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Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

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Yes, there are lot of exceptions for Sade Sati. Just read the follwoing mail on the the said topic.

Message No. 23793


Sade Sati is not always of 7 years and 6 months long, its all depends on motion

of Saturn (slow, fast, direct and retrograde etc.) over 12th, 1st and 2nd from

natal Moon. Though the aggregate average makes seven and half years. Thus it is

called the Sade-Sati i.e. period of seven and half years. Now the question about

whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or Lagna? But there are

various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach) transit is reckoned from

natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal Moon but also consider

Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus transit of Saturn behind,

over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade Sati. In my humble

opinion, transit should be reckoned from Moon, Lagna and Sun as well *(if we

want to judge 3-dimentional flow of cosmic energy)*. As without this trinity

(Lagna=Body, Moon=Mind and Sun=Soul), no picture can be completed. Where the

Transit from Natal Moon, yields general and apprent effects, i.e. What you

feel? These results are very clear, and easily perceptible. Transit from Lagna

shows results on physical plane, i.e. limited to your physical self and

generally not perceptible by others instead they exist. While the Transit from

Sun reveals inner and spiritual conditions effected by planets in gochar. The

results from Sun are quite deeper and can not cast an impact on external

pattern of life. The profundity of transitary effects are directly propotional

to Ashtaka Varga (A.V). Thus without A.V. gochar can not be fully judge at all.

Another important fearture is vedh and latta. Now, I come to the point i.e. Sade

Sati. There are some rules (and some are my observations) regarding Sadi Sati

and its effects. 1) If the Natal Moon is subjected to Kemadruma Yoga (formed

when Moon is not flanked by any planet, excluding Sun and nodes) without

cancellation then Sade-Sati yields adverse result. (why? due to reserve and

lonely nature "kemadurma yoga holders" usually have)

2) The effect of Sade Sati is inversly proportional to strength of Saturn in

natal chart. That is, if Saturn is strong in natal chart then Sade Sati can't

hit native, otherwise vice-versa holds good. 3) If Moon is into sign of Venus,

i.e. either in Taurus or Libra (because for Venusian signs Saturn becomes

Yoga-Karaka) then Sade Sati would also not very harmful. (B.V.Raman eloborated

it in his autobiography)

4) If Moon is enjoyed by Shubha Adi Yoga(flanked by natural benefics) or Shubha

Dhurdhura Yoga (benefics in 6th, 7th and 8th) then also Sade Sati does not lead

to meleficent, even may evolve you.

5) If there is powerful planet in 10th from Moon in natal chart, then the 1st

phase of Sade Sati (i.e. saturn's transit in 12th) cant be bad, similarly if

there is strong benefic in 7th from Moon the 2nd phase of Sade Sati (i.e. in

1st) can not be bad, and if there there is strong supporting planet in 4th from

Moon then the last phase of Sade Sati wont feel adverse. 6) The Sani-Paya (i.e.

Murthi Rule; Silver, Gold, Copper and Iron w.r.t beneficent effects

respectively) are also seemed a parameter to alter the intensity of Sade Sati.

School of K.N.Rao believe this works very well.

7) The rusult of Sade Sati is altered according to the strength of Natal Moon,

if Moon is afflicted due to association of Rahu or Mars, combustion, or get

lesser bindus in A.V. Because a weak Mind can't survive and/or fight in hostile

environment. 8) Finally the Dasanath may change the intensity of Sade Sati, e.g.

a powerful dasanath(specially strong yoga-karaka) curtails the bad effect. 9)

Sade Sati does not hit elder peoples (as saturn is naturally eldest graha). In

old age they generally brings forth diseases. 10) If first sade sati was bad

then second will not so wrost. But if first sade sati was favourable then

second one may be troublesome. In other words effects are cyclical or


Regards IMRAN onlyhari <onlyhari > wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Ognjen and Siva,Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st

and 2nd from natal moon is generally called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of

Saturn transit over natal moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme

stress and mental tensions.I have seen this in a couple of cases but again

there are exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during the 1st

Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge (Arudra nakshatra)

is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some delay in getting his masters

degree or job, didnt face any difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could

get married during this period!My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very

stressful while the second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the

factor to be considered should be the placement of

natal moon and saturn with respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be

expected within the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually

makes the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very stressful

because the native has by then developed the experience/attitude to weather any

storms. Of course, this depends to a great extent on the dasha that the

individual is running. Again my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati

is a double whammy!respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per

advice of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You may search

the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere worship in temples and

visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you greatly. Its all a matter of

faith.regardsHarivedic astrology, "Ognjen"

<ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:> Dear Siva,>

> there must be some other factors also because I am in the same postion like

you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some changes occur but I think

that they are positive.> > Good luck.> > Ognjen> -

> vijayuma > vedic astrology > Thursday,

July 03, 2003 2:51 AM> [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in

degrees) over natal Moon> > > Hi All,> > All sorts of problems have

errupted all of a sudden in the last three > to four days in my life. Though

i have had a very bad financial phase > for the last couple of years, my

career was always moving in positive > direction, but the first time in my 10

year career i have been >

challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been technically > sloppy.

Basically the status has work has dropped quite dramatically > in last 3 days

with bombardment from all sides most of it not a fault > of mine

(miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).> > Are all these due to the

fact that the transit saturn is exactly over > my natal moon now. > > My

DOB> 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)> Time Of Birth> 8:45 am (No

DST)> Place of birth> Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East

GMT> Latitude and Longitude> 10.23

N> 78.52 E> > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated> >

Thanks> Siva>Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail

to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on

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Sani Bhagavan waiting to aspect Nala, noticed that he had not washed the back

portion of his feet, while preparing for his prayers. Deciding this was the

opportune time, he aspected Nala. Because of this, Nala lost his composure and

lost his kingdom to Pudkaran in a game of dice and sent his children to their

uncle's house. Nala departed to the forest with his wife Damayanti. Saneeswaran

created trouble even there and made Nala desert his wife in the forest. The

snake Karkotagan bit Nala, making him lose his stature (was made to look ugly).

He took on the job of a charioteer with king Irudhupannan. Damayanti, in the

meantime reached the kingdom of her father, and arranged a Swayamvara to locate

Nala. Damyanti identified Nala, the charioteer as her husband. Thanks to a boon

from Karkodagan, Nala regained his old form. In spite of being back with his

wife, Nala feeling very disturbed, sought the solace of sage Bharadwaja and on

his advice reached

Thirunallar. He bathed in the Brahma Thirtham of the temple, and when he entered

the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, Saneeswaran departed from him. Saneeswaran

resides in each Rasi for a period of 2 1/2 years. When Saneeswaran resides in

the 12th, 1st and 2nd house, it is 7 1/2 Naatu Sani ; when in the 4th house, it

is Arthashtama Sani; when in the 8th house, it is Ashtama Sani. During these

periods, he troubles the native. Problems from Govt., peers, wife, children,

slowdown in business, loss of property, leprosy are caused by transit of Sani.

In a person's life, 7 1/2 Naatu Sani aspects thrice, the first called Mangu

Sani, the second called Pongu Sani and the third called Marana Sani.

Saneeswaran is reputed to be both, a giver and destroyer. A person who prays to

Saneeswaran will be blessed with not only riddance from the problems and

worries faced, but a life that one desires.




Chandrashekhar Sharma <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Visti,I remember there is something known as Adhaiyya in local dialect. It

is said to operate when Saturn is 4th or 8th from Lagna or Moon and duration is

of 2and 1/2 years. Perhaps your goodself or Sanjayji could throw some light on

this. Adhaiyya concept is much used by North Indian Astrologers. I am not very

certain when it applies, but my logic tells me that there is much sense in the

concept.Chandrashekhar.Visti Larsen wrote:


|Hare Rama Krishna|Dear Rani,

Kanataka is thorn, and feels like a constant obstacle in ones work. This work is

seen from the 10th house from Lagna, Moon and Arudha Lagna, and when Shani has

Graha dristi on these bhavas during its transit, the effects of the thorn in

ones leg are felt, and nothing seems to be going anywhere, whilst causing

constant pain.

The philosophies/basis of Kanataka Shani and Sade Sati are different, but we

consider them jointly.

Also keep in mind that Transits can be reckoned in Divisional charts as well.

This is the first step into Bhrigu Transits.Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath

Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

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vedic astrology

Thursday, July 03, 2003 10:36 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

visti, THAT's what I was thinking of! that's what you told me before. kanataka

shani. but what does it mean? you did tell me about depression and yes, that

did happen and is still around more or less. though I am trying to work thru

it. also, are kanataka shani's effects separate from (and in addition to)

sadesati? rani.vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen"

<vishnu@l...> wrote:> > |Hare Rama Krishna|> Dear List,> Has anyone forgot

Kanataka Shani? Shani in 1st, 4th, 8th or 10th.> Best wishes> Visti> ---> Sri

Jagannath Center: http://.org> Bhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org> iTRANS 99 Font:

http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org> - >

onlyhari > vedic astrology > Thursday, July 03,

2003 9:56 AM> [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in

degrees) over natal Moon> > > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---> Dear Rani,> >

As much as I sympathize with you, I must say that if Pi is your > chandra

lagna, then the gochar 3rd house transit of Sa in Ta (being > also the 11th

from Cn lagna)should have been good for you. 3/6/11 > Gochar transit of Sa is

considered good as per Narasimha's book.> > If this is not the case as hinted

emphatically by you, then probably > there are other factors at work here. > >

regards> Hari> vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998" >

<raindancer_1998> wrote:> > hi Raji, Anna, and Hari, > > > > thanks

for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to remember > > Visti once

writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as well. > > but I can't

remember the number of the posting. Hari, I would > > breathe big relief if

it were only from the moon. my rashi is > pisces > > and these past

three-four years were DIFFICULT! and

so I'm ready > for > > a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is cancer and

I'm right > inside > > yet another one :-( . > > > > rani.> > > >

Sponsor > > > >

> > Archives: vedic astrology> > Group

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Salaam Imran,


Shani Dhaiyya has evolved from Dhai or Adhai, which literally means 2.5 years.

This refers to Saturn's 2.5 years transit in some specific houses. These houses

being those from where, Saturn aspects the 10th with its graha dristi or is

transiting the 10th. Thus they happen to be 1-4-8-10. This is same as Kantak,

as Visiti rightfully said is like a thorn in the foot.


Similarly sade-sati is derived from sade-saat, which means 7.5 years and refers

to contiguous transit of Saturn on 12/1/2 from Moon/ Lagna..


Best Wishes



Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 6:50 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Dear Friends,



I think the Sani Kantaka is also known as Sani Dhayya (the 2-1/2 years in 4th

and 8th house), generally brings forth obsticle and unfavourable periods.

Goranga Das told (message no. 23815) that Kantaka Sani is caused when during,

Saturn hits 1st, 4th and 8th houses. I dont know why there is diversity over

this concepts.


I am pasting that message, for the sake of ease.






Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:50 pm

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: QUERY ON SADESATI


Dear Muhammad,



Now the question about whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or

Lagna? But there are various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach)

transit is reckoned from natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal

Moon but also consider Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus

transit of Saturn behind, over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade



Of course you could take so, but usually the suffering will be felt more if

transit is over the Moon, because mental suffering is stronger than physical

one. If you calculate from lagna, then the problematic houses ara 1st, 8th and

10th. This transit is called Kantaka Sani, and it will rather indicate factual

obstacles and difficulties, than mental unhappiness. The efect is different. Of

course on the whole, Saturn's transit over any house is considered evil to thet

house, unless Saturn is yoga Karaka in Jataka chart.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


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I will like to add a point to your point number 3:


We have also what nakshatra the saturn is transiting.If moon is in Venusian

sign,although Saturn is termed yogakarka and it is transiting Rohini

Nakshatra,this will show an adverse effect.While doing so,if this opposes Mars

in a native's horoscope,this effect will compound,career wise also.We need to

see D10 chart,then.


Your elucidation is very informative.

Thanks and regards

Ananthakrishnan Parthasarathy

Short name:AnanthMuhammad Imran <astroimran > wrote:

Dear Hari,



Yes, there are lot of exceptions for Sade Sati. Just read the follwoing mail on the the said topic.

Message No. 23793


Sade Sati is not always of 7 years and 6 months long, its all depends on motion

of Saturn (slow, fast, direct and retrograde etc.) over 12th, 1st and 2nd from

natal Moon. Though the aggregate average makes seven and half years. Thus it is

called the Sade-Sati i.e. period of seven and half years. Now the question about

whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or Lagna? But there are

various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach) transit is reckoned from

natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal Moon but also consider

Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus transit of Saturn behind,

over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade Sati. In my humble

opinion, transit should be reckoned from Moon, Lagna and Sun as well *(if we

want to judge 3-dimentional flow of cosmic energy)*. As without this trinity

(Lagna=Body, Moon=Mind and Sun=Soul), no picture can be completed. Where the

Transit from Natal Moon, yields general and apprent effects, i.e. What you

feel? These results are very clear, and easily perceptible. Transit from Lagna

shows results on physical plane, i.e. limited to your physical self and

generally not perceptible by others instead they exist. While the Transit from

Sun reveals inner and spiritual conditions effected by planets in gochar. The

results from Sun are quite deeper and can not cast an impact on external

pattern of life. The profundity of transitary effects are directly propotional

to Ashtaka Varga (A.V). Thus without A.V. gochar can not be fully judge at all.

Another important fearture is vedh and latta. Now, I come to the point i.e. Sade

Sati. There are some rules (and some are my observations) regarding Sadi Sati

and its effects. 1) If the Natal Moon is subjected to Kemadruma Yoga (formed

when Moon is not flanked by any planet, excluding Sun and nodes) without

cancellation then Sade-Sati yields adverse result. (why? due to reserve and

lonely nature "kemadurma yoga holders" usually have) 2) The effect of Sade

Sati is inversly proportional to strength of Saturn in natal chart. That is, if

Saturn is strong in natal chart then Sade Sati can't hit native, otherwise

vice-versa holds good. 3) If Moon is into sign of Venus, i.e. either in Taurus

or Libra (because for Venusian signs Saturn becomes Yoga-Karaka) then Sade Sati

would also not very harmful. (B.V.Raman eloborated it in his autobiography) 4)

If Moon is enjoyed by Shubha Adi Yoga(flanked by natural benefics) or Shubha

Dhurdhura Yoga (benefics in 6th, 7th and 8th) then also Sade Sati does not lead

to meleficent, even may evolve you.

5) If there is powerful planet in 10th from Moon in natal chart, then the 1st

phase of Sade Sati (i.e. saturn's transit in 12th) cant be bad, similarly if

there is strong benefic in 7th from Moon the 2nd phase of Sade Sati (i.e. in

1st) can not be bad, and if there there is strong supporting planet in 4th from

Moon then the last phase of Sade Sati wont feel adverse. 6) The Sani-Paya (i.e.

Murthi Rule; Silver, Gold, Copper and Iron w.r.t beneficent effects

respectively) are also seemed a parameter to alter the intensity of Sade Sati.

School of K.N.Rao believe this works very well. 7) The rusult of Sade Sati is

altered according to the strength of Natal Moon, if Moon is afflicted due to

association of Rahu or Mars, combustion, or get lesser bindus in A.V. Because a

weak Mind can't survive and/or fight in hostile environment. 8) Finally the

Dasanath may change the intensity of Sade Sati, e.g. a powerful

dasanath(specially strong yoga-karaka) curtails the bad effect. 9) Sade Sati

does not hit elder peoples (as saturn is naturally eldest graha). In old age

they generally brings forth diseases. 10) If first sade sati was bad then

second will not so wrost. But if first sade sati was favourable then second one

may be troublesome. In other words effects are cyclical or oscillatory. Regards

IMRAN onlyhari <onlyhari > wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Ognjen and Siva,Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st

and 2nd from natal moon is generally called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of

Saturn transit over natal moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme

stress and mental tensions.I have seen this in a couple of cases but again

there are exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during the 1st

Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge (Arudra nakshatra)

is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some delay in getting his masters

degree or job, didnt face any difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could

get married during this period!My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very

stressful while the second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the

factor to be considered should be the placement of

natal moon and saturn with respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be

expected within the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually

makes the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very stressful

because the native has by then developed the experience/attitude to weather any

storms. Of course, this depends to a great extent on the dasha that the

individual is running. Again my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati

is a double whammy!respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per

advice of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You may search

the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere worship in temples and

visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you greatly. Its all a matter of

faith.regardsHarivedic astrology, "Ognjen"

<ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:> Dear Siva,>

> there must be some other factors also because I am in the same postion like

you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some changes occur but I think

that they are positive.> > Good luck.> > Ognjen> -

> vijayuma > vedic astrology > Thursday,

July 03, 2003 2:51 AM> [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in

degrees) over natal Moon> > > Hi All,> > All sorts of problems have

errupted all of a sudden in the last three > to four days in my life. Though

i have had a very bad financial phase > for the last couple of years, my

career was always moving in positive > direction, but the first time in my 10

year career i have been >

challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been technically > sloppy.

Basically the status has work has dropped quite dramatically > in last 3 days

with bombardment from all sides most of it not a fault > of mine

(miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).> > Are all these due to the

fact that the transit saturn is exactly over > my natal moon now. > > My

DOB> 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)> Time Of Birth> 8:45 am (No

DST)> Place of birth> Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East

GMT> Latitude and Longitude> 10.23

N> 78.52 E> > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated> >

Thanks> Siva>Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail

to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on

us ....... Your use of

is subject to the

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hare rama krishna


dear all,


I read somewhere that in Karnataka- whreshani's transits the fifth from moon is

even more dreaded than sade sati- here shani casts its drihti on the second and

the 11th house-leads to complete annihilation of wealth.in tthe same manner

shani in4th and 8th also casts its drishti on lagna and dhana bhavas.- leads to

decrease in wealth,

disease, journies to foreign lands, home away from home, anxietyand increase.


If saturn is strong in the horoscope- the bad effects are generally less .


my limited knowledge doesn't go beyond this.





Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 4:20 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Dear Friends,



I think the Sani Kantaka is also known as Sani Dhayya (the 2-1/2 years in 4th

and 8th house), generally brings forth obsticle and unfavourable periods.

Goranga Das told (message no. 23815) that Kantaka Sani is caused when during,

Saturn hits 1st, 4th and 8th houses. I dont know why there is diversity over

this concepts.


I am pasting that message, for the sake of ease.






Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:50 pm

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: QUERY ON SADESATI


Dear Muhammad,



Now the question about whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or

Lagna? But there are various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach)

transit is reckoned from natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal

Moon but also consider Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus

transit of Saturn behind, over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade



Of course you could take so, but usually the suffering will be felt more if

transit is over the Moon, because mental suffering is stronger than physical

one. If you calculate from lagna, then the problematic houses ara 1st, 8th and

10th. This transit is called Kantaka Sani, and it will rather indicate factual

obstacles and difficulties, than mental unhappiness. The efect is different. Of

course on the whole, Saturn's transit over any house is considered evil to thet

house, unless Saturn is yoga Karaka in Jataka chart.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear "all members involved in this discussion thread",


Very informative posts. Thanks. This goes a long way in removing the

undue importance attached to Sadesati and creates a balanced view of

this phenomenon.




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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear TV Rao,


Should we worry about this?? I cant offer a technical explanation

here except to say that in the event of the 3rd sadesati proving

fatal, either the Mo or Sa should be maraka planets in the jataka

and the concurrent dasha should be running. I also remember K.N. Rao

discussing the twin transit of Ju/Sa with respect to the samadhi of

Paramahansa Yogananda but thats about as far as my limited knowledge






vedic astrology, tvrao_agd <tvrao_agd@s...>


> dear hari,


> i heard that third sadesati is very bad and in general people will


> complete third sadesate (i.e. during third sadesati people die).

how far

> this is correct?


> with regards,


> t. v. rao


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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Ash,


Sorry to say that I am unable to follow your logic. How can you

relate the sadesati occurrences to the lifespan?




vedic astrology, "ashsam73" <ashsam73@h...>


> Dear T.V Rao and Hari,

> If assuming for certain cases shani took 29 years for the sadi


> as worst case and at best the person was born when sadi sati was

> going on so here you have 2 scnarios 29.5*3 = 88.5 years and the

> second is 29.5 * 2 = 59 years. Life expectancy during Vedic times

> is definitely different from now... Life expectacy in India I


> is much lesser than 88.5 years... so if people die around 88.5


> have outlived their life expectacny in forIndia atleast... The

> probability of a person dying during the 3rd cycle is quite high..


> must recon.... and for remaining people who escape the 3rd cycle..

> the 4th cycle of shani will definitely do the job... ;)

> What say you....

> Cheers !!!

> Ash

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Dear Vistiji and Chandrashekharji,


It is said that one should recite Chamakam for Sadesati, could you

pls try to explain what happens exactly on the nature of our natal

Saturn, does it get purified so as to cause less harm.


Also, considering the above case if the native recities Chamakam, and

in the natal chart if one has VRY where the extent of the planet

being more malefic determines the goodness/fruitfulness of the VRY,so

should still such a native recite the Chamakam.


I hope i have been able to communicate what i wanted to say and pls

disregard any inappropriate english.


best wishes,


Thanks in advance


Sunil John

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It is not karnataka.It's kandaka.Its not the fifth,where sani transits the 4th

from natal moon.Its also called artha sani.






anukochhar <anukochhar11 (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

hare rama krishna


dear all,


I read somewhere that in Karnataka- whreshani's transits the fifth from moon is

even more dreaded than sade sati- here shani casts its drihti on the second and

the 11th house-leads to complete annihilation of wealth.in tthe same manner

shani in4th and 8th also casts its drishti on lagna and dhana bhavas.- leads to

decrease in wealth,

disease, journies to foreign lands, home away from home, anxietyand increase.


If saturn is strong in the horoscope- the bad effects are generally less .


my limited knowledge doesn't go beyond this.





Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 4:20 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Dear Friends,



I think the Sani Kantaka is also known as Sani Dhayya (the 2-1/2 years in 4th

and 8th house), generally brings forth obsticle and unfavourable periods.

Goranga Das told (message no. 23815) that Kantaka Sani is caused when during,

Saturn hits 1st, 4th and 8th houses. I dont know why there is diversity over

this concepts.


I am pasting that message, for the sake of ease.






Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:50 pm

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: QUERY ON SADESATI


Dear Muhammad,



Now the question about whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or

Lagna? But there are various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach)

transit is reckoned from natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal

Moon but also consider Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus

transit of Saturn behind, over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade



Of course you could take so, but usually the suffering will be felt more if

transit is over the Moon, because mental suffering is stronger than physical

one. If you calculate from lagna, then the problematic houses ara 1st, 8th and

10th. This transit is called Kantaka Sani, and it will rather indicate factual

obstacles and difficulties, than mental unhappiness. The efect is different. Of

course on the whole, Saturn's transit over any house is considered evil to thet

house, unless Saturn is yoga Karaka in Jataka chart.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


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Dear Hari,

Just by saying 3rd cycle of an outermost planet its has just

increased the possibility of a lot of people dying during that age.

T.V Rao said that he heard someone say that 3rd cycle of Shani the

person may die and all I am trying to say is during the 3rd cycle of

shani its common sense that a lot of people in this world *will* die.

Especially if you start to take into account the average life

expectancy in the third world countries which is much lower than the

first world nations where its not common for a person to live into

their late eighties and nineties.

So it just surprises me that its more common sense than astrological

fact. Thats all.

Cheers !!!





vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>


> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Ash,


> Sorry to say that I am unable to follow your logic. How can you

> relate the sadesati occurrences to the lifespan?


> regards

> Hari

> vedic astrology, "ashsam73" <ashsam73@h...>

> wrote:

> > Dear T.V Rao and Hari,

> > If assuming for certain cases shani took 29 years for the sadi

> sati

> > as worst case and at best the person was born when sadi sati was

> > going on so here you have 2 scnarios 29.5*3 = 88.5 years and the

> > second is 29.5 * 2 = 59 years. Life expectancy during Vedic


> > is definitely different from now... Life expectacy in India I

> think

> > is much lesser than 88.5 years... so if people die around 88.5

> they

> > have outlived their life expectacny in forIndia atleast... The

> > probability of a person dying during the 3rd cycle is quite


> I

> > must recon.... and for remaining people who escape the 3rd


> > the 4th cycle of shani will definitely do the job... ;)

> > What say you....

> > Cheers !!!

> > Ash

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something herethat I'd like to add here- the nnakshatras -arealso involved -

depends whether the transit sani is friends/ enemy/ neutral to the the

nakshatra it is transiting.


I hope I'm able toconvey what I'm trying to say.









vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 11:12 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear "all members involved in this discussion

thread",Very informative posts. Thanks. This goes a long way in removing the

undue importance attached to Sadesati and creates a balanced view of this


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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---


Very sorry, Ash.


It does not appear to be commonsense to me. You are extrapolating a

statement from TV Rao into nowhere.





vedic astrology, "ashsam73" <ashsam73@h...>


> Dear Hari,

> Just by saying 3rd cycle of an outermost planet its has just

> increased the possibility of a lot of people dying during that


> T.V Rao said that he heard someone say that 3rd cycle of Shani the

> person may die and all I am trying to say is during the 3rd cycle


> shani its common sense that a lot of people in this world *will*


> Especially if you start to take into account the average life

> expectancy in the third world countries which is much lower than


> first world nations where its not common for a person to live into

> their late eighties and nineties.

> So it just surprises me that its more common sense than


> fact. Thats all.

> Cheers !!!

> Ash

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Dear Hari,

What is your point then ?

Are you agreeing with the statement that death is caused in the 3rd

transit of sade sati ?

Cheers !!!


vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>


> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---


> Very sorry, Ash.


> It does not appear to be commonsense to me. You are extrapolating


> statement from TV Rao into nowhere.


> regards

> Hari


> vedic astrology, "ashsam73" <ashsam73@h...>

> wrote:

> > Dear Hari,

> > Just by saying 3rd cycle of an outermost planet its has just

> > increased the possibility of a lot of people dying during that

> age.

> > T.V Rao said that he heard someone say that 3rd cycle of Shani


> > person may die and all I am trying to say is during the 3rd


> of

> > shani its common sense that a lot of people in this world *will*

> die.

> > Especially if you start to take into account the average life

> > expectancy in the third world countries which is much lower than

> the

> > first world nations where its not common for a person to live


> > their late eighties and nineties.

> > So it just surprises me that its more common sense than

> astrological

> > fact. Thats all.

> > Cheers !!!

> > Ash

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Hello Siva,

Sorry to hear things are not so well. According to the points Mercury's antar will be more favorable, even if it is linked with Mars the 6th lord. Even if Mars is malefic he has 4 points so he isn't spoiling too much by aspect and neither for the 11th. He will nevertheless bring ennemies and will also affect income but not to dramatic proportions.

Mercury scores very high for the 2nd house. Taking the 2nd as B we see that Moon becomes lord A and is related to the main dasa lord Saturn because in his navamsa sign. This could bring "separation" or something similar. As Mercury has somewhat low points for the 10th, this could bring problems in the sfere of job or reputation. Ketu Antar is also related to Mercury. If you make the worksheet you will notice that Venus has better points for nearly all houses. I think that in the meantime you just keep on going. Saturn is strong in your sixt house and the house scores 32 points; this will help you.In everybody's life there are ups and downs; of course we always want the nice things which we take for granted. If we keep an open mind we can at least learn something from our difficult moments. Good luck to you.

Best regards



vijayuma [vijayuma]Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:53 PM Subject: Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal MoonHi Margaria,Thanks for your comments. I have one more question, with what i have gone through in the past few years (terrible from 1999) could you please let me know if there will be any improvement in any of the follwing. I have been fighting 2 and 3 in the past but 1 has also cropped up recently. Bottom line is there light in the end of the tunnel and how long is this tunnel.1) profession2) finance3) marraige--Siva , "dirk & margarita lettens" <dmlettens@s...> wrote:> Hello Siva,> I don't think only Saturn transit over your moon is totally responsible. If> you look at the dasas you will see that Saturn/Saturn was running between> may 98 and may 2001, During this Sat/Sat period Saturn was transiting your> 7th house where Mars has 0 points. Saturn is also the 2nd lord, bringing> worries and friction with superiors, etc. When making the worksheet, you> will also see that Saturn has low points and cannot give favorable results> during his antar.> Actually you are running Sat/ Mercury. Mercury is samdharmi to the 6th lord.> Mercury can give results for many houses especially for the 2nd and the 8th.> Saturn transit over the Moon could make you a bit depressed. Anyway, some> tension and stress has been building up in previous months or year not only> through work conditions and perhaps your focus is less charp or you feel> more weak. In these conditions one suffers more or feels more sharply> adversities from others. So Saturn on Moon is not the only one responsible.> Best regards> Margaria> > vijayuma [vijayuma]> Thursday, July 03, 2003 3:09 AM> > Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees)> over natal Moon> > > Hi All,> > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last three> to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial phase> for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in positive> direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been> challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been technically> sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite dramatically> in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a fault> of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).> > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly over> my natal moon now.> > My DOB> 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)> Time Of Birth> 8:45 am (No DST)> Place of birth> Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT> Latitude and Longitude> 10.23 N> 78.52 E> > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated> > Thanks> Siva> > >

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Raji is correct. In karnataka there is a saying that Panchama Shani (Saturn in

the 5th during transit) is more dangerous than Sadesati Shani.

Rajeswari Shankar <rajeswarishankar > wrote:

Hi anu,


It is not karnataka.It's kandaka.Its not the fifth,where sani transits the 4th

from natal moon.Its also called artha sani.






anukochhar <anukochhar11 (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

hare rama krishna


dear all,


I read somewhere that in Karnataka- whreshani's transits the fifth from moon is

even more dreaded than sade sati- here shani casts its drihti on the second and

the 11th house-leads to complete annihilation of wealth.in tthe same manner

shani in4th and 8th also casts its drishti on lagna and dhana bhavas.- leads to

decrease in wealth,

disease, journies to foreign lands, home away from home, anxietyand increase.


If saturn is strong in the horoscope- the bad effects are generally less .


my limited knowledge doesn't go beyond this.





Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 4:20 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Dear Friends,



I think the Sani Kantaka is also known as Sani Dhayya (the 2-1/2 years in 4th

and 8th house), generally brings forth obsticle and unfavourable periods.

Goranga Das told (message no. 23815) that Kantaka Sani is caused when during,

Saturn hits 1st, 4th and 8th houses. I dont know why there is diversity over

this concepts.


I am pasting that message, for the sake of ease.






Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:50 pm

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: QUERY ON SADESATI


Dear Muhammad,



Now the question about whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or

Lagna? But there are various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach)

transit is reckoned from natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal

Moon but also consider Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus

transit of Saturn behind, over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade



Of course you could take so, but usually the suffering will be felt more if

transit is over the Moon, because mental suffering is stronger than physical

one. If you calculate from lagna, then the problematic houses ara 1st, 8th and

10th. This transit is called Kantaka Sani, and it will rather indicate factual

obstacles and difficulties, than mental unhappiness. The efect is different. Of

course on the whole, Saturn's transit over any house is considered evil to thet

house, unless Saturn is yoga Karaka in Jataka chart.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


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Dear Siva,

I casted your chart. Margarita has given a very good analysis.


I would however like to verify a few things.


Were you married in Jupiter/Rahu antra i.e. between 1995/12 thru

1998/21. I would say in the 2nd sector i.e After 1996/August thru

1997/May. Rahu reprsents Shani who is LOD.


Can you verify if you have any children



Next antra is that of Shani. Shani is very weak for each and every

house. This antra starts from 1998/05/21 thru 2001/05/23. So

Issues could have begun from there. Even the previous period of

Guru/Rahu would not have been a walk in the park i.e. 1995/12 thru

1998/21. However the problems might be different as Gurus karaktwa

is different from Shanis.


Shani is in 6th house with 5 bindus. Here LOD is situated in 6th

house. Guru is in Libra. You have 2 zero point in 2nd house which

is Karak sthan for marriage and family and for 7th house which is

for marriage. Mars is giving 0 for 7th house and Shani is giving 0

for 2nd house. 6th lord aspecting LOD in Rasi. LOE is in nakshatra

of Guru who is spoilt being in Libra. All these things do not auger

well for marriage. Current antra running has very low points for

5th house and also all planets are less than 12 points for 12th



As Margarita had pointed out.. Shani has finsished his transit over

taurus and at that time Mars was also transitting over Sagittarius

so you definitely must have been through hell and problems faced

would come in the form of house ownerships of shani and mars which

is 1st and 6th house for mars and 3rd and 4th house for shani so you

would not have gotten any support from these houses when shani and

mars transitted over taurus and sagittarius. Problems must

definitely have started brewing from that time onwards.


Current Antra running is that of Mercury. Mercury is LOE for 6th

house but its with Mars who is 6th lord and also in Navamsa Mars is

aspecting Mercury.


Now if you observe closely at the Transit chart of 29th of June your

antra lord Mercury is in Navamsa of Mars. Mercury is samdharmi to

Mars in Rasi. Transit points for June 29th were 201 so Mercury will

give results of its samdharmi Mars who is 6th lord !!!


Mercury is LOE for Job but with Mars might not give pure happiness.


I also feel Venus antra will be better for you as its getting good

points for pretty much all houses.


Hang in there and remember every dark cloud has a silver lining.


Wish you all the best,

Cheers !!!




, " vijayuma "

<vijayuma> wrote:

> Hi All,


> All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last


> to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial


> for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in


> direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been


> sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite


> in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a


> of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).


> Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly


> my natal moon now.


> My DOB

> 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> Time Of Birth

> 8:45 am (No DST)

> Place of birth

> Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> Latitude and Longitude

> 10.23 N

> 78.52 E


> Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated


> Thanks

> Siva

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Hare rama krishna,


sorry, If you read my earlier mail-I think I said the same thing.Maybe I was not

able to convey it properly.




sridhar k

vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 7:11 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Hi Anu

Raji is correct. In karnataka there is a saying that Panchama Shani (Saturn in

the 5th during transit) is more dangerous than Sadesati Shani.

Rajeswari Shankar <rajeswarishankar > wrote:

Hi anu,


It is not karnataka.It's kandaka.Its not the fifth,where sani transits the 4th

from natal moon.Its also called artha sani.






anukochhar <anukochhar11 (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

hare rama krishna


dear all,


I read somewhere that in Karnataka- whreshani's transits the fifth from moon is

even more dreaded than sade sati- here shani casts its drihti on the second and

the 11th house-leads to complete annihilation of wealth.in tthe same manner

shani in4th and 8th also casts its drishti on lagna and dhana bhavas.- leads to

decrease in wealth,

disease, journies to foreign lands, home away from home, anxietyand increase.


If saturn is strong in the horoscope- the bad effects are generally less .


my limited knowledge doesn't go beyond this.





Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 4:20 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Dear Friends,



I think the Sani Kantaka is also known as Sani Dhayya (the 2-1/2 years in 4th

and 8th house), generally brings forth obsticle and unfavourable periods.

Goranga Das told (message no. 23815) that Kantaka Sani is caused when during,

Saturn hits 1st, 4th and 8th houses. I dont know why there is diversity over

this concepts.


I am pasting that message, for the sake of ease.






Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:50 pm

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: QUERY ON SADESATI


Dear Muhammad,



Now the question about whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or

Lagna? But there are various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach)

transit is reckoned from natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal

Moon but also consider Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus

transit of Saturn behind, over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade



Of course you could take so, but usually the suffering will be felt more if

transit is over the Moon, because mental suffering is stronger than physical

one. If you calculate from lagna, then the problematic houses ara 1st, 8th and

10th. This transit is called Kantaka Sani, and it will rather indicate factual

obstacles and difficulties, than mental unhappiness. The efect is different. Of

course on the whole, Saturn's transit over any house is considered evil to thet

house, unless Saturn is yoga Karaka in Jataka chart.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


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Hi Margarita,


Thanks for all the inputs. I appreciate your reading.





, " dirk & margarita

lettens " <dmlettens@s...> wrote:

> Hello Siva,

> Sorry to hear things are not so well. According to the points


> antar will be more favorable, even if it is linked with Mars the

6th lord.

> Even if Mars is malefic he has 4 points so he isn't spoiling too

much by

> aspect and neither for the 11th. He will nevertheless bring

ennemies and

> will also affect income but not to dramatic proportions.

> Mercury scores very high for the 2nd house. Taking the 2nd as B we

see that

> Moon becomes lord A and is related to the main dasa lord Saturn

because in

> his navamsa sign. This could bring " separation " or something

similar. As

> Mercury has somewhat low points for the 10th, this could bring

problems in

> the sfere of job or reputation. Ketu Antar is also related to

Mercury. If

> you make the worksheet you will notice that Venus has better points


> nearly all houses. I think that in the meantime you just keep on


> Saturn is strong in your sixt house and the house scores 32 points;


> will help you.In everybody's life there are ups and downs; of

course we

> always want the nice things which we take for granted. If we keep

an open

> mind we can at least learn something from our difficult moments.

Good luck

> to you.

> Best regards

> Margarita


> vijayuma [vijayuma]

> Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:53 PM


> Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in

> degrees) over natal Moon



> Hi Margaria,


> Thanks for your comments. I have one more question, with what i


> gone through in the past few years (terrible from 1999) could you

> please let me know if there will be any improvement in any of the

> follwing. I have been fighting 2 and 3 in the past but 1 has also

> cropped up recently. Bottom line is there light in the end of the

> tunnel and how long is this tunnel.


> 1) profession

> 2) finance

> 3) marraige


> --Siva


> , " dirk & margarita

> lettens " <dmlettens@s...> wrote:

> > Hello Siva,

> > I don't think only Saturn transit over your moon is totally

> responsible. If

> > you look at the dasas you will see that Saturn/Saturn was


> between

> > may 98 and may 2001, During this Sat/Sat period Saturn was

> transiting your

> > 7th house where Mars has 0 points. Saturn is also the 2nd lord,

> bringing

> > worries and friction with superiors, etc. When making the

> worksheet, you

> > will also see that Saturn has low points and cannot give


> results

> > during his antar.

> > Actually you are running Sat/ Mercury. Mercury is samdharmi to


> 6th lord.

> > Mercury can give results for many houses especially for the 2nd


> the 8th.

> > Saturn transit over the Moon could make you a bit depressed.

> Anyway, some

> > tension and stress has been building up in previous months or


> not only

> > through work conditions and perhaps your focus is less charp or


> feel

> > more weak. In these conditions one suffers more or feels more

> sharply

> > adversities from others. So Saturn on Moon is not the only one

> responsible.

> > Best regards

> > Margaria

> >

> > vijayuma [vijayuma]

> > Thursday, July 03, 2003 3:09 AM

> >

> > Transit Saturn Exactly (in

> degrees)

> > over natal Moon

> >

> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the


> three

> > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad


> phase

> > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in

> positive

> > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been

> technically

> > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite

> dramatically

> > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not


> fault

> > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).

> >

> > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is


> over

> > my natal moon now.

> >

> > My DOB

> > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> > Time Of Birth

> > 8:45 am (No DST)

> > Place of birth

> > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> > Latitude and Longitude

> > 10.23 N

> > 78.52 E

> >

> > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated

> >

> > Thanks

> > Siva

> >

> >

> >

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HI Ash,


Thanks for all the inputs, appreciate them. regarding your

clarification questions,

I was married in feb 1996

I have two children one son and one daughter, I filed divorce in

March 2000 still divorce case is being prolonged (in india a

contested divorce takes 4 years).




, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73@h...> wrote:

> Dear Siva,

> I casted your chart. Margarita has given a very good analysis.


> I would however like to verify a few things.


> Were you married in Jupiter/Rahu antra i.e. between 1995/12 thru

> 1998/21. I would say in the 2nd sector i.e After 1996/August thru

> 1997/May. Rahu reprsents Shani who is LOD.


> Can you verify if you have any children



> Next antra is that of Shani. Shani is very weak for each and every

> house. This antra starts from 1998/05/21 thru 2001/05/23. So

> Issues could have begun from there. Even the previous period of

> Guru/Rahu would not have been a walk in the park i.e. 1995/12 thru

> 1998/21. However the problems might be different as Gurus karaktwa

> is different from Shanis.


> Shani is in 6th house with 5 bindus. Here LOD is situated in 6th

> house. Guru is in Libra. You have 2 zero point in 2nd house which

> is Karak sthan for marriage and family and for 7th house which is

> for marriage. Mars is giving 0 for 7th house and Shani is giving 0

> for 2nd house. 6th lord aspecting LOD in Rasi. LOE is in


> of Guru who is spoilt being in Libra. All these things do not auger

> well for marriage. Current antra running has very low points for

> 5th house and also all planets are less than 12 points for 12th

> house.


> As Margarita had pointed out.. Shani has finsished his transit over

> taurus and at that time Mars was also transitting over Sagittarius

> so you definitely must have been through hell and problems faced

> would come in the form of house ownerships of shani and mars which

> is 1st and 6th house for mars and 3rd and 4th house for shani so


> would not have gotten any support from these houses when shani and

> mars transitted over taurus and sagittarius. Problems must

> definitely have started brewing from that time onwards.


> Current Antra running is that of Mercury. Mercury is LOE for 6th

> house but its with Mars who is 6th lord and also in Navamsa Mars is

> aspecting Mercury.


> Now if you observe closely at the Transit chart of 29th of June


> antra lord Mercury is in Navamsa of Mars. Mercury is samdharmi to

> Mars in Rasi. Transit points for June 29th were 201 so Mercury


> give results of its samdharmi Mars who is 6th lord !!!


> Mercury is LOE for Job but with Mars might not give pure



> I also feel Venus antra will be better for you as its getting good

> points for pretty much all houses.


> Hang in there and remember every dark cloud has a silver lining.


> Wish you all the best,

> Cheers !!!

> Ash



> , " vijayuma "

> <vijayuma> wrote:

> > Hi All,

> >

> > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last

> three

> > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial

> phase

> > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in

> positive

> > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been

> technically

> > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite

> dramatically

> > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a

> fault

> > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).

> >

> > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly

> over

> > my natal moon now.

> >

> > My DOB

> > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> > Time Of Birth

> > 8:45 am (No DST)

> > Place of birth

> > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> > Latitude and Longitude

> > 10.23 N

> > 78.52 E

> >

> > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated

> >

> > Thanks

> > Siva

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Dear Sunil,

I am not very knowledgeable about mantras and how precisely they act.

Most of the mantra remedies have come from vedic scriptures, very few

are from astrological texts. However, I doubt whether everybody is

troubled by Sade Sati to the same extent. Some may actually find rise

during that period , depending on placement of moon in the Natal chart.

So, personally, I doubt that a powerful Mantra like Chamakam should be

used indiscriminatley for any one undergoing Sade sati.

I intend to study the Mantra remedies and when I really understand the

logic behind them, I shall let you know in detail.


suniljohn_2002 wrote:

Dear Vistiji and Chandrashekharji,

It is said that one should recite Chamakam for Sadesati, could you

pls try to explain what happens exactly on the nature of our natal

Saturn, does it get purified so as to cause less harm.

Also, considering the above case if the native recities Chamakam, and

in the natal chart if one has VRY where the extent of the planet

being more malefic determines the goodness/fruitfulness of the VRY,so

should still such a native recite the Chamakam.

I hope i have been able to communicate what i wanted to say and pls

disregard any inappropriate english.

best wishes,

Thanks in advance

Sunil John







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Sorry for the confusion.I thought u misinterpret karnataka instead of

kandaka.Later i think that what u said about is the state karnataka.Sorry for

the confusion.




anukochhar <anukochhar11 (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

Hare rama krishna,


sorry, If you read my earlier mail-I think I said the same thing.Maybe I was not

able to convey it properly.




sridhar k

vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 7:11 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Hi Anu

Raji is correct. In karnataka there is a saying that Panchama Shani (Saturn in

the 5th during transit) is more dangerous than Sadesati Shani.

Rajeswari Shankar <rajeswarishankar > wrote:

Hi anu,


It is not karnataka.It's kandaka.Its not the fifth,where sani transits the 4th

from natal moon.Its also called artha sani.






anukochhar <anukochhar11 (AT) sify (DOT) com> wrote:

hare rama krishna


dear all,


I read somewhere that in Karnataka- whreshani's transits the fifth from moon is

even more dreaded than sade sati- here shani casts its drihti on the second and

the 11th house-leads to complete annihilation of wealth.in tthe same manner

shani in4th and 8th also casts its drishti on lagna and dhana bhavas.- leads to

decrease in wealth,

disease, journies to foreign lands, home away from home, anxietyand increase.


If saturn is strong in the horoscope- the bad effects are generally less .


my limited knowledge doesn't go beyond this.





Muhammad Imran

vedic astrology

Friday, July 04, 2003 4:20 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Dear Friends,



I think the Sani Kantaka is also known as Sani Dhayya (the 2-1/2 years in 4th

and 8th house), generally brings forth obsticle and unfavourable periods.

Goranga Das told (message no. 23815) that Kantaka Sani is caused when during,

Saturn hits 1st, 4th and 8th houses. I dont know why there is diversity over

this concepts.


I am pasting that message, for the sake of ease.






Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:50 pm

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: QUERY ON SADESATI


Dear Muhammad,



Now the question about whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or

Lagna? But there are various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach)

transit is reckoned from natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal

Moon but also consider Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus

transit of Saturn behind, over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade



Of course you could take so, but usually the suffering will be felt more if

transit is over the Moon, because mental suffering is stronger than physical

one. If you calculate from lagna, then the problematic houses ara 1st, 8th and

10th. This transit is called Kantaka Sani, and it will rather indicate factual

obstacles and difficulties, than mental unhappiness. The efect is different. Of

course on the whole, Saturn's transit over any house is considered evil to thet

house, unless Saturn is yoga Karaka in Jataka chart.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


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Dear Krushnaji, Margarita and Siva,


Siva, can you confirm if you were married between 20th Feb and 28th

of Feb i.e. Suns transit over Saturn and Rahu. (Saturn is LOD and

Rahu in House D).


Can you also give either the birth dates or conception time of your



Krushnaji and Margarita since Siva was married in Guru/Rahu (shani)

and seperation happened in Shani/shani here how can you time

seperatoin in Shani/Shani ?


Secondly, how can you have timed children in Rahu or Shanis antra ?

All planets except Sun and Guru have weak points for 5th house and

Ketu in 10th house can give... any insights on why Shanis antra

gave 2 children, Marriage in Rahu is understandable but children I am

puzzled ?


Again here, I could get the right antra for marriage but goofed up on

identifying the correct 1/3rd portion. I chose 2nd sector due to the

fact that there is moderate delay in Sivas chart but the event

happened in the first 1/3rd sector. What is the reasoning behind

this ? Why first 1/3rd portion of Rahu's antra ?


Please share your insights and guide me to understand narrowing down

further to the proper sector ....


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!



, " vijayuma "

<vijayuma> wrote:

> HI Ash,


> Thanks for all the inputs, appreciate them. regarding your

> clarification questions,

> I was married in feb 1996

> I have two children one son and one daughter, I filed divorce in

> March 2000 still divorce case is being prolonged (in india a

> contested divorce takes 4 years).


> Thanks

> Siva

> , " ashsam73 "

> <ashsam73@h...> wrote:

> > Dear Siva,

> > I casted your chart. Margarita has given a very good analysis.

> >

> > I would however like to verify a few things.

> >

> > Were you married in Jupiter/Rahu antra i.e. between 1995/12 thru

> > 1998/21. I would say in the 2nd sector i.e After 1996/August


> > 1997/May. Rahu reprsents Shani who is LOD.

> >

> > Can you verify if you have any children

> >

> >

> > Next antra is that of Shani. Shani is very weak for each and


> > house. This antra starts from 1998/05/21 thru 2001/05/23. So

> > Issues could have begun from there. Even the previous period of

> > Guru/Rahu would not have been a walk in the park i.e. 1995/12


> > 1998/21. However the problems might be different as Gurus


> > is different from Shanis.

> >

> > Shani is in 6th house with 5 bindus. Here LOD is situated in 6th

> > house. Guru is in Libra. You have 2 zero point in 2nd house


> > is Karak sthan for marriage and family and for 7th house which is

> > for marriage. Mars is giving 0 for 7th house and Shani is giving


> > for 2nd house. 6th lord aspecting LOD in Rasi. LOE is in

> nakshatra

> > of Guru who is spoilt being in Libra. All these things do not


> > well for marriage. Current antra running has very low points for

> > 5th house and also all planets are less than 12 points for 12th

> > house.

> >

> > As Margarita had pointed out.. Shani has finsished his transit


> > taurus and at that time Mars was also transitting over


> > so you definitely must have been through hell and problems faced

> > would come in the form of house ownerships of shani and mars


> > is 1st and 6th house for mars and 3rd and 4th house for shani so

> you

> > would not have gotten any support from these houses when shani


> > mars transitted over taurus and sagittarius. Problems must

> > definitely have started brewing from that time onwards.

> >

> > Current Antra running is that of Mercury. Mercury is LOE for 6th

> > house but its with Mars who is 6th lord and also in Navamsa Mars


> > aspecting Mercury.

> >

> > Now if you observe closely at the Transit chart of 29th of June

> your

> > antra lord Mercury is in Navamsa of Mars. Mercury is samdharmi


> > Mars in Rasi. Transit points for June 29th were 201 so Mercury

> will

> > give results of its samdharmi Mars who is 6th lord !!!

> >

> > Mercury is LOE for Job but with Mars might not give pure

> happiness.

> >

> > I also feel Venus antra will be better for you as its getting


> > points for pretty much all houses.

> >

> > Hang in there and remember every dark cloud has a silver lining.

> >

> > Wish you all the best,

> > Cheers !!!

> > Ash

> >

> >

> > , " vijayuma "

> > <vijayuma> wrote:

> > > Hi All,

> > >

> > > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last

> > three

> > > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial

> > phase

> > > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in

> > positive

> > > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> > > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been

> > technically

> > > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite

> > dramatically

> > > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a

> > fault

> > > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).

> > >

> > > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is


> > over

> > > my natal moon now.

> > >

> > > My DOB

> > > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> > > Time Of Birth

> > > 8:45 am (No DST)

> > > Place of birth

> > > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> > > Latitude and Longitude

> > > 10.23 N

> > > 78.52 E

> > >

> > > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Siva

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Dear Chandrashekharji,


Thank you so much for your kind and humble answer. Yes I have heard

too that some indian prime ministers came to power during sadesati.

Best wishes


Sunil John


vedic astrology, Chandrashekhar Sharma

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Sunil,

> I am not very knowledgeable about mantras and how precisely they


> Most of the mantra remedies have come from vedic scriptures, very


> are from astrological texts. However, I doubt whether everybody is

> troubled by Sade Sati to the same extent. Some may actually find


> during that period , depending on placement of moon in the Natal


> So, personally, I doubt that a powerful Mantra like Chamakam should


> used indiscriminatley for any one undergoing Sade sati.

> I intend to study the Mantra remedies and when I really understand


> logic behind them, I shall let you know in detail.

> Chandrashekhar.


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Hello Ash,

Good questions, I just put in my meaning in your text.


ashsam73 [ashsam73]Saturday, July 05, 2003 11:32 AM Subject: Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Dear Krushnaji, Margarita and Siva,Siva, can you confirm if you were married between 20th Feb and 28th of Feb i.e. Suns transit over Saturn and Rahu. (Saturn is LOD and Rahu in House D). Can you also give either the birth dates or conception time of your children.Krushnaji and Margarita since Siva was married in Guru/Rahu (shani) and seperation happened in Shani/shani here how can you time seperatoin in Shani/Shani ?




I THINK CONCEPTION OF CHILDREN ALSO TOOK PLACE IN RAHU ANTAR. I DON'T SEE SATURN ABLE TO DO THIS. MARRIAGE WAS IN BEGINNING OF RAHU ANTAR WHICH IS NEARLY 29 MONTHS SO WITH A BIT OF LUCK THIS WORKS ESPECIALLY IF THE FIRST CHILD WAS CONCEIVED EARLY AFTER MARRIAGE DATE.Again here, I could get the right antra for marriage but goofed up on identifying the correct 1/3rd portion. I chose 2nd sector due to the fact that there is moderate delay in Sivas chart but the event happened in the first 1/3rd sector. What is the reasoning behind this ? Why first 1/3rd portion of Rahu's antra ?

NO ASH, I'M AT LOSS TOO. I ALSO WENT FOR THE 2nd PART BECAUSE RAHU IS IN SATURN SIGN AND JUPITER NAVAMSA BUT WITH SATURN. I TRIED TO CHANGE THE TOB BUT IT'S HARD TO MAKE HIM MARRY IN THE 2ndPART AS 2 CHILDREN HAVE STILL TO BE CONCEIVED IN RAHU ANTAR ..... Please share your insights and guide me to understand narrowing down further to the proper sector .... Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash , "vijayuma" <vijayuma> wrote:> HI Ash,> > Thanks for all the inputs, appreciate them. regarding your > clarification questions,> I was married in feb 1996> I have two children one son and one daughter, I filed divorce in > March 2000 still divorce case is being prolonged (in india a > contested divorce takes 4 years).> > Thanks> Siva> , "ashsam73" > <ashsam73@h...> wrote:> > Dear Siva,> > I casted your chart. Margarita has given a very good analysis.> > > > I would however like to verify a few things.> > > > Were you married in Jupiter/Rahu antra i.e. between 1995/12 thru > > 1998/21. I would say in the 2nd sector i.e After 1996/August thru > > 1997/May. Rahu reprsents Shani who is LOD.> > > > Can you verify if you have any children > > > > > > Next antra is that of Shani. Shani is very weak for each and every > > house. This antra starts from 1998/05/21 thru 2001/05/23. So > > Issues could have begun from there. Even the previous period of > > Guru/Rahu would not have been a walk in the park i.e. 1995/12 thru > > 1998/21. However the problems might be different as Gurus karaktwa > > is different from Shanis.> > > > Shani is in 6th house with 5 bindus. Here LOD is situated in 6th > > house. Guru is in Libra. You have 2 zero point in 2nd house which > > is Karak sthan for marriage and family and for 7th house which is > > for marriage. Mars is giving 0 for 7th house and Shani is giving 0 > > for 2nd house. 6th lord aspecting LOD in Rasi. LOE is in > nakshatra > > of Guru who is spoilt being in Libra. All these things do not auger > > well for marriage. Current antra running has very low points for > > 5th house and also all planets are less than 12 points for 12th > > house. > > > > As Margarita had pointed out.. Shani has finsished his transit over > > taurus and at that time Mars was also transitting over Sagittarius > > so you definitely must have been through hell and problems faced > > would come in the form of house ownerships of shani and mars which > > is 1st and 6th house for mars and 3rd and 4th house for shani so > you > > would not have gotten any support from these houses when shani and > > mars transitted over taurus and sagittarius. Problems must > > definitely have started brewing from that time onwards.> > > > Current Antra running is that of Mercury. Mercury is LOE for 6th > > house but its with Mars who is 6th lord and also in Navamsa Mars is > > aspecting Mercury. > > > > Now if you observe closely at the Transit chart of 29th of June > your > > antra lord Mercury is in Navamsa of Mars. Mercury is samdharmi to > > Mars in Rasi. Transit points for June 29th were 201 so Mercury > will > > give results of its samdharmi Mars who is 6th lord !!!> > > > Mercury is LOE for Job but with Mars might not give pure > happiness. > > > > I also feel Venus antra will be better for you as its getting good > > points for pretty much all houses.> > > > Hang in there and remember every dark cloud has a silver lining.> > > > Wish you all the best,> > Cheers !!!> > Ash> > > > > > , "vijayuma" > > <vijayuma> wrote:> > > Hi All,> > > > > > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last > > three > > > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial > > phase > > > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in > > positive > > > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been > > > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been > > technically > > > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite > > dramatically > > > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a > > fault > > > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).> > > > > > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly > > over > > > my natal moon now. > > > > > > My DOB> > > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)> > > Time Of Birth> > > 8:45 am (No DST)> > > Place of birth> > > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT> > > Latitude and Longitude> > > 10.23 N> > > 78.52 E> > > > > > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated> > > > > > Thanks> > > Siva

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