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In order for doing anything seriously, particularly something as deeply

ingrained into our total experiencing of this reality as jyotish is, it has

to be spiritually nourishing. Sometimes spirituality is confused with

religion or something else as if it is separate from other life experiences.

This need not be so. When a mother serves her child (out of love -- what

else?) it is a spiritual phenomenon, though sometimes not experienced or

realized as such.


This does not mean that jyotishi needs to follow any rituals necessarily but

merely to join and become one with the spirit of astrology. When planets and

rashis and other factors do not remain external bodies or separate from ones

total awareness, jyotish lights up the universe (within and without).





>"Geir Ove Eide" <geide


><gjlist >

>[gjlist] Shareing

>Sun, 23 Jul 2000 04:36:26 +0200


>Hello, I'm learning Jyotish, but feel it's best to have some deep spiritual

>experience also, and after my DSN course, im totally transformed. A lot's

>of good things happend with me and this will happend in the world also as

>we know. The course is one key that make it speed up i think. Following;

>you can read about the course. If it's not for you just delete this one



>This is from Art of Livings daily e-mail list..



>Geir Ove Eide




>Dear Everyone,

>Nitin and crew perpared this write up on DSN - if you want to know what it

>is, read further!








>What is it?

>When one is full and brimming over with happiness one automatically wants

>to help others. When we experience something good, we want to give it to

>those we love. When we spread joy, we get more joy. Those around us feel

>closer, the whole group unites in connection and a great power is

>generated. The power of love is transforming.


>How does this happen?

>We connect with our inner wisdom, courage, purity and truth. We are given

>the opportunity to let go of fears, attachments and aversions. When this

>happens a vast freedom and deep trust dawns. Love, compassion, tenderness

>and humility arise in great thankfulness, and an awareness of Grace shines

>through the events of our daily lives.


>When this is experienced by a group of individuals, a bond of love and

>acceptance becomes the driving power to bring light. Lethargy, fear and

>anxiety give way to joy, energy and enthusiasm. This is the motivating

>drive behind true transformation in society. From this source the intention

>of action is supported. Our plans become focused and are accomplished with

>ease. Our intrinsic abilities blossom. Like a flock of birds migrating

>south in winter, we fall into our natural direction of life and radiate our

>inherent special gifts. In this way both society and the individual are






>What are the benefits for me?

>1. One experiences the limitlessness of one's being not as a concept but as

>an experience.

>2. Through our past experiences we tend to gather so many barriers,

>limitations, false conclusions about ourselves and the world which do not

>allow us to experience this limitlessness. In the DSN course, we get the

>opportunity of recognising and dissolving all these mental and emotional

>barriers. This sets us free to be.

>3. Many people who have gone through the course report that they had never

>experienced such transformation in their lives before.


>Experiences of people who have done the course -


>- It's not very often when someone is giving you it's own heart, experience

>and knowledge about life! No many chances in life to be freer of yourself

>without hesitation and holding back. I love the course; its what I was

>looking for. There are no more struggles left in my life, no more

>disappointments about myself as well. Elena

>- I don't know what happened on that DSO course. I can't remember half of

>what happened. I was challenged, I was sick. There were times I wanted to

>walk away. But afterwards, and right now, I am happy, Very happy. I don't

>know how it happened, but it did. Matthew

>- My life is transformed. I am very happy. Events have not changed, but my

>attitude has changed. I feel grateful for the events. Sue

>- The course has raised my self-awareness and has lifted a lot of weight

>off my shoulders. I am eating a lot less and am focussed on helping others.


>- Physically I feel much better and lighter. Cravings have gone. Ila

>- It was a beautiful group atmosphere. For me, the course was about

>realising my barriers - it made me confront myself. Chris

>- It was the best course I have ever attended in my life. I have never felt

>so close and intimate with people in the group. I am going through a

>roller-coaster because I confront my past and that is tough. It was a

>course which everyone enjoyed. It broke so many fears. Misha

>- The course has expended my horizon and I feel so grateful and lucky for

>having had the chance to do the course. It made me realise that a;ll of us

>are the same deep inside and I feel a connection with everyone around me.


>- I feel very happy, especially meeting people. During the course I was

>overwhelmed with love and gratitude. Bhavini

>- It has made me more aware of myself and the surroundings. It has given me

>a deep realisation that we are nothing and yet we are everything. Ajay

>- I am a student and after DSN I've had to do my coursework - somehow I

>didn't feel like I had to put in much effort since everything seemed to

>flow. I've got exams in 2 weeks and I am walking around in a stressed and

>gloomy atmosphere at the Uni with a big smile. Anusha

>- By doing the DSN course I felt very good - it is a great feeling. I don't

>have any words to say. I just want to tell you all to go and do it and have

>great feelings. Bharti

>- I experienced and realised a deeper part of my consciousness which I

>didn't know existed. I could sense the connection between my consciousness

>with everyone else's and came out with a tremendous sense of belongingness

>with everyone. It is so simple- we all are one. The course was the best

>gift I received in my life yet, which is immeasurable and indescribable.


>- I have always believed that one's goal in life is to realise one's own

>true potential and certainly I believe the DSN course will have a profound

>impact in encouraging me to look deeper in the quest of my soul/inner

>light. Mehul


>- I am transformed. The circumstances/events remain the same, but my

>attitude has changed. What used to bring me down now appears like an

>opportunity, even a blessing to see myself more clearly. I get to see my

>buttons/attachments/judgements/desires/aversions/cravings and consciously

>let go or offer them. Life becomes a big game of energy - shifting,

>burning, dissipating, intensifying. And underneath or throughout it all

>there is this incredible stillness that roote me and connects me with

>everyone and everything. Awareness becomes so keen and sharp, yet expended

>and enveloping.


>I see myself in such a different way - I feel so much more open and softer

>as there is nothing to lose, and fear is falling off, and what comes to the

>forefront is a deep trust that I am loved, I am not alone, that all my

>needs are truly taken care of.


>I have become aware that my life is a gift to others. Each moment is an

>opportunity to contribute to those around me. And instead of this being a

>burden, it is the most amazing and liberating joy. And in doing so, I feel

>stronger and brighter and have even more to give. I see the beauty in just

>being available to the moment to be of service, letting that intention move

>me through the events. Life looks like a big set up for me to grow! I feel

>so grateful. Su




>At the Ashram


>AUGUST 10 TO 13, 2000


>To all members of the Art of Living family


>GREAT NEWS!... The DSN course has finally arrived in North America.

>That's right... the course will soon be given in Canada for the first

>time by Tanuja, a teacher from India.


>Many people around the world have already taken the course and without

>exception they have all said it is a life transforming experience.

>Although we have practically no details about the course content,

>everyone agrees it's a course you absolutely HAVE to take because it is

>so wonderful!


>The DSN course is a unique combination of Sadhana (spiritual practices)

>and Knowledge that exquisitely harmonizes the Being at every level.

>Those interested in freeing themselves from their limitations and going

>beyond their inner barriers will find this course, developed by Guruji,

>to be a blessing. If you would like to experience a major expansion in

>your life and become an instrument for spreading this Divine Knowledge,

>this course is for you.


>DATES: August 10 to 13, 2000 (The course will begin Thursday evening and

>end late Sunday afternoon.)

>TEACHER: Tanuja (She will be arriving directly from England.)


>To register or obtain further information, please contact Pierre

>immediately at the Ashram at (819) 532-3328 (telephone), (819) 532-2033

>(fax) or artofliving.northamerica (email).





>A warm Jai Guru Dev to all of you from the Ashram in Canada!


>Hi, Everyone:


>Jai Gurudev !!!


>Bawa & Dinesh will be on the West Coast of the U.S. for the month of August

>giving DSN Courses.


>I don't know much about the DSN course, but here's what I know:

>1. "DSN" stands for Making a Divine Society

>2. This will be the first time DSN has been offered in the U.S.

>3. Everyone who's done it has said that it's incredible (surprise,


>4. There are currently no DSN teachers in the U.S., so we're especially

>lucky to

>have Bawa & Dinesh visiting

>5. Anyone who's taken the AoL Basic Course is eligible for DSN

>6. Bawa says, "the DSN course takes you out of whatever limitations you


>you have"


>Here's the schedule:

>AUG 10-13 : SAN JOSE, register with Anupama at pannaga

>AUG 17-20: SEATTLE, register with Chris at ckapilla

>AUG 24-27: LOS ANGELES, contact the LA teachers to register


>Courses meet Thursday evening 7pm-10pm and Friday through Sunday 7am-8pm.


>cost is $365.


>There will also be DSN courses on the East Coast, conducted by Vikram and


>Details to follow...


>Lots of Love




>First you have to finish the basic course-- just see

>http://www.artofliving.org/c-basic.html It's wonderful too.






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Guest guest

Hello, I'm learning Jyotish, but feel it's best to have some deep spiritual

experience also, and after my DSN course, im totally transformed. A lot's of

good things happend with me and this will happend in the world also as we know.

The course is one key that make it speed up i think. Following; you can read

about the course. If it's not for you just delete this one please.


This is from Art of Livings daily e-mail list..



Geir Ove Eide




Dear Everyone,

Nitin and crew perpared this write up on DSN - if you want to know what it is,

read further!








What is it?

When one is full and brimming over with happiness one automatically wants to

help others. When we experience something good, we want to give it to those we

love. When we spread joy, we get more joy. Those around us feel closer, the

whole group unites in connection and a great power is generated. The power of

love is transforming.


How does this happen?

We connect with our inner wisdom, courage, purity and truth. We are given the

opportunity to let go of fears, attachments and aversions. When this happens a

vast freedom and deep trust dawns. Love, compassion, tenderness and humility

arise in great thankfulness, and an awareness of Grace shines through the events

of our daily lives.


When this is experienced by a group of individuals, a bond of love and

acceptance becomes the driving power to bring light. Lethargy, fear and anxiety

give way to joy, energy and enthusiasm. This is the motivating drive behind true

transformation in society. From this source the intention of action is

supported. Our plans become focused and are accomplished with ease. Our

intrinsic abilities blossom. Like a flock of birds migrating south in winter, we

fall into our natural direction of life and radiate our inherent special gifts.

In this way both society and the individual are enriched.





What are the benefits for me?

1. One experiences the limitlessness of one's being not as a concept but as an


2. Through our past experiences we tend to gather so many barriers, limitations,

false conclusions about ourselves and the world which do not allow us to

experience this limitlessness. In the DSN course, we get the opportunity of

recognising and dissolving all these mental and emotional barriers. This sets us

free to be.

3. Many people who have gone through the course report that they had never

experienced such transformation in their lives before.


Experiences of people who have done the course -


- It's not very often when someone is giving you it's own heart, experience and

knowledge about life! No many chances in life to be freer of yourself without

hesitation and holding back. I love the course; its what I was looking for.

There are no more struggles left in my life, no more disappointments about

myself as well. Elena

- I don't know what happened on that DSO course. I can't remember half of what

happened. I was challenged, I was sick. There were times I wanted to walk away.

But afterwards, and right now, I am happy, Very happy. I don't know how it

happened, but it did. Matthew

- My life is transformed. I am very happy. Events have not changed, but my

attitude has changed. I feel grateful for the events. Sue

- The course has raised my self-awareness and has lifted a lot of weight off my

shoulders. I am eating a lot less and am focussed on helping others. Hiren

- Physically I feel much better and lighter. Cravings have gone. Ila

- It was a beautiful group atmosphere. For me, the course was about realising my

barriers - it made me confront myself. Chris

- It was the best course I have ever attended in my life. I have never felt so

close and intimate with people in the group. I am going through a roller-coaster

because I confront my past and that is tough. It was a course which everyone

enjoyed. It broke so many fears. Misha

- The course has expended my horizon and I feel so grateful and lucky for having

had the chance to do the course. It made me realise that a;ll of us are the same

deep inside and I feel a connection with everyone around me. Archana

- I feel very happy, especially meeting people. During the course I was

overwhelmed with love and gratitude. Bhavini

- It has made me more aware of myself and the surroundings. It has given me a

deep realisation that we are nothing and yet we are everything. Ajay

- I am a student and after DSN I've had to do my coursework - somehow I didn't

feel like I had to put in much effort since everything seemed to flow. I've got

exams in 2 weeks and I am walking around in a stressed and gloomy atmosphere at

the Uni with a big smile. Anusha

- By doing the DSN course I felt very good - it is a great feeling. I don't have

any words to say. I just want to tell you all to go and do it and have great

feelings. Bharti

- I experienced and realised a deeper part of my consciousness which I didn't

know existed. I could sense the connection between my consciousness with

everyone else's and came out with a tremendous sense of belongingness with

everyone. It is so simple- we all are one. The course was the best gift I

received in my life yet, which is immeasurable and indescribable. Rakesh

- I have always believed that one's goal in life is to realise one's own true

potential and certainly I believe the DSN course will have a profound impact in

encouraging me to look deeper in the quest of my soul/inner light. Mehul


- I am transformed. The circumstances/events remain the same, but my attitude

has changed. What used to bring me down now appears like an opportunity, even a

blessing to see myself more clearly. I get to see my

buttons/attachments/judgements/desires/aversions/cravings and consciously let go

or offer them. Life becomes a big game of energy - shifting, burning,

dissipating, intensifying. And underneath or throughout it all there is this

incredible stillness that roote me and connects me with everyone and everything.

Awareness becomes so keen and sharp, yet expended and enveloping.


I see myself in such a different way - I feel so much more open and softer as

there is nothing to lose, and fear is falling off, and what comes to the

forefront is a deep trust that I am loved, I am not alone, that all my needs are

truly taken care of.


I have become aware that my life is a gift to others. Each moment is an

opportunity to contribute to those around me. And instead of this being a

burden, it is the most amazing and liberating joy. And in doing so, I feel

stronger and brighter and have even more to give. I see the beauty in just being

available to the moment to be of service, letting that intention move me through

the events. Life looks like a big set up for me to grow! I feel so grateful. Su




At the Ashram


AUGUST 10 TO 13, 2000


To all members of the Art of Living family


GREAT NEWS!... The DSN course has finally arrived in North America.

That's right... the course will soon be given in Canada for the first

time by Tanuja, a teacher from India.


Many people around the world have already taken the course and without

exception they have all said it is a life transforming experience.

Although we have practically no details about the course content,

everyone agrees it's a course you absolutely HAVE to take because it is

so wonderful!


The DSN course is a unique combination of Sadhana (spiritual practices)

and Knowledge that exquisitely harmonizes the Being at every level.

Those interested in freeing themselves from their limitations and going

beyond their inner barriers will find this course, developed by Guruji,

to be a blessing. If you would like to experience a major expansion in

your life and become an instrument for spreading this Divine Knowledge,

this course is for you.


DATES: August 10 to 13, 2000 (The course will begin Thursday evening and

end late Sunday afternoon.)

TEACHER: Tanuja (She will be arriving directly from England.)


To register or obtain further information, please contact Pierre

immediately at the Ashram at (819) 532-3328 (telephone), (819) 532-2033

(fax) or artofliving.northamerica (email).





A warm Jai Guru Dev to all of you from the Ashram in Canada!


Hi, Everyone:


Jai Gurudev !!!


Bawa & Dinesh will be on the West Coast of the U.S. for the month of August

giving DSN Courses.


I don't know much about the DSN course, but here's what I know:

1. "DSN" stands for Making a Divine Society

2. This will be the first time DSN has been offered in the U.S.

3. Everyone who's done it has said that it's incredible (surprise, surprise)

4. There are currently no DSN teachers in the U.S., so we're especially lucky to

have Bawa & Dinesh visiting

5. Anyone who's taken the AoL Basic Course is eligible for DSN

6. Bawa says, "the DSN course takes you out of whatever limitations you think

you have"


Here's the schedule:

AUG 10-13 : SAN JOSE, register with Anupama at pannaga

AUG 17-20: SEATTLE, register with Chris at ckapilla

AUG 24-27: LOS ANGELES, contact the LA teachers to register


Courses meet Thursday evening 7pm-10pm and Friday through Sunday 7am-8pm. The

cost is $365.


There will also be DSN courses on the East Coast, conducted by Vikram and Nitin.

Details to follow...


Lots of Love




First you have to finish the basic course-- just see

http://www.artofliving.org/c-basic.html It's wonderful too.

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