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Questions on Hare Krishna

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We are a group of students doing an investigation on Hare Krishna. There is some information we need. Please if you want to help us answer the following questions.


1) Do you have sacraments and how do you call them?

2) What do you think of the catholic bible? Do you have any special religious book?

3) What do you think about the catholic church and do you have any sacred temples you visit frequently?

4) What values do you promote?


Please help us, your help will be appreciated.

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I agree with bija and Pankaja_Dasa. If you really want to have a good investigation on Hare Krishna (ISKCON), read the Bhagavad Gita as It IS first.

Its a little bit of work, (would take you some 2 days) to have an overview of what the Gita is talking about.

You would then be able to ask analytical questions, which would help in making a good investigation.

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1) Do you have sacraments and how do you call them?


Yes. If by sacrament you mean some ritual that bestows a sense of sacredness. We have deity worship, the consumption of charnamrta (bathing waters of the deities), as well as acceptance of tulasi leafs. We adorn our bodies with sacred clays with the names of God on 12 parts of the body (belly, chest, throat, two sides, upper arm, shoulder, upper and lower back, and forehead). We have fire sacrifices and live lives of vows to abstain from meat eating, intoxication, illicit sexual activity, and gambling. We take vows to chant 16 rounds of the Hare Krsna Mahamantra (similar to rosary beads).


2) What do you think of the catholic bible? Do you have any special religious book?


I believe all religions have their wisdom books. I believe the teachings of Christ are of great value. For our books we have many directly from God, and through disciplic succession. Examples include the Bhagavad-Gita (the Song of God), Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Isopanishad, etc....


3) What do you think about the catholic church and do you have any sacred temples you visit frequently?


I believe the Catholic church is the bedrock of Western Civilization. It has done great good in raising people to a life of piety. There are many Hare Krsna temples around the world.


4) What values do you promote?

Hare Krsnas tend to be an interesting mix. There is an odd mix of conservatism and liberalism. We aren't Eastern and we aren't Western. In some areas we are very conservative and in other areas very liberal. We aren't vanilla conservatives, especially as many Westerners joined in the turbulent 60s.


Here is a list I'd say would be fairly common:

Pro-life. Vaisnavism is based on the sanctity of all life. So we are completely against abortion.


Non-violence - We are vegetarian because we believe causing pain to animals is wrong. However, we believe in non-violence (ahimsa) in general but accept there are times when war or properly guided violence may be in order. So there must be a highly trained, ethical warrior segment of society that protects the weaker elements of society from harm.


Environmental protection- We believe there are 7 mothers, the earth being one of them. You will find many Hare Krsnas believe in "simple living" though this is sometimes more difficult to practice in today's world. There are many rural farming communities at various stages of success trying to practice this.


These are a few ideas. Hopefully this has been helpful.

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Just thought I'd write a few more points.


Personalism - We believe God is a person. This is important as many people view the East as a voidist philosophy. We are mono-theistic believing in a single God and a single Goddess who we call Radha (female) Govinda (male). They are eternal youth and beauty personified.


Karma - We believe that ultimately our material actions bind us. However, our interpretation is different than voidist philosophy. We must not abstain from action or diversity. Instead we must connect our actions to God and in so doing our actions become spiritualized.

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I believe the Catholic church is the bedrock of Western Civilization.


Actually it brought Europe into the dark ages. It was only after it lost it's power that science, philosophy and religious freedom advanced.

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My young fortunate student friends,


Still, unfortunately, the western schools and churches are in absolute ignorance about this colorful "Hare Krishna" phenomenon. I will tell you the truth, and perhaps you can begin a wave to counteract the great offenses committed by western prejudice.


I am a Christian who finally began seriously seeking the Kingdom of God almost forty years ago. That quest led me quickly to the saint who brought India's Vaishnava school of worship to the west, the wave that has become popularly known as the Hare Krishna movement.


I have never compromised my feelings for Jesus in my journey. In fact, it was not until I became a student of the Bhagavad-gita that I actually understood Christ's words and the Kingdom of God as it is.


Know from me now: only a rare Christian theologian will know what is 'Hare Krishna'. Unfortunately the others seem to feel compelled to have some sort of opinion. A wise man knows what he knows and what he does not know. They should hold no opinions. I have earned the right, and I say "A rose is a rose is a rose. By any other name would it smell any sweeter?"


You are fortunate; somehow God has prompted your group to seek real answers from knowers of the truth. I will try to give you what you need. The saintly preacher who has spread Vaishnavism (Hare Krishna) throughout the world has said of Lord Jesus Christ in very heartfelt words: 'We adore Lord Jesus Christ. He is our guru. If one loves Krsna, he will love Jesus Christ. If one loves Jesus Christ, he will love Krsna'.


That is the truth. Don't get caught up in apparent superficial differences. Once we get beyond the words and idioms to the real truth hidden behind them, we discover that they all describe the wonderful sweet God of all that is, and His kingdom which is the legacy of each and every one of His creations. It is He, the one upon whose unique unborn existence we all rest, for whom every living being searches, to whom we all owe everything.


The ultimate value promoted in the Vaishnava school is love of God which is achieved through surrender to His will. It is for His pleasure that we exist. Then let it be.


One need look no further than Christ's first commandment and the Lord's prayer to see the paragraph written above as universal truth. Lord Jesus summed up Vaishnava theology perfectly when he constantly preached "Do not worry about food or clothing. Your Father knows you need these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you". In Luke 4:43 Jesus confirms that he was sent by his Father to teach the good news of the Kingdom of God. This is religion.


Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, my young friends. There is no greater fortune to be had.


Hare Krsna



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