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Ever think of using Astrology for relationships?

Astrology, and especially Jyotish has a long history

of wonderful 'matchmaking'....

But, alas, even that ancient system has been under a lot of stress

these last 50 years....at least...

But, it's part of the yugas of the time...

When people have started to mistrust the 'matchmakers' of old...

Whether Vedic, African, Jewish or South American...

all the old cultures had their 'yentils'....

Now, people either don't trust their 'elders' to choose someone

for us...


Individuals are interested in choosing for ourselves!

Unfortunately, anyone who has challenges in 'relationships' in their Astrological Charts,

will have lots of problems, especially if they try to pick on their own....

What's needed is to revive the Ancient Art & Science of 'Matchmaking'....

In my own experience studying Jyotish for over 16 years, now I believe there are a number

of crucial categories of 'Compatibilities'....which should be compared,

in order to find a suitable spouse...

Traditionally, Jyotish speaks about the importance of the two people's Moon's Compatabilities!


This is even given a numerical amount....

0-10 is poor,

11- 15 is average,

16 -20 is very good...


21 - 32 is ideal!

But, experience indicates that this one aspect is not quite enough...

There are enough people getting connected with high 'Moon' numbers,

but still failing in their relationships...

So, we can look toanother important Jyotish...principle, which we can call Rule #2....

Primarely, you can also try matching people together in terms of their Two, different

Astrological Charts...

So, you look at each person's chart and seek to find another Astrological Chart.

that is astrologically, compatible..

There are several ways to do this, and one of my favorites is to literally put

the 2 people's Charts,

on top of each other...

So, their Rising Signs....add up....Aries, to Gemini...


Their Houses on top of each other....

Taurus, in their 2nd House with the other's Cancer...

like that...

you can see the intimate interactions...back and forth...

This is very similar to how you feel when you go to a party...

and you get such a vivid, even intense feeling from one person...

and just as intense a kind of revulsion, from another...

But, there is much more to Successful Relationships...

than 'chemistry'....

There is also the very important Principle of Skill....

We'll Call #3....

I consider Skill in relationship to be at least as important as


On the surface this means that those who have or were born with good Astrological

Skill....are spontaneously either

attracting the right partners...


know how to interact with one once they've found one....

Andt, there is also, a lot of Research that shows that Relationship, karma...

can indeed, be improved...

So,#3...also,.means using the knowledge of Jyotish... to improve each individual's

Education, Wisdom or Skill associated with partnershiping....

Then, you need to look at the 2 people's 'Long Term Goals'....

I consider this a #4... Important Area....

Because, if you put one person together who has as their life goal,

to create a family and home...

but the other is more interested in Art or being single...

So, life long goals are important....

Are two people going to the same kind of Spiritual or Material Place?

This is very important...

And finally, there is the fact that today, we have the least amount of

Environmental support

for Relationships and Marriage, today...

Call it the 'Hollywood Syndrome' or the quick let's get married,

because we can easily get divorced...

So..#5..is the fact that we live in a particular Yuga, which is poor

for long term relationships...

When I reflect on the subject at hand, it occurs to me,

'it's amazing that anyone has been able to stay married!'

But, I think that's the point, there are a lot of a lot of things,

stacked up against the couple trying to be successful!

So, look into these different areas...

and use your Romantic 'heads' as well as 'hearts'.....

The Beatles used to say:

'All You Need is Love....da da da ta ta'....

But, I love what is Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,

has said:

'Romantic love is one of the least important quaities

in a successful, long term Relationship.'

Most older couples will Voice a similar 'refrain'...

Many of them say, 'Don't look for success and even love,

in the beginning...

A good relationship doesn't unfold except through years

of attention and devotion.'

This makes sense to me...

I mean we're not even compatable with ourselves!

yet, we're stuck with us...and have to learn to make our

internal lives, work!

Why, shouldn't that be true for relationships with Others!

This doesn't mean we marry just anyone...

But, picking some important 'compatabilities'....and then

Making the Committment!

This is the key!

Mark Kincaid

PS....If you want to see how the Stars, actually work, contact me versus

joining a daily, Jyotish Newsletter that I send out each day....

m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com

take care


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[vedic astrology] Free funky dating and flirting

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