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Effect of vargottama planet during its dasa

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Dear friends:


Wish you all a happy new year. I am extremely pleased to have joined

this august club. Could you please clarify whether a vargottam planet

gives excellent results during its mahadasa period. The thing is that

I have a vargottam sun, but it is of zero degree ( extreme infancy)

in the natal chart. My janam lagan is gemini, sun is in 2nd house

(cancer) with Mercury in the natal chart. In navamsa, sun is in the

same rasi, i.e. cancer, in the third house with Venus.


My sun's dasa is about to begin in a few months. I am anxious to know

what is in store for me during the sun's period considering the fact

that it became vargottami. Does a vargottami planet acquire

additional strength even if it is in infancy in the natal chart?

Another point to be considered is that I lost my father at the age of

eight (again a weak sun at zero degree to be blamed!!).


I shall be highly grateful if someone could throw some light on my

predicament regarding the ensuing sun's period.


God bless you.



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Dear Ajit,




> Dear friends:


> Wish you all a happy new year. I am extremely pleased to have joined

> this august club. Could you please clarify whether a vargottam planet

> gives excellent results during its mahadasa period. The thing is that

> I have a vargottam sun, but it is of zero degree ( extreme infancy)

> in the natal chart. My janam lagan is gemini, sun is in 2nd house

> (cancer) with Mercury in the natal chart. In navamsa, sun is in the

> same rasi, i.e. cancer, in the third house with Venus.


This is quite good position, as a Vargottama planet's effects will be

pronounced more. Because it creates a strong link between the D-1 and D-9,

it makes possible to realise the inner dharmic potential connected to that

planet. In your case Sun in 2nd from Lagna with Mercury will give an ability

to speak wise words, especially if Mercury is not very much combust. The Sun

with Venus in 3rd in Navamsha is also very pronounced, as it again conjoins

the Lagna lord, and will give good ability to convince and flatter others or

gain their support. Now Sun is most probably your Darakaraka as it may have

the least degrees from all the planets, and thus these things will also

somehow be connected with your wife. I would rather say that the negative

implications of this position might have more effewct on her than on you. Of

course there are several type of avasthas beside age, so other Avasthas of

the Sun sdhouls also be considered, especially Sayanaadi.


> My sun's dasa is about to begin in a few months. I am anxious to know

> what is in store for me during the sun's period considering the fact

> that it became vargottami. Does a vargottami planet acquire

> additional strength even if it is in infancy in the natal chart?

> Another point to be considered is that I lost my father at the age of

> eight (again a weak sun at zero degree to be blamed!!).


Yes, as I have pointed out earlier, the Sun may give negative effects to

those who are signified by him in ways of Chara or Naisargika Karakatwa, but

more positive effects to you personally. Now for judging the Dasa,s results,

please consider Ista/Kasta Phala and Ashtakavarga Bala as well.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:





> I shall be highly grateful if someone could throw some light on my

> predicament regarding the ensuing sun's period.


> God bless you.


> Ajit










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  • 6 years later...

Dear All,


I am M.S.R.H.prasad from Hyd. Now I am very much worring about career, there is no progress, growth in my career. Now I would like to know about career in future? So, pls let me know the points as follows:-


My Date of Birth : 27-02-1972

Place & Time: guntur - Andhra Pradesh time : 11-25 a.m. sunday.


Now I am in very dipression and sorrow minded, loosing hopes about my future, can't see any hopes in future. pls give me your valuble advices.


1. Shaill i have change of job in near future?

2. How will be my new job?

3.When will reach financial stability? which age?

4. Shall I reach a good position in job? if when?

5. Present working in very small organization as a admin.assistant manager with very low salary? suffering with financial troubles? and how will my future in coming future?


I am M.B.A Graduate.


I request you all pls answer the above, it will really helpful to me and my family.


Thank you all,


M.S.R.Hanumath prasad


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My father name is M.Anjaneya sastry., age app.67 yrs - retd Govt employee and mother M.Rajya Lakshmi - aged 65 House wife and have one brohter who is working in pvt.organization, but his marriage life is distrubed.


My name : Marepalli sita rama Hanumath prasad D.O.B - 27-02-1972, PLACE AND TIME : Guntur at 11-24 a.m. to 11-31 a.m.


I am a arts graduate working in Pvt. Third party quality insp. agency (Agro Products).


2.My wife M.Hema latha 28 yrs - 31-1-1980 star is pushyami.

3. My son M.Achuta venkatesh - 27-05-1999 star is Jesta.

4. My daughter name is goutami sri vidya - 8-5-2005 star is Dhanista.


this is my family back ground.


Thanks for giving reply,


M.S.R.Hanumath prasad

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Soory for the mistake,

My daughter birth date is 8-5-2004.

I got marriage in year of 1998.


Some imp.events for your ref:-


1. I lost my job in the year of 2000.

2. I got new job in 2001 in hyd.

3. I lost this job in the year of 2003.

4. The same year got new job at hyd.

5. Joined new company in the year of 2006 Oct.

6. My brother in - law expired in 2006 due to cancer.

7. My father got heart operation in the year of 1998-99.


these are some imp. events.


thank you,


m.s.r.hanumath prasad

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here I am giving correct details of family memebers for your ref.


Giving my family members D.O.B AND TIMINGS


1. M.Hemalatha - 31/01/1980 - time 10-45 a.m. at Kavali., andhra pradesh.

2. M.achuta venkatesh 27/06/1999 1-45 p.m at guntur., andhra pradesh.

3. M.goutami sri vidya 11-56 p.m 07/06/2004 at guntur.


In my previous reply given d.o.b with mistakes, I feel sorry, these above are correct information.


Waiting for your reply,




M.S.R.Hanumath prasad

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