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Is Guru A Benign /Divine Planet ?? Bhava Nasha Karo Jeeva...

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Dear RR ji,

I am reposting first instalment on Guru which I think appeared in VA.

This is on your request.





Brum Bruhaspataye Namah:


Some time back I had stated that we need to take a fresh look at

Karakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on Rahu and my quest

for Karaktwa is continuing.

I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru and Shani.

So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in Karakatwa of Guru, I

am writing the first instalment of work on Guru.


I have taken the following from my article on Rahu which speaks

about need to have a rethink on Karakatwa of Rahu, Guru and Shani.


"It is but human nature to paint any shade in to darker and darker

shade . A small time thief becomes a demonic murderer, cheat etc.

once the story is told and retold over a period of time. A mole hill

is converted into a mountain.


Everything Fair in colour is seen as Fair, beautiful, good and

benign in nature and everything black is associated with worst

things you can imagine. Thus black people are termed as cheats,

crooks, dumb, fools, low in caste, of low character , menials,

diseased etc.

This obsession with dark and black has been well adopted by

astrologers of yore.

Thus Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have become mlechheas, sudras, thieves,

labourers,crooks, and whatever bad you can think of.


So when it came to allotting Karakatwa , venus, Jupiter, Mercury and

Sun took the best of the portfolios. Rules of astrology were formed

to fit their brightness . Sometimes square pegs were put in round



Jupiter, the planet shares the same name Guru , meaning Large as

Guru meaning Teacher. At some point of time, Guru the planet,

Guru , the teacher and Brihaspati, the Teacher of immortal Devas

became one .


Brihaspati, the Deva Guru , supposed to be of most benign nature,

pious, intelligent, Brahmin, was given many portfolios. Out of that,

portfolios of 2nd house and 5th house were also given to him. But

Guru, even though was made karaka for house of wealth, whenever he

was in 2nd bhava, the man turned into a pauper lost wealth or

suffered financially. He was given karakatva of 5th house , Santana

Bhava.But when he sits in Santana Bhava, he is found to bring the

lineage to the end.The person becomes childless.


How can a minister of finance occupying his own office in the place

ruled by him destroy the finances of the country ? How can the Putra

Karaka deny a son to the person if in 5th bhava ?


They also found that BAD Sani , increased wealth when in 2nd bhava.


It is like a Menial low caste servant occupying the seat of finance

in the ministry increase the wealth of the country. !!!


How paradoxical !!!!


So the old Astrologers belonging to Brihaspati's kula made a rule

to explain.





Meaning, Jupiter destroys the bhava he occupies and saturn increases

the bhava he occupies.


I remember the story of olden times when a child wants Moon, the

mother brings a plate of water and asks the child to take the

reflection of Moon."


And since the child believes in Mother, he accepts that moon and

stops crying. People accepted all the so called Exceptions to the

rule without questioning. In respect to Brihaspati, I found that he

is a misfit in most of the places he sits.



According to my thinking, Guru acts as a Parasite , and draws

strength from the house he occupies and distributes its goodness in

form of aspectual fruits.

In my original research on Planets and Element's Periodic table,

Jupiter becomes the lord of 6th Group.




Jupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life on

earth. Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygen

in 6th group. In astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems and

prevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality).


Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores yellow clothes. His stone is

Yellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE.


You will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group. Outermost shell

has 8 electrons. So he resides in ASHTKONA house. Chromium salts are



Oxygen in moderation gives life.But same oxygen kills at higher

doses.Water is disinfected using over dose of oxygen .!!

Excess amount of oxygen in form of FREE RADICALS has been found to

be extremely harmful to human/all living things. Free Radicals have

been found to lower immunity and accelerate ageing process.

And this is the handiwork of Planet known as JEEVA.


I am posting on effects of Guru in 2nd,5th 9th and 10th houses today

to illustrate that he destroys the houses which he occupies.





DOB: 28.9.1954

TOB: 18.30 Hrs

POB: Madras


Asc: Pisces

Ketu: Gemini

Jupiter: Cancer

Moon,Sun: Virgo

Sat/Merc/Ven: Libra

Rahu/Mars: Saggitarius



Mark Guru in cancer a Female sign in 5th where Guru is in exaltation.

He has malefics in 10th house which denotes no progeny to light

funeral pyre.


This person is childless even after two marriages.







DOB: 6TH July 1935

Tob : 5.34 AM

POB: Teng-t'a

101 E 12

36 N 32


Gemini: Asc

Gemini: Sun/Merc/Ketu

Leo: Moon/venus

Virgo : Mars

Libra : Jupiter

Saggi: Rahu

Aquarius: Saturn


This person has Guru in 5th house.He is unmarried and has no

children due to religious abstinence.

This horoscope belongs to His Holiness Dalai Lama.







Born ...10th Nov 1955



Janma Lagna Kataka


Simha ..............Guru

Kanya...............Moon, Mars

Tula................Saturn, Mercury, Sun

Vrischik............Rahu , Shukra




Moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru (Presently).


This person has Guru in 2nd house in Leo.




The jataka , except for a very brief period in Guru dasa, has failed

in everything he has done. Extremely bad with money. Owes people

huge sums, no property , no permenet jobs, avoided by world and also

his own family.poverty does not leave him and presently looked after

by father inlaw.





Guru is termed as Jeeva, Ayushya karaka, remover of illness, when

comes and occupies 8th bhava, destroys the Ayushya or Life of a


I will give two examples of such people who were killed by Guru.





DOB: 27.3.1972

TOB: 9.07 AM

POB: Udaipur Rajasthan


Taurus: Asc

Taurus: Mars/Sat

Cancer: Ketu

Leo: Moon

Saggi: Jupiter

Capri: Rahu

Pisces: Sun/Merc


Mark presence of Guru in the 8th bhava. The person died in a tragic

road accident in year 2001.


CASE # 2



DOB: 9.11.1915

TOB: 12.15 am

POB: Porbandar India


Cancer : Asc

Cancer: Mars/ketu

Libra: Merc/Sun

Scorpio: Moon/Venus

Capri: Rahu

Aquarius: Jupiter

Gemini: Saturn


Mark Jupiter in 8th bhava.


The person in question died of TB at the age of 24 years.


To Be Continued.



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Sir, do I have your permission to save your posting as a file in the

library? It can be readily referenced then, for future.






, "om_tatsat_om"

<om_tatsat_om wrote:


> Dear RR ji,

> I am reposting first instalment on Guru which I think appeared in


> This is on your request.





> Brum Bruhaspataye Namah:


> Some time back I had stated that we need to take a fresh look at

> Karakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on Rahu and my


> for Karaktwa is continuing.

> I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru and Shani.

> So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in Karakatwa of Guru, I

> am writing the first instalment of work on Guru.


> I have taken the following from my article on Rahu which speaks

> about need to have a rethink on Karakatwa of Rahu, Guru and Shani.


> "It is but human nature to paint any shade in to darker and darker

> shade . A small time thief becomes a demonic murderer, cheat etc.

> once the story is told and retold over a period of time. A mole


> is converted into a mountain.


> Everything Fair in colour is seen as Fair, beautiful, good and

> benign in nature and everything black is associated with worst

> things you can imagine. Thus black people are termed as cheats,

> crooks, dumb, fools, low in caste, of low character , menials,

> diseased etc.

> This obsession with dark and black has been well adopted by

> astrologers of yore.

> Thus Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have become mlechheas, sudras, thieves,

> labourers,crooks, and whatever bad you can think of.


> So when it came to allotting Karakatwa , venus, Jupiter, Mercury


> Sun took the best of the portfolios. Rules of astrology were formed

> to fit their brightness . Sometimes square pegs were put in round

> holes.


> Jupiter, the planet shares the same name Guru , meaning Large as

> Guru meaning Teacher. At some point of time, Guru the planet,

> Guru , the teacher and Brihaspati, the Teacher of immortal Devas

> became one .


> Brihaspati, the Deva Guru , supposed to be of most benign nature,

> pious, intelligent, Brahmin, was given many portfolios. Out of


> portfolios of 2nd house and 5th house were also given to him. But

> Guru, even though was made karaka for house of wealth, whenever he

> was in 2nd bhava, the man turned into a pauper lost wealth or

> suffered financially. He was given karakatva of 5th house , Santana

> Bhava.But when he sits in Santana Bhava, he is found to bring the

> lineage to the end.The person becomes childless.


> How can a minister of finance occupying his own office in the place

> ruled by him destroy the finances of the country ? How can the


> Karaka deny a son to the person if in 5th bhava ?


> They also found that BAD Sani , increased wealth when in 2nd bhava.


> It is like a Menial low caste servant occupying the seat of finance

> in the ministry increase the wealth of the country. !!!


> How paradoxical !!!!


> So the old Astrologers belonging to Brihaspati's kula made a rule

> to explain.





> Meaning, Jupiter destroys the bhava he occupies and saturn


> the bhava he occupies.


> I remember the story of olden times when a child wants Moon, the

> mother brings a plate of water and asks the child to take the

> reflection of Moon."


> And since the child believes in Mother, he accepts that moon and

> stops crying. People accepted all the so called Exceptions to the

> rule without questioning. In respect to Brihaspati, I found that he

> is a misfit in most of the places he sits.



> According to my thinking, Guru acts as a Parasite , and draws

> strength from the house he occupies and distributes its goodness in

> form of aspectual fruits.

> In my original research on Planets and Element's Periodic table,

> Jupiter becomes the lord of 6th Group.




> Jupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life on

> earth. Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygen

> in 6th group. In astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems and

> prevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality).


> Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores yellow clothes. His stone


> Yellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE.


> You will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group. Outermost shell

> has 8 electrons. So he resides in ASHTKONA house. Chromium salts


> yellow.


> Oxygen in moderation gives life.But same oxygen kills at higher

> doses.Water is disinfected using over dose of oxygen .!!

> Excess amount of oxygen in form of FREE RADICALS has been found to

> be extremely harmful to human/all living things. Free Radicals have

> been found to lower immunity and accelerate ageing process.

> And this is the handiwork of Planet known as JEEVA.


> I am posting on effects of Guru in 2nd,5th 9th and 10th houses


> to illustrate that he destroys the houses which he occupies.




> Male

> DOB: 28.9.1954

> TOB: 18.30 Hrs

> POB: Madras


> Asc: Pisces

> Ketu: Gemini

> Jupiter: Cancer

> Moon,Sun: Virgo

> Sat/Merc/Ven: Libra

> Rahu/Mars: Saggitarius



> Mark Guru in cancer a Female sign in 5th where Guru is in


> He has malefics in 10th house which denotes no progeny to light

> funeral pyre.


> This person is childless even after two marriages.





> Male


> DOB: 6TH July 1935

> Tob : 5.34 AM

> POB: Teng-t'a

> 101 E 12

> 36 N 32


> Gemini: Asc

> Gemini: Sun/Merc/Ketu

> Leo: Moon/venus

> Virgo : Mars

> Libra : Jupiter

> Saggi: Rahu

> Aquarius: Saturn


> This person has Guru in 5th house.He is unmarried and has no

> children due to religious abstinence.

> This horoscope belongs to His Holiness Dalai Lama.







> Born ...10th Nov 1955



> Janma Lagna Kataka

> Vrishabha...........ketu

> Simha ..............Guru

> Kanya...............Moon, Mars

> Tula................Saturn, Mercury, Sun

> Vrischik............Rahu , Shukra




> Moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru (Presently).


> This person has Guru in 2nd house in Leo.




> The jataka , except for a very brief period in Guru dasa, has


> in everything he has done. Extremely bad with money. Owes people

> huge sums, no property , no permenet jobs, avoided by world and


> his own family.poverty does not leave him and presently looked


> by father inlaw.





> Guru is termed as Jeeva, Ayushya karaka, remover of illness, when

> comes and occupies 8th bhava, destroys the Ayushya or Life of a

> person.

> I will give two examples of such people who were killed by Guru.


> CASE #1


> Male:

> DOB: 27.3.1972

> TOB: 9.07 AM

> POB: Udaipur Rajasthan


> Taurus: Asc

> Taurus: Mars/Sat

> Cancer: Ketu

> Leo: Moon

> Saggi: Jupiter

> Capri: Rahu

> Pisces: Sun/Merc


> Mark presence of Guru in the 8th bhava. The person died in a tragic

> road accident in year 2001.


> CASE # 2


> Male

> DOB: 9.11.1915

> TOB: 12.15 am

> POB: Porbandar India


> Cancer : Asc

> Cancer: Mars/ketu

> Libra: Merc/Sun

> Scorpio: Moon/Venus

> Capri: Rahu

> Aquarius: Jupiter

> Gemini: Saturn


> Mark Jupiter in 8th bhava.


> The person in question died of TB at the age of 24 years.


> To Be Continued.




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dear tatvamasi ji


your definition of jupiter and saturn as spoiler of bhava and

improver of bhava respectively with supporting charts is an

interesting observation.


i give below two chart details who has jupiter in 5th house and both

of them having children.




1305 hours




0444 hours


however, it is not prudent to advocate whether jupiter in 5th house

would grant children or would not grant children. for a native to

have children or not is seen not just by jupiter alone but by the

strength of 5th lord, the planets in 5th house, the aspects on 5th

house, affliction of 5th lord etc.


the karaka of 8th house is saturn.


with best wishes



, "om_tatsat_om"

<om_tatsat_om wrote:


> Dear RR ji,

> I am reposting first instalment on Guru which I think appeared in


> This is on your request.





> Brum Bruhaspataye Namah:


> Some time back I had stated that we need to take a fresh look at

> Karakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on Rahu and my


> for Karaktwa is continuing.

> I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru and Shani.

> So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in Karakatwa of Guru,


> am writing the first instalment of work on Guru.


> I have taken the following from my article on Rahu which speaks

> about need to have a rethink on Karakatwa of Rahu, Guru and Shani.


> "It is but human nature to paint any shade in to darker and darker

> shade . A small time thief becomes a demonic murderer, cheat etc.

> once the story is told and retold over a period of time. A mole


> is converted into a mountain.


> Everything Fair in colour is seen as Fair, beautiful, good and

> benign in nature and everything black is associated with worst

> things you can imagine. Thus black people are termed as cheats,

> crooks, dumb, fools, low in caste, of low character , menials,

> diseased etc.

> This obsession with dark and black has been well adopted by

> astrologers of yore.

> Thus Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have become mlechheas, sudras, thieves,

> labourers,crooks, and whatever bad you can think of.


> So when it came to allotting Karakatwa , venus, Jupiter, Mercury


> Sun took the best of the portfolios. Rules of astrology were


> to fit their brightness . Sometimes square pegs were put in round

> holes.


> Jupiter, the planet shares the same name Guru , meaning Large as

> Guru meaning Teacher. At some point of time, Guru the planet,

> Guru , the teacher and Brihaspati, the Teacher of immortal Devas

> became one .


> Brihaspati, the Deva Guru , supposed to be of most benign nature,

> pious, intelligent, Brahmin, was given many portfolios. Out of


> portfolios of 2nd house and 5th house were also given to him.


> Guru, even though was made karaka for house of wealth, whenever he

> was in 2nd bhava, the man turned into a pauper lost wealth or

> suffered financially. He was given karakatva of 5th house ,


> Bhava.But when he sits in Santana Bhava, he is found to bring the

> lineage to the end.The person becomes childless.


> How can a minister of finance occupying his own office in the


> ruled by him destroy the finances of the country ? How can the


> Karaka deny a son to the person if in 5th bhava ?


> They also found that BAD Sani , increased wealth when in 2nd bhava.


> It is like a Menial low caste servant occupying the seat of


> in the ministry increase the wealth of the country. !!!


> How paradoxical !!!!


> So the old Astrologers belonging to Brihaspati's kula made a rule

> to explain.





> Meaning, Jupiter destroys the bhava he occupies and saturn


> the bhava he occupies.


> I remember the story of olden times when a child wants Moon, the

> mother brings a plate of water and asks the child to take the

> reflection of Moon."


> And since the child believes in Mother, he accepts that moon and

> stops crying. People accepted all the so called Exceptions to the

> rule without questioning. In respect to Brihaspati, I found that


> is a misfit in most of the places he sits.



> According to my thinking, Guru acts as a Parasite , and draws

> strength from the house he occupies and distributes its goodness


> form of aspectual fruits.

> In my original research on Planets and Element's Periodic table,

> Jupiter becomes the lord of 6th Group.




> Jupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life on

> earth. Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygen

> in 6th group. In astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems and

> prevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality).


> Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores yellow clothes. His stone


> Yellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE.


> You will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group. Outermost shell

> has 8 electrons. So he resides in ASHTKONA house. Chromium salts


> yellow.


> Oxygen in moderation gives life.But same oxygen kills at higher

> doses.Water is disinfected using over dose of oxygen .!!

> Excess amount of oxygen in form of FREE RADICALS has been found to

> be extremely harmful to human/all living things. Free Radicals


> been found to lower immunity and accelerate ageing process.

> And this is the handiwork of Planet known as JEEVA.


> I am posting on effects of Guru in 2nd,5th 9th and 10th houses


> to illustrate that he destroys the houses which he occupies.




> Male

> DOB: 28.9.1954

> TOB: 18.30 Hrs

> POB: Madras


> Asc: Pisces

> Ketu: Gemini

> Jupiter: Cancer

> Moon,Sun: Virgo

> Sat/Merc/Ven: Libra

> Rahu/Mars: Saggitarius



> Mark Guru in cancer a Female sign in 5th where Guru is in


> He has malefics in 10th house which denotes no progeny to light

> funeral pyre.


> This person is childless even after two marriages.





> Male


> DOB: 6TH July 1935

> Tob : 5.34 AM

> POB: Teng-t'a

> 101 E 12

> 36 N 32


> Gemini: Asc

> Gemini: Sun/Merc/Ketu

> Leo: Moon/venus

> Virgo : Mars

> Libra : Jupiter

> Saggi: Rahu

> Aquarius: Saturn


> This person has Guru in 5th house.He is unmarried and has no

> children due to religious abstinence.

> This horoscope belongs to His Holiness Dalai Lama.







> Born ...10th Nov 1955



> Janma Lagna Kataka

> Vrishabha...........ketu

> Simha ..............Guru

> Kanya...............Moon, Mars

> Tula................Saturn, Mercury, Sun

> Vrischik............Rahu , Shukra




> Moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru (Presently).


> This person has Guru in 2nd house in Leo.




> The jataka , except for a very brief period in Guru dasa, has


> in everything he has done. Extremely bad with money. Owes people

> huge sums, no property , no permenet jobs, avoided by world and


> his own family.poverty does not leave him and presently looked


> by father inlaw.





> Guru is termed as Jeeva, Ayushya karaka, remover of illness, when

> comes and occupies 8th bhava, destroys the Ayushya or Life of a

> person.

> I will give two examples of such people who were killed by Guru.


> CASE #1


> Male:

> DOB: 27.3.1972

> TOB: 9.07 AM

> POB: Udaipur Rajasthan


> Taurus: Asc

> Taurus: Mars/Sat

> Cancer: Ketu

> Leo: Moon

> Saggi: Jupiter

> Capri: Rahu

> Pisces: Sun/Merc


> Mark presence of Guru in the 8th bhava. The person died in a


> road accident in year 2001.


> CASE # 2


> Male

> DOB: 9.11.1915

> TOB: 12.15 am

> POB: Porbandar India


> Cancer : Asc

> Cancer: Mars/ketu

> Libra: Merc/Sun

> Scorpio: Moon/Venus

> Capri: Rahu

> Aquarius: Jupiter

> Gemini: Saturn


> Mark Jupiter in 8th bhava.


> The person in question died of TB at the age of 24 years.


> To Be Continued.




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Bravo Sir! What a wonderful example you have provided, Sir -- through

sharing this write-up of yours. I am hopeful that it would energize

and motivate everyone to follow in your footsteps.


Some readers may need to be reminded that they should always remember

that other factors would also play a part and considered in a live

reading situation when advice is being given. To the experienced such

a caveat should not be necessary, one hopes, but no harm in spelling

it out, yet again (I once had a very senior scholar/teacher/author

nearly pin me down because I quoted something from another astrologer

who was not in his good books! And I did not even say that the factor

I mentioned was the 'only' one but anyway ... :-)






, "om_tatsat_om"

<om_tatsat_om wrote:


> Dear RR ji,

> I am reposting first instalment on Guru which I think appeared in


> This is on your request.





> Brum Bruhaspataye Namah:


> Some time back I had stated that we need to take a fresh look at

> Karakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on Rahu and my


> for Karaktwa is continuing.

> I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru and Shani.

> So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in Karakatwa of Guru, I

> am writing the first instalment of work on Guru.


> I have taken the following from my article on Rahu which speaks

> about need to have a rethink on Karakatwa of Rahu, Guru and Shani.


> "It is but human nature to paint any shade in to darker and darker

> shade . A small time thief becomes a demonic murderer, cheat etc.

> once the story is told and retold over a period of time. A mole


> is converted into a mountain.


> Everything Fair in colour is seen as Fair, beautiful, good and

> benign in nature and everything black is associated with worst

> things you can imagine. Thus black people are termed as cheats,

> crooks, dumb, fools, low in caste, of low character , menials,

> diseased etc.

> This obsession with dark and black has been well adopted by

> astrologers of yore.

> Thus Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have become mlechheas, sudras, thieves,

> labourers,crooks, and whatever bad you can think of.


> So when it came to allotting Karakatwa , venus, Jupiter, Mercury


> Sun took the best of the portfolios. Rules of astrology were formed

> to fit their brightness . Sometimes square pegs were put in round

> holes.


> Jupiter, the planet shares the same name Guru , meaning Large as

> Guru meaning Teacher. At some point of time, Guru the planet,

> Guru , the teacher and Brihaspati, the Teacher of immortal Devas

> became one .


> Brihaspati, the Deva Guru , supposed to be of most benign nature,

> pious, intelligent, Brahmin, was given many portfolios. Out of


> portfolios of 2nd house and 5th house were also given to him. But

> Guru, even though was made karaka for house of wealth, whenever he

> was in 2nd bhava, the man turned into a pauper lost wealth or

> suffered financially. He was given karakatva of 5th house , Santana

> Bhava.But when he sits in Santana Bhava, he is found to bring the

> lineage to the end.The person becomes childless.


> How can a minister of finance occupying his own office in the place

> ruled by him destroy the finances of the country ? How can the


> Karaka deny a son to the person if in 5th bhava ?


> They also found that BAD Sani , increased wealth when in 2nd bhava.


> It is like a Menial low caste servant occupying the seat of finance

> in the ministry increase the wealth of the country. !!!


> How paradoxical !!!!


> So the old Astrologers belonging to Brihaspati's kula made a rule

> to explain.





> Meaning, Jupiter destroys the bhava he occupies and saturn


> the bhava he occupies.


> I remember the story of olden times when a child wants Moon, the

> mother brings a plate of water and asks the child to take the

> reflection of Moon."


> And since the child believes in Mother, he accepts that moon and

> stops crying. People accepted all the so called Exceptions to the

> rule without questioning. In respect to Brihaspati, I found that he

> is a misfit in most of the places he sits.



> According to my thinking, Guru acts as a Parasite , and draws

> strength from the house he occupies and distributes its goodness in

> form of aspectual fruits.

> In my original research on Planets and Element's Periodic table,

> Jupiter becomes the lord of 6th Group.




> Jupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life on

> earth. Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygen

> in 6th group. In astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems and

> prevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality).


> Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores yellow clothes. His stone


> Yellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE.


> You will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group. Outermost shell

> has 8 electrons. So he resides in ASHTKONA house. Chromium salts


> yellow.


> Oxygen in moderation gives life.But same oxygen kills at higher

> doses.Water is disinfected using over dose of oxygen .!!

> Excess amount of oxygen in form of FREE RADICALS has been found to

> be extremely harmful to human/all living things. Free Radicals have

> been found to lower immunity and accelerate ageing process.

> And this is the handiwork of Planet known as JEEVA.


> I am posting on effects of Guru in 2nd,5th 9th and 10th houses


> to illustrate that he destroys the houses which he occupies.




> Male

> DOB: 28.9.1954

> TOB: 18.30 Hrs

> POB: Madras


> Asc: Pisces

> Ketu: Gemini

> Jupiter: Cancer

> Moon,Sun: Virgo

> Sat/Merc/Ven: Libra

> Rahu/Mars: Saggitarius



> Mark Guru in cancer a Female sign in 5th where Guru is in


> He has malefics in 10th house which denotes no progeny to light

> funeral pyre.


> This person is childless even after two marriages.





> Male


> DOB: 6TH July 1935

> Tob : 5.34 AM

> POB: Teng-t'a

> 101 E 12

> 36 N 32


> Gemini: Asc

> Gemini: Sun/Merc/Ketu

> Leo: Moon/venus

> Virgo : Mars

> Libra : Jupiter

> Saggi: Rahu

> Aquarius: Saturn


> This person has Guru in 5th house.He is unmarried and has no

> children due to religious abstinence.

> This horoscope belongs to His Holiness Dalai Lama.







> Born ...10th Nov 1955



> Janma Lagna Kataka

> Vrishabha...........ketu

> Simha ..............Guru

> Kanya...............Moon, Mars

> Tula................Saturn, Mercury, Sun

> Vrischik............Rahu , Shukra




> Moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru (Presently).


> This person has Guru in 2nd house in Leo.




> The jataka , except for a very brief period in Guru dasa, has


> in everything he has done. Extremely bad with money. Owes people

> huge sums, no property , no permenet jobs, avoided by world and


> his own family.poverty does not leave him and presently looked


> by father inlaw.





> Guru is termed as Jeeva, Ayushya karaka, remover of illness, when

> comes and occupies 8th bhava, destroys the Ayushya or Life of a

> person.

> I will give two examples of such people who were killed by Guru.


> CASE #1


> Male:

> DOB: 27.3.1972

> TOB: 9.07 AM

> POB: Udaipur Rajasthan


> Taurus: Asc

> Taurus: Mars/Sat

> Cancer: Ketu

> Leo: Moon

> Saggi: Jupiter

> Capri: Rahu

> Pisces: Sun/Merc


> Mark presence of Guru in the 8th bhava. The person died in a tragic

> road accident in year 2001.


> CASE # 2


> Male

> DOB: 9.11.1915

> TOB: 12.15 am

> POB: Porbandar India


> Cancer : Asc

> Cancer: Mars/ketu

> Libra: Merc/Sun

> Scorpio: Moon/Venus

> Capri: Rahu

> Aquarius: Jupiter

> Gemini: Saturn


> Mark Jupiter in 8th bhava.


> The person in question died of TB at the age of 24 years.


> To Be Continued.




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dear sir,

after reading ur contribution on whether guru a

benign/ divine planet?, it puts everyone in a fix as

to find out which planet in the solar system is a good

dispositor. My lagna is vrichigam and my moon is in

kanya, I have jupiter in Dhanus. In terms of wealth I

didnt have a big fortune during my guru dasa which

started in Jun1986 and ended in 2001. Neither did I

have any financial misfortune. One area in the article

i observe is the planet's aspect will give more

results(good or bad) than the bhava. If we have to

quote an analogy. Let us consider a 1000watts bulb

illuminating a playground. we can derive the benefit

of this bright light if we are at the middle or at the

other end of the play ground. But if we directly stand

below the illuminated bulb we cant stand even for few

mins since the heat generated from the bulb will be so

intense. I presume the same can be applied to the

planets in relation to bhava and aspects.


withgood wishes,












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Not everyone is in a fix I am sure! Did I tell you about the folks

with a 'd' on one side of the see-saw and a 'w' on the other?

Assuming you have read my Jupiter light post <shrinking violet that I



I love your analogy about the 1000watt bulb on the playground, but

Gopu, didn't the coach tell you to keep your eyes on the " ball" when

you are playing and not the bulb overhead?







, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:


> dear sir,

> after reading ur contribution on whether guru a

> benign/ divine planet?, it puts everyone in a fix as

> to find out which planet in the solar system is a good

> dispositor. My lagna is vrichigam and my moon is in

> kanya, I have jupiter in Dhanus. In terms of wealth I

> didnt have a big fortune during my guru dasa which

> started in Jun1986 and ended in 2001. Neither did I

> have any financial misfortune. One area in the article

> i observe is the planet's aspect will give more

> results(good or bad) than the bhava. If we have to

> quote an analogy. Let us consider a 1000watts bulb

> illuminating a playground. we can derive the benefit

> of this bright light if we are at the middle or at the

> other end of the play ground. But if we directly stand

> below the illuminated bulb we cant stand even for few

> mins since the heat generated from the bulb will be so

> intense. I presume the same can be applied to the

> planets in relation to bhava and aspects.


> withgood wishes,

> k.gopu





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dear Shri RR,

U r absolutely right that as a player we haveto

concenterate on the ball for which we need a good ray

of light falling on the ball and suppose a shadow

falls on the ball we may struggle to locate the ball.

Anyway i am not giving any justification on my bulb

theory, I am trying to illuminate my thought process.


with good wishes,









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Gopu ji,


We are building a chain of thought and ideas -- your link was

critical since it started this chain! Always remember that and keep

your eyes on the ball :-)




, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:



> dear Shri RR,

> U r absolutely right that as a player we haveto

> concenterate on the ball for which we need a good ray

> of light falling on the ball and suppose a shadow

> falls on the ball we may struggle to locate the ball.

> Anyway i am not giving any justification on my bulb

> theory, I am trying to illuminate my thought process.


> with good wishes,

> k.gopu









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  • 2 years later...

Dear Sir,


I went through your post abt Guru.My Guru is placed in 5th house,and it conjucts with Moon,Mars & Rahu.


My parents are looking for matches since last 2 yrs and nothing is materialising.I would be greatful if you can analyze my chart and provide your advices on the same.


here are my birth details..

Jan 6,1980

Time: 12:44 PM

Birth Place: Merta City,Rajasthan , India

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