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Namaste Zeljka,


You asked very fine questions and you presented them nicely.


Your case and question is the perfect example for stressing the need to

blend many factors and not to look at them in isolation.


I looked at your chart quickly and replying.


In your case, the basic chart is strong, all bodily planets are in benefic

sign. The 1st class benefic for your chart is Venus and it is in lagna and

apsects the Mars and it is exalted in 5th house in Navamsa. Before checking

anything we should study the basic nature or the platform of a chart. Here

we have to consider the yogas and dhoshas involved. As you can see in the

Middle east Asian countries, a lot of people live a luxurious life, no dasa

change or transit affects their life. This is because of the basic

foundation of the chart.


You Jupiter dasa: As you mentioned, strength overrides the benefic. For

example, if I want to implement whatever I feel right in my organisation, it

is not allowed and I am forced to do adharmic activities, related to my

profession. On the contrary, if I get some more power, I will act according

to my wish. In any case, the natural quality is the dominating one. In your

case, Jupiter is the lord of very important houses of 7th and 10th and he is

exalted in rasi and placed in the 10th house in Navamsa in a friendly sign.

Plus he is involved in gajakesari yoga in Navamsa. With this strong

position, he should do a great benefit, but, he is doing little for you

because of the slight malefic nature due to its functionality.


In my case, it is different, he is not only functional malefic, he is in

Maranakarakasthana and aspected by two malefics, from their

maranakarakasthana. In addition he is in Sakata yoga by being placed in 12th

from Moon. So, he becomes 1st class malefic. But, in spite of all these bad

position, he kept me in a far better position in education, married life,

children, properties etc., The fact is if he was in a good position, I would

have been in the top of the world. I had all such opportunities. I was

pulled down to you very low position, with less money (Jup, lord of 2nd and

11th house). So, we have to look at the magnitude of the yoga and dohsha in

this way.


Similarly, your Mars, he is in a benefic sign, conjoined a benefic and

aspected by the 1st class benefic. He is week in shadbala and in Navamsa, so

his malefic nature gets reduced. Still his malefic nature augmented in its

own Budhi. Moreover, he is placed in Chandra Mangal yoga in a kendra.



Solai Kannan


zzeljka [zzeljka]

21 January 2002 12:05 PM


[sjvc] Re: Natural vs functional




Dear Solai,


With regards to natural and functional nature of grahas, i have some


in my mind.


I'm Mithuna lagna, therefore Guru is a functional malefic. Since he is 2nd


there is no neecha on Kendrahipastya Dosha. I'm currently running Gu


(Gu-Sa), but since i've entered Gu mahadasha, nothing malefic happened to me

(yet), on the contrary: my activity in spirituality enhanced enormously -


started to study jyotish, to meditate, to do my Sadhana regularly - i met my

partner (future husband) who is also very spiritual, my material status also

improved a great deal, i got a house i'm currently living in. The situation

in my company is not very great, but i don't work extremely hard, nor do i


an extremely bad salary - i do very well with my collegues and associates at

work. Do Guru's great avasthas nullify its functional malevolence (uccha in

5 vargas) or is there something else i don't see? I notice much more


during Budh bhuktis, and Budh is lagnesh and vargottama.


Second thing: my AK is Mangal. Being a natural malefic, he lords 6th and


bhava, so he becomes the first grade malefic. Plus he is retrograde in the


bhava. During Mangal mahadasha i excelled in school and in sports and in


- practically in everything i did at that time. It is true that at the


of Mangal mahadasha my parents divorced (Mangal being in the 4th bhava), but

i cannot recollect any bigger evil during that time. I have always been


healthy, i've never had any bigger injury or accident. Why is that? I


whether it is because of Chandra - being in dik bala in 4th bhava and being

Mangal's nakshatra dispositor and Guru's bhava dispositor - or because of


4th lord Budh being lagnesh (yet in 12th bhava)? Thanks very much for the




My birth data:

May 20th 1967, 6:15 am, Cakovec, Croatia (no summer time)

TZ +1, 46N23, 16E26

Lagna 6:15:25 Mithuna


Jai Guru Dev




Besplatni e-mail - http://webmail.iskon.hr/





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