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You stated you had difficulties with your mother and looking at your

chart it is easy to see why.


Firstly Mars the planet of fights and arguments is in Cancer the sign

of the mother in the 8th house. The Moon itself is weak, is Ava yogi,

weak in shad bala and afflicted by Mars. The depositor of the Moon is

also depositor of the lagna lord and 4th lord of Mother. Venus is

difficult by lordship and afflicted by Saturn. Saturn is then

aspected by Mars. The 4th lord and lagna lord Jupiter is in the 8th

house from the Moon.


In the Navamsha the lagna lord Mercury is in the 12th house aspected

by Saturn and the Moon is in the navamsha of Saturn. Even in the

Dwadashamsha chart of parents, lagna lord Saturn is also neecha with

the Moon in the 3rd house. Your relationship with your mother and

early family life must have been extremely difficult as 2nd lord

Saturn is also in the nakshatra of Mars and also recieves its 8th

aspect from the 8th house. Moon is also in the nakshatra of Rahu and

receives its aspect. Also lagna lord and 4th lord Jupiter is in the

navamsha of Saturn and afflicted by both Mars and Saturn. Rahu also

aspects the Moon in the navamsha.


The last few years must have been tough as Saturn was in transit in

the 7th house from the Moon in the 5th house of the intellect and

enjoyments. Presently both Saturn and Jupiter are in rapt conjunction

in the 8th house from natal Moon which is tough as you are running

Saturn/Rahu and both these natural malefics have an aspect to your

Moon, the planet of the mind and your 8th lord of profound thinking.


Rahu should be good to you as its depositor is exalted in the 10th

house with the 9th lord Sun. With the Moon in conjunction with

Neptune it can make a person detached from reality, especially in

hard aspect to the planet of material reality, Saturn, as has been

happenning in your chart for the last few years.


Ketu in the lagna can also be a point of self depreciation along with

Saturn in the 3rd house. Saturn reaches its maturity around 36 years

of age which you are now reaching. Whatever is happenning to you is

for the better no matter how bad it seems.


When Rahu trines your natal Sun and Mercury in a few years the clouds

will clear and you will go into the dasha of Mercury a different

person to you are now. We are all on our long journey back to the


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How do you explain she has absolutely no career with this raja yoga in

the 10th aspected by Jupiter?




skinbags wrote:


> You stated you had difficulties with your mother and looking at your

> chart it is easy to see why.


> Firstly Mars the planet of fights and arguments is in Cancer the sign

> of the mother in the 8th house. The Moon itself is weak, is Ava yogi,

> weak in shad bala and afflicted by Mars. The depositor of the Moon is

> also depositor of the lagna lord and 4th lord of Mother. Venus is

> difficult by lordship and afflicted by Saturn. Saturn is then

> aspected by Mars. The 4th lord and lagna lord Jupiter is in the 8th

> house from the Moon.


> In the Navamsha the lagna lord Mercury is in the 12th house aspected

> by Saturn and the Moon is in the navamsha of Saturn. Even in the

> Dwadashamsha chart of parents, lagna lord Saturn is also neecha with

> the Moon in the 3rd house. Your relationship with your mother and

> early family life must have been extremely difficult as 2nd lord

> Saturn is also in the nakshatra of Mars and also recieves its 8th

> aspect from the 8th house. Moon is also in the nakshatra of Rahu and

> receives its aspect. Also lagna lord and 4th lord Jupiter is in the

> navamsha of Saturn and afflicted by both Mars and Saturn. Rahu also

> aspects the Moon in the navamsha.


> The last few years must have been tough as Saturn was in transit in

> the 7th house from the Moon in the 5th house of the intellect and

> enjoyments. Presently both Saturn and Jupiter are in rapt conjunction

> in the 8th house from natal Moon which is tough as you are running

> Saturn/Rahu and both these natural malefics have an aspect to your

> Moon, the planet of the mind and your 8th lord of profound thinking.


> Rahu should be good to you as its depositor is exalted in the 10th

> house with the 9th lord Sun. With the Moon in conjunction with

> Neptune it can make a person detached from reality, especially in

> hard aspect to the planet of material reality, Saturn, as has been

> happenning in your chart for the last few years.


> Ketu in the lagna can also be a point of self depreciation along with

> Saturn in the 3rd house. Saturn reaches its maturity around 36 years

> of age which you are now reaching. Whatever is happenning to you is

> for the better no matter how bad it seems.


> When Rahu trines your natal Sun and Mercury in a few years the clouds

> will clear and you will go into the dasha of Mercury a different

> person to you are now. We are all on our long journey back to the

> divine.....


> ------

> Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.

> http://click./1/4634/1/_/913692/_/962003271/

> ------



> gjlist-

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In a message dated 06/26/2000 12:08:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

skinbags writes:



Ketu in the lagna can also be a point of self depreciation along with

Saturn in the 3rd house. Saturn reaches its maturity around 36 years

of age which you are now reaching. Whatever is happenning to you is

for the better no matter how bad it seems.



:). Thanks so much for your sensitive interpretation of my difficult early

life, and for your kind reassurance. I guess it does seem bad, but mostly

when people think their lives or situations are bad it's because they had

different expectations for the future than what they got. When you hear

people in therapy talking, that's what they're saying -- they're trying to

get over the death of a hopeful self-concept or the death of some idea they

had about being protected from failure, or loss. Grief is the process, it

seems, of understanding what life is; slow, scheduled loss of all and

everything. Kindness is really finally the only logical response to other

human beings, in their various states of denial and suffering. :). I feel

deep gratitude when it is offered to me.


Back to the original issue, since I don't want to go on and on about my

rotten life -- The malefic aspects in the chart to Mother/Home/Childhood that

you've pointed out ( I saw less than half of these) speak with much more

clarity about the situation than the vague aspects in the Western; an Aries

fourth cusp ( okay, violence and warrior energy in the early home, fine - ).

a retro Saturn in the second house which vanish the father ( who slipped in

the shower and broke his neck), squaring a retro jupiter in the fifth, moon

in Scorpio square mars and etc. But these are vague indicators, and could

just mean that my father was a military man with no money and my mother was a

valium addict. Or that I am a valium addict. Or whatever.


But I think what I'm trying to say is that astrology in the Western tradition

has become a processing point as people try to figure out what is happening

in their lives. Without a singular spiritual framework ( instead, eclecticism

and the Religion of the Week), people are at least united conceptually in the

symbolic understanding of Pisces, Aries, Venus and Mars.


Consciousness in the States has embraced the concept of personality typing,

in response to a slow, almost subterranean acceptance of the ideas of Carl

Jung, who was, and I mean this with pure affection, a complete lunatic, much

loonier than me even.


Because of this Western Astrology has become something other than Astrology

-- I think the word itself means something different to you than it does to

the average Western consumer of horoscopes and natal charts. It's not a

Divine Science in the West, because collective consciousness will not allow

it to be Science. Instead it's a culminating point in the Western tradition

of self-analysis.





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