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Gaja-Kesari Yoga, Guru-Sani Yoga, and Packed Houses

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I'm up against the clock, so I'll have to make this



GKY falls under the catergory of yogas that are known

as Raj-Yogas; that is to say, that it can suggest

conspicuous success in a variety of fields, most

notably, in the political arena. Many prominent

politicians have this. But in general, GKY is

something nice to have in a chart.


Of course, much depends on the condition of both the

Moon and Jupiter, which this combination is based.

Ideally, the best and strongest GKY is seen when the

Moon is in its own or exalted or friendly signs,

waxing and placed in an angle from the Asc. Jupiter

would also be so disposed. The reverse of these

stipulations would greatly reduce the promise of this

yoga, and this can be seen in the native very readily,



Not much is written on the occurance of Jupiter and

Saturn together in the same house for the charts of

human beings. It is more recognized as a Mundane

signature. Raman says in his 300 Important

Combinations, that when Jupiter and Saturn are in the

1-7 axis, we can expect the native to have gas

problems. I have tested this out for myself, and have

found some truth in this. James Braha has said that

such a combination is indicative of great spiritual

potential, as both Jupiter and Saturn indicate

spiritual or religious paths. I think that this is so

only when one or both of the planets are placed in

signs or houses that would incline one towards such

paths. Otherwise, I think that this combination can

also suggest strong political involvement. There is

also the idea of "proving a point" within the person;

the joining together of theory in Jupiter and wisdom

and practical experience/know-how in Saturn.


Ancient texts, and older Vedic Astrologers say, that

having too many planets in one house is not a

favorable thing. The reason for this is because, there

are too many "voices" in that area of life (House);

the person has too many masters to follow, and, if

other factors in the chart supports this, can indeed

be a very problematic state of affairs for the native.

It is usually a very strong point of discussion were I

in a consultation with such a person.


Consider the chart of the Suburban Sniper Suspect,

John Allen Muhammad; he has Sag Asc, with the Moon and

Mars conjoined in the 7th (Chandra Mangala Yoga). Note

that he had Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Sag, along

with the Sun and Mercury - four planets, if I recall,

all in the Asc, while at the same time, two more

planets aspects that same Asc from the 7th. We know

that JAM has had many, many problems in his personal

life, particularly with regard to his ex wife and

females in general. His horoscope shows a fractious

personality, for sure.


Hope this helps. Gotta run.




--- souvik dutta <explore_vulcan wrote:

> hi everybody..i am new to this groupand wanted to

> know

> about gaja-Kesari(jup-mon conjunction)and

> guru-souri(jup-sat conjuction) in the same

> house...actually i have 5 planets..jup,sat,mon,rahu

> in

> the same house(7th.)in leo..please do tell me what

> are

> the indications..

> luck

> vulcan




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Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


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