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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Friend,

The Upapada is in Libra and is aspeected by the Moon. The Moon is

also associated with the 12th house. Rahu aspects the seventh house, is

co-lord of the seventh house and is in a Quadrant from the Moon. Thus they

become mutual co-workers.


Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath


Sri Jagannath Vedic Center

152B Pocket C Mayur Vihar Phase-2, Delhi 110091

Tel:+91-11-2489531;e-mail: srath

Webpage: http://www.sjvc.net

*******OM TAT SAT*********

You Wrote: -


> I came across a chart that has simha lagna (Leo ascendant) and Kuja is in

> capricorn at 28 degrees exaltation. Rahu is posited with Kuja at 23

> degrees. Rahu and Kuja (Mars) are aspected by Ravi, Budha(Mercury) and

> ofcourse Ketu from the twelfth. Chandra is in the Ninth, Saturn is in the

> tenth, Venus is in the eleventh and Guru is in the fourth house from

> Lagna. Now the native is undergoing the main period of Chandra and the

> sub period of Rahu. Will this result in marriage? if so why? Will rahu

> give the benefits of Kuja? Is he stronger than Kuja?






> gjlist-

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hello there:


1. As per my information, it is the placement of Mars in the 6th house and

the affliction of its moolatrikona sign by Ketu which is causing these

troubles. This is supported by:


1.1 Placement of Mercury and Sun in the 8th house

1.2 Affliction of Rahu/Ketu to the moolatrikona sign of the Sun


2. As per the methods I use, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu become the malefic

planets for this native with Ketu being the most malefic planet. The native

can immediately propitiate to various planets like this:


2.1 Ketu - by giving food to stray dogs daily / by helping spiritual

persons or beggars

2.2 Rahu - by giving brown oily sweets to the crows/birds daily / by

serving one's parents

2.3 Mercury - by watering a tulsi plant every day except Sundays / by

giving green fodder to cows / by helping needy students regularly


3. The benefic planets need to be strengthened also. Strengthening can be

done by a suitable yantra. I am not aware of methods using pujas or



Regards - Satya



Bhanu Reddy cherukupally <bhanu_c

<vedic astrology >

Cc: <gjlist >

Tuesday, June 06, 2000 1:37 AM

[gjlist] (unknown)



> Dear Friends,


> The person with the following info, is been facing unusual no of road

> accidents in life. He escaped from a major accident, where everyone in the

> accident died except for him and his father. Following that he had


> accidents and was wondering, just by placement of first lord Mars in the

> sixth house, is it causing all these. Do you have any wayouts like poojas,

> or Shlokhas or Shantis that can nullify these effects. Please any input is

> greatly appreciated.



> Birth Date : Nov 24 1970

> Place of Birth: Hyderabad, India(Latitude 18N23, Longitude 78E29)

> Time of Birth : 3.30 pm.




> Thanks,


> Bhanu Cherukupally

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

I will try Ravinder. Please have the 42 year old boy to write to me at






>"Ravinder Grover" <astrology


>"gjlist" <gjlist >

>[gjlist] (unknown)

>Mon, 3 Jul 2000 14:13:39 +1200


>Dear Sisters and Brothers,


>Can I anybody help this boy to know when he will get the job and in what

>field ?


>DOB: 8 October 1958

>TOB: 23:59 hours

>POB: New Delhi







>Ravinder Grover







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Guest guest

Sure Ravinder. Please have this girl and the other 42 year old boy you asked

about to write to me directly with their questions. Thanks





>"Ravinder Grover" <astrology


>"gjlist" <gjlist >

>[gjlist] (unknown)

>Mon, 3 Jul 2000 14:12:24 +1200


>Dear Brothers and Sisters,



>Can anybody help? When is the marriage of this girl ? Her parents are

>really worried.



>DOB: 17 March 1971

>TOB: 21:30 hours

>POB: New Delhi




>Ravinder Grover







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Guest guest

Sure Ravinder. Please have this girl and the other 42 year old boy you asked

about to write to me directly with their questions. Thanks





>"Ravinder Grover" <astrology


>"gjlist" <gjlist >

>[gjlist] (unknown)

>Mon, 3 Jul 2000 14:12:24 +1200


>Dear Brothers and Sisters,



>Can anybody help? When is the marriage of this girl ? Her parents are

>really worried.



>DOB: 17 March 1971

>TOB: 21:30 hours

>POB: New Delhi




>Ravinder Grover







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  • 5 months later...

Hello Mr Chaitanya Das,


Thankyou for sharing this information.


Best wishes,





"Chaitanya S. Das " <joshnitai

<gjlist >

Sunday, December 03, 2000 10:30 AM

[gjlist] (unknown)



> Beating Mental Stress

> ------------------------------




> Let me introduce myself, My name is Chaitanya Swarup

> Das, I'm new in this forum, I am also a beginer in Jyotish

> Ved , but I have a valuable Experience in Ayur Vedic Med.

> and is my intention to share with all of you my realization in this

> field.

> I have read the thread called ' A bad Year'


> So I decided to post something

> As we all know time pressure is one of the major reasons

> for stress in modern life, according to Dr. John Garrison at the

> Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA. All that mental pressure of

> making too many decisions, staying up late, and rushing

> around aggravates Prana Vata, which is the aspect of Vata

> that governs mental functions. This is my own personal

> Experience too.!


> "Once Prana Vata is out of balance, that imbalance spills

> over into other subdoshas of Vata, such as Samana Vata,

> (concerned with digestion) and Apana Vata (concerned with

> elimination)," says Vaidya Mishra. "This can cause

> digestive and eliminative problems such as constipation."


> The digestive problems . "People start to accumulate ama, the sticky

> waste-product of incomplete digestion," says Vaidya Mishra.

> "Then they feel even more stress because the ojas level

> gets disturbed and the coordination between mind, body,

> senses and the Self is disrupted."


> The result? Stress sky-rockets and immunity plummets. For

> this situation, Vaidya Mishra and many other Contemporary

> Rishis and Pandit will recommends a Vata-pacifying

> diet, daily routine, and lifestyle. To pacify Vata, it

> helps to eat warm, cooked foods, to avoid overeating or

> skipping meals, and to eat regularly. Eating more of the

> sweet, sour and salty tastes -- and eating less of the

> astringent, bitter and pungent tastes also helps. And

> remember that "sweet" means rice, wheat, and milk, and not

> so much the concentrated, heavy sweets associated with

> festivities and other celebrations. One thing to remember is

> to consider your personal circunstances, who you are , age,

> Ocupation, habitat, Time of the Year, time of the day, Season,

> Clinic History, Digesting capacity ,State of Agnis, habits,

> Varna, Ashram , and so on.




> Going to bed early can go a long way toward soothing Vata,

> as can rising by 6:00 a.m or before ( Brahma Muhurta time)

> and getting light but regular exercise (a brisk walk is ideal).

> Practicing the Chanting of the Maha

> Mantra Hare Krishna , ( my personal choice ) , Focus your 5 senses

> in the transcendental

> Doing Asanas, Tai Chi or Transcendental Meditation program

> regularly. And not to forget to listen your own body , a good point

> to start is NEVER repress 'the non-suppressible physio

> logical demands' , and using the common sense is a good way to

> combat stress in any season.



> There are many Ayur Vedic Products in the market, that can

> help or can harm you, it depends of your expertice and your Good

> Karma in meeting an HONEST Practitioner

> Watch the money oriented !!! and use Herbal products

> that help soothe Vata dosha Rasayanas for example.

> The Idea is to directly target Prana Vata and bring balance to all

> mental

> functions. Vata Tea is a delicious and soothing drink for

> the winter holidays, and you can serve it to your whole

> family to help everyone stay calm and settled.

> In General follow the advise of your local Vedic practitioner

> contains all six tastes but higher concentrations of the

> specific tastes that soothe Vata dosha.



> It happens that overemphasize to correct one DOSHA

> brings another unbalances.!


> Finally, treating yourself to a self-massage using the

> Moisturizing Herbal Massage Oil such as Maha Narayana

> if you can cope with the smell good if not , use sesame oil

> with some Essential oil , then take a warmth bath

> is a great way to soothe your whole mind and body

> and balance Vata dosha.


> And the last

> All the above advices are proven facts, but in the end

> the will of The Supreme Lord is the last word.


> I wish to have more time to attend every body's personal problems ,

> but I have limitations and needs too.,

> in any case if you really need an advise ,

> I'll share my experience and do my best




> Chaitanya S. Das P.I.A.V.M.



> ------------------------------

> Soothing Emotional Stress

> ------------------------------


> Emotional trauma , due to painful

> memories or family conflict, usually results in an

> imbalance in Sadhaka Pitta, the aspect of Pitta dosha

> concerned with the emotions and the heart. Once Sadhaka

> Pitta is disturbed, it reflects on Pachaka Pitta (which

> governs digestion) and Ranjaka Pitta (which governs heat in

> the blood). "Emotional trauma can stimulate a person to eat

> more," explains Vaidya Mishra. "That is why depressed

> people tend to overeat, which overloads their digestion,

> and results in weight gain and skin breakouts after the

> holidays ( some times )."


> Even though people eat more sweets and junk food to relieve

> emotional stress, they actually create more digestive

> impurities (ama), intensifying depression. "In this

> situation, the person creates more reactive ama, more

> Pitta-charged ama, which agitates their emotions even

> more," explains Vaidya Mishra. "The heart and mind no

> longer communicate in a friendly way, and then the person

> becomes even more depressed."


> Stress-Free Suggestions


> "There are two kinds of stress that can develop in our daily

> life "One is created by an imbalance in Vata dosha, caused

> by too many thoughts, too many expenses, and social pressure.

> And the second one is for people, who have and strong emotional

> impact, lost a beloved one ,a large amount of Money , bad business,

> Gambling etc . This is caused by a Pitta-based, emotional

> imbalance."


> Indeed, statistics show that suicide and depression

> actually increase around the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving,

> Christmas, and New Year's. Fortunately, a Good Ayur Vedic

> diagnosis with a Rational Treatment and God's Grace can

> offer relief for stress-mental and emotional.


> Hope the above helps

> in the service of Sanata dharma

> Hare Krishna


> gjlist-





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Dear Chaitanya S. Das,


Thanks for your mail. But the whole problem is this: none of us has truly chosen

the way we live. we are all forced by circumstances, by society, by the need to

earn our bread, support our dependents etc. etc. to live the unhealthy way we

live. Yes, one can stop stop looking at the damned screen and go to bed early.

But we need entertainment as well, the best cultural broadcasts are often late

at night!


Ayurveda is is great, but can it help the common citizen? The treatments are

usually long-term. And cost a lot! What was once the cheapest way to health and

cure is today a luxury, open only to the rich!


This science has also stagnated. It does not cater to modern needs and

possibilities. Sushrutha treated without asking for fees. Today his disciples

demand dollars, which people like me cannot afford.


I have discovered a method in Homoeopathy, which can cheaply cure many diseases.

But I am unable to put it into practice, because the law does not allow it! We

are caught in a web of stagnation. Until we find a way out, we will suffer!




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Have a nice day!


Chaitanya S. Das




>"Dale Panesar" <dalepanesar


><gjlist >

>Re: [gjlist] (unknown)

>Sun, 3 Dec 2000 10:44:34 -0700


>Hello Mr Chaitanya Das,


>Thankyou for sharing this information.


>Best wishes,





>"Chaitanya S. Das " <joshnitai

><gjlist >

>Sunday, December 03, 2000 10:30 AM

>[gjlist] (unknown)



> > Beating Mental Stress

> > ------------------------------

> >

> >

> >

> > Let me introduce myself, My name is Chaitanya Swarup

> > Das, I'm new in this forum, I am also a beginer in Jyotish

> > Ved , but I have a valuable Experience in Ayur Vedic Med.

> > and is my intention to share with all of you my realization in this

> > field.

> > I have read the thread called ' A bad Year'

> >

> > So I decided to post something

> > As we all know time pressure is one of the major reasons

> > for stress in modern life, according to Dr. John Garrison at the

> > Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA. All that mental pressure of

> > making too many decisions, staying up late, and rushing

> > around aggravates Prana Vata, which is the aspect of Vata

> > that governs mental functions. This is my own personal

> > Experience too.!

> >

> > "Once Prana Vata is out of balance, that imbalance spills

> > over into other subdoshas of Vata, such as Samana Vata,

> > (concerned with digestion) and Apana Vata (concerned with

> > elimination)," says Vaidya Mishra. "This can cause

> > digestive and eliminative problems such as constipation."

> >

> > The digestive problems . "People start to accumulate ama, the sticky

> > waste-product of incomplete digestion," says Vaidya Mishra.

> > "Then they feel even more stress because the ojas level

> > gets disturbed and the coordination between mind, body,

> > senses and the Self is disrupted."

> >

> > The result? Stress sky-rockets and immunity plummets. For

> > this situation, Vaidya Mishra and many other Contemporary

> > Rishis and Pandit will recommends a Vata-pacifying

> > diet, daily routine, and lifestyle. To pacify Vata, it

> > helps to eat warm, cooked foods, to avoid overeating or

> > skipping meals, and to eat regularly. Eating more of the

> > sweet, sour and salty tastes -- and eating less of the

> > astringent, bitter and pungent tastes also helps. And

> > remember that "sweet" means rice, wheat, and milk, and not

> > so much the concentrated, heavy sweets associated with

> > festivities and other celebrations. One thing to remember is

> > to consider your personal circunstances, who you are , age,

> > Ocupation, habitat, Time of the Year, time of the day, Season,

> > Clinic History, Digesting capacity ,State of Agnis, habits,

> > Varna, Ashram , and so on.

> >


> >

> > Going to bed early can go a long way toward soothing Vata,

> > as can rising by 6:00 a.m or before ( Brahma Muhurta time)

> > and getting light but regular exercise (a brisk walk is ideal).

> > Practicing the Chanting of the Maha

> > Mantra Hare Krishna , ( my personal choice ) , Focus your 5 senses

> > in the transcendental

> > Doing Asanas, Tai Chi or Transcendental Meditation program

> > regularly. And not to forget to listen your own body , a good point

> > to start is NEVER repress 'the non-suppressible physio

> > logical demands' , and using the common sense is a good way to

> > combat stress in any season.

> >

> >

> > There are many Ayur Vedic Products in the market, that can

> > help or can harm you, it depends of your expertice and your Good

> > Karma in meeting an HONEST Practitioner

> > Watch the money oriented !!! and use Herbal products

> > that help soothe Vata dosha Rasayanas for example.

> > The Idea is to directly target Prana Vata and bring balance to all

> > mental

> > functions. Vata Tea is a delicious and soothing drink for

> > the winter holidays, and you can serve it to your whole

> > family to help everyone stay calm and settled.

> > In General follow the advise of your local Vedic practitioner

> > contains all six tastes but higher concentrations of the

> > specific tastes that soothe Vata dosha.

> >


> > It happens that overemphasize to correct one DOSHA

> > brings another unbalances.!

> >

> > Finally, treating yourself to a self-massage using the

> > Moisturizing Herbal Massage Oil such as Maha Narayana

> > if you can cope with the smell good if not , use sesame oil

> > with some Essential oil , then take a warmth bath

> > is a great way to soothe your whole mind and body

> > and balance Vata dosha.

> >

> > And the last

> > All the above advices are proven facts, but in the end

> > the will of The Supreme Lord is the last word.

> >

> > I wish to have more time to attend every body's personal problems ,

> > but I have limitations and needs too.,

> > in any case if you really need an advise ,

> > I'll share my experience and do my best

> >

> >


> > Chaitanya S. Das P.I.A.V.M.

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> > Soothing Emotional Stress

> > ------------------------------

> >

> > Emotional trauma , due to painful

> > memories or family conflict, usually results in an

> > imbalance in Sadhaka Pitta, the aspect of Pitta dosha

> > concerned with the emotions and the heart. Once Sadhaka

> > Pitta is disturbed, it reflects on Pachaka Pitta (which

> > governs digestion) and Ranjaka Pitta (which governs heat in

> > the blood). "Emotional trauma can stimulate a person to eat

> > more," explains Vaidya Mishra. "That is why depressed

> > people tend to overeat, which overloads their digestion,

> > and results in weight gain and skin breakouts after the

> > holidays ( some times )."

> >

> > Even though people eat more sweets and junk food to relieve

> > emotional stress, they actually create more digestive

> > impurities (ama), intensifying depression. "In this

> > situation, the person creates more reactive ama, more

> > Pitta-charged ama, which agitates their emotions even

> > more," explains Vaidya Mishra. "The heart and mind no

> > longer communicate in a friendly way, and then the person

> > becomes even more depressed."

> >

> > Stress-Free Suggestions

> >

> > "There are two kinds of stress that can develop in our daily

> > life "One is created by an imbalance in Vata dosha, caused

> > by too many thoughts, too many expenses, and social pressure.

> > And the second one is for people, who have and strong emotional

> > impact, lost a beloved one ,a large amount of Money , bad business,

> > Gambling etc . This is caused by a Pitta-based, emotional

> > imbalance."

> >

> > Indeed, statistics show that suicide and depression

> > actually increase around the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving,

> > Christmas, and New Year's. Fortunately, a Good Ayur Vedic

> > diagnosis with a Rational Treatment and God's Grace can

> > offer relief for stress-mental and emotional.

> >

> > Hope the above helps

> > in the service of Sanata dharma

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> >











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Have a nice day!


Chaitanya S. Das




>"Dale Panesar" <dalepanesar


><gjlist >

>Re: [gjlist] (unknown)

>Sun, 3 Dec 2000 10:44:34 -0700


>Hello Mr Chaitanya Das,


>Thankyou for sharing this information.


>Best wishes,





>"Chaitanya S. Das " <joshnitai

><gjlist >

>Sunday, December 03, 2000 10:30 AM

>[gjlist] (unknown)



> > Beating Mental Stress

> > ------------------------------

> >

> >

> >

> > Let me introduce myself, My name is Chaitanya Swarup

> > Das, I'm new in this forum, I am also a beginer in Jyotish

> > Ved , but I have a valuable Experience in Ayur Vedic Med.

> > and is my intention to share with all of you my realization in this

> > field.

> > I have read the thread called ' A bad Year'

> >

> > So I decided to post something

> > As we all know time pressure is one of the major reasons

> > for stress in modern life, according to Dr. John Garrison at the

> > Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA. All that mental pressure of

> > making too many decisions, staying up late, and rushing

> > around aggravates Prana Vata, which is the aspect of Vata

> > that governs mental functions. This is my own personal

> > Experience too.!

> >

> > "Once Prana Vata is out of balance, that imbalance spills

> > over into other subdoshas of Vata, such as Samana Vata,

> > (concerned with digestion) and Apana Vata (concerned with

> > elimination)," says Vaidya Mishra. "This can cause

> > digestive and eliminative problems such as constipation."

> >

> > The digestive problems . "People start to accumulate ama, the sticky

> > waste-product of incomplete digestion," says Vaidya Mishra.

> > "Then they feel even more stress because the ojas level

> > gets disturbed and the coordination between mind, body,

> > senses and the Self is disrupted."

> >

> > The result? Stress sky-rockets and immunity plummets. For

> > this situation, Vaidya Mishra and many other Contemporary

> > Rishis and Pandit will recommends a Vata-pacifying

> > diet, daily routine, and lifestyle. To pacify Vata, it

> > helps to eat warm, cooked foods, to avoid overeating or

> > skipping meals, and to eat regularly. Eating more of the

> > sweet, sour and salty tastes -- and eating less of the

> > astringent, bitter and pungent tastes also helps. And

> > remember that "sweet" means rice, wheat, and milk, and not

> > so much the concentrated, heavy sweets associated with

> > festivities and other celebrations. One thing to remember is

> > to consider your personal circunstances, who you are , age,

> > Ocupation, habitat, Time of the Year, time of the day, Season,

> > Clinic History, Digesting capacity ,State of Agnis, habits,

> > Varna, Ashram , and so on.

> >


> >

> > Going to bed early can go a long way toward soothing Vata,

> > as can rising by 6:00 a.m or before ( Brahma Muhurta time)

> > and getting light but regular exercise (a brisk walk is ideal).

> > Practicing the Chanting of the Maha

> > Mantra Hare Krishna , ( my personal choice ) , Focus your 5 senses

> > in the transcendental

> > Doing Asanas, Tai Chi or Transcendental Meditation program

> > regularly. And not to forget to listen your own body , a good point

> > to start is NEVER repress 'the non-suppressible physio

> > logical demands' , and using the common sense is a good way to

> > combat stress in any season.

> >

> >

> > There are many Ayur Vedic Products in the market, that can

> > help or can harm you, it depends of your expertice and your Good

> > Karma in meeting an HONEST Practitioner

> > Watch the money oriented !!! and use Herbal products

> > that help soothe Vata dosha Rasayanas for example.

> > The Idea is to directly target Prana Vata and bring balance to all

> > mental

> > functions. Vata Tea is a delicious and soothing drink for

> > the winter holidays, and you can serve it to your whole

> > family to help everyone stay calm and settled.

> > In General follow the advise of your local Vedic practitioner

> > contains all six tastes but higher concentrations of the

> > specific tastes that soothe Vata dosha.

> >


> > It happens that overemphasize to correct one DOSHA

> > brings another unbalances.!

> >

> > Finally, treating yourself to a self-massage using the

> > Moisturizing Herbal Massage Oil such as Maha Narayana

> > if you can cope with the smell good if not , use sesame oil

> > with some Essential oil , then take a warmth bath

> > is a great way to soothe your whole mind and body

> > and balance Vata dosha.

> >

> > And the last

> > All the above advices are proven facts, but in the end

> > the will of The Supreme Lord is the last word.

> >

> > I wish to have more time to attend every body's personal problems ,

> > but I have limitations and needs too.,

> > in any case if you really need an advise ,

> > I'll share my experience and do my best

> >

> >


> > Chaitanya S. Das P.I.A.V.M.

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> > Soothing Emotional Stress

> > ------------------------------

> >

> > Emotional trauma , due to painful

> > memories or family conflict, usually results in an

> > imbalance in Sadhaka Pitta, the aspect of Pitta dosha

> > concerned with the emotions and the heart. Once Sadhaka

> > Pitta is disturbed, it reflects on Pachaka Pitta (which

> > governs digestion) and Ranjaka Pitta (which governs heat in

> > the blood). "Emotional trauma can stimulate a person to eat

> > more," explains Vaidya Mishra. "That is why depressed

> > people tend to overeat, which overloads their digestion,

> > and results in weight gain and skin breakouts after the

> > holidays ( some times )."

> >

> > Even though people eat more sweets and junk food to relieve

> > emotional stress, they actually create more digestive

> > impurities (ama), intensifying depression. "In this

> > situation, the person creates more reactive ama, more

> > Pitta-charged ama, which agitates their emotions even

> > more," explains Vaidya Mishra. "The heart and mind no

> > longer communicate in a friendly way, and then the person

> > becomes even more depressed."

> >

> > Stress-Free Suggestions

> >

> > "There are two kinds of stress that can develop in our daily

> > life "One is created by an imbalance in Vata dosha, caused

> > by too many thoughts, too many expenses, and social pressure.

> > And the second one is for people, who have and strong emotional

> > impact, lost a beloved one ,a large amount of Money , bad business,

> > Gambling etc . This is caused by a Pitta-based, emotional

> > imbalance."

> >

> > Indeed, statistics show that suicide and depression

> > actually increase around the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving,

> > Christmas, and New Year's. Fortunately, a Good Ayur Vedic

> > diagnosis with a Rational Treatment and God's Grace can

> > offer relief for stress-mental and emotional.

> >

> > Hope the above helps

> > in the service of Sanata dharma

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> >











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Hi Mani:


You have rise very good points here, In my experience, nobody has choosen

but us in the trouble we are at the present. To whom we shall blame them?

, Once upon a time I was Born in Argentina, a very difficult place to live ,

like any other , everybody was talking about political alterrnatives, left

win Theories were abundant, Who's choice was to be born in Argentina ?

deep inside me and thanks to the vision given to me by my Gurudeva I knew

that was not my dharma. I was ready to go to the college , just like

everybody , then a civil war. It was just like a horror movie, If you

experience that your life is in inminent danger , your priorities in life

change, believe no time for movies or entertainment. Ayur is First! ., so I

went for the essentials in life. Question myself the typical queries who

am I , where is God and so on.

Then I joined ISKCON, a wise desition an invaluable training, years later I

move away and enjoy myself in a Mediterranean Island ( Ibiza ) The Mecca of

Independent Spiritualists, a melting pot of New age left overs, ( not the

wisest desition ) I went to see different alternatives just for curiosity ,

and once I became a Prince in the Afro-Brazilian healing called 'Unbanda,

very impresive display of Magic!. After sometime I embark into a non Vedic

Tradition and I took Sannyasi from a very Controversial Guru 'Osho', He

teach only one thing 'Witnesing' a positive Experience, Unfortunatly out

of thousands one became a Vaisnava ! any way I never wanted to be a blind

believer and I observe a lot trough the eyes of Bhagavad Gita, for me was

obvious nobody seems to be totally happy , although a lot of freedom is

available and no money problems, something is missing! Haveyou found out

what it is ?

So you see almot thirty years later I can tell you that this Life has

offer me all sort of posibilities and experiences, who has choosen them ?

Me. Now I don't have much money just simple because does not the main

thing instead an inmense wealth of knowledge, Who has taken that desition

? Me. And I can tell you that Ayur Veda is not stagnated but expanding

very rapidly and remember than more important than any Medicine is

Preventive Medicine, and that is free available it is called Swasta Vritta .

Is not true that is limited to an old fashion formulations, perhaps you are

not ready yet ? or this is your understanding, or your sad experience? but

basically what it works here may not work there this is what is important

to considered so in this way we take , what is practically availabe here

and now. Is it true that the government does not let you take Homeopaty ?

Where do you Live Mani ? . Homeopathy is a branch of Ayur Veda as is

Allopatic did you knew that ?. And for the normal Citizens we are working ,

I'm doing my best, the day will come when medicine and education will be

available to all. My advice is that you should take the leadership not an

easy job ? it will if you Chant Hare Krishna and take Prashadam then

hopefully you will be above the three Gunas , Just try it!


Hare Krishna


Chaitanya S. Das





>Re: [gjlist] (unknown)

>Sun, 3 Dec 2000 21:28:34 +0100


>Dear Chaitanya S. Das,


>Thanks for your mail. But the whole problem is this: none of us has truly


>the way we live. we are all forced by circumstances, by society, by the

>need to

>earn our bread, support our dependents etc. etc. to live the unhealthy way


>live. Yes, one can stop stop looking at the damned screen and go to bed


>But we need entertainment as well, the best cultural broadcasts are often


>at night!


>Ayurveda is is great, but can it help the common citizen? The treatments


>usually long-term. And cost a lot! What was once the cheapest way to health


>cure is today a luxury, open only to the rich!


>This science has also stagnated. It does not cater to modern needs and

>possibilities. Sushrutha treated without asking for fees. Today his


>demand dollars, which people like me cannot afford.


>I have discovered a method in Homoeopathy, which can cheaply cure many


>But I am unable to put it into practice, because the law does not allow it!


>are caught in a web of stagnation. Until we find a way out, we will















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The following emails provide wonderful example of positive and negative

thinking. It provides insight into whether man is the creater of his destiny or

not. I realize the discussion has the potential to start something, and It may

be better to change the topic a little bit to something that is useful.


Perhaps a discussion on the REMEDIAL aspect of jyotish will be more helpful.

There are many systems of jyotish, outlining methods of remedies, which may or

may not work. In an astrological chart, is it possible to change something that

is indicated clearly. Then there are other things like, overeating uncompatible

foods and getting a stomach-ache, or perhaps eating something with ecoli

bacteria unknowingly. Self infliction versus the destiny, so to speak.


Many a times there are things that help with minor afflictions ----- Is it

better to say that because the medication is expansive or it will take a long

time? Or perhaps, when in pain we should jump from a building, keeping in mind,

that the medication used to be free once, and it costs money now.


Please enlighten us.


Thank you,


Best wishes,





"Llorente Marcos Alfredo" <alfauno3

<gjlist >

Monday, December 04, 2000 4:44 AM

Re: [gjlist] (unknown)





> Hi Mani:


> You have rise very good points here, In my experience, nobody has choosen

> but us in the trouble we are at the present. To whom we shall blame them?

> , Once upon a time I was Born in Argentina, a very difficult place to live ,

> like any other , everybody was talking about political alterrnatives, left

> win Theories were abundant, Who's choice was to be born in Argentina ?

> deep inside me and thanks to the vision given to me by my Gurudeva I knew

> that was not my dharma. I was ready to go to the college , just like

> everybody , then a civil war. It was just like a horror movie, If you

> experience that your life is in inminent danger , your priorities in life

> change, believe no time for movies or entertainment. Ayur is First! ., so I

> went for the essentials in life. Question myself the typical queries who

> am I , where is God and so on.

> Then I joined ISKCON, a wise desition an invaluable training, years later I

> move away and enjoy myself in a Mediterranean Island ( Ibiza ) The Mecca of

> Independent Spiritualists, a melting pot of New age left overs, ( not the

> wisest desition ) I went to see different alternatives just for curiosity ,

> and once I became a Prince in the Afro-Brazilian healing called 'Unbanda,

> very impresive display of Magic!. After sometime I embark into a non Vedic

> Tradition and I took Sannyasi from a very Controversial Guru 'Osho', He

> teach only one thing 'Witnesing' a positive Experience, Unfortunatly out

> of thousands one became a Vaisnava ! any way I never wanted to be a blind

> believer and I observe a lot trough the eyes of Bhagavad Gita, for me was

> obvious nobody seems to be totally happy , although a lot of freedom is

> available and no money problems, something is missing! Haveyou found out

> what it is ?

> So you see almot thirty years later I can tell you that this Life has

> offer me all sort of posibilities and experiences, who has choosen them ?

> Me. Now I don't have much money just simple because does not the main

> thing instead an inmense wealth of knowledge, Who has taken that desition

> ? Me. And I can tell you that Ayur Veda is not stagnated but expanding

> very rapidly and remember than more important than any Medicine is

> Preventive Medicine, and that is free available it is called Swasta Vritta .

> Is not true that is limited to an old fashion formulations, perhaps you are

> not ready yet ? or this is your understanding, or your sad experience? but

> basically what it works here may not work there this is what is important

> to considered so in this way we take , what is practically availabe here

> and now. Is it true that the government does not let you take Homeopaty ?

> Where do you Live Mani ? . Homeopathy is a branch of Ayur Veda as is

> Allopatic did you knew that ?. And for the normal Citizens we are working ,

> I'm doing my best, the day will come when medicine and education will be

> available to all. My advice is that you should take the leadership not an

> easy job ? it will if you Chant Hare Krishna and take Prashadam then

> hopefully you will be above the three Gunas , Just try it!


> Hare Krishna


> Chaitanya S. Das


> >subra

> >gjlist

> >gjlist

> >Re: [gjlist] (unknown)

> >Sun, 3 Dec 2000 21:28:34 +0100

> >

> >Dear Chaitanya S. Das,

> >

> >Thanks for your mail. But the whole problem is this: none of us has truly

> >chosen

> >the way we live. we are all forced by circumstances, by society, by the

> >need to

> >earn our bread, support our dependents etc. etc. to live the unhealthy way

> >we

> >live. Yes, one can stop stop looking at the damned screen and go to bed

> >early.

> >But we need entertainment as well, the best cultural broadcasts are often

> >late

> >at night!

> >

> >Ayurveda is is great, but can it help the common citizen? The treatments

> >are

> >usually long-term. And cost a lot! What was once the cheapest way to health

> >and

> >cure is today a luxury, open only to the rich!

> >

> >This science has also stagnated. It does not cater to modern needs and

> >possibilities. Sushrutha treated without asking for fees. Today his

> >disciples

> >demand dollars, which people like me cannot afford.

> >

> >I have discovered a method in Homoeopathy, which can cheaply cure many

> >diseases.

> >But I am unable to put it into practice, because the law does not allow it!

> >We

> >are caught in a web of stagnation. Until we find a way out, we will

> >suffer!

> >

> >regards

> >Mani

> >

> >

> >

> >gjlist-

> >

> >

> >





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> gjlist-








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Hello, I first want to introduce myself, I have been a silent member for a

few months now, following the many different threads. I have been studying

vedic astrology for 6 months, with much to learn. I am a Holistic

Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and have been for 8 years. I

specialize in Chinese medicine and have been incorporating Ayurvedic and

astrology into my practice, and hoping to someday to predict illnesses and to

do the research in my practice. The discussion about health and what to do.

The biggest factor I see with patients is stress. Stress will create ill

health in just a short time. The human is enticed with the fast paced

lifestyle, which encourages the endorphins to be released from the adrenal

gland. The person becomes addicted to this, which then creates ill health.

After a few years of this behavior health is lost. This is the time when many

herbs, which can be very expensive, and acupuncture are needed to put the

system back into balance. This is why maintaining a practical, healthy

lifestyle is much needed, so one does not lose their health. A lifestyle of

a slower pace, healthy food, herbs, mediation, prayer, exercise and

acupuncture can bring health back to the body. Once health is lost, I can

assure you, it takes much longer to put it back than what took it away. Loss

of health that is continually ignored is manifested as chronic disease, for

instance as fibromaylia, chronic fatigue syndrome and/or cancers or other

major diseases, which are not always detected in the chart of the individual.

The main time I can detect stress in the charts is when major transits are

going over the moon or the ascendant. Malefics aspecting Moon, Venus, Rahu,

Saturn can be cause harm to the person.


This fast paced stressful lifestyle will bring health problems to the person,

no matter how strong the constitution is, and no matter what it says in the

chart. This means the stimulants, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, salt, drugs,

alcohol, some foods, for instance large amounts of dairy can numb a person

mentally so they are not aware of the stress in the body or environment, meat

causes an acidic body.


So how does one correct the fast pace lifestyle, 1st write down everything

that one doesn't like in their lives, from toxic relationships, to

negativity, to a bad job, to health problems. Then start on each one and

figure out what to do about it. Learn to say NO and NO again and NO again.

Next look at your diet, just taking out the stimulates I know will make any

person feel better, Exercising on a daily basis from aerobic to tai chi,

yoga. Next mediating and prayer daily will make one feel better. Getting 8

hours asleep a night and having the discipline to do this will make one feel

better. Getting up before the sun rises works on the pituitary gland to

start the day refresh. None of the above causes money and can be done easily

and one can feel improvement within a week... After this has been done for a

few months and the energy has not return a few acupuncture treatments and

counseling on a proper diet for your constitution and herbs can be

recommended, which this is not very expensive, however You have already taken

charge of your life and your health. Then health can be restore.


Best Wishes,


Denise Hoffecker

Birth Information is 12-19-62, 2:25pm Santa Monica Calif.

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Hi Dale:

thank you for the Invitation a few words from Dr. Deepack Chopra

come to my mind There is a saying, “If the only tool you have in your

toolbox is a hammer, then everything starts to look like a nail.” Every

healing system has its own tool and tries to apply it universally. Still,

the reality is that different tools are more appropriate at different stages

of illness and situations. Western medicine is far and way the best system

for treating acute illness. It is less useful for chronic problems. That is

where the more subtle, less invasive procedures are valuable.


I hope we build up something together with Jyothis on mind, although I came

here to learn more than to teach, but I'm open to share.

Give me a couple of hours to prepare something

Have a nice day

Jai Sri Ram

Chaitanya S. Das


>"Dale Panesar" <dalepanesar


><gjlist >

>Re: [gjlist] (unknown)

>Mon, 4 Dec 2000 05:57:13 -0700




>The following emails provide wonderful example of positive and negative

>thinking. It provides insight into whether man is the creater of his

>destiny or not. I realize the discussion has the potential to start

>something, and It may be better to change the topic a little bit to

>something that is useful.


>Perhaps a discussion on the REMEDIAL aspect of jyotish will be more

>helpful. There are many systems of jyotish, outlining methods of remedies,

>which may or may not work. In an astrological chart, is it possible to

>change something that is indicated clearly. Then there are other things

>like, overeating uncompatible foods and getting a stomach-ache, or perhaps

>eating something with ecoli bacteria unknowingly. Self infliction versus

>the destiny, so to speak.


>Many a times there are things that help with minor afflictions ----- Is it

>better to say that because the medication is expansive or it will take a

>long time? Or perhaps, when in pain we should jump from a building, keeping

>in mind, that the medication used to be free once, and it costs money now.


>Please enlighten us.


>Thank you,


>Best wishes,





>"Llorente Marcos Alfredo" <alfauno3

><gjlist >

>Monday, December 04, 2000 4:44 AM

>Re: [gjlist] (unknown)



> >

> >

> > Hi Mani:

> >

> > You have rise very good points here, In my experience, nobody has


> > but us in the trouble we are at the present. To whom we shall blame


> > , Once upon a time I was Born in Argentina, a very difficult place to

>live ,

> > like any other , everybody was talking about political alterrnatives,


> > win Theories were abundant, Who's choice was to be born in Argentina ?

> > deep inside me and thanks to the vision given to me by my Gurudeva I


> > that was not my dharma. I was ready to go to the college , just like

> > everybody , then a civil war. It was just like a horror movie, If you

> > experience that your life is in inminent danger , your priorities in


> > change, believe no time for movies or entertainment. Ayur is First! .,

>so I

> > went for the essentials in life. Question myself the typical queries


> > am I , where is God and so on.

> > Then I joined ISKCON, a wise desition an invaluable training, years

>later I

> > move away and enjoy myself in a Mediterranean Island ( Ibiza ) The

>Mecca of

> > Independent Spiritualists, a melting pot of New age left overs, ( not


> > wisest desition ) I went to see different alternatives just for

>curiosity ,

> > and once I became a Prince in the Afro-Brazilian healing called


> > very impresive display of Magic!. After sometime I embark into a non


> > Tradition and I took Sannyasi from a very Controversial Guru 'Osho', He

> > teach only one thing 'Witnesing' a positive Experience, Unfortunatly


> > of thousands one became a Vaisnava ! any way I never wanted to be a


> > believer and I observe a lot trough the eyes of Bhagavad Gita, for me


> > obvious nobody seems to be totally happy , although a lot of freedom is

> > available and no money problems, something is missing! Haveyou found out

> > what it is ?

> > So you see almot thirty years later I can tell you that this Life has

> > offer me all sort of posibilities and experiences, who has choosen them


> > Me. Now I don't have much money just simple because does not the main

> > thing instead an inmense wealth of knowledge, Who has taken that


> > ? Me. And I can tell you that Ayur Veda is not stagnated but expanding

> > very rapidly and remember than more important than any Medicine is

> > Preventive Medicine, and that is free available it is called Swasta

>Vritta .

> > Is not true that is limited to an old fashion formulations, perhaps you


> > not ready yet ? or this is your understanding, or your sad experience?


> > basically what it works here may not work there this is what is


> > to considered so in this way we take , what is practically availabe


> > and now. Is it true that the government does not let you take

>Homeopaty ?

> > Where do you Live Mani ? . Homeopathy is a branch of Ayur Veda as is

> > Allopatic did you knew that ?. And for the normal Citizens we are

>working ,

> > I'm doing my best, the day will come when medicine and education will be

> > available to all. My advice is that you should take the leadership not


> > easy job ? it will if you Chant Hare Krishna and take Prashadam then

> > hopefully you will be above the three Gunas , Just try it!

> >

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> > Chaitanya S. Das

> >

> > >subra

> > >gjlist

> > >gjlist

> > >Re: [gjlist] (unknown)

> > >Sun, 3 Dec 2000 21:28:34 +0100

> > >

> > >Dear Chaitanya S. Das,

> > >

> > >Thanks for your mail. But the whole problem is this: none of us has


> > >chosen

> > >the way we live. we are all forced by circumstances, by society, by the

> > >need to

> > >earn our bread, support our dependents etc. etc. to live the unhealthy


> > >we

> > >live. Yes, one can stop stop looking at the damned screen and go to bed

> > >early.

> > >But we need entertainment as well, the best cultural broadcasts are


> > >late

> > >at night!

> > >

> > >Ayurveda is is great, but can it help the common citizen? The


> > >are

> > >usually long-term. And cost a lot! What was once the cheapest way to


> > >and

> > >cure is today a luxury, open only to the rich!

> > >

> > >This science has also stagnated. It does not cater to modern needs and

> > >possibilities. Sushrutha treated without asking for fees. Today his

> > >disciples

> > >demand dollars, which people like me cannot afford.

> > >

> > >I have discovered a method in Homoeopathy, which can cheaply cure many

> > >diseases.

> > >But I am unable to put it into practice, because the law does not allow


> > >We

> > >are caught in a web of stagnation. Until we find a way out, we will

> > >suffer!

> > >

> > >regards

> > >Mani

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >gjlist-

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >



> > Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :


> >

> >

> >

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> >














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Amigo llorente,


gracias para e-mail carta! Las experiencas estan distinguit. Para mi este

Argentina Paradiso!


So much for what I can recollect in Spanish (castellano!). All the rest, please

read my direct letter!


My point is this: we cannot bring any improvement unless we find ways to change

the social structure. The separation of life as political, social, religious,

scientific, technological etc. can never lead to progress! Everything has to be

integrated, as it was in vedic times. A social structure, where we find time

for meditation and prayer, to work to earn our bread, time to help those in

need, a health system that everyone can afford, a security for old age - all

theses are needed. We need rulers like Janaka and Bharatha, Edward the saint,

Wenceslas, Frederick the Great, Victoria, elisabeth of Austria, Juarez of Mexico

- who saw themsrelves as Parent of the people. Perhaps also Eva Peron!




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Hello Mr Chaitanya,


I had a feeling that I am going to start something, and look what happened.

Every person has his/her opinion, therefore, the need to change a person, bent

on not changing, is never futile. I have spent over twenty-five years with

various metaphysical groups, and can safely say, that every group has SOMETHING

good to offer. If we only look at the bad side of things, then we get nowhere.


For instance, my wife uses Homeopathy, and it helps her, and I have tried using

it many times, but without any good results ---- therefore I have looked at

other systems like accupressure, the Ganglion therapy as practised by the

Rosicrucians and the various other alternative therapies. Now, I find that I can

utilize methods from other healing systems as they help me bring my system into



However, not all the systems of therapy work for everyone, and especially when

something major is indicated in a chart and the CHART HAS BEEN READ PROPERLY,

the change is not possible (just my belief). In case a change of a FIXED

affliction is made, to something that is indicated in the chart, then in a way

we have learned to manipulate the Cosmic forces, and therefore can change our

destiny. This also means that we can do bad karma and can bypass the effects.

The change, therefore means that we have CHANGED the chart, as it no longer

indicates the proper problem areas for the person, and any reading will be



Please forgive me as I don't intend to start something. The best thing to do, is

to post someone's chart on the list and exercise our skills, or perhaps learn

from others.


Best wishes,




> Hi Dale:

> thank you for the Invitation a few words from Dr. Deepack Chopra

> come to my mind There is a saying, "If the only tool you have in your

> toolbox is a hammer, then everything starts to look like a nail." Every

> healing system has its own tool and tries to apply it universally. Still,

> the reality is that different tools are more appropriate at different stages

> of illness and situations. Western medicine is far and way the best system

> for treating acute illness. It is less useful for chronic problems. That is

> where the more subtle, less invasive procedures are valuable.






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Answer to Dale:


yes I agree with you, I also have a simmilar experience, but I expect that

we should drink directly from the original source that's why we are

interested in Vedic Sciences isn't it ?. If we don't do that then the

original knowledge begins to dillute more and more and finally everything

will banish in the akash. If we keep that in mind we'll susscceed .


Pd: I will cooperate in any form provided there is not charges or profit of

any kind .


Have a nice day


Jai Sri Krihsna




>"Dale Panesar" <dalepanesar


><gjlist >

>Re: [gjlist] (unknown)

>Mon, 4 Dec 2000 19:54:11 -0700


>Hello Mr Chaitanya,


>I had a feeling that I am going to start something, and look what happened.

>Every person has his/her opinion, therefore, the need to change a person,

>bent on not changing, is never futile. I have spent over twenty-five years

>with various metaphysical groups, and can safely say, that every group has

>SOMETHING good to offer. If we only look at the bad side of things, then we

>get nowhere.


>For instance, my wife uses Homeopathy, and it helps her, and I have tried

>using it many times, but without any good results ---- therefore I have

>looked at other systems like accupressure, the Ganglion therapy as

>practised by the Rosicrucians and the various other alternative therapies.

>Now, I find that I can utilize methods from other healing systems as they

>help me bring my system into harmony.


>However, not all the systems of therapy work for everyone, and especially

>when something major is indicated in a chart and the CHART HAS BEEN READ

>PROPERLY, the change is not possible (just my belief). In case a change of

>a FIXED affliction is made, to something that is indicated in the chart,

>then in a way we have learned to manipulate the Cosmic forces, and

>therefore can change our destiny. This also means that we can do bad karma

>and can bypass the effects. The change, therefore means that we have

>CHANGED the chart, as it no longer indicates the proper problem areas for

>the person, and any reading will be useless.


>Please forgive me as I don't intend to start something. The best thing to

>do, is to post someone's chart on the list and exercise our skills, or

>perhaps learn from others.


>Best wishes,




> > Hi Dale:

> > thank you for the Invitation a few words from Dr. Deepack


> > come to my mind There is a saying, "If the only tool you have in your

> > toolbox is a hammer, then everything starts to look like a nail." Every

> > healing system has its own tool and tries to apply it universally.


> > the reality is that different tools are more appropriate at different


> > of illness and situations. Western medicine is far and way the best


> > for treating acute illness. It is less useful for chronic problems. That


> > where the more subtle, less invasive procedures are valuable.

> >















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Hello Chaitanya,



> yes I agree with you, I also have a simmilar experience, but I expect that

> we should drink directly from the original source that's why we are

> interested in Vedic Sciences isn't it ?. If we don't do that then the

> original knowledge begins to dillute more and more and finally everything

> will banish in the akash. If we keep that in mind we'll susscceed .



Exactly my point, thank you.


> Pd: I will cooperate in any form provided there is not charges or profit of

> any kind .



You have lost me here, as I was refering to find some horoscope and practice our

skills and learn from each-others. This is only fair as we are corres[onding on

an astrological list.


Best wishes,






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Yes Mani I have to say that you are right as you said:

"we cannot bring any improvement unless we find ways to change

the social structure. The separation of life as political, social,


scientific, technological etc. can never lead to progress! Everything has to


integrated, as it was in vedic times. " but who is going to do those needed


Are we going to wait for some future God Incarnation or we take the leader

ship now ?

for me being a Krishna Consciouss person or ( God aware) is the priority,

the rest will

follow. Let me ask you what are you doing in Germany ?


have a nice day


Chaitanya S. Das





>Re: [gjlist] (unknown)

>Mon, 4 Dec 2000 23:09:32 +0100


>Amigo llorente,


>gracias para e-mail carta! Las experiencas estan distinguit. Para mi este

>Argentina Paradiso!


>So much for what I can recollect in Spanish (castellano!). All the rest,


>read my direct letter!


>My point is this: we cannot bring any improvement unless we find ways to


>the social structure. The separation of life as political, social,


>scientific, technological etc. can never lead to progress! Everything has

>to be

>integrated, as it was in vedic times. A social structure, where we find


>for meditation and prayer, to work to earn our bread, time to help those in

>need, a health system that everyone can afford, a security for old age -


>theses are needed. We need rulers like Janaka and Bharatha, Edward the


>Wenceslas, Frederick the Great, Victoria, elisabeth of Austria, Juarez of


>- who saw themsrelves as Parent of the people. Perhaps also Eva Peron!














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chaitanya S. Das wrote :


> Are we going to wait for some future God Incarnation or we take the leader

> ship now ?

> for me being a Krishna Consciouss person or ( God aware) is the priority,

> the rest will

> follow. Let me ask you what are you doing in Germany ?



Dear Chaitanya,Thanks for agreeing. You have answered your first question. God -

whether you call him Krishna or Mother or Siva or Durga, depending on your

feelings, to be neutral, THE SUPREME BEING, created us to be his children. Again

and again God incarnates to teach and set an example, but the final purpose is

that we learn to be independent, yet bound together. "Know thyself!... I love

you as a father his child!" - Gita. If you are a father, what do you expect

from your children? Permanent dependence on you? What after you leave the earth?

Should they be left without any leadership or support? NO! You want them to

learn independence! But you don´t want this independence to separate them from

you, but hope they will VOLUNTARILY seek your company, give you support, new

ideas, LOVE, share joy WITH you.


In this sense, it may be necessary to wait for a new incarnation of God for

fulfilment, BUT we should start the movement! Unless we ALL clearly ask for a

better society, God will not help! We must protest, we must demonstrate, we must

demand fairness and justice in our regimes. We must fight for a government under


Beg for God`s help, but do not leave all the burden for Him to carry.


Which parent wants to change nappies forever? Let us learn to be "housebroken",

demand proper toilets from our regimes! Let us reduce our desires for stupid

luxuries, let us accept restrictions, but let us DEMAND JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS!


Everyone prays, "Let Thy will be done!" His will is always done, whether we

pray or not! Let us pray, "Thy wish be done!" His wishes are never respected! We

are prepared to be marionettes, but not prepared to be CHILDREN of the Creator!





PS: God led me to Germany. I live here since 36 years, for good or bad. I saw

Germany for the first time 46 years ago, learned to love it. Smuggled tea,

coffee, cigarettes to help my German friends - they built houses, bought

furniture etc. from my presents. In those days the word "God" was a bad passport

- if one uttered it, one was condemned as idiot! Today it is different! Even the

media talk about "divine" phenomena. Let us give this our strength and momentum!

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Namaste Listmembers,


Dear Dale,

I have been pondering a couple of points you made on 4th Dec.


1) "In case a change of a FIXED affliction is made, to something that is

indicated in the chart, then in a way, we have learned to manipulate the

Cosmic forces, and therefore can change our destiny...we have CHANGED the

chart, as it no longer indicates the proper problem areas..."

I have not seen this in my personal experience.

My work with high risk sex offenders/deviants may serve as a basic

illustration. These people were characterized by low I.Q and zero or minimal

insight, which placed them outside of attempts to rehabilitate. Acceptance

of their base nature and a willingness to understand their compulsions, were

integral to the program. The approach taken was long term and incorporated

harm minimization, and behaviour modification. In essence, we were trying to

channel their harmful energies towards a more positive expression.

Medications were not utilised.

Of course, our best laid plans often went astray; relapse was always

lurking and oftentimes the offending behaviour was subdued or disappeared,

only to flare up in a behaviour that was more disgusting than the initial


My point is this...problem areas in a chart will eventually find

expression. We are lucky to have the insight and ability to deal with these

areas in our own lives constructively.

Kind Regards,


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Dear Ann,


I will answer this off-line, as I do not wish to start something.


Best wishes,




> I have been pondering a couple of points you made on 4th Dec.


> 1) "In case a change of a FIXED affliction is made, to something that is

> indicated in the chart, then in a way, we have learned to manipulate the

> Cosmic forces, and therefore can change our destiny...we have CHANGED the

> chart, as it no longer indicates the proper problem areas..."

> I have not seen this in my personal experience.

> My work with high risk sex offenders/deviants may serve as a basic

> illustration. These people were characterized by low I.Q and zero or minimal

> insight, which placed them outside of attempts to rehabilitate. Acceptance

> of their base nature and a willingness to understand their compulsions, were

> integral to the program. The approach taken was long term and incorporated

> harm minimization, and behaviour modification. In essence, we were trying to

> channel their harmful energies towards a more positive expression.

> Medications were not utilised.

> Of course, our best laid plans often went astray; relapse was always

> lurking and oftentimes the offending behaviour was subdued or disappeared,

> only to flare up in a behaviour that was more disgusting than the initial

> problem.

> My point is this...problem areas in a chart will eventually find

> expression. We are lucky to have the insight and ability to deal with these

> areas in our own lives constructively.

> Kind Regards,

> Ann.







> gjlist-








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Ann Murphy wrote:


> My point is this...problem areas in a chart will eventually find

> expression. We are lucky to have the insight and ability to deal with these

> areas in our own lives constructively.


Very good point! Compulsive behaviour is not just general character, which to a

large extent is acquired. One can make a thief turn honest, but almost

impossible to cure a kleptomaniac. With sex and sadistic criminals the psyche is

too deeply damaged to repair; and as Ann says, the mental level is also low, so

that any appeal to "logic" is lost.


I experience this in a different way with my autistic son. He can be very

logical and understanding, he is improving slowly. But the "irrational" and

hysterical reaction to commonplace things like a lost button are persistent!




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Hello Mani,



> Very good point! Compulsive behaviour is not just general character, which to


> large extent is acquired. One can make a thief turn honest, but almost

> impossible to cure a kleptomaniac. With sex and sadistic criminals the psyche


> too deeply damaged to repair; and as Ann says, the mental level is also low,


> that any appeal to "logic" is lost.



So it may also be classified that the sex offenders recieving treatment or help,

must have some beneficial aspect from benefic planets, compared to those who

never get caught and continue on with the offences. Even the offenders recieving

help may not be fully cured. Then any change will be seen in the chart,

eventhough many have helped in this change.


> I experience this in a different way with my autistic son. He can be very

> logical and understanding, he is improving slowly. But the "irrational" and

> hysterical reaction to commonplace things like a lost button are persistent!



I am sorry to learn about your son.


I have two son's, both have asthma. I have seen people with asthma cured, and

then I have also seen people where the cure has not helped at all. However, this

aspect of change or no change is always seen in the chart along with the timing

of change.


Best wishes,







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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 4/6/01 9:39:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

nbalaji07 writes:



> dear friends

> i have in my horoscope, 3 planets ie sun,moon,and ascendant venus in

> debilition with no cancellation of debility. How much will they affect me?

> ihave finished my engineering degree and in government job. please explain.

> bala



Hi, Bala,





Please list your birth data. Robert Koch




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Guest guest

In a message dated 4/6/01 9:39:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

nbalaji07 writes:



> dear friends

> i have in my horoscope, 3 planets ie sun,moon,and ascendant venus in

> debilition with no cancellation of debility. How much will they affect me?

> ihave finished my engineering degree and in government job. please explain.

> bala



.....sorry, i'm on a sensitive laptop that sent mail before i intended..


Koch wrote a great post about debilitated planets being able to bring

prosperity but also causing humility. I have debilitated moon in 7th in

Navamsa and he certainly got that 100% correct.

You are most likely NOT arrogant, I'll say that. You are in fact very

charitable and give whether you have it to give or not. I bet you don't make

a big deal out of the fact that you help someone; you are quiet about it.






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