jai. Thankyou.

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And you my friend, need a life. BAPS didnt make anything fake. Get a life you fukin prik. Muthafukin bitch, stop insulting god. Pramukh swami maharaj dont sit on thrones, theyre called chairs you dumb shit. I am closer to moksha then you, i belive in akshar-purshottam, you need to read the qouaran son, go convert urself you so-called fukin bitch of a swaminarayan, ur not swaminarayan, ur sumthing which no human shud have to be a muslim. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKK UUUUURR MMMMUUUMMMMM


Akshar, you really do let the name of BAPS down. You are using abusive terms to argue some sort of point, surely it would be more beneficial if you actually proved the person wrong(the one who claims BAPS to be fake). As you have resorted to swearing to most on this forum it seems that the guest debating on behalf of the orginal sect is correct and you(BAPS) are incorrect as you have not attempted to answer the questions posed with sufficient scriptural evidence. To me if you do believe Swaminarayan to be God then surely his original doctrine should be accepted and followed, Same applies for all sects within sanatan.

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I believe that Swaminarayan was God, however the break away sects created after Him are surely wrong in doing so. From what i can see after studying the VAchnamrut and comparing it with the philosophy of such sects such as BAPS or Haridham; it can be clary seen that they are MAYAvadis.


Whereas Lord Swaminarayan was precise in all His work according to the Sanatan Dharm and in regards to Vedic teaching and Vaishnav customs. His philosophy and works was utmost praiseworthy and not easy for a mere mortal to uncomplish. Also may i point out that after studing all the sects i would like to conclude that the orthodox pillars of this Sampraday, today most undoubtedly lay at Amdavad And Vadal Gadis (the current Acharyas who are heirs of the Achayas who Lord Swaminarayan created). The tradition of the acharyaship was to be maintained along with the temples, saints and female renunciates (Sankyayogi ladies) according to Lord Swaminarayan. This can clearly be seen to exist at the original temples built by Lord Swaminarayan. These temples are looked after and maintained by these two acharyas. Bhagwan Swaminarayan created the acharyaship for these reasons. They were to control and maintain the finance, cuture, customs and also initiate saints, haribhakts, etc. This can be clearly seen today within the original orthodox sampraday of Amdavad and Vadtal under the Acharya Kaushaendra Prasadji Maharaj and Rakeshprasadji Maharaj.



Jay Govardhan Giri Nath

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