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Naaga Dosham - thanks and a few queries on it

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Dear Prakash,

You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet and when it becomes

retrograde,still its activities are slowed down.So his death inflicting powers

will get reduced during its retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses

the longitude where it became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if

it is a maraka in the chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit

aspects or in trine to this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the

death fast or suddenly as he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit

one sign ).

I hope this helps you.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn? Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


=== message truncated ===


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Dear Ramadas Rao,

This explains the case very well. I would think i am lucky with current transit

of saturn because it went retrogade before crossing my natal mars longitude.

But close though..missed by a degree.

Hence Saturn over Mars will not be more troublesome as in the other case wherei

it crossed my natal mars and then going retrogade.



Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


=== message truncated ===


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Dear Ramadas Rao,

How can i find from my chart whether i have chances for moving to a new

apartment in a different place or continue in the same apt by extending the

lease. I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a good time to move to a

new place of residence based on my chart.



Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


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Dear Prakash,

If you are thinking of changing your residence,see your 4th lord in the transit

and in which nakshatra he is transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has

moved to 4th or aoth from it and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance

of changing the residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must

be in Shubha Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th

Nakshatra.Then the movement to another residence will bring mental peace to

you.If the 4th lord is Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day

actions are Karma related.That means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is

retrograde during transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you

move during Shani's retrogression,you will again change as soon as he becomes

direct or he transits the same long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the

transit of Kuja and he also should not be retrograde.

I hope this will clear your doubts.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

With best regards

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


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Dear Ramadas Rao,

Thanks for the clarification. My fourth lord saturn is retrogade now as you had

mentioned hence i shall wait till it becomes direct. Thanks for giving me a

timely answer otherwise i would have been in a state of confusion.

Does this rule hold good for buying a home and moving or any kind of move with

related to residence.?




Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance of changing the

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day actions are Karma related.That

means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during transit,then wait

till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you move during Shani's retrogression,you

will again change as soon as he becomes direct or he transits the same

long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

should not be retrograde. I hope this will clear your doubts. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. With best regards Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


=== message truncated ===


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Both the 4th lord as well as the 4th from 4th lord are retrogade hence moving

is not advisable as per your rules. Please let me know if my application is




Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance of changing the

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day actions are Karma related.That

means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during transit,then wait

till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you move during Shani's retrogression,you

will again change as soon as he becomes direct or he transits the same

long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

should not be retrograde. I hope this will clear your doubts. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. With best regards Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


=== message truncated ===


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Dear Prakash,

Yes,the same rule applies when you buy a new house also.Yes,you have to wait

till Shani gets direct motion.He will become direct on 23rd Feb.2003 but he

will transit the same long. when he started retrogression on May 28,2003.So

according to me you have to wait till that date.

I hope this clarifies your doubt.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Thanks for the clarification. My

fourth lord saturn is retrogade now as you had mentioned hence i shall wait till

it becomes direct. Thanks for giving me a timely answer otherwise i would have

been in a state of confusion. Does this rule hold good for buying a home and

moving or any kind of move with related to residence.? Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance of changing the

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day actions are Karma related.That

means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during transit,then wait

till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you move during Shani's retrogression,you

will again change as soon as he becomes direct or he transits the same

long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

should not be retrograde. I hope this will clear your doubts. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. With best regards Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


=== message truncated ===


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Dear Prakash,

Yes, and I have answered your doubts in my previousmail.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, My 4 th lord Saturn is

Retrogade, My 4th lord from my 4th house Venus is also currently retrogade in

the movable sign Libra. My 4th lord saturn is in the mrigasirisha asterism of

Mars which is the 6th from my natal moon sign star revathy. Both the 4th lord

as well as the 4th from 4th lord are retrogade hence moving is not advisable as

per your rules. Please let me know if my application is correct. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance of changing the

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day actions are Karma related.That

means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during transit,then wait

till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you move during Shani's retrogression,you

will again change as soon as he becomes direct or he transits the same

long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

should not be retrograde. I hope this will clear your doubts. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. With best regards Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


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Dear Ramadas Rao,

Thanks for clarifying my doubts.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,the same rule applies when you buy a

new house also.Yes,you have to wait till Shani gets direct motion.He will become

direct on 23rd Feb.2003 but he will transit the same long. when he started

retrogression on May 28,2003.So according to me you have to wait till that

date. I hope this clarifies your doubt. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Thanks for the clarification. My

fourth lord saturn is retrogade now as you had mentioned hence i shall wait till

it becomes direct. Thanks for giving me a timely answer otherwise i would have

been in a state of confusion. Does this rule hold good for buying a home and

moving or any kind of move with related to residence.? Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance of changing the

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day actions are Karma related.That

means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during transit,then wait

till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you move during Shani's retrogression,you

will again change as soon as he becomes direct or he transits the same

long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

should not be retrograde. I hope this will clear your doubts. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. With best regards Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


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Dear Ramadas Rao,

In my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th from the 4 th house and

aspects the 4 th house. Since my 4th lord is in my 7th house of marriage can i

say that my change of residence or buying a new home could be related to my




Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance of changing the

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day actions are Karma related.That

means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during transit,then wait

till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you move during Shani's retrogression,you

will again change as soon as he becomes direct or he transits the same

long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

should not be retrograde. I hope this will clear your doubts. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. With best regards Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so> far, i beg

to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from Sc is

libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha devata is

lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help the native

reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu (Ganesh or>

Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used graha drishti

in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is aspected by

Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> > Will wait for

ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> - >

Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sunday, November

10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham -> thanks

and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As

per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka> and> he is placed in

Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra who is placed with him

along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So Kuja> is> stronger

than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha is aspected by

Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also Vargothama>

indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite> everyday> Sri

Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA,minimum

108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya Karaka and he is placed> in>

Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who is your 9th lord

and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in Kataka Navamsha or>

aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana (Protective )> Devatha .So

worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga> Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga

Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your>

Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so

Godess Maha Lakshmi is your> Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her

temple> in> the viscinity of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.>

With best regards,> Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha

deivam> for> > me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my

12 th house in Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also

Jupiter aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter>

in> > the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight

house.> > Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and

Venus how can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as

material progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas

Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a> > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.> >

With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marriage,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Shani is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions> > of> > > Shani,you must recite

Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra has to be>

recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM VISHWAVASUNAAMAGANDHARVAHA


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Dear Prakash,

As per your chart,from 4th house 4th lord is Shukra

who is in 5th house from 4th and is with 3rd and 10th

lord Kuja from 4th and this combination is in 8th from

Lagna in Mithuna Rasi which is a west direction

sign.This means your house will be in western

direction from your birth place and as it is 8th

house,it can be wetern country and is near to your

work place.Also you see the 4th from 4th lord is in

8th whose lord Budha is in 12th from 4th Lord

Shani,indicating you will recide in a distant

place/country from your birth place.

I hope this helps you.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.--- Prakash Narayanan <rcnp

wrote: >


> Dear Ramadas Rao,

> In my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th

> from the 4 th house and aspects the 4 th house.

> Since my 4th lord is in my 7th house of marriage can

> i say that my change of residence or buying a new

> home could be related to my marriage.

> Thanks!

> Prakash

> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


> Dear Prakash,

> If you are thinking of changing your residence,see

> your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra

> he is transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has

> moved to 4th or aoth from it and the sign is a

> moveable then there is a chance of changing the

> residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting

> planet also must be in Shubha Taras from Janma

> Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th

> Nakshatra.Then the movement to another residence

> will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

> Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day

> actions are Karma related.That means Shani is the

> Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during

> transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise

> if you move during Shani's retrogression,you will

> again change as soon as he becomes direct or he

> transits the same long.when he started

> retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

> should not be retrograde.

> I hope this will clear your doubts.

> With best regards,

> Ramadas Rao.

> With best regards

> Prakash Narayanan <rcnp wrote:


> Dear Ramadas Rao,

> How can i find from my chart whether i have chances

> for moving to a new apartment in a different place

> or continue in the same apt by extending the lease.

> I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a

> good time to move to a new place of residence based

> on my chart.

> Thanks!

> Prakash

> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


> Dear Prakash,

> You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet

> and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities

> are slowed down.So his death inflicting powers will

> get reduced during its retrogression.But when it

> become direct and crosses the longitude where it

> became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give

> death if it is a maraka in the chart.But if other

> malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in

> trine to this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring

> about the death fast or suddenly as he is fast

> moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign

> ).

> I hope this helps you.

> Prakash Narayanan <rcnp wrote:


> Dear Ramadas Rao,

> Does the Retrogade Saturn has more death inflicting

> power than direct saturn?


> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


> Dear Prakash,

> Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the nakshatra of

> Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope

> I am correct.

> With best regards,

> Ramadas Rao.

> Prakash Narayanan <rcnp wrote:


> Dear Ramadas Rao,

> You are very correct about the cause of death. In

> addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in

> capricorn in the asterism of Sun has anything do

> with it?

> Thanks!

> Prakash

> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


> Dear Prakash,

> Now check your chart from 9th house as 9th indiactes

> about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the

> nakshatra of Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was

> retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a maraka

> sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of

> Uttarashada ruled by Ravi and Ravi was in 2nd from

> 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

> from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th

> lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda nakshatra is Dhanishta

> whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

> Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in

> trine to Shani ® and also in trine to your natal

> Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that

> day.Kuja was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your

> father's death was due to heart attack.Of course

> here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not

> played part in your father's death but the nakshatra

> lord Kuja has taken part.

> I hope this helps you.

> With best regards,

> Ramadas Rao.

> Prakash Narayanan <rcnp wrote:


> Dear Ramadas Rao,

> You are absolutely right i did have difference of

> opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

> transferred to a new division within the same

> company. I would think that was due to the current

> Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha

> star.

> On Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was

> aspecting my natal 9th house occupied by kethu and

> Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal

> 9th house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running

> Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day.

> Does this give any clue regarding my father's

> death?... please clarify with your insight on this.

> Thanks!

> Prakash

> Thanks!

> Prakash.

> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


> Dear Prakash,

> In your previous mail you mentioned that your father

> expired when you were 19.So check the

> dasa-pratyantara dasa transit etc.You will get the

> answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun

> represents not only father but also Government

> authorities,superiors in an Organisation etc.So see

> all these in to consideration.

> I wish you good luck.

> With best regards,

> Ramadas Rao.

> Prakash Narayanan <rcnp wrote:


> Dear Ramadas Rao,

> Dasas and pratyantardasas are also pointing in that

> direction, i will be running

> Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in Venus is my 7th lord

> and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord.

> Hence confirms the event.

> Thanks!

> Prakash

> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


> Dear Prakash,

> Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If matcing with

> the transits,then the event will take place.

> With best regards,

> Ramadas Rao.

> Prakash Narayanan <rcnp wrote:


> Dear Ramadas Rao,

> Based on your method i could time my marriage as

> June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is

> right over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini.

> Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct is right over my

> natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job

> or some change in my existing job.

> Please veify with your insight.

> Thanks!

> Prakash.

> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:


> Dear Praksh,

> Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in the same

> groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is

> Mrigashira and from it 9th Nakshatra will be

> Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi

> in your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is

> Kuja and 8th from him is vrischika Rasi which is

> also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

> Kuja may bring severe health problems to your

> father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by Shukra and is also

> 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this

> transit of Shani over Shukra may bring health

> problems/worries etc. to your mother.But both the

> charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If

> both of your father and mother are running the dasa

> /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

> problems may be predicted.

> But considering from your chart,when Shani is

> transitting over Shukra will bring about your

> marriage and gains from the marriage also.But

> transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of

> problems in career/business,trouble from senior

> officers/Government authorities etc.

> I hope this will clear your doubts.

> With best regards,

> Ramadas Rao.

> Prakash Narayanan <rcnp wrote:


=== message truncated ===



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Dear Ramadas Rao,

You are very correct about my residing place.. i reside in New Jersey, USA which

is West to my birth place Tanjore in Tamilnadu. My residence is also near to my

work place. Do you think that the distant foreign land is the permanent place

of residence or there is a chance for settling back in my native country?

Please clarify.



Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHADear Prakash,As per your chart,from 4th house 4th lord

is Shukrawho is in 5th house from 4th and is with 3rd and 10thlord Kuja from

4th and this combination is in 8th fromLagna in Mithuna Rasi which is a west

directionsign.This means your house will be in westerndirection from your birth

place and as it is 8thhouse,it can be wetern country and is near to yourwork

place.Also you see the 4th from 4th lord is in8th whose lord Budha is in 12th

from 4th LordShani,indicating you will recide in a distantplace/country from

your birth place.I hope this helps you.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.---

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >wrote: > > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA>

Dear Ramadas Rao,> In my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th> from

the 4 th house and aspects the 4 th house.> Since my 4th lord is in my 7th

house of marriage can> i say that my change of residence or buying a new> home

could be related to my marriage.> Thanks!> Prakash> Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > If

you are thinking of changing your residence,see> your 4th lord in the transit

and in which nakshatra> he is transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has>

moved to 4th or aoth from it and the sign is a> moveable then there is a

chance of changing the> residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting> planet

also must be in Shubha Taras from Janma> Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th>

Nakshatra.Then the movement to another residence> will bring mental peace to

you.If the 4th lord is> Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day>

actions are Karma related.That means Shani is the> Karma Karaka and if he is

retrograde during> transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise> if you

move during Shani's retrogression,you will> again change as soon as he becomes

direct or he> transits the same long.when he started> retrograde.Also chek the

transit of Kuja and he also> should not be retrograde. > I hope this will clear

your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > With best regards > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear

Ramadas Rao, > How can i find from my chart whether i have chances> for moving

to a new apartment in a different place> or continue in the same apt by

extending the lease.> I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a> good

time to move to a new place of residence based> on my chart. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet>

and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities> are slowed down.So his

death inflicting powers will> get reduced during its retrogression.But when it>

become direct and crosses the longitude where it> became retrograde,then it

becomes strong to give> death if it is a maraka in the chart.But if other>

malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in> trine to this Retrograde

Shani,then Kuja can bring> about the death fast or suddenly as he is fast>

moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign> ). > I hope this helps

you. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Does the Retrogade Saturn has more death

inflicting> power than direct saturn? > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Yes,Shani ® 's transit on

Rahu in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope> I

am correct. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are very correct about the cause of death. In> addition does Saturn R over

my natal rahu in> capricorn in the asterism of Sun has anything do> with it? >

Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Now check your chart from 9th house as 9th

indiactes> about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the> nakshatra of Pushyami

ruled by Shani and Shani was> retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a maraka>

sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada ruled by Ravi and

Ravi was in 2nd from> 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd>

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th> lord.Now Ravi's shodhy

pinda nakshatra is Dhanishta> whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in

the> Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in> trine to Shani ® and

also in trine to your natal> Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that>

day.Kuja was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your> father's death was due to

heart attack.Of course> here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not> played

part in your father's death but the nakshatra> lord Kuja has taken part. > I

hope this helps you. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are absolutely right i did have difference of> opinion/clash of egos with

my new boss after i got> transferred to a new division within the same>

company. I would think that was due to the current> Transit saturn over my

natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha> star. > On Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn

was> aspecting my natal 9th house occupied by kethu and> Transit mercury R was

towards the end of my natal> 9th house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running>

Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. > Does this give any clue regarding my

father's> death?... please clarify with your insight on this. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Thanks! > Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > In your previous mail you mentioned

that your father> expired when you were 19.So check the> dasa-pratyantara dasa

transit etc.You will get the> answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun>

represents not only father but also Government> authorities,superiors in an

Organisation etc.So see> all these in to consideration. > I wish you good luck.

> With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

> OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Dasas and pratyantardasas

are also pointing in that> direction, i will be running > Venus-Jupiter-Venus

where in Venus is my 7th lord> and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. > Hence confirms

the event. > Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Check also from Dasa and Antara

dasa.If matcing with> the transits,then the event will take place. > With best

regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO

BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Based on your method i could time

my marriage as> June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is> right over

my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. > Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct is

right over my> natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job> or some

change in my existing job. > Please veify with your insight. > Thanks! >

Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Praksh, > Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in the same>

groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is> Mrigashira and from it 9th

Nakshatra will be> Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi> in your

chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is> Kuja and 8th from him is vrischika

Rasi which is> also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over> Kuja may

bring severe health problems to your> father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by Shukra

and is also> 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this> transit of

Shani over Shukra may bring health> problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the> charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If> both of your

father and mother are running the dasa> /Antara Dasa of good planets then only

minor> problems may be predicted. > But considering from your chart,when Shani

is> transitting over Shukra will bring about your> marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But> transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of> problems

in career/business,trouble from senior> officers/Government authorities etc. > I

hope this will clear your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > === message truncated ===


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Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHADear Prakash,As per your chart,from 4th house 4th lord

is Shukrawho is in 5th house from 4th and is with 3rd and 10thlord Kuja from

4th and this combination is in 8th fromLagna in Mithuna Rasi which is a west

directionsign.This means your house will be in westerndirection from your birth

place and as it is 8thhouse,it can be wetern country and is near to yourwork

place.Also you see the 4th from 4th lord is in8th whose lord Budha is in 12th

from 4th LordShani,indicating you will recide in a distantplace/country from

your birth place.I hope this helps you.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.---

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >wrote: > > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA>

Dear Ramadas Rao,> In my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th> from

the 4 th house and aspects the 4 th house.> Since my 4th lord is in my 7th

house of marriage can> i say that my change of residence or buying a new> home

could be related to my marriage.> Thanks!> Prakash> Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > If

you are thinking of changing your residence,see> your 4th lord in the transit

and in which nakshatra> he is transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has>

moved to 4th or aoth from it and the sign is a> moveable then there is a

chance of changing the> residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting> planet

also must be in Shubha Taras from Janma> Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th>

Nakshatra.Then the movement to another residence> will bring mental peace to

you.If the 4th lord is> Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day>

actions are Karma related.That means Shani is the> Karma Karaka and if he is

retrograde during> transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise> if you

move during Shani's retrogression,you will> again change as soon as he becomes

direct or he> transits the same long.when he started> retrograde.Also chek the

transit of Kuja and he also> should not be retrograde. > I hope this will clear

your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > With best regards > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear

Ramadas Rao, > How can i find from my chart whether i have chances> for moving

to a new apartment in a different place> or continue in the same apt by

extending the lease.> I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a> good

time to move to a new place of residence based> on my chart. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet>

and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities> are slowed down.So his

death inflicting powers will> get reduced during its retrogression.But when it>

become direct and crosses the longitude where it> became retrograde,then it

becomes strong to give> death if it is a maraka in the chart.But if other>

malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in> trine to this Retrograde

Shani,then Kuja can bring> about the death fast or suddenly as he is fast>

moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign> ). > I hope this helps

you. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Does the Retrogade Saturn has more death

inflicting> power than direct saturn? > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Yes,Shani ® 's transit on

Rahu in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope> I

am correct. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are very correct about the cause of death. In> addition does Saturn R over

my natal rahu in> capricorn in the asterism of Sun has anything do> with it? >

Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Now check your chart from 9th house as 9th

indiactes> about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the> nakshatra of Pushyami

ruled by Shani and Shani was> retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a maraka>

sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada ruled by Ravi and

Ravi was in 2nd from> 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd>

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th> lord.Now Ravi's shodhy

pinda nakshatra is Dhanishta> whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in

the> Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in> trine to Shani ® and

also in trine to your natal> Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that>

day.Kuja was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your> father's death was due to

heart attack.Of course> here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not> played

part in your father's death but the nakshatra> lord Kuja has taken part. > I

hope this helps you. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are absolutely right i did have difference of> opinion/clash of egos with

my new boss after i got> transferred to a new division within the same>

company. I would think that was due to the current> Transit saturn over my

natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha> star. > On Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn

was> aspecting my natal 9th house occupied by kethu and> Transit mercury R was

towards the end of my natal> 9th house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running>

Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. > Does this give any clue regarding my

father's> death?... please clarify with your insight on this. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Thanks! > Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > In your previous mail you mentioned

that your father> expired when you were 19.So check the> dasa-pratyantara dasa

transit etc.You will get the> answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun>

represents not only father but also Government> authorities,superiors in an

Organisation etc.So see> all these in to consideration. > I wish you good luck.

> With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

> OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Dasas and pratyantardasas

are also pointing in that> direction, i will be running > Venus-Jupiter-Venus

where in Venus is my 7th lord> and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. > Hence confirms

the event. > Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Check also from Dasa and Antara

dasa.If matcing with> the transits,then the event will take place. > With best

regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO

BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Based on your method i could time

my marriage as> June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is> right over

my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. > Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct is

right over my> natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job> or some

change in my existing job. > Please veify with your insight. > Thanks! >

Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Praksh, > Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in the same>

groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is> Mrigashira and from it 9th

Nakshatra will be> Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi> in your

chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is> Kuja and 8th from him is vrischika

Rasi which is> also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over> Kuja may

bring severe health problems to your> father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by Shukra

and is also> 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this> transit of

Shani over Shukra may bring health> problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the> charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If> both of your

father and mother are running the dasa> /Antara Dasa of good planets then only

minor> problems may be predicted. > But considering from your chart,when Shani

is> transitting over Shukra will bring about your> marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But> transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of> problems

in career/business,trouble from senior> officers/Government authorities etc. > I

hope this will clear your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > === message truncated ===


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Dear Prakash,

As per your chart,your 4th lord Shani is in 7th vargothama,but both signs are

fixed signs.But 4th lod's sign dispositor Shukra is in 8th ,in dwiswabhava Rasi

and in Navamsha Shukra is placed in Vrschika Navamsha which is a watery sign and

is 12th from Navamsha Lagna with your Lagna lord Kuja and 10th lord Soorya

indiacting you live in foreign countries for a long time.possibly migration


I hope this clears your doubt.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about my

residing place.. i reside in New Jersey, USA which is West to my birth place

Tanjore in Tamilnadu. My residence is also near to my work place. Do you think

that the distant foreign land is the permanent place of residence or there is a

chance for settling back in my native country? Please clarify. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHADear

Prakash,As per your chart,from 4th house 4th lord is Shukrawho is in 5th house

from 4th and is with 3rd and 10thlord Kuja from 4th and this combination is in

8th fromLagna in Mithuna Rasi which is a west directionsign.This means your

house will be in westerndirection from your birth place and as it is

8thhouse,it can be wetern country and is near to yourwork place.Also you see

the 4th from 4th lord is in8th whose lord Budha is in 12th from 4th

LordShani,indicating you will recide in a distantplace/country from your birth

place.I hope this helps you.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.--- Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp >wrote: > > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA> Dear Ramadas Rao,> In

my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th> from the 4 th house and

aspects the 4 th house.> Since my 4th lord is in my 7th house of marriage can>

i say that my change of residence or buying a new> home could be related to my

marriage.> Thanks!> Prakash> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> OM

KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see> your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra> he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has> moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a> moveable then there is a chance of changing the>

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting> planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma> Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th> Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence> will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord

is> Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day> actions are Karma

related.That means Shani is the> Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during>

transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise> if you move during Shani's

retrogression,you will> again change as soon as he becomes direct or he>

transits the same long.when he started> retrograde.Also chek the transit of

Kuja and he also> should not be retrograde. > I hope this will clear your

doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > With best regards > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear

Ramadas Rao, > How can i find from my chart whether i have chances> for moving

to a new apartment in a different place> or continue in the same apt by

extending the lease.> I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a> good

time to move to a new place of residence based> on my chart. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet>

and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities> are slowed down.So his

death inflicting powers will> get reduced during its retrogression.But when it>

become direct and crosses the longitude where it> became retrograde,then it

becomes strong to give> death if it is a maraka in the chart.But if other>

malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in> trine to this Retrograde

Shani,then Kuja can bring> about the death fast or suddenly as he is fast>

moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign> ). > I hope this helps

you. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Does the Retrogade Saturn has more death

inflicting> power than direct saturn? > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Yes,Shani ® 's transit on

Rahu in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope> I

am correct. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are very correct about the cause of death. In> addition does Saturn R over

my natal rahu in> capricorn in the asterism of Sun has anything do> with it? >

Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Now check your chart from 9th house as 9th

indiactes> about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the> nakshatra of Pushyami

ruled by Shani and Shani was> retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a maraka>

sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada ruled by Ravi and

Ravi was in 2nd from> 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd>

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th> lord.Now Ravi's shodhy

pinda nakshatra is Dhanishta> whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in

the> Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in> trine to Shani ® and

also in trine to your natal> Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that>

day.Kuja was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your> father's death was due to

heart attack.Of course> here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not> played

part in your father's death but the nakshatra> lord Kuja has taken part. > I

hope this helps you. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are absolutely right i did have difference of> opinion/clash of egos with

my new boss after i got> transferred to a new division within the same>

company. I would think that was due to the current> Transit saturn over my

natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha> star. > On Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn

was> aspecting my natal 9th house occupied by kethu and> Transit mercury R was

towards the end of my natal> 9th house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running>

Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. > Does this give any clue regarding my

father's> death?... please clarify with your insight on this. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Thanks! > Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > In your previous mail you mentioned

that your father> expired when you were 19.So check the> dasa-pratyantara dasa

transit etc.You will get the> answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun>

represents not only father but also Government> authorities,superiors in an

Organisation etc.So see> all these in to consideration. > I wish you good luck.

> With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

> OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Dasas and pratyantardasas

are also pointing in that> direction, i will be running > Venus-Jupiter-Venus

where in Venus is my 7th lord> and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. > Hence confirms

the event. > Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Check also from Dasa and Antara

dasa.If matcing with> the transits,then the event will take place. > With best

regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO

BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Based on your method i could time

my marriage as> June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is> right over

my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. > Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct is

right over my> natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job> or some

change in my existing job. > Please veify with your insight. > Thanks! >

Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Praksh, > Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in the same>

groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is> Mrigashira and from it 9th

Nakshatra will be> Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi> in your

chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is> Kuja and 8th from him is vrischika

Rasi which is> also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over> Kuja may

bring severe health problems to your> father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by Shukra

and is also> 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this> transit of

Shani over Shukra may bring health> problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the> charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If> both of your

father and mother are running the dasa> /Antara Dasa of good planets then only

minor> problems may be predicted. > But considering from your chart,when Shani

is> transitting over Shukra will bring about your> marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But> transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of> problems

in career/business,trouble from senior> officers/Government authorities etc. > I

hope this will clear your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > === message truncated ===


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Dear Rajiv,

Regarding this I will write to your personal mail ID.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Rajiv Lakhanpal <chakroo > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao jiWhen do you think I can buy a house and get married. My DOB

is Sept 4, 1970 04:17 a.m and place of birth is Baroda, Gujarat.ThanksRajiv

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHADear

Prakash,As per your chart,from 4th house 4th lord is Shukrawho is in 5th house

from 4th and is with 3rd and 10thlord Kuja from 4th and this combination is in

8th fromLagna in Mithuna Rasi which is a west directionsign.This means your

house will be in westerndirection from your birth place and as it is

8thhouse,it can be wetern country and is near to yourwork place.Also you see

the 4th from 4th lord is in8th whose lord Budha is in 12th from 4th

LordShani,indicating you will recide in a distantplace/country from your birth

place.I hope this helps you.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.--- Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp >wrote: > > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA> Dear Ramadas Rao,> In

my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th> from the 4 th house and

aspects the 4 th house.> Since my 4th lord is in my 7th house of marriage can>

i say that my change of residence or buying a new> home could be related to my

marriage.> Thanks!> Prakash> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> OM

KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see> your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra> he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has> moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a> moveable then there is a chance of changing the>

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting> planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma> Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th> Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence> will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord

is> Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day> actions are Karma

related.That means Shani is the> Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during>

transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise> if you move during Shani's

retrogression,you will> again change as soon as he becomes direct or he>

transits the same long.when he started> retrograde.Also chek the transit of

Kuja and he also> should not be retrograde. > I hope this will clear your

doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > With best regards > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear

Ramadas Rao, > How can i find from my chart whether i have chances> for moving

to a new apartment in a different place> or continue in the same apt by

extending the lease.> I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a> good

time to move to a new place of residence based> on my chart. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet>

and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities> are slowed down.So his

death inflicting powers will> get reduced during its retrogression.But when it>

become direct and crosses the longitude where it> became retrograde,then it

becomes strong to give> death if it is a maraka in the chart.But if other>

malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in> trine to this Retrograde

Shani,then Kuja can bring> about the death fast or suddenly as he is fast>

moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign> ). > I hope this helps

you. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Does the Retrogade Saturn has more death

inflicting> power than direct saturn? > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Yes,Shani ® 's transit on

Rahu in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope> I

am correct. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are very correct about the cause of death. In> addition does Saturn R over

my natal rahu in> capricorn in the asterism of Sun has anything do> with it? >

Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Now check your chart from 9th house as 9th

indiactes> about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the> nakshatra of Pushyami

ruled by Shani and Shani was> retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a maraka>

sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada ruled by Ravi and

Ravi was in 2nd from> 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd>

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th> lord.Now Ravi's shodhy

pinda nakshatra is Dhanishta> whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in

the> Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in> trine to Shani ® and

also in trine to your natal> Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that>

day.Kuja was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your> father's death was due to

heart attack.Of course> here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not> played

part in your father's death but the nakshatra> lord Kuja has taken part. > I

hope this helps you. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are absolutely right i did have difference of> opinion/clash of egos with

my new boss after i got> transferred to a new division within the same>

company. I would think that was due to the current> Transit saturn over my

natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha> star. > On Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn

was> aspecting my natal 9th house occupied by kethu and> Transit mercury R was

towards the end of my natal> 9th house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running>

Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. > Does this give any clue regarding my

father's> death?... please clarify with your insight on this. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Thanks! > Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > In your previous mail you mentioned

that your father> expired when you were 19.So check the> dasa-pratyantara dasa

transit etc.You will get the> answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun>

represents not only father but also Government> authorities,superiors in an

Organisation etc.So see> all these in to consideration. > I wish you good luck.

> With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

> OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Dasas and pratyantardasas

are also pointing in that> direction, i will be running > Venus-Jupiter-Venus

where in Venus is my 7th lord> and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. > Hence confirms

the event. > Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Check also from Dasa and Antara

dasa.If matcing with> the transits,then the event will take place. > With best

regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO

BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Based on your method i could time

my marriage as> June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is> right over

my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. > Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct is

right over my> natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job> or some

change in my existing job. > Please veify with your insight. > Thanks! >

Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Praksh, > Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in the same>

groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is> Mrigashira and from it 9th

Nakshatra will be> Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi> in your

chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is> Kuja and 8th from him is vrischika

Rasi which is> also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over> Kuja may

bring severe health problems to your> father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by Shukra

and is also> 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this> transit of

Shani over Shukra may bring health> problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the> charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If> both of your

father and mother are running the dasa> /Antara Dasa of good planets then only

minor> problems may be predicted. > But considering from your chart,when Shani

is> transitting over Shukra will bring about your> marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But> transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of> problems

in career/business,trouble from senior> officers/Government authorities etc. > I

hope this will clear your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > === message truncated ===


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Dear Mr.Rao,

does your statement below indicate that since Shani is my lord of ascendant that

nothing should be planned seriously until the may 28th with my life and personal

planes.Since Shani is in my 7th house that would imply that no significant

movement can be expected there also?

BTW, Shani is retrograde in my natal chart also.

Another question that arises here is about houses ruled by Sun and Moon.That

houses don't experience effect of their lord being retrograde.How to explain


Best wishes.



Ramadas Rao

vedic astrology

Saturday, November 16, 2002 5:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham - thanks and a few queries on it

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,the same rule applies when you buy a

new house also.Yes,you have to wait till Shani gets direct motion.He will become

direct on 23rd Feb.2003 but he will transit the same long. when he started

retrogression on May 28,2003.So according to me you have to wait till that

date. I hope this clarifies your doubt. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Thanks for the clarification. My

fourth lord saturn is retrogade now as you had mentioned hence i shall wait till

it becomes direct. Thanks for giving me a timely answer otherwise i would have

been in a state of confusion. Does this rule hold good for buying a home and

moving or any kind of move with related to residence.? Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance of changing the

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day actions are Karma related.That

means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during transit,then wait

till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you move during Shani's retrogression,you

will again change as soon as he becomes direct or he transits the same

long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

should not be retrograde. I hope this will clear your doubts. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. With best regards Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so! > far, i

beg to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from

Sc is libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha

devata is lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help

the native reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu

(Ganesh or> Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used

graha drishti in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is

aspected by Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> >

Will wait for ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> ----- Original Message

----- > Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sent:

Sunday, November 10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic-as! trology] Re:

Naaga Dosham -> thanks and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka>

and> he is placed in Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra

who is placed with him along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So

Kuja> is> stronger than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha

is aspected by Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also

Vargothama> indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite>

everyday> Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA,minimum 108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya K! araka and he

is placed> in> Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who

is your 9th lord and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in

Kataka Navamsha or> aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana

(Protective )> Devatha .So worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga>

Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI

NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your> Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd

from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so Godess Maha Lakshmi is your>

Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her temple> in> the viscinity

of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.> With best regards,>&nb!

sp; Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >> wrote: > > >

Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha deivam> for>

> me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my 12 th house in

Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also Jupiter

aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter> in> >

the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight house.> >

Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and Venus how

can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as material

progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a&g! t; > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.>

> With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marria! ge,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Sha! ni is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions>! > of> > > Shani,you must

recite Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra

has to be> recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM


SWARUPAAM SAALANKARAAM> TASMAI> === message truncated ===


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Dear Ognjen,

I had given the statement not considered from any Lagna ie.,Sun or Moon Lagnas

also.I am telling about retrograde Shani only.Anybody can plan the new ideas

and keep them ready to bring them into action when Shani becomes

direct.Normally Retrograde Shani will not allow any new things to be started as

he is Karma Karaka.

Ihope this clarifies your doubt.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Ognjen <ognjen.pavicevic (AT) zg (DOT) hinet.hr> wrote:

Dear Mr.Rao,

does your statement below indicate that since Shani is my lord of ascendant that

nothing should be planned seriously until the may 28th with my life and personal

planes.Since Shani is in my 7th house that would imply that no significant

movement can be expected there also?

BTW, Shani is retrograde in my natal chart also.

Another question that arises here is about houses ruled by Sun and Moon.That

houses don't experience effect of their lord being retrograde.How to explain


Best wishes.



Ramadas Rao

vedic astrology

Saturday, November 16, 2002 5:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Naaga Dosham - thanks and a few queries on it

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,the same rule applies when you buy a

new house also.Yes,you have to wait till Shani gets direct motion.He will become

direct on 23rd Feb.2003 but he will transit the same long. when he started

retrogression on May 28,2003.So according to me you have to wait till that

date. I hope this clarifies your doubt. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Thanks for the clarification. My

fourth lord saturn is retrogade now as you had mentioned hence i shall wait till

it becomes direct. Thanks for giving me a timely answer otherwise i would have

been in a state of confusion. Does this rule hold good for buying a home and

moving or any kind of move with related to residence.? Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a moveable then there is a chance of changing the

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord is

Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day actions are Karma related.That

means Shani is the Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during transit,then wait

till he becomes direct.Otherwise if you move during Shani's retrogression,you

will again change as soon as he becomes direct or he transits the same

long.when he started retrograde.Also chek the transit of Kuja and he also

should not be retrograde. I hope this will clear your doubts. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. With best regards Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, How can i find from my chart

whether i have chances for moving to a new apartment in a different place or

continue in the same apt by extending the lease. I was thinking whether i can

find out if it is a good time to move to a new place of residence based on my

chart. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You know that Saturn is already a slow

moving planet and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities are slowed

down.So his death inflicting powers will get reduced during its

retrogression.But when it become direct and crosses the longitude where it

became retrograde,then it becomes strong to give death if it is a maraka in the

chart.But if other malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in trine to

this Retrograde Shani,then Kuja can bring about the death fast or suddenly as

he is fast moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign ). I hope this

helps you. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Does the Retrogade Saturn has

more death inflicting power than direct saturn?

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Yes,Shani ® 's transit on Rahu in the

nakshatra of Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope I am correct.

With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about the

cause of death. In addition does Saturn R over my natal rahu in capricorn in

the asterism of Sun has anything do with it? Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Now check your chart from 9th house as

9th indiactes about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the nakshatra of

Pushyami ruled by Shani and Shani was retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a

maraka sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of Uttarashada ruled by Ravi

and Ravi was in 2nd from 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th lord.Now Ravi's shodhy pinda

nakshatra is Dhanishta whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in the

Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in trine to Shani ® and also

in trine to your natal Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that day.Kuja

was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your father's death was due to heart

attack.Of course here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not played part in

your father's death but the nakshatra lord Kuja has taken part. I hope this

helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are absolutely right i did

have difference of opinion/clash of egos with my new boss after i got

transferred to a new division within the same company. I would think that was

due to the current Transit saturn over my natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha star. On

Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn was aspecting my natal 9th house

occupied by kethu and Transit mercury R was towards the end of my natal 9th

house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. Does

this give any clue regarding my father's death?... please clarify with your

insight on this. Thanks! Prakash Thanks! Prakash. Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, In your previous mail you mentioned that

your father expired when you were 19.So check the dasa-pratyantara dasa transit

etc.You will get the answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun represents

not only father but also Government authorities,superiors in an Organisation

etc.So see all these in to consideration. I wish you good luck. With best

regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Dasas and pratyantardasas are

also pointing in that direction, i will be running Venus-Jupiter-Venus where in

Venus is my 7th lord and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. Hence confirms the event.

Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Check also from Dasa and Antara dasa.If

matcing with the transits,then the event will take place. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, Based on your method i could

time my marriage as June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is right

over my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct

is right over my natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job or some

change in my existing job. Please veify with your insight. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Praksh, Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in

the same groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is Mrigashira and from it

9th Nakshatra will be Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi in

your chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is Kuja and 8th from him is

vrischika Rasi which is also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over

Kuja may bring severe health problems to your father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by

Shukra and is also 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this transit

of Shani over Shukra may bring health problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If both of your father

and mother are running the dasa /Antara Dasa of good planets then only minor

problems may be predicted. But considering from your chart,when Shani is

transitting over Shukra will bring about your marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of problems

in career/business,trouble from senior officers/Government authorities etc. I

hope this will clear your doubts. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramdas Rao, Thanks for the help. Currently

Saturn is in Mrigashirisha star 4 th pada where my natal mars and venus are

located. I could understand Dhanishta because Sun is in Dhanishta but why we

took in to consideration Mrigasirisha and Chitra also. Thanks! Prakash.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, To understand about Shodhya Pindas,you

must go through books like Ashtaka varga by C.S.Patel or P.V.R.'s Vedic

Astrology- An Integrated Approach. But I will explain you from the example

given.NOw for example Sun -in the last it is given as Dhanishta.Now Sun is

Karaka for Father,Power,Government authorities etc.When Shani is Transitting

over this Dhanishta or Mrigashira or Chitra ,the significators above told will

be affected ie., Father's health will suffer or the person will get some

troubles from Government authorities etc. But at the same time if Guru is

transittin over these Nakshatras,then the significators mentioned will be

prospered,ie.,Father will gain good health if he was ill before or he may get

promotions or so in his job or a sudden profit in his business or the person

will gain from Government authorities etc.This is only an example and you have

to go through other Karakas and Lords of particular house and Samudaya or Sarva

Ashtaka Varga bidus n that house etc. I hope this helps you. With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Gentlemen, Can anyone tell me what is meant by

Sodyapindas and how to interpret them?

Please find attached a sample output from JHL software.

Sodya Pindas:

RasiP GrahaP SodyaP Rasi Nakshatra

Sun 83 35 118 Ta DhanishthaMoon 100 15 115 Cn

AswiniMars 99 45 144 Pi RevathiMerc 70 60 130 Pi

SatabhishamJupi 110 80 190 Cn RohiniVenu 88 30 118 Cn

HasthaSatu 142 55 197 Ge Satabhisham



oo.co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, You are right.Check the Shadbala Rupa of

Budha and see he is very strong and in Ashtaka Varga also he is having 5

Bindus.Also he is 5th from navamsha Lagna. With best regards, Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

Dear Ramadas Rao, Did you mean to say that theLord of Mithuna Mercury is

vargottama and is the strongest of Mars, Venus and Sun. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHANamaste

Katti Narahari,At first I thought Shukra ,12th lord from Karakamshais in

Karakamsha,so Godess Lakshmi is his Ishtadevatha,But then in Karaksmasha ,its

lord Kuja isthere indicating Lord Skanda as Kuja becomes strongerthan the 2

there.So he can worship Lord Murugan.Butthen I saw Mantra Pada A5 is in Mithuna

and isVargothama also and Budha who is the lord of A5 canbecome his Ishta

Devatha and by worshipping LordVishnu ,his life will be prosperous.So if there

is anymistakes,correct me.With best regards,Ramadas Rao. --- "Katti Narahari

(Aditya)"<kattinarahari (AT) hotpop (DOT) com> wrote: > Om Gurave Namah>


> Dear Ramdas,> > On the basis of what little i have been taught so! > far, i

beg to differ.> > Sun is the chara atmakaraka and karakamsa is Sc.> 12th from

Sc is libra with no planet in it. It's> lord is venus and hence the istha

devata is lakshmi.> Seeing the rasi drishti's the following dieties will> help

the native reach his istha devata. Rahu> (Durga), Jupiter (sada shiva), ketu

(Ganesh or> Muruga/Skanda) and saturn (Narayana).> > I see that you have used

graha drishti in the> analysis when you say that 12th from surya in> navamsa is

aspected by Mercury. Again i have ben> taought to use only Rasi Drishti's.> >

Will wait for ur learned comments> > Regds> > Hari> ----- Original Message

----- > Ramadas Rao > vedic astrology > Sent:

Sunday, November 10, 2002 12:36 PM> Re: [vedic-as! trology] Re:

Naaga Dosham -> thanks and a few queries on it> > > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA> Dear Paraksh,> As per your chart,Soorya is your chara Atma Karaka>

and> he is placed in Vrischika Navamsha.12th from him> is> lorded by Shukra

who is placed with him along with> Kuja who is the lord of Vrischika itself.So

Kuja> is> stronger than Soorya and Shukra.But 12th from> Soorya> in Navamsha

is aspected by Budha and Arudha of> Mantra> Pada is in Mithuna which is also

Vargothama> indicating> your Ishta Devatha is Lord Vishnu.So recite>

everyday> Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram and chant OM NAMO> BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA,minimum 108 times a day.> Also Rahu is your Amatya K! araka and he

is placed> in> Kumbha Navamsha and 6th from him is lorded by> Chandra> who

is your 9th lord and placed in Navamsha> Lagna.No> planet is occupied in

Kataka Navamsha or> aspects.So> worship Godess Durga is your Palana

(Protective )> Devatha .So worship Her also by reciting daily> Durga>

Kavacha,Durga Stotra and Sri Durga Mantra OM HREEM> DUM> DURGAI

NAMAHA,minimum of 108 times a day.Also see> your> Vimshamasha Kundali.The 2nd

from Vimshamsha Lagna> is> occupied by Shukra,so Godess Maha Lakshmi is your>

Kula> Devatha and worship Her also and visit her temple> in> the viscinity

of your birth place.> I hope this benefits you.> With best regards,>&nb!

sp; Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >> wrote: > > >

Dear Ramadasrao,> > Can you please tell how to find the istha deivam> for>

> me from my chart? Mercury and Sun (in mesha)> aspect> > my 12 th house in

Rasi (Thula) which is the 12> th> > house from Karakamsa. Also Jupiter

aspects the> Sun> > and Mercury from the 2nd house (dhanus)Jupiter> in> >

the second house is aspected by Mars and Venus> from> > the eight house.> >

Based on the planets involved Sun, mercury,> Jupiter,> > Mars and Venus how

can i find the istha deivam> for> > spiritual progress as well as material

progress> in> > this life.> > Thanks!> > Prakash> > Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> KLEEM> > KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > Dear

Paraksh,> > Now considering from UL,UL lord Shani aspects> it,so> > there

will be amarried life to you.2nd from UL> is in> > a> > benefic sign of

Meena Rasi owned by Guru and> Chandra> > ,the 9th lord is placed there.So

your marriage> life> > will be happy eventhough it is delayed.Also Guru> ®>

> aspects 2nd from UL apart from aspects from> Shukra> > and> > Kuja.So do

the remedial measures with complete> faith> > and you will succeed in your aim

to get married> to a&g! t; > good wife.> > I hope this clears your doubt.>

> With best regards,> > Ramadas Rao. --- Prakash Narayanan> <rcnp >>

> wrote: > > > > Dear Ramadas,> > > Thanks very much for your help. I will

start> > > reciting the mantras from today onwards.> > > Even if marriage

is delayed do i have a happy> > > married life?> > > Thanks!> > >

Prakash> > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:OM> > KLEEM> > >

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA> > > Dear Prakash,> > > You have very good vipareeta Raja

Yoga in your> > > chart.But regarding marria! ge,it says Shani in> 7th> > >

delays it.Now 7th lord Shukra is in 8th with> Lagna> > > and> > > 6th lord

Kuja.Shani is Vargothama.Being 3rd> and> > 4th> > > lord he becomes a

malefic for this chart.Budha> is> > > also> > > a malefic but he lord of

11th house,indicating> > gain> > > (Of spouse ?) is also

vargothama.Considering> from> > > Moon> > > sign Budha becomes 7th lord and

also a> > bhadhaka.Guru> > > is kutumba Stanadhipathy placed in 2nd house>

but> > > Retrograde.UL is placed in Kumbha Rasi which> is> > 4th> > >

from Lagna and UL lord Sha! ni is in 7th from> Lagna> > > and> > > aspects

UL.So there will be married life for> you> > but> > > delayed.At the moment

Shani is in Mithuna Rasi> ,in> > > the> > > 4th from Moon sign creating

Kantaka Shani.But> Guru> > > is> > > in 5th from Moon sign now.Anyhow the

present> > Shukra> > > Dasa,Guru's Antara and Budha's pratyantara> which>

> > runs> > > between Feb.2003 and June 2003 promises> marriage> > and> >

> especially from April 2003 to July 2003 will> be a> > > god> > > time to

get married.But to remove the> afflictions>! > of> > > Shani,you must

recite Sri Lakshmi Kavacha> daily.In> > > adition to that following Mantra

has to be> recited> > > 10000 times totally:> > > OM KLEEM


SWARUPAAM SAALANKARAAM> TASMAI> === message truncated ===


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Dear Ramadas Rao,

My atmaraka is with my lagna lord in the scorpio navamsa along with the 7th-12th

lord in rasi who is venus and aspected by the 3-4th lord saturn.

Does this mean that the spiritual progress (atmakaraka's effect) in this life

time will be challenged by forces from saturn and venus who signify, sister,

mother and wife in my chart?

Please let me know your thoughts.




Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, As per your chart,your 4th lord Shani is

in 7th vargothama,but both signs are fixed signs.But 4th lod's sign dispositor

Shukra is in 8th ,in dwiswabhava Rasi and in Navamsha Shukra is placed in

Vrschika Navamsha which is a watery sign and is 12th from Navamsha Lagna with

your Lagna lord Kuja and 10th lord Soorya indiacting you live in foreign

countries for a long time.possibly migration also. I hope this clears your

doubt. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about my

residing place.. i reside in New Jersey, USA which is West to my birth place

Tanjore in Tamilnadu. My residence is also near to my work place. Do you think

that the distant foreign land is the permanent place of residence or there is a

chance for settling back in my native country? Please clarify. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHADear

Prakash,As per your chart,from 4th house 4th lord is Shukrawho is in 5th house

from 4th and is with 3rd and 10thlord Kuja from 4th and this combination is in

8th fromLagna in Mithuna Rasi which is a west directionsign.This means your

house will be in westerndirection from your birth place and as it is

8thhouse,it can be wetern country and is near to yourwork place.Also you see

the 4th from 4th lord is in8th whose lord Budha is in 12th from 4th

LordShani,indicating you will recide in a distantplace/country from your birth

place.I hope this helps you.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.--- Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp >wrote: > > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA> Dear Ramadas Rao,> In

my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th> from the 4 th house and

aspects the 4 th house.> Since my 4th lord is in my 7th house of marriage can>

i say that my change of residence or buying a new> home could be related to my

marriage.> Thanks!> Prakash> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> OM

KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see> your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra> he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has> moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a> moveable then there is a chance of changing the>

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting> planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma> Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th> Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence> will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord

is> Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day> actions are Karma

related.That means Shani is the> Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during>

transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise> if you move during Shani's

retrogression,you will> again change as soon as he becomes direct or he>

transits the same long.when he started> retrograde.Also chek the transit of

Kuja and he also> should not be retrograde. > I hope this will clear your

doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > With best regards > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear

Ramadas Rao, > How can i find from my chart whether i have chances> for moving

to a new apartment in a different place> or continue in the same apt by

extending the lease.> I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a> good

time to move to a new place of residence based> on my chart. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet>

and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities> are slowed down.So his

death inflicting powers will> get reduced during its retrogression.But when it>

become direct and crosses the longitude where it> became retrograde,then it

becomes strong to give> death if it is a maraka in the chart.But if other>

malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in> trine to this Retrograde

Shani,then Kuja can bring> about the death fast or suddenly as he is fast>

moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign> ). > I hope this helps

you. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Does the Retrogade Saturn has more death

inflicting> power than direct saturn? > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Yes,Shani ® 's transit on

Rahu in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope> I

am correct. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are very correct about the cause of death. In> addition does Saturn R over

my natal rahu in> capricorn in the asterism of Sun has anything do> with it? >

Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Now check your chart from 9th house as 9th

indiactes> about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the> nakshatra of Pushyami

ruled by Shani and Shani was> retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a maraka>

sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada ruled by Ravi and

Ravi was in 2nd from> 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd>

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th> lord.Now Ravi's shodhy

pinda nakshatra is Dhanishta> whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in

the> Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in> trine to Shani ® and

also in trine to your natal> Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that>

day.Kuja was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your> father's death was due to

heart attack.Of course> here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not> played

part in your father's death but the nakshatra> lord Kuja has taken part. > I

hope this helps you. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are absolutely right i did have difference of> opinion/clash of egos with

my new boss after i got> transferred to a new division within the same>

company. I would think that was due to the current> Transit saturn over my

natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha> star. > On Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn

was> aspecting my natal 9th house occupied by kethu and> Transit mercury R was

towards the end of my natal> 9th house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running>

Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. > Does this give any clue regarding my

father's> death?... please clarify with your insight on this. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Thanks! > Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > In your previous mail you mentioned

that your father> expired when you were 19.So check the> dasa-pratyantara dasa

transit etc.You will get the> answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun>

represents not only father but also Government> authorities,superiors in an

Organisation etc.So see> all these in to consideration. > I wish you good luck.

> With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

> OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Dasas and pratyantardasas

are also pointing in that> direction, i will be running > Venus-Jupiter-Venus

where in Venus is my 7th lord> and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. > Hence confirms

the event. > Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Check also from Dasa and Antara

dasa.If matcing with> the transits,then the event will take place. > With best

regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO

BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Based on your method i could time

my marriage as> June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is> right over

my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. > Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct is

right over my> natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job> or some

change in my existing job. > Please veify with your insight. > Thanks! >

Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Praksh, > Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in the same>

groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is> Mrigashira and from it 9th

Nakshatra will be> Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi> in your

chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is> Kuja and 8th from him is vrischika

Rasi which is> also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over> Kuja may

bring severe health problems to your> father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by Shukra

and is also> 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this> transit of

Shani over Shukra may bring health> problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the> charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If> both of your

father and mother are running the dasa> /Antara Dasa of good planets then only

minor> problems may be predicted. > But considering from your chart,when Shani

is> transitting over Shukra will bring about your> marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But> transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of> problems

in career/business,trouble from senior> officers/Government authorities etc. > I

hope this will clear your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > === message truncated ===


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Dear Prakash,

Both Lagna lord Kuja and 7th/12th lord Shukra are weak in your chart,so none of

their forces will be challenging to you.But Shani,the Karma Karaka is strong

and is vargothama,so by your Karmas you will attain the goal of spirituality.

I hope this helps,

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, My atmaraka is with my lagna

lord in the scorpio navamsa along with the 7th-12th lord in rasi who is venus

and aspected by the 3-4th lord saturn. Does this mean that the spiritual

progress (atmakaraka's effect) in this life time will be challenged by forces

from saturn and venus who signify, sister, mother and wife in my chart? Please

let me know your thoughts. Thanks! Prakash Ramadas Rao

<ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, As per your chart,your 4th lord Shani is

in 7th vargothama,but both signs are fixed signs.But 4th lod's sign dispositor

Shukra is in 8th ,in dwiswabhava Rasi and in Navamsha Shukra is placed in

Vrschika Navamsha which is a watery sign and is 12th from Navamsha Lagna with

your Lagna lord Kuja and 10th lord Soorya indiacting you live in foreign

countries for a long time.possibly migration also. I hope this clears your

doubt. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about my

residing place.. i reside in New Jersey, USA which is West to my birth place

Tanjore in Tamilnadu. My residence is also near to my work place. Do you think

that the distant foreign land is the permanent place of residence or there is a

chance for settling back in my native country? Please clarify. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHADear

Prakash,As per your chart,from 4th house 4th lord is Shukrawho is in 5th house

from 4th and is with 3rd and 10thlord Kuja from 4th and this combination is in

8th fromLagna in Mithuna Rasi which is a west directionsign.This means your

house will be in westerndirection from your birth place and as it is

8thhouse,it can be wetern country and is near to yourwork place.Also you see

the 4th from 4th lord is in8th whose lord Budha is in 12th from 4th

LordShani,indicating you will recide in a distantplace/country from your birth

place.I hope this helps you.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.--- Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp >wrote: > > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA> Dear Ramadas Rao,> In

my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th> from the 4 th house and

aspects the 4 th house.> Since my 4th lord is in my 7th house of marriage can>

i say that my change of residence or buying a new> home could be related to my

marriage.> Thanks!> Prakash> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> OM

KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see> your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra> he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has> moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a> moveable then there is a chance of changing the>

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting> planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma> Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th> Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence> will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord

is> Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day> actions are Karma

related.That means Shani is the> Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during>

transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise> if you move during Shani's

retrogression,you will> again change as soon as he becomes direct or he>

transits the same long.when he started> retrograde.Also chek the transit of

Kuja and he also> should not be retrograde. > I hope this will clear your

doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > With best regards > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear

Ramadas Rao, > How can i find from my chart whether i have chances> for moving

to a new apartment in a different place> or continue in the same apt by

extending the lease.> I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a> good

time to move to a new place of residence based> on my chart. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet>

and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities> are slowed down.So his

death inflicting powers will> get reduced during its retrogression.But when it>

become direct and crosses the longitude where it> became retrograde,then it

becomes strong to give> death if it is a maraka in the chart.But if other>

malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in> trine to this Retrograde

Shani,then Kuja can bring> about the death fast or suddenly as he is fast>

moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign> ). > I hope this helps

you. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Does the Retrogade Saturn has more death

inflicting> power than direct saturn? > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Yes,Shani ® 's transit on

Rahu in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope> I

am correct. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are very correct about the cause of death. In> addition does Saturn R over

my natal rahu in> capricorn in the asterism of Sun has anything do> with it? >

Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Now check your chart from 9th house as 9th

indiactes> about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the> nakshatra of Pushyami

ruled by Shani and Shani was> retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a maraka>

sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada ruled by Ravi and

Ravi was in 2nd from> 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd>

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th> lord.Now Ravi's shodhy

pinda nakshatra is Dhanishta> whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in

the> Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in> trine to Shani ® and

also in trine to your natal> Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that>

day.Kuja was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your> father's death was due to

heart attack.Of course> here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not> played

part in your father's death but the nakshatra> lord Kuja has taken part. > I

hope this helps you. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are absolutely right i did have difference of> opinion/clash of egos with

my new boss after i got> transferred to a new division within the same>

company. I would think that was due to the current> Transit saturn over my

natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha> star. > On Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn

was> aspecting my natal 9th house occupied by kethu and> Transit mercury R was

towards the end of my natal> 9th house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running>

Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. > Does this give any clue regarding my

father's> death?... please clarify with your insight on this. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Thanks! > Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > In your previous mail you mentioned

that your father> expired when you were 19.So check the> dasa-pratyantara dasa

transit etc.You will get the> answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun>

represents not only father but also Government> authorities,superiors in an

Organisation etc.So see> all these in to consideration. > I wish you good luck.

> With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

> OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Dasas and pratyantardasas

are also pointing in that> direction, i will be running > Venus-Jupiter-Venus

where in Venus is my 7th lord> and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. > Hence confirms

the event. > Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Check also from Dasa and Antara

dasa.If matcing with> the transits,then the event will take place. > With best

regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO

BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Based on your method i could time

my marriage as> June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is> right over

my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. > Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct is

right over my> natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job> or some

change in my existing job. > Please veify with your insight. > Thanks! >

Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Praksh, > Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in the same>

groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is> Mrigashira and from it 9th

Nakshatra will be> Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi> in your

chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is> Kuja and 8th from him is vrischika

Rasi which is> also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over> Kuja may

bring severe health problems to your> father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by Shukra

and is also> 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this> transit of

Shani over Shukra may bring health> problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the> charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If> both of your

father and mother are running the dasa> /Antara Dasa of good planets then only

minor> problems may be predicted. > But considering from your chart,when Shani

is> transitting over Shukra will bring about your> marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But> transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of> problems

in career/business,trouble from senior> officers/Government authorities etc. > I

hope this will clear your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > === message truncated ===


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Dear Ramadas RAo,

Thanks for the clarification.

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, Both Lagna lord Kuja and 7th/12th lord

Shukra are weak in your chart,so none of their forces will be challenging to

you.But Shani,the Karma Karaka is strong and is vargothama,so by your Karmas

you will attain the goal of spirituality. I hope this helps, With best regards,

Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, My atmaraka is with my lagna

lord in the scorpio navamsa along with the 7th-12th lord in rasi who is venus

and aspected by the 3-4th lord saturn. Does this mean that the spiritual

progress (atmakaraka's effect) in this life time will be challenged by forces

from saturn and venus who signify, sister, mother and wife in my chart? Please

let me know your thoughts. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA Dear Prakash, As per your chart,your 4th lord Shani is

in 7th vargothama,but both signs are fixed signs.But 4th lod's sign dispositor

Shukra is in 8th ,in dwiswabhava Rasi and in Navamsha Shukra is placed in

Vrschika Navamsha which is a watery sign and is 12th from Navamsha Lagna with

your Lagna lord Kuja and 10th lord Soorya indiacting you live in foreign

countries for a long time.possibly migration also. I hope this clears your

doubt. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. Prakash Narayanan <rcnp >


OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA Dear Ramadas Rao, You are very correct about my

residing place.. i reside in New Jersey, USA which is West to my birth place

Tanjore in Tamilnadu. My residence is also near to my work place. Do you think

that the distant foreign land is the permanent place of residence or there is a

chance for settling back in my native country? Please clarify. Thanks! Prakash

Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHADear

Prakash,As per your chart,from 4th house 4th lord is Shukrawho is in 5th house

from 4th and is with 3rd and 10thlord Kuja from 4th and this combination is in

8th fromLagna in Mithuna Rasi which is a west directionsign.This means your

house will be in westerndirection from your birth place and as it is

8thhouse,it can be wetern country and is near to yourwork place.Also you see

the 4th from 4th lord is in8th whose lord Budha is in 12th from 4th

LordShani,indicating you will recide in a distantplace/country from your birth

place.I hope this helps you.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.--- Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp >wrote: > > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA> Dear Ramadas Rao,> In

my natal chart the 4th lord saturn is in the 4 th> from the 4 th house and

aspects the 4 th house.> Since my 4th lord is in my 7th house of marriage can>

i say that my change of residence or buying a new> home could be related to my

marriage.> Thanks!> Prakash> Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> OM

KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > If you are thinking of changing your

residence,see> your 4th lord in the transit and in which nakshatra> he is

transitting.If the 4th lord from 4th house has> moved to 4th or aoth from it

and the sign is a> moveable then there is a chance of changing the>

residence.Then the Nakshatra of the transitting> planet also must be in Shubha

Taras from Janma> Nakshatra like 2nd,4th,6th ,8th or 9th> Nakshatra.Then the

movement to another residence> will bring mental peace to you.If the 4th lord

is> Retrograde then also dont move.All our day to day> actions are Karma

related.That means Shani is the> Karma Karaka and if he is retrograde during>

transit,then wait till he becomes direct.Otherwise> if you move during Shani's

retrogression,you will> again change as soon as he becomes direct or he>

transits the same long.when he started> retrograde.Also chek the transit of

Kuja and he also> should not be retrograde. > I hope this will clear your

doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > With best regards > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear

Ramadas Rao, > How can i find from my chart whether i have chances> for moving

to a new apartment in a different place> or continue in the same apt by

extending the lease.> I was thinking whether i can find out if it is a> good

time to move to a new place of residence based> on my chart. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > You know that Saturn is already a slow moving planet>

and when it becomes retrograde,still its activities> are slowed down.So his

death inflicting powers will> get reduced during its retrogression.But when it>

become direct and crosses the longitude where it> became retrograde,then it

becomes strong to give> death if it is a maraka in the chart.But if other>

malefic planets like Kuja in transit aspects or in> trine to this Retrograde

Shani,then Kuja can bring> about the death fast or suddenly as he is fast>

moving planet.(45 days normally to transit one sign> ). > I hope this helps

you. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE

VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Does the Retrogade Saturn has more death

inflicting> power than direct saturn? > > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Yes,Shani ® 's transit on

Rahu in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada gave sudden death to your father.I hope> I

am correct. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are very correct about the cause of death. In> addition does Saturn R over

my natal rahu in> capricorn in the asterism of Sun has anything do> with it? >

Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM

KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Now check your chart from 9th house as 9th

indiactes> about father.In the 9th Kethu is there in the> nakshatra of Pushyami

ruled by Shani and Shani was> retrograde on 7th from 9th which ia a maraka>

sthana.Also see Shani was in the nakshatra of> Uttarashada ruled by Ravi and

Ravi was in 2nd from> 9th on that day.Now check for Kuja and he was in 3rd>

from 9th in the house of Budha who is 3rd and 12th> lord.Now Ravi's shodhy

pinda nakshatra is Dhanishta> whose ruler is Kuja.But on that day Kuja was in

the> Nakshatra of Uttara ruled by Ravi and Kuja was in> trine to Shani ® and

also in trine to your natal> Shani.Now check the Navamsha of planets on that>

day.Kuja was in Kumbha Rasi aspecting Ravi,so your> father's death was due to

heart attack.Of course> here Dhanishta or its trine nakshatras have not> played

part in your father's death but the nakshatra> lord Kuja has taken part. > I

hope this helps you. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan

<rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, >

You are absolutely right i did have difference of> opinion/clash of egos with

my new boss after i got> transferred to a new division within the same>

company. I would think that was due to the current> Transit saturn over my

natal Mars in Mrigaseeresha> star. > On Aug 31, 1991, 4.00 PM, Retrogade Saturn

was> aspecting my natal 9th house occupied by kethu and> Transit mercury R was

towards the end of my natal> 9th house at 29 deg Cancer. I was running>

Kethu-Mercury-Jupiter on that day. > Does this give any clue regarding my

father's> death?... please clarify with your insight on this. > Thanks! >

Prakash > Thanks! > Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > In your previous mail you mentioned

that your father> expired when you were 19.So check the> dasa-pratyantara dasa

transit etc.You will get the> answer.Because I already wrote to you that Sun>

represents not only father but also Government> authorities,superiors in an

Organisation etc.So see> all these in to consideration. > I wish you good luck.

> With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote:

> OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Dasas and pratyantardasas

are also pointing in that> direction, i will be running > Venus-Jupiter-Venus

where in Venus is my 7th lord> and Jupiter being my 2 nd lord. > Hence confirms

the event. > Thanks! > Prakash > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: >

OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA NAMAHA > Dear Prakash, > Check also from Dasa and Antara

dasa.If matcing with> the transits,then the event will take place. > With best

regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > OM NAMO

BHAGAVATHE VASUDEVAYA > Dear Ramadas Rao, > Based on your method i could time

my marriage as> June 7th ,2003 when Saturn after becoming direct is> right over

my natal venus at 6 deg 31' in gemini. > Also May 28th, 2003 Saturn direct is

right over my> natal mars at 5deg 16' gemini, i may get a new job> or some

change in my existing job. > Please veify with your insight. > Thanks! >

Prakash. > Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: > OM KLEEM KRISHNAYA

NAMAHA > Dear Praksh, > Mrigashira,Chitta and Dhanishta are in the same>

groupAfter Dhanishta.9th (Trine )nakshatra is> Mrigashira and from it 9th

Nakshatra will be> Chitta.So in your case check the planets from Ravi> in your

chart.Ravi is in Mesha Rasi whose lord is> Kuja and 8th from him is vrischika

Rasi which is> also ruled by Kuja.So now this transit of Shani over> Kuja may

bring severe health problems to your> father.2nd from Ravi is ruled by Shukra

and is also> 7th from Ravi is ruled by Shukra (Tula ).Hence this> transit of

Shani over Shukra may bring health> problems/worries etc. to your mother.But

both the> charts also to be checked to confirm this event.If> both of your

father and mother are running the dasa> /Antara Dasa of good planets then only

minor> problems may be predicted. > But considering from your chart,when Shani

is> transitting over Shukra will bring about your> marriage and gains from the

marriage also.But> transit of Shani over Kuja is not good in terms of> problems

in career/business,trouble from senior> officers/Government authorities etc. > I

hope this will clear your doubts. > With best regards, > Ramadas Rao. > Prakash

Narayanan <rcnp > wrote: > === message truncated ===


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