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Dear Kamal (sightsolutions),


Whilst I disagree with many of S.P. Tata's ideas, I do agree that KSY

is little more than a figment of the imagination, popularised by the

current crop of new-vogue gurus.


B.V. Raman states:

"Strictly speaking KSY does not find a place in the classical

astrological literature. How this yoga gained currency and gathered

sinister meaning is not clear."


But then he too falls into the groove of authenticating it by

describing (possible) effects??


Let's take a look at the chart of Parul Sharma(?) put forward earlier

(under the heading of Kaal-Sarpa Yoga).


///What should I do to get success in life.seeing failures since


  Please help.

  DOB- 3rd sept,1977

  place off birth - srinagar-jammu and kashmir

  time - 3:54 a.m night///


Undoubtedly the concern was that success is not forthcoming due to

the (supposed) KSY. However, if we take the trouble to look past

this, the setbacks become clear with F/M Saturn conjunct bhukti lord

Venus in lagna and aspecting dasa lord Moon in 10th. Saturn is a

delaying planet...we all know this! So, setbacks, delays and

disappointments could be expected, don't you agree?


The native mentioned elsewhere that she, along with her brother and

husband, are starting a business and, in fact, have floated their

construction company. However, in spite of their hard work, things

are not working in their favour. Note, in this chart, Saturn owns 7th

house of business partners...and remember, what Saturn promises comes

only after hard work and perseverance. Initial setbacks, delays and

disappointments can be expected as this is the nature of Saturn, is

it not?


Obviously this native has been told somewhere along the line that she

has KSY and is looking for remedies to alleviate this. This mistaken

idea prevents her (and others) from looking at the legitimate reasons

for the setbacks...


Astrologers should give consideration to the influences

(aspects/conjunction) on dasa lords; to the conjunction of 9th/10th

lords in dusthana, the combustion of Rx 3rd lord and so forth... 3rd

shows our initiative, motives, own efforts, and (importantly) the

support we have for those efforts to succeed. These are the things an

astrologer should be looking at - rather than looking at a (supposed)

KSY yoga which is said to give rise to misfortunes and obstruct ones



The worst case scenario is that the native will look for remedies for

this supposed dosha whilst ignoring the legitimate cause for the



It's possible that success (in partnership) can come for this native,

considering Saturn, owning 7th house of business partners/spouse and

8th house of partners wealth etc., is conjunct 4th/11th lord

Venus...4th governs building, architecture, houses etc., and 11th is

the house of gains.


Members might care to put their thinking caps on and see what they

can come up with (for this chart). Bear in mind Saturn's age of

maturity is 36...would it be fair to assume that the houses Saturn

rules will gain strength at that time?...think about it!


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"SIGHT SOLUTIONS" <sightsolutions (AT) (DOT) co.uk>


Sunday, May 28, 2006 7:26 AM

about KAAL-SARPA yog



check this link interesting



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