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Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath

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Dear All,


While going thru' the two charts, the following points seem to be

relevant to their committing suicide:


Influences on Lagna:

1 Both have the Rahu- Ketu axis running thru' lagna.


2.While Plath's lagna lord is in the house of loss i.e. the 12th

house, Woolf's lagna is under severe affliction from papkartari



3.Mars afflicts the lagna lord of both.


4. In the case of Plath as well as Woolf Saturn aspects Mars. It is

worse in Plath's case as Mars returns the aspect to Saturn.


5. In Plath's case the aspect of Jupiter to lagna would have been

good but for the fact that Jupiter is forming Guru- Chandal yoga in

the 7th house. Hence the person's suicide because of marital



Influences on Moon:


Weakness of Moon exists in both charts. It occupies the 8th in

Plath's case and 12th in the case of Woolf.


3 planets are debilitated in Plaths chart contributing to its



Going over Plath's chart I am tending to arrive at the conclusion

that suicide took place because of the Guru Chandal yoga. Jupiter

and Ketu are in the same degree.


She committed suicide in Rahu / Mars period. In fact it took place

at the junction of Rahu and Jupiter dasas.

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Notice another occurence: On the day that she committed suicide

Mars,Saturn were again in opposition in transit and also in Cancer,

Capricorn respectively.

Rahu had joined Mars ,and Ketu with Moon and Mercury joined Saturn.


a deadly transit .


- In jyotish-vidya, "neenako" <neenako wrote:


> Dear All,


> While going thru' the two charts, the following points seem to be

> relevant to their committing suicide:


> Influences on Lagna:

> 1 Both have the Rahu- Ketu axis running thru' lagna.


> 2.While Plath's lagna lord is in the house of loss i.e. the 12th

> house, Woolf's lagna is under severe affliction from papkartari

> yoga.


> 3.Mars afflicts the lagna lord of both.


> 4. In the case of Plath as well as Woolf Saturn aspects Mars. It


> worse in Plath's case as Mars returns the aspect to Saturn.


> 5. In Plath's case the aspect of Jupiter to lagna would have been

> good but for the fact that Jupiter is forming Guru- Chandal yoga


> the 7th house. Hence the person's suicide because of marital

> problems.


> Influences on Moon:


> Weakness of Moon exists in both charts. It occupies the 8th in

> Plath's case and 12th in the case of Woolf.


> 3 planets are debilitated in Plaths chart contributing to its

> weakness.


> Going over Plath's chart I am tending to arrive at the conclusion

> that suicide took place because of the Guru Chandal yoga. Jupiter

> and Ketu are in the same degree.


> She committed suicide in Rahu / Mars period. In fact it took place

> at the junction of Rahu and Jupiter dasas.


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Hi Neena,


I haven't had a chance to delve deeply into each chart yet. Although, I find

your observations to be very interesting and worth a conversation in a day when

I can share. My surface observations of the two charts and their known

biographies seem to support your very keen observations.


More later - lookly forward to it.




neenako <neenako wrote:



Notice another occurence: On the day that she committed suicide

Mars,Saturn were again in opposition in transit and also in Cancer,

Capricorn respectively.

Rahu had joined Mars ,and Ketu with Moon and Mercury joined Saturn.


a deadly transit .


- In jyotish-vidya, "neenako" <neenako wrote:


> Dear All,


> While going thru' the two charts, the following points seem to be

> relevant to their committing suicide:


> Influences on Lagna:

> 1 Both have the Rahu- Ketu axis running thru' lagna.


> 2.While Plath's lagna lord is in the house of loss i.e. the 12th

> house, Woolf's lagna is under severe affliction from papkartari

> yoga.


> 3.Mars afflicts the lagna lord of both.


> 4. In the case of Plath as well as Woolf Saturn aspects Mars. It


> worse in Plath's case as Mars returns the aspect to Saturn.


> 5. In Plath's case the aspect of Jupiter to lagna would have been

> good but for the fact that Jupiter is forming Guru- Chandal yoga


> the 7th house. Hence the person's suicide because of marital

> problems.


> Influences on Moon:


> Weakness of Moon exists in both charts. It occupies the 8th in

> Plath's case and 12th in the case of Woolf.


> 3 planets are debilitated in Plaths chart contributing to its

> weakness.


> Going over Plath's chart I am tending to arrive at the conclusion

> that suicide took place because of the Guru Chandal yoga. Jupiter

> and Ketu are in the same degree.


> She committed suicide in Rahu / Mars period. In fact it took place

> at the junction of Rahu and Jupiter dasas.








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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson






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