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Brief about the value of Jyotish

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Random points inspired by Dave Birr's mention of sharing



I have now 7 years of experience with full time Jyotish programming and

promoting of Jyotish.


I still don't read charts for anyone really. I'm not a practicing

astrologer. I have read many charts to many people, but all on the

spontaneity of the moment and 99.99% for free.


I believe that if I did charts, I would reject those which did not speak

to me. I have found I cannot relate to many charts. I can relate best to

ones which speak of karma I can more relate to personally. So I think I

would be choosy if I did charts.


I do not understand the mood with which astrology is often used and

discussed. Like, I cannot relate to thinking that we can fix karma, or

change it. That's way too puzzling to me. I can relate to talking about

surrender and making the best of the lesson.


I have seen, that the main best uses of astrology are:


1. Self illumination- as in "Oh yeah, I am the way I thought". This

kindof confirmation happens alot with astrology. I see GOBS of relief

come across the face when the person realizes that they were "made that

way" and therefore it's not exactly "their fault". This is important.

Self illumination. Self realization. Self confirmation. Confirmation of

good, as well as bad qualities. This is a big RELIEF to people often, I see.


2. Confirmation of Spiritual Philosophical principles as in the Gita.

This is important. Astrology is one of the best proofs I've ever seen

for the principles taught in the Gita. This is very important. Jyotish

supports Vedic Spiritual Thought big time in my opinion.


3. Understanding each other, so as to navigate with knowledge. In other

words, compatibility, but for all purposes. Knowing your karma means

knowing more about what colors work for you, who else will be compatible

with you, and so on. Self awareness, and awareness of others. I believe

Jyotish is the secret seeing weapon of real Brahmins. As they say here

in Green Oregon "Stumps Don't Lie". I say, "Jyotish Charts Dont Lie" !

Show me the chart, and I'll know alot about the person. That's one of

the key benefits of Jyotish- NO BS!


4. Ultimately, surrender is the fruit of this knowledge. After awhile,

like I'm seeing, you just cannot get away from the Divine Plan. Our work

is therefore internal mostly. This is all very correct according to

Scriptures. It's wonderfully ligning up for me.


Dave asked about helping others.


The main thing is #1 and #2 above. I have mainly helped others to "know

themselves" better. When they see me literally telling them their

deepest darkest or brightest realities, and correctly pinpointing dates

of past key life events, and discussing their personality and

relationships, and it's mostly coming up really correct, and not vague,

they get impressed. They get faith. Then I tell them what it means more,

bringing in Vedic reasoning and philosophy, and they get great

enlightenment and relief. So often I've relieved outcastes for example,

from the burden of guilt. Once they hear how the Nodes work, and what

they mean, they are relieved, knowing that their differences with most

others were meant to be. I explain how that might have a purpose in

certain ways, and they get hope.


For myself, picture this: I'm going through my life, a very religious

boy. They make fun of me. I got to the seminary on the weekends to pray,

and listen to talks about becoming a priest. I was very young. I was serious.


In college, I'm all into love and God. I cry at Jesus plays. It's deeply

in me. I want to know God. I have feelings, very strong. I feel I should

give up everything and follow Christ. I feel guilty for being normal. I

want to be a priest.


I join the HK movement and rise fast. I do alot. Still, is it me, is it

my mind, what's going on, is it ego?


Then one day, in 93, I suddenly get interested in Jyotish. I run

downtown, purchase the books required for manual calculations, and I get

started. I calculate mine and my wife and kids charts in that day. I

look through the books for readings. I find them. I find mine. I'm shocked.


I read it over and over again.


Karma Dharma Adi Pati Yoga- religious works.


over and over and over...


No, it can't be true. Jupiter in the 9th in Sag. Very religious. Very

unique placement for connection especially with formal religion. I love

it. I read it over and over and over.


I can't believe my eyes. This was one of the best days of my life. I

thought "I'm not dreaming, I was meant to be this way. I was meant to

love God. It's in my chart. That's me. That's what I am. I am religious.

Of course. I wasn't dreaming. It's real."


This was a very important day in my life.


Also, just knowing about Sada Sati. At the moment of Saturns transit on

my Moon. I was up on a hill praying to Him, Shani. Just knowing about

this "transit hit" moment, made me aware of cosmic reality and it's

effects on me. I think that's a gift. Just giving someone their transit

hits printout is a gift.


So these are some things.


It has helped my daughter, who has suffered alot, to know that she has

the chart she has. We can discuss her karma freely, as she's that

trained at 16. She fully accepts all the Vedic ideas. Her life has been

a little hard being burned and all. It's been liberating for her to

discuss her exalted malefic Saturn, which dominates the entire chart. To

discuss the gifts and drawbacks of that placement, has been illuminating

for her.


For my son, the "winner", to discuss with him his exalted Venus in the

5th has given him more encouragement in his material pursuits, which is

what he's about (not only, but alot). Same with all my friends. I have

seen alot of good come from simple "personality confirmation".


So this is my initial offering on this subhject.


Good call Dave.


Thanks for the opp.




Das Goravani

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Dear Das,


If karma was originally created by us (our actions) then we would have to be

the ones to discharge, dissolve it and pay the debt of our own doings. So,

in this sense only we can open the karmic ledger in most cases. Now, there

are accounts of spiritual leaders taking care of the bill of their disciples

but our choosing to be subservient to our teachers is the action that we

took (consciously or unconsciously) which led to the discharge of our karma.


Having said that, the best way to deal with our karma is to address the

actions that created the original karma (if you were a sadist, learn to be

kind, if you were a doormat, try to be more assertive, if you stole things,

give them away in this birthtime) and so, penance, fasting and charity work

(money, goods and hard work) is the best way to deal with karma. The current

convenient trend of buying a gemstone and thinking it will dissolve the

karma will work only if you were not nice to the jeweller in a past birth

and the money you paid for the gemstone is an act of atonement! Or maybe the

jyotishi who got a fat fee was your abused wife in the last birthtime (I am

being tongue in cheek here, so don't get angry with me, folks!).


And there is a trend regarding playing around with mantras and chants these

days. People come up with six mantras for shani and seventeen for mercury

and then get confused which one to use and so on. Even paying back bankloans

is not that simple in this reality, so how can long-outstanding accounts

(karma) be like that?





>Das <>



>[gjlist] Brief about the value of Jyotish

>Thu, 29 Jun 2000 19:01:55 -0700


>I do not understand the mood with which astrology is often used and

>discussed. Like, I cannot relate to thinking that we can fix karma, or

>change it. That's way too puzzling to me. I can relate to talking about

>surrender and making the best of the lesson.




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