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Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

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Dear Siva,


there must be some other factors also because I am in the same postion like you

( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some changes occur but I think that

they are positive.


Good luck.





vedic astrology

Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM

[vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

Hi All,All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last three to

four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial phase for the last

couple of years, my career was always moving in positive direction, but the

first time in my 10 year career i have been challenged that my work for the

past 6 months have been technically sloppy. Basically the status has work has

dropped quite dramatically in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most

of it not a fault of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).Are

all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly over my natal moon

now. My DOB 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)Time Of Birth 8:45 am (No

DST)Place of birth Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East

GMTLatitude and Longitude 10.23 N 78.52 EAny inputs on near future

w.r.t this is appreciatedThanksSivaArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Siva,


Does this by any chance involve a lady(lady boss or colleague)? You

are running through the period of Sat/Mer/Rahu and in D-10,Rahu is

posited in Aries with Jupiter who lords the 12th house from arudha

Lagna.So its but natural that there is a perceived loss of

status.This is in addition to Rahu whose sign dispositor Mars is

placed in Cancer in opposition to the Arudha Lagna, Capricorn.So

there will be some opposition to your work from people at work. Hang

in there until January when the Lord of AL Saturn takes over as PD



Please pray to Sri Narayana(Amatyakaraka) and also to Sri Ganaesha

ketu in 6th to Amtyakaraka). Your obstacles will go away.



Hare Krishna

















vedic astrology, "vijayuma" <vijayuma>


> Hi All,


> All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last


> to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial


> for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in


> direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been technically

> sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite


> in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a


> of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).


> Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly


> my natal moon now.


> My DOB

> 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> Time Of Birth

> 8:45 am (No DST)

> Place of birth

> Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> Latitude and Longitude

> 10.23 N

> 78.52 E


> Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated


> Thanks

> Siva

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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Ognjen and Siva,


Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is generally

called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of Saturn transit over natal

moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme stress and mental



I have seen this in a couple of cases but again there are

exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during the

1st Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge

(Arudra nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some

delay in getting his masters degree or job, didnt face any

difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could get married during

this period!


My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while the

second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the factor to be

considered should be the placement of natal moon and saturn with

respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be expected within

the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually makes

the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very

stressful because the native has by then developed the

experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of course, this depends

to a great extent on the dasha that the individual is running. Again

my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati is a double



respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per advice

of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You may

search the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere worship

in temples and visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you

greatly. Its all a matter of faith.





vedic astrology, "Ognjen"

<ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:

> Dear Siva,


> there must be some other factors also because I am in the same

postion like you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some

changes occur but I think that they are positive.


> Good luck.


> Ognjen

> -

> vijayuma

> vedic astrology

> Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM

> [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees)

over natal Moon



> Hi All,


> All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last


> to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial


> for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in


> direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been


> sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite


> in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a


> of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).


> Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly


> my natal moon now.


> My DOB

> 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> Time Of Birth

> 8:45 am (No DST)

> Place of birth

> Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> Latitude and Longitude

> 10.23 N

> 78.52 E


> Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated


> Thanks

> Siva


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For me in my sade sathi first 5 years over.This is my second cycle.My moon rasi

is rishaba.During saturn comes to mesha my seven and half year saturn

started.First 2 and half years its ok.next 2 and half years mental

tensions,worries,quarells...Now i am in the last 2 and half years.In this for

me lot of physical pbms are coming.Not much mental tensions.



onlyhari <onlyhari > wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Ognjen and Siva,Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st

and 2nd from natal moon is generally called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of

Saturn transit over natal moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme

stress and mental tensions.I have seen this in a couple of cases but again

there are exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during the 1st

Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge (Arudra nakshatra)

is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some delay in getting his masters

degree or job, didnt face any difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could

get married during this period!My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very

stressful while the second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the

factor to be considered should be the placement of

natal moon and saturn with respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be

expected within the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually

makes the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very stressful

because the native has by then developed the experience/attitude to weather any

storms. Of course, this depends to a great extent on the dasha that the

individual is running. Again my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati

is a double whammy!respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per

advice of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You may search

the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere worship in temples and

visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you greatly. Its all a matter of

faith.regardsHarivedic astrology, "Ognjen"

<ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:> Dear Siva,>

> there must be some other factors also because I am in the same postion like

you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some changes occur but I think

that they are positive.> > Good luck.> > Ognjen> -

> vijayuma > vedic astrology > Thursday,

July 03, 2003 2:51 AM> [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in

degrees) over natal Moon> > > Hi All,> > All sorts of problems have

errupted all of a sudden in the last three > to four days in my life. Though

i have had a very bad financial phase > for the last couple of years, my

career was always moving in positive > direction, but the first time in my 10

year career i have been >

challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been technically > sloppy.

Basically the status has work has dropped quite dramatically > in last 3 days

with bombardment from all sides most of it not a fault > of mine

(miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).> > Are all these due to the

fact that the transit saturn is exactly over > my natal moon now. > > My

DOB> 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)> Time Of Birth> 8:45 am (No

DST)> Place of birth> Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East

GMT> Latitude and Longitude> 10.23

N> 78.52 E> > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated> >

Thanks> Siva>Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail

to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on

us ....... Your use of

is subject to the


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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Raji,


Yes, you are not completely out of the woods yet although you may

feel considerable relief presently! 3rd house gochar transit of Sa

circa Sep'04 should be good for you...happy days are slowly but

surely coming to you. :-)





vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar

<rajeswarishankar> wrote:

> Dear Hari,


> For me in my sade sathi first 5 years over.This is my second

cycle.My moon rasi is rishaba.During saturn comes to mesha my seven

and half year saturn started.First 2 and half years its ok.next 2

and half years mental tensions,worries,quarells...Now i am in the

last 2 and half years.In this for me lot of physical pbms are

coming.Not much mental tensions.


> Regards


> Raji


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dear Hari,


I have a small question: are sadesatis only to be considered from

moon, or are the ascendant or the sun to be considered also? and can

it be considered on the navamsa chart from transits too?


if all of the above apply, then we could conceivably have sadesatis

going on ALL the time! yikes.




vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>


> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Ognjen and Siva,


> Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is


> called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of Saturn transit over natal

> moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme stress and mental

> tensions.


> I have seen this in a couple of cases but again there are

> exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during the

> 1st Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge

> (Arudra nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some

> delay in getting his masters degree or job, didnt face any

> difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could get married during

> this period!


> My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while


> second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the factor to


> considered should be the placement of natal moon and saturn with

> respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be expected


> the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually


> the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very

> stressful because the native has by then developed the

> experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of course, this depends

> to a great extent on the dasha that the individual is running.


> my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati is a double

> whammy!


> respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per


> of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You may

> search the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere


> in temples and visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you

> greatly. Its all a matter of faith.


> regards

> Hari


> vedic astrology, "Ognjen"

> <ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:

> > Dear Siva,

> >

> > there must be some other factors also because I am in the same

> postion like you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some

> changes occur but I think that they are positive.

> >

> > Good luck.

> >

> > Ognjen

> > -

> > vijayuma

> > vedic astrology

> > Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM

> > [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees)

> over natal Moon

> >

> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the


> three

> > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad


> phase

> > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in

> positive

> > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been

> technically

> > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite

> dramatically

> > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not


> fault

> > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).

> >

> > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is


> over

> > my natal moon now.

> >

> > My DOB

> > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> > Time Of Birth

> > 8:45 am (No DST)

> > Place of birth

> > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> > Latitude and Longitude

> > 10.23 N

> > 78.52 E

> >

> > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated

> >

> > Thanks

> > Siva

> >

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dear hari,


i heard that third sadesati is very bad and in general people will not

complete third sadesate (i.e. during third sadesati people die). how far

this is correct?


with regards,


t. v. rao



"onlyhari" <onlyhari

<vedic astrology>

Thursday, July 03, 2003 9:22 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over

natal Moon



> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Ognjen and Siva,


> Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is generally

> called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of Saturn transit over natal

> moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme stress and mental

> tensions.


> I have seen this in a couple of cases but again there are

> exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during the

> 1st Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge

> (Arudra nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some

> delay in getting his masters degree or job, didnt face any

> difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could get married during

> this period!


> My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while the

> second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the factor to be

> considered should be the placement of natal moon and saturn with

> respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be expected within

> the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually makes

> the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very

> stressful because the native has by then developed the

> experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of course, this depends

> to a great extent on the dasha that the individual is running. Again

> my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati is a double

> whammy!


> respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per advice

> of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You may

> search the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere worship

> in temples and visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you

> greatly. Its all a matter of faith.


> regards

> Hari


> vedic astrology, "Ognjen"

> <ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:

> > Dear Siva,

> >

> > there must be some other factors also because I am in the same

> postion like you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some

> changes occur but I think that they are positive.

> >

> > Good luck.

> >

> > Ognjen

> > -

> > vijayuma

> > vedic astrology

> > Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM

> > [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees)

> over natal Moon

> >

> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last

> three

> > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial

> phase

> > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in

> positive

> > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been

> technically

> > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite

> dramatically

> > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a

> fault

> > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).

> >

> > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly

> over

> > my natal moon now.

> >

> > My DOB

> > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> > Time Of Birth

> > 8:45 am (No DST)

> > Place of birth

> > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> > Latitude and Longitude

> > 10.23 N

> > 78.52 E

> >

> > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated

> >

> > Thanks

> > Siva

> >










> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Rani,


Sadesati is to be reckoned only with respect to natal moon in rasi

chart. Hope that cheers you considerably. :-)




vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998"

<raindancer_1998> wrote:

> dear Hari,


> I have a small question: are sadesatis only to be considered from

> moon, or are the ascendant or the sun to be considered also? and


> it be considered on the navamsa chart from transits too?


> if all of the above apply, then we could conceivably have sadesatis

> going on ALL the time! yikes.


> rani.

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I've also read that SS applies to Asc, and sometimes Sun as well. personally,

most difficult of three was Sat over Moon.

You seem tp reffer to a 'reliable source', I'd appreciate your sharing.


Annaonlyhari <onlyhari > wrote:

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Rani,Sadesati is to be reckoned only with

respect to natal moon in rasi chart. Hope that cheers you considerably.

:-)regardsHarivedic astrology, "raindancer_1998"

<raindancer_1998> wrote:> dear Hari, > > I have a small question: are

sadesatis only to be considered from > moon, or are the ascendant or the sun to

be considered also? and can > it be considered on the navamsa chart from

transits too? > > if all of the above apply, then we could conceivably have

sadesatis> going on ALL the time! yikes. > > rani.Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......



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It is considered to be from one's moon rasi.When saturn comes yr previous rasi

sade sati has started.




raindancer_1998 <raindancer_1998 > wrote:

dear Hari, I have a small question: are sadesatis only to be considered from

moon, or are the ascendant or the sun to be considered also? and can it be

considered on the navamsa chart from transits too? if all of the above apply,

then we could conceivably have sadesatisgoing on ALL the time! yikes. rani.---

In vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari> wrote:> ---Om

Brihaspataye Namah---> Dear Ognjen and Siva,> > Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st

and 2nd from natal moon is generally > called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of

Saturn transit over natal > moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme

stress and mental > tensions.> > I have seen this in a couple of cases but

again there are > exceptions. For example, I didnt face any

difficulties during the > 1st Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal

moon in Ge > (Arudra nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some

> delay in getting his masters degree or job, didnt face any > difficulties so

far. Even, I wonder if he could get married during > this period!> > My opinion

is that the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while the > second sadesati would

certainly be stressful. Thus the factor to be > considered should be the

placement of natal moon and saturn with > respect to each other and how many

Sadesatis can be expected within > the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd

sadesati usually makes > the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not

very > stressful because the native has by then developed the >

experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of course, this depends > to a great

extent on the dasha

that the individual is running. Again > my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha +

2nd Sadesati is a double > whammy!> > respected Gurus may have other opinions,

though. Siva, as per advice > of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are

indicated. You may > search the list to find out the remedies suggested.

Sincere worship > in temples and visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help

you > greatly. Its all a matter of faith.> > regards> Hari> > --- In

vedic astrology, "Ognjen" > <ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:> >

Dear Siva,> > > > there must be some other factors also because I am in the

same > postion like you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some >

changes occur but I think that they are positive.> > > > Good luck.> > > >

Ognjen> > -----

Original Message ----- > > vijayuma > > To:

vedic astrology > > Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM> >

[vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) > over natal

Moon> > > > > > Hi All,> > > > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a

sudden in the last > three > > to four days in my life. Though i have had a

very bad financial > phase > > for the last couple of years, my career was

always moving in > positive > > direction, but the first time in my 10 year

career i have been > > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have

been > technically > > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped

quite > dramatically

> > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a > fault >

> of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).> > > > Are all

these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly > over > > my natal

moon now. > > > > My DOB> > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)> > Time Of

Birth> > 8:45 am (No DST)> > Place of birth> > Near

pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT> > Latitude and Longitude> >

10.23 N> > 78.52 E> > >

> Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated> > > > Thanks> >

Siva> >Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......



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hi Raji, Anna, and Hari,


thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to remember

Visti once writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as well.

but I can't remember the number of the posting. Hari, I would

breathe big relief if it were only from the moon. my rashi is pisces

and these past three-four years were DIFFICULT! and so I'm ready for

a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is cancer and I'm right inside

yet another one :-( .




vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar

<rajeswarishankar> wrote:

> Dear Rani,


> It is considered to be from one's moon rasi.When saturn comes yr

previous rasi sade sati has started.


> Regards

> Raji



> raindancer_1998 <raindancer_1998> wrote:

> dear Hari,


> I have a small question: are sadesatis only to be considered from

> moon, or are the ascendant or the sun to be considered also? and


> it be considered on the navamsa chart from transits too?


> if all of the above apply, then we could conceivably have sadesatis

> going on ALL the time! yikes.


> rani.


> vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>

> wrote:

> > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> > Dear Ognjen and Siva,

> >

> > Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is

> generally

> > called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of Saturn transit over natal

> > moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme stress and


> > tensions.

> >

> > I have seen this in a couple of cases but again there are

> > exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during


> > 1st Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge

> > (Arudra nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from


> > delay in getting his masters degree or job, didnt face any

> > difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could get married


> > this period!

> >

> > My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while

> the

> > second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the factor to

> be

> > considered should be the placement of natal moon and saturn with

> > respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be expected

> within

> > the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually

> makes

> > the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very

> > stressful because the native has by then developed the

> > experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of course, this


> > to a great extent on the dasha that the individual is running.

> Again

> > my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati is a double

> > whammy!

> >

> > respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per

> advice

> > of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You


> > search the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere

> worship

> > in temples and visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you

> > greatly. Its all a matter of faith.

> >

> > regards

> > Hari

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Ognjen"

> > <ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:

> > > Dear Siva,

> > >

> > > there must be some other factors also because I am in the same

> > postion like you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some

> > changes occur but I think that they are positive.

> > >

> > > Good luck.

> > >

> > > Ognjen

> > > -

> > > vijayuma

> > > vedic astrology

> > > Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM

> > > [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in


> > over natal Moon

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi All,

> > >

> > > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the

> last

> > three

> > > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad

> financial

> > phase

> > > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in

> > positive

> > > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have


> > > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been

> > technically

> > > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite

> > dramatically

> > > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it


> a

> > fault

> > > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).

> > >

> > > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is

> exactly

> > over

> > > my natal moon now.

> > >

> > > My DOB

> > > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> > > Time Of Birth

> > > 8:45 am (No DST)

> > > Place of birth

> > > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> > > Latitude and Longitude

> > > 10.23 N

> > > 78.52 E

> > >

> > > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Siva

> > >



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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

Dear Rani,


As much as I sympathize with you, I must say that if Pi is your

chandra lagna, then the gochar 3rd house transit of Sa in Ta (being

also the 11th from Cn lagna)should have been good for you. 3/6/11

Gochar transit of Sa is considered good as per Narasimha's book.


If this is not the case as hinted emphatically by you, then probably

there are other factors at work here.




vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998"

<raindancer_1998> wrote:

> hi Raji, Anna, and Hari,


> thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to remember

> Visti once writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as well.

> but I can't remember the number of the posting. Hari, I would

> breathe big relief if it were only from the moon. my rashi is


> and these past three-four years were DIFFICULT! and so I'm ready


> a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is cancer and I'm right


> yet another one :-( .


> rani.

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|Hare Rama Krishna|Dear List,

Has anyone forgot Kanataka Shani? Shani in 1st, 4th, 8th or 10th.Best

wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font:




vedic astrology

Thursday, July 03, 2003 9:56 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

---Om Brihaspataye Namah---Dear Rani,As much as I sympathize with you, I must

say that if Pi is your chandra lagna, then the gochar 3rd house transit of Sa

in Ta (being also the 11th from Cn lagna)should have been good for you. 3/6/11

Gochar transit of Sa is considered good as per Narasimha's book.If this is not

the case as hinted emphatically by you, then probably there are other factors

at work here. regardsHarivedic astrology,

"raindancer_1998" <raindancer_1998> wrote:> hi Raji, Anna, and Hari, > >

thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to remember > Visti once

writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as well. > but I can't remember

the number of the posting. Hari, I would > breathe big relief if it were only

from the moon. my rashi is pisces > and these past three-four years were

DIFFICULT! and so I'm ready for > a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is

cancer and I'm right inside > yet another one :-( . > > rani.Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Hari, it was shall we say a very small breather? also, I think, 11th

is my badhaksthan. and my badhakesh is in my 8th - venus - ruler of

my 4th. it's disposited by saturn in makara in 7th - which has sasa

yoga. and saturn is my atmakaraka. just writing this, I am getting

the shivers.


anyway. thanks very much for staying with my questions. :)




vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari>


> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Rani,


> As much as I sympathize with you, I must say that if Pi is your

> chandra lagna, then the gochar 3rd house transit of Sa in Ta


> also the 11th from Cn lagna)should have been good for you. 3/6/11

> Gochar transit of Sa is considered good as per Narasimha's book.


> If this is not the case as hinted emphatically by you, then


> there are other factors at work here.


> regards

> Hari

> vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998"

> <raindancer_1998> wrote:

> > hi Raji, Anna, and Hari,

> >

> > thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to remember

> > Visti once writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as


> > but I can't remember the number of the posting. Hari, I would

> > breathe big relief if it were only from the moon. my rashi is

> pisces

> > and these past three-four years were DIFFICULT! and so I'm ready

> for

> > a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is cancer and I'm right

> inside

> > yet another one :-( .

> >

> > rani.

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visti, THAT's what I was thinking of! that's what you told me

before. kanataka shani. but what does it mean? you did tell me about

depression and yes, that did happen and is still around more or

less. though I am trying to work thru it.


also, are kanataka shani's effects separate from (and in addition

to) sadesati?




vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...>



> |Hare Rama Krishna|

> Dear List,

> Has anyone forgot Kanataka Shani? Shani in 1st, 4th, 8th or 10th.

> Best wishes

> Visti

> ---

> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org

> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

> -

> onlyhari

> vedic astrology

> Thursday, July 03, 2003 9:56 AM

> [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in

degrees) over natal Moon



> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Rani,


> As much as I sympathize with you, I must say that if Pi is your

> chandra lagna, then the gochar 3rd house transit of Sa in Ta


> also the 11th from Cn lagna)should have been good for you.


> Gochar transit of Sa is considered good as per Narasimha's book.


> If this is not the case as hinted emphatically by you, then


> there are other factors at work here.


> regards

> Hari

> vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998"

> <raindancer_1998> wrote:

> > hi Raji, Anna, and Hari,

> >

> > thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to


> > Visti once writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as


> > but I can't remember the number of the posting. Hari, I would

> > breathe big relief if it were only from the moon. my rashi is

> pisces

> > and these past three-four years were DIFFICULT! and so I'm


> for

> > a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is cancer and I'm right

> inside

> > yet another one :-( .

> >

> > rani.




> Sponsor








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|Hare Rama Krishna|Dear Rani,

Kanataka is thorn, and feels like a constant obstacle in ones work. This work is

seen from the 10th house from Lagna, Moon and Arudha Lagna, and when Shani has

Graha dristi on these bhavas during its transit, the effects of the thorn in

ones leg are felt, and nothing seems to be going anywhere, whilst causing

constant pain.

The philosophies/basis of Kanataka Shani and Sade Sati are different, but we

consider them jointly.

Also keep in mind that Transits can be reckoned in Divisional charts as well.

This is the first step into Bhrigu Transits.Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath

Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font:




vedic astrology

Thursday, July 03, 2003 10:36 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

visti, THAT's what I was thinking of! that's what you told me before. kanataka

shani. but what does it mean? you did tell me about depression and yes, that

did happen and is still around more or less. though I am trying to work thru

it. also, are kanataka shani's effects separate from (and in addition to)

sadesati? rani.vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen"

<vishnu@l...> wrote:> > |Hare Rama Krishna|> Dear List,> Has anyone forgot

Kanataka Shani? Shani in 1st, 4th, 8th or 10th.> Best wishes> Visti> ---> Sri

Jagannath Center: http://.org> Bhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org> iTRANS 99 Font:

http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org> - >

onlyhari > vedic astrology > Thursday, July 03,

2003 9:56 AM> [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in

degrees) over natal Moon> > > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---> Dear Rani,> >

As much as I sympathize with you, I must say that if Pi is your > chandra

lagna, then the gochar 3rd house transit of Sa in Ta (being > also the 11th

from Cn lagna)should have been good for you. 3/6/11 > Gochar transit of Sa is

considered good as per Narasimha's book.> > If this is not the case as hinted

emphatically by you, then probably > there are other factors at work here. >

> regards> Hari> vedic astrology,

"raindancer_1998" > <raindancer_1998> wrote:> > hi Raji, Anna, and

Hari, > > > > thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to

remember > > Visti once writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as

well. > > but I can't remember the number of the posting. Hari, I would > >

breathe big relief if it were only from the moon. my rashi is > pisces > >

and these past three-four years were DIFFICULT! and so I'm ready > for > >

a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is cancer and I'm right > inside > >

yet another one :-( . > > > > rani.> > > > Sponsor >

> > > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu || > > Your use of is subject to the


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Guest guest

hi all,


sadesati is for seven and half years and to be considered from chandra rashi.

but sat transit over asc and on kendras from asc., on AL are also difficult.

specially on AL except sadesati..other transit effects are for two and half

years only. besides sat transit on 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th from moon are also not



similar effects can be judged from varga charts also.


it is hard to find a peacefull time (LOL)





vedic astrology

Thursday, July 03, 2003 12:58 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal Moon

hi Raji, Anna, and Hari, thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to

remember Visti once writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as well. but

I can't remember the number of the posting. Hari, I would breathe big relief if

it were only from the moon. my rashi is pisces and these past three-four years

were DIFFICULT! and so I'm ready for a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is

cancer and I'm right inside yet another one :-( . rani.--- In

vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar <rajeswarishankar>

wrote:> Dear Rani,> > It is considered to be from one's moon rasi.When saturn

comes yr previous rasi sade sati has started.> > Regards> Raji> > >

raindancer_1998 <raindancer_1998> wrote:> dear Hari, > > I have a small

question: are sadesatis only to be considered from > moon, or are the ascendant

or the sun to be considered also? and can > it be considered on the navamsa

chart from transits too? > > if all of the above apply, then we could

conceivably have sadesatis> going on ALL the time! yikes. > > rani.> > --- In

vedic astrology, "onlyhari" <onlyhari> > wrote:> > ---Om

Brihaspataye Namah---> > Dear Ognjen and Siva,> > > > Transit of Sa in the

12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is > generally > > called as Sadesati or the

7.5 years of Saturn transit over natal > > moon. This is thought to be a period

of extreme stress and mental > > tensions.> > > > I have seen this in a couple

of cases but again there are > > exceptions. For example, I didnt face any

difficulties during the > > 1st Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has

natal moon in Ge > > (Arudra nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart

from some > > delay in getting his masters degree or job, didnt face any > >

difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could get married during > > this

period!> > > > My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while

> the > > second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the factor to > be

> > considered should be the placement of natal moon and saturn with > > respect

to each other and how many Sadesatis can be expected > within > > the lifetime

of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually > makes > > the individual

worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very > > stressful because the native

has by then developed the > > experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of

course, this depends > > to a great extent on the dasha that the individual is

running. > Again > > my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati is a

double > > whammy!> > > > respected Gurus may have other opinions, though.

Siva, as per > advice > > of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are

indicated. You may > > search the list to find out the remedies suggested.

Sincere > worship > > in temples and visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may

help you > > greatly. Its all a matter of faith.> > > > regards> > Hari> > > >

vedic astrology, "Ognjen" > > <ognjen.pavicevic@z...>

wrote:> > > Dear Siva,> > > > > > there must be some other factors also because

I am in the same > > postion like you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and

some > > changes occur but I think that they are positive.> > > > > > Good

luck.> > > > > > Ognjen> > > - > > >

vijayuma > > > vedic astrology > > > Thursday,

July 03, 2003 2:51 AM> > > [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly

(in degrees) > > over natal Moon> > > > > > > > > Hi All,> > > > > > All

sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the > last > > three > > >

to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad > financial > > phase > >

> for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in > > positive >

> > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been > > >

challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been > > technically > > >

sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite > > dramatically > > >

in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not > a > > fault > >

> of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).> > > > > > Are

all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is > exactly > > over > > >

my natal moon now. > > > > > > My DOB> > > 20/october/1970

(Tuesday)> > > Time Of Birth> > > 8:45 am (No DST)> > > Place of

birth> > > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT> > >

Latitude and Longitude> > > 10.23 N> > > 78.52 E> > > > > >

Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated> > > > > > Thanks> > >

Siva> > >> > > Sponsor> Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > > >

> > > > SBC DSL - Now only

$29.95 per month!Archives: vedic astrologyGroup

info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's

light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu


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Dear Rani,


If I remember correctly once Sanjay Ji said about the Kantaka Shani

effect would be like a "Lion limping" during that period.


I always tries to understand the Sanskrit meaning of these definition

first, so I would think , Kantaka means "Thorn" so what happens to a

native when he/she gets Thorn in the feet, the result could be

walking slowly or limping, hence the "Kantaka Shani" meaning matches

with Sanjay ji' saying of "Lion Limping".


It is only my little knowledge. Guru's may please correct me if I am






vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998"

<raindancer_1998> wrote:

> visti, THAT's what I was thinking of! that's what you told me

> before. kanataka shani. but what does it mean? you did tell me


> depression and yes, that did happen and is still around more or

> less. though I am trying to work thru it.


> also, are kanataka shani's effects separate from (and in addition

> to) sadesati?


> rani.


> vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen"


> wrote:

> >

> > |Hare Rama Krishna|

> > Dear List,

> > Has anyone forgot Kanataka Shani? Shani in 1st, 4th, 8th or 10th.

> > Best wishes

> > Visti

> > ---

> > Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org

> > Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> > iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

> > -

> > onlyhari

> > vedic astrology

> > Thursday, July 03, 2003 9:56 AM

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in

> degrees) over natal Moon

> >

> >

> > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> > Dear Rani,

> >

> > As much as I sympathize with you, I must say that if Pi is your

> > chandra lagna, then the gochar 3rd house transit of Sa in Ta

> (being

> > also the 11th from Cn lagna)should have been good for you.

> 3/6/11

> > Gochar transit of Sa is considered good as per Narasimha's book.

> >

> > If this is not the case as hinted emphatically by you, then

> probably

> > there are other factors at work here.

> >

> > regards

> > Hari

> > vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998"

> > <raindancer_1998> wrote:

> > > hi Raji, Anna, and Hari,

> > >

> > > thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to

> remember

> > > Visti once writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as

> well.

> > > but I can't remember the number of the posting. Hari, I would

> > > breathe big relief if it were only from the moon. my rashi is

> > pisces

> > > and these past three-four years were DIFFICULT! and so I'm

> ready

> > for

> > > a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is cancer and I'm right

> > inside

> > > yet another one :-( .

> > >

> > > rani.

> >

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Group info: vedic-

> astrology/info.html

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

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Dear T.V Rao and Hari,

If assuming for certain cases shani took 29 years for the sadi sati

as worst case and at best the person was born when sadi sati was

going on so here you have 2 scnarios 29.5*3 = 88.5 years and the

second is 29.5 * 2 = 59 years. Life expectancy during Vedic times

is definitely different from now... Life expectacy in India I think

is much lesser than 88.5 years... so if people die around 88.5 they

have outlived their life expectacny in forIndia atleast... The

probability of a person dying during the 3rd cycle is quite high.. I

must recon.... and for remaining people who escape the 3rd cycle..

the 4th cycle of shani will definitely do the job... ;)

What say you....

Cheers !!!




vedic astrology, tvrao_agd <tvrao_agd@s...>


> dear hari,


> i heard that third sadesati is very bad and in general people will


> complete third sadesate (i.e. during third sadesati people die).

how far

> this is correct?


> with regards,


> t. v. rao


> -

> "onlyhari" <onlyhari>

> <vedic astrology>

> Thursday, July 03, 2003 9:22 AM

> [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees)


> natal Moon



> > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> > Dear Ognjen and Siva,

> >

> > Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is


> > called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of Saturn transit over natal

> > moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme stress and mental

> > tensions.

> >

> > I have seen this in a couple of cases but again there are

> > exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during the

> > 1st Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge

> > (Arudra nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some

> > delay in getting his masters degree or job, didnt face any

> > difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could get married


> > this period!

> >

> > My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while


> > second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the factor to


> > considered should be the placement of natal moon and saturn with

> > respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be expected


> > the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually


> > the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very

> > stressful because the native has by then developed the

> > experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of course, this


> > to a great extent on the dasha that the individual is running.


> > my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati is a double

> > whammy!

> >

> > respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per


> > of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You may

> > search the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere


> > in temples and visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you

> > greatly. Its all a matter of faith.

> >

> > regards

> > Hari

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Ognjen"

> > <ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:

> > > Dear Siva,

> > >

> > > there must be some other factors also because I am in the same

> > postion like you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some

> > changes occur but I think that they are positive.

> > >

> > > Good luck.

> > >

> > > Ognjen

> > > -

> > > vijayuma

> > > vedic astrology

> > > Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM

> > > [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in


> > over natal Moon

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi All,

> > >

> > > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the


> > three

> > > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad


> > phase

> > > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in

> > positive

> > > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have


> > > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been

> > technically

> > > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite

> > dramatically

> > > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it

not a

> > fault

> > > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).

> > >

> > > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is


> > over

> > > my natal moon now.

> > >

> > > My DOB

> > > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> > > Time Of Birth

> > > 8:45 am (No DST)

> > > Place of birth

> > > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> > > Latitude and Longitude

> > > 10.23 N

> > > 78.52 E

> > >

> > > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Siva

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Group info: vedic-


> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

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Hello Siva,

I don't think only Saturn transit over your moon is totally responsible. If you look at the dasas you will see that Saturn/Saturn was running between may 98 and may 2001, During this Sat/Sat period Saturn was transiting your 7th house where Mars has 0 points. Saturn is also the 2nd lord, bringing worries and friction with superiors, etc. When making the worksheet, you will also see that Saturn has low points and cannot give favorable results during his antar.

Actually you are running Sat/ Mercury. Mercury is samdharmi to the 6th lord. Mercury can give results for many houses especially for the 2nd and the 8th.

Saturn transit over the Moon could make you a bit depressed. Anyway, some tension and stress has been building up in previous months or year not only through work conditions and perhaps your focus is less charp or you feel more weak. In these conditions one suffers more or feels more sharply adversities from others. So Saturn on Moon is not the only one responsible.

Best regards



vijayuma [vijayuma]Thursday, July 03, 2003 3:09 AM Subject: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal MoonHi All,All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last three to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial phase for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in positive direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been technically sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite dramatically in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a fault of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly over my natal moon now. My DOB20/october/1970 (Tuesday)Time Of Birth8:45 am (No DST)Place of birthNear pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMTLatitude and Longitude10.23 N78.52 EAny inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciatedThanksSiva

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Consider this situation.I was born at the end of sade sati.My moon rasi is

rishaba rasi.My natal saturn is in gemini.That means i was born at the last 2

and half years of first cycle of sade sati.Within my age of 30,now i am running

2nd cycle of sade sati.Am i right???




ashsam73 <ashsam73 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear T.V Rao and Hari,If assuming for certain cases shani took 29 years for the

sadi sati as worst case and at best the person was born when sadi sati was

going on so here you have 2 scnarios 29.5*3 = 88.5 years and the second is 29.5

* 2 = 59 years. Life expectancy during Vedic times is definitely different from

now... Life expectacy in India I think is much lesser than 88.5 years... so if

people die around 88.5 they have outlived their life expectacny in forIndia

atleast... The probability of a person dying during the 3rd cycle is quite

high.. I must recon.... and for remaining people who escape the 3rd cycle.. the

4th cycle of shani will definitely do the job... ;)What say you.... Cheers

!!!Ashvedic astrology, tvrao_agd <tvrao_agd@s...>

wrote:> dear hari,>

> i heard that third sadesati is very bad and in general people will not>

complete third sadesate (i.e. during third sadesati people die). how far> this

is correct?> > with regards,> > t. v. rao> > ->

"onlyhari" <onlyhari>> <vedic astrology>> Sent:

Thursday, July 03, 2003 9:22 AM> [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn

Exactly (in degrees) over> natal Moon> > > > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---> >

Dear Ognjen and Siva,> >> > Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal

moon is generally> > called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of Saturn transit over

natal> > moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme stress and mental> >

tensions.> >> > I have seen this in a couple of cases but again there

are> > exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during the> > 1st

Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge> > (Arudra

nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from some> > delay in getting

his masters degree or job, didnt face any> > difficulties so far. Even, I

wonder if he could get married during> > this period!> >> > My opinion is that

the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while the> > second sadesati would

certainly be stressful. Thus the factor to be> > considered should be the

placement of natal moon and saturn with> > respect to each other and how many

Sadesatis can be expected within> > the lifetime of an individual. Since the

2nd sadesati usually makes> > the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is

also not very> > stressful because the native has by then developed

the> > experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of course, this depends> > to

a great extent on the dasha that the individual is running. Again> > my opinion

is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati is a double> > whammy!> >> > respected

Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per advice> > of Gurus on this

list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You may> > search the list to find out

the remedies suggested. Sincere worship> > in temples and visit to Saturn deity

at Thirunallar may help you> > greatly. Its all a matter of faith.> >> >

regards> > Hari> >> > vedic astrology, "Ognjen"> >

<ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:> > > Dear Siva,> > >> > > there must be some

other factors also because I am in the same> > postion like you (

Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some> > changes occur but I think that

they are positive.> > >> > > Good luck.> > >> > > Ognjen> > > ----- Original

Message -----> > > vijayuma> > > vedic astrology>

> > Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM> > > [vedic astrology]

Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees)> > over natal Moon> > >> > >> > > Hi

All,> > >> > > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the

last> > three> > > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad

financial> > phase> > > for the last couple of years, my career was always

moving in> >

positive> > > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been>

> > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been> > technically> >

> sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite> > dramatically> > >

in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a> > fault> > >

of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).> > >> > > Are all

these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly> > over> > > my

natal moon now.> > >> > > My DOB> > > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)> >

> Time Of Birth> > > 8:45

am (No DST)> > > Place of birth> > > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu,

India, +5:30 East GMT> > > Latitude and Longitude> > > 10.23 N> > >

78.52 E> > >> > > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated> >

>> > > Thanks> > > Siva> > >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> >> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to

vedic astrology-> >> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine

on us .......> >> > >

>> > Your use of is subject to >

>> >Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......



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Dear Raji,

This would mean that the first cycle would finish at 29.5 - 2.5 years

i.e. 27th year and 2nd cycle would end after 29.5 years and then 3

would end after another 29.5 years..

The essence of my mail is the fact that one is considering an

outermost planet considered in Vedic Astrology and taking 3 cycles of

it... to me thats like maximizing the probablity for death....


Also refer to Vistis mail and he has elucidated about Kantaka shani.

Now between Sade sati and Kantaka Shani .. we are covering pretty

much half the signs in the chart.... its not right to bame saturn all

the time.. yes he is a harsh teacher.. and teaches a lesson... but he

can also give marriage, give birth of children, give happinesss if he

is strong.. Check how many bindus shani gives for 12th, 1st and 2nd

from moon in its BhinaAshtakavarga. If its less than 3 bindus then

there maybe more enhanced effects.. but if points given by Shani

itself is like 4 or 5 bindus then results will be felt would be very

good. Shani cannot cause havoc if its giving more bindus to the

place where he is transitting as for example if shani is giving 5

bindus to the place where moon which means that 5 planets or lagna

are opposing shani and dissuading it from showing its natural


Just because Shani transits over 12th, 1st or 2nd from lagna does not

mean always there will be problems...

Hari has demonstrated that with his chart... also the fact that

during transits other planets also have to be considered and their

effect on the house shani is transitting too...

You cannot see one planet in isolation...

Cheers !!!



vedic astrology, Rajeswari Shankar

<rajeswarishankar> wrote:

> Hi ASh,


> Consider this situation.I was born at the end of sade sati.My moon

rasi is rishaba rasi.My natal saturn is in gemini.That means i was

born at the last 2 and half years of first cycle of sade sati.Within

my age of 30,now i am running 2nd cycle of sade sati.Am i right???


> Thanks

> Raji



> ashsam73 <ashsam73@h...> wrote:

> Dear T.V Rao and Hari,

> If assuming for certain cases shani took 29 years for the sadi sati

> as worst case and at best the person was born when sadi sati was

> going on so here you have 2 scnarios 29.5*3 = 88.5 years and the

> second is 29.5 * 2 = 59 years. Life expectancy during Vedic times

> is definitely different from now... Life expectacy in India I think

> is much lesser than 88.5 years... so if people die around 88.5 they

> have outlived their life expectacny in forIndia atleast... The

> probability of a person dying during the 3rd cycle is quite high..


> must recon.... and for remaining people who escape the 3rd cycle..

> the 4th cycle of shani will definitely do the job... ;)

> What say you....

> Cheers !!!

> Ash



> vedic astrology, tvrao_agd <tvrao_agd@s...>

> wrote:

> > dear hari,

> >

> > i heard that third sadesati is very bad and in general people


> not

> > complete third sadesate (i.e. during third sadesati people die).

> how far

> > this is correct?

> >

> > with regards,

> >

> > t. v. rao

> >

> > -

> > "onlyhari" <onlyhari>

> > <vedic astrology>

> > Thursday, July 03, 2003 9:22 AM

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in


> over

> > natal Moon

> >

> >

> > > ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> > > Dear Ognjen and Siva,

> > >

> > > Transit of Sa in the 12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon is

> generally

> > > called as Sadesati or the 7.5 years of Saturn transit over natal

> > > moon. This is thought to be a period of extreme stress and


> > > tensions.

> > >

> > > I have seen this in a couple of cases but again there are

> > > exceptions. For example, I didnt face any difficulties during


> > > 1st Sadesati. Similarly, a friend who also has natal moon in Ge

> > > (Arudra nakshatra) is facing 1st Sadesati now and apart from


> > > delay in getting his masters degree or job, didnt face any

> > > difficulties so far. Even, I wonder if he could get married

> during

> > > this period!

> > >

> > > My opinion is that the 1st Sadesati is not very stressful while

> the

> > > second sadesati would certainly be stressful. Thus the factor


> be

> > > considered should be the placement of natal moon and saturn with

> > > respect to each other and how many Sadesatis can be expected

> within

> > > the lifetime of an individual. Since the 2nd sadesati usually

> makes

> > > the individual worldywise, the 3rd Sadesati is also not very

> > > stressful because the native has by then developed the

> > > experience/attitude to weather any storms. Of course, this

> depends

> > > to a great extent on the dasha that the individual is running.

> Again

> > > my opinion is that Saturn Mahadasha + 2nd Sadesati is a double

> > > whammy!

> > >

> > > respected Gurus may have other opinions, though. Siva, as per

> advice

> > > of Gurus on this list, appropriate mantras are indicated. You


> > > search the list to find out the remedies suggested. Sincere

> worship

> > > in temples and visit to Saturn deity at Thirunallar may help you

> > > greatly. Its all a matter of faith.

> > >

> > > regards

> > > Hari

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, "Ognjen"

> > > <ognjen.pavicevic@z...> wrote:

> > > > Dear Siva,

> > > >

> > > > there must be some other factors also because I am in the same

> > > postion like you ( Saturn transit over the natal Moon) and some

> > > changes occur but I think that they are positive.

> > > >

> > > > Good luck.

> > > >

> > > > Ognjen

> > > > -

> > > > vijayuma

> > > > vedic astrology

> > > > Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:51 AM

> > > > [vedic astrology] Transit Saturn Exactly (in

> degrees)

> > > over natal Moon

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hi All,

> > > >

> > > > All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the

> last

> > > three

> > > > to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad

> financial

> > > phase

> > > > for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in

> > > positive

> > > > direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have

> been

> > > > challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been

> > > technically

> > > > sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite

> > > dramatically

> > > > in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it

> not a

> > > fault

> > > > of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).

> > > >

> > > > Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is

> exactly

> > > over

> > > > my natal moon now.

> > > >

> > > > My DOB

> > > > 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> > > > Time Of Birth

> > > > 8:45 am (No DST)

> > > > Place of birth

> > > > Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> > > > Latitude and Longitude

> > > > 10.23 N

> > > > 78.52 E

> > > >

> > > > Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated

> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Siva

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Group info: vedic-

> astrology/info.html

> > >

> > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> > >

> > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Your use of is subject to


> > >

> > >



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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Hi Margaria,


Thanks for your comments. I have one more question, with what i have

gone through in the past few years (terrible from 1999) could you

please let me know if there will be any improvement in any of the

follwing. I have been fighting 2 and 3 in the past but 1 has also

cropped up recently. Bottom line is there light in the end of the

tunnel and how long is this tunnel.


1) profession

2) finance

3) marraige




, " dirk & margarita

lettens " <dmlettens@s...> wrote:

> Hello Siva,

> I don't think only Saturn transit over your moon is totally

responsible. If

> you look at the dasas you will see that Saturn/Saturn was running


> may 98 and may 2001, During this Sat/Sat period Saturn was

transiting your

> 7th house where Mars has 0 points. Saturn is also the 2nd lord,


> worries and friction with superiors, etc. When making the

worksheet, you

> will also see that Saturn has low points and cannot give favorable


> during his antar.

> Actually you are running Sat/ Mercury. Mercury is samdharmi to the

6th lord.

> Mercury can give results for many houses especially for the 2nd and

the 8th.

> Saturn transit over the Moon could make you a bit depressed.

Anyway, some

> tension and stress has been building up in previous months or year

not only

> through work conditions and perhaps your focus is less charp or you


> more weak. In these conditions one suffers more or feels more


> adversities from others. So Saturn on Moon is not the only one


> Best regards

> Margaria


> vijayuma [vijayuma]

> Thursday, July 03, 2003 3:09 AM


> Transit Saturn Exactly (in


> over natal Moon



> Hi All,


> All sorts of problems have errupted all of a sudden in the last


> to four days in my life. Though i have had a very bad financial


> for the last couple of years, my career was always moving in


> direction, but the first time in my 10 year career i have been

> challenged that my work for the past 6 months have been


> sloppy. Basically the status has work has dropped quite


> in last 3 days with bombardment from all sides most of it not a


> of mine (miscommunication, blame of others on me etc.).


> Are all these due to the fact that the transit saturn is exactly


> my natal moon now.


> My DOB

> 20/october/1970 (Tuesday)

> Time Of Birth

> 8:45 am (No DST)

> Place of birth

> Near pudukottai, TamilNadu, India, +5:30 East GMT

> Latitude and Longitude

> 10.23 N

> 78.52 E


> Any inputs on near future w.r.t this is appreciated


> Thanks

> Siva




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Dear Visti,

I remember there is something known as Adhaiyya in local dialect. It is

said to operate when Saturn is 4th or 8th from Lagna or Moon and

duration is of 2and 1/2 years. Perhaps your goodself or Sanjayji could

throw some light on this. Adhaiyya concept is much used by North Indian

Astrologers. I am not very certain when it applies, but my logic tells

me that there is much sense in the concept.


Visti Larsen wrote:


|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Rani,

Kanataka is thorn, and feels like a constant obstacle in ones

work. This work is seen from the 10th house from Lagna, Moon and Arudha

Lagna, and when Shani has Graha dristi on these bhavas during its

transit, the effects of the thorn in ones leg are felt, and nothing

seems to be going anywhere, whilst causing constant pain.

The philosophies/basis of Kanataka Shani and Sade Sati are

different, but we consider them jointly.

Also keep in mind that Transits can be reckoned in Divisional

charts as well. This is the first step into Bhrigu Transits.

Best wishes



Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org

Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org


Original Message -----




vedic astrology


Thursday, July 03, 2003 10:36 AM


[vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in degrees) over natal


visti, THAT's what I was thinking of! that's what you told me

before. kanataka shani. but what does it mean? you did tell me about

depression and yes, that did happen and is still around more or

less. though I am trying to work thru it.

also, are kanataka shani's effects separate from (and in addition

to) sadesati?


vedic astrology,

"Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...>



> |Hare Rama Krishna|

> Dear List,

> Has anyone forgot Kanataka Shani? Shani in 1st, 4th, 8th or 10th.

> Best wishes

> Visti

> ---

> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org

> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

> -

> onlyhari

> vedic astrology

> Thursday, July 03, 2003 9:56 AM

> [vedic astrology] Re: Transit Saturn Exactly (in

degrees) over natal Moon



> ---Om Brihaspataye Namah---

> Dear Rani,


> As much as I sympathize with you, I must say that if Pi is your

> chandra lagna, then the gochar 3rd house transit of Sa in Ta


> also the 11th from Cn lagna)should have been good for you.


> Gochar transit of Sa is considered good as per Narasimha's book.


> If this is not the case as hinted emphatically by you, then


> there are other factors at work here.


> regards

> Hari

> vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998"

> <raindancer_1998> wrote:

> > hi Raji, Anna, and Hari,

> >

> > thanks for all your rsponses. it's just that I seem to


> > Visti once writing that you can have sadesati from lagna as


> > but I can't remember the number of the posting. Hari, I


> > breathe big relief if it were only from the moon. my rashi


> pisces

> > and these past three-four years were DIFFICULT! and so I'm


> for

> > a bit of a breather! if not, my lagna is cancer and I'm


> inside

> > yet another one :-( .

> >

> > rani.




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I think the Sani Kantaka is also known as Sani Dhayya (the 2-1/2 years in 4th

and 8th house), generally brings forth obsticle and unfavourable periods.

Goranga Das told (message no. 23815) that Kantaka Sani is caused when during,

Saturn hits 1st, 4th and 8th houses. I dont know why there is diversity over

this concepts.


I am pasting that message, for the sake of ease.






Gauranga Das <gauranga@b...> Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:50 pm

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: QUERY ON SADESATI


Dear Muhammad,



Now the question about whether the pivotal sign should either be Natal Moon or

Lagna? But there are various opinion on it. e.g. In SA (system approach)

transit is reckoned from natal lagna. Whereas some experts not only take Natal

Moon but also consider Natal Lagna for delineating transit effects. Thus

transit of Saturn behind, over and ahead of Lagna is assmused identical to Sade



Of course you could take so, but usually the suffering will be felt more if

transit is over the Moon, because mental suffering is stronger than physical

one. If you calculate from lagna, then the problematic houses ara 1st, 8th and

10th. This transit is called Kantaka Sani, and it will rather indicate factual

obstacles and difficulties, than mental unhappiness. The efect is different. Of

course on the whole, Saturn's transit over any house is considered evil to thet

house, unless Saturn is yoga Karaka in Jataka chart.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer



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