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God... Christ, Krishna, Allah and the Maha Mantra

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One of my beliefs is that God is one. For example...


Krishna is the same energy as Christ with a different wrapper (body) and at a different time. In my understanding God is One and all the faces and names we give God are for us, to help us understand, to relate.


Even though I hold this to be true it seems that Srila Prabupadha's writings indicate the supremacy of Krishna over other incarnations of God. Can someone please explain this?


If all are one then can we replace the name Krishna with Christ when reciting the Maha Mantra?


Thank you. Haribol!

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where did Jesus Christ claim to be the Supreme God?


John 20:17

Jesus said to her, "Don't hold me, for I haven't yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brothers, and tell them, . 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"


The good news is, 'Christ consciousness' is something we all can attain. :)


Gospel of Thomas, Saying 108

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him."


You might want to read the writings of Paramhansa Yogananda, to see a deeper interpretation of Christ's teaching. He spoke extensively on the Bible and the mystical realities buried within the outer teachings of Christianity.

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If all are one then can we replace the name Krishna with Christ when reciting the Maha Mantra?


No. Then it ceases to be the Maha Mantra. Krsna is always considered an incarnation of God, or the Supreme personality of Godhead, within vedic traditions - whereas Jesus Christ at the highest can be considered the incarnation of a 'god'; or someone who has attained the highest state of consciousness.


Ultimately, Jesus Christ is an eternal son of God, as all of us are. He had true awareness of this; something those trapped in mayaic delusions have forgotten. When we too become Self-Realized we will also realize we are each part and parcel of the Supreme Lord: and can say with Christ 'I and my Father are One'.

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If all are one then can we replace the name Krishna with Christ when reciting the Maha Mantra?


If all are one what would be the need to replace one with the other?


But they are not all one. Jesus is The Supreme Personality of Servitor Godhead. His pleasure is in serving Krishna not in being worshiped as Krishna. In other words Jesus, like say Narada Muni, would take great pleasure in chanting Hare Krishna but would take no pleasure if someone wanted to X out Krishna and replace Krishna with his own name. That is totally against his mood of loving devotion.


Still you can chant the name of Jesus Christ and worship him to your hearts content because that will please Krishna to see His sone glorified.


Don't try to split Their relationship.


Another point is that the Spiritual world is filled with a variety os Spirtual relationships and moods of love. Hare refers to mercifull energy of Krsna whom the Gaudiyas recognize as Radha. Radha does not have a conjugal rasa with Jesus, but She does with Krsna. We should not arbitrarily mix and match, this is called rasa-bhasa.


In my few and far between better moments I worship Jesus and Krsna together by chanting Jaya Jaya Yeshua! Jaya Jaya Krsna!


No hard and fast rules for chanting the holy names but we should not whimisically break up mantras which have been handed down to us from the spiritual world but rather accept them as they are. There are unlimited possiblities for worship but we must be a little careful also.

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One of my beliefs is that God is one. For example...


Krishna is the same energy as Christ with a different wrapper (body) and at a different time. In my understanding God is One and all the faces and names we give God are for us, to help us understand, to relate.


Even though I hold this to be true it seems that Srila Prabupadha's writings indicate the supremacy of Krishna over other incarnations of God. Can someone please explain this?


If all are one then can we replace the name Krishna with Christ when reciting the Maha Mantra?


Thank you. Haribol!


Christ have nothing to do with Hindusm, Buddhism or Judaism. He is not god not a son of a god or anything.


Also, in Hindusm, it IS the biggest (unforgiveable) SIN to change Sanskrit Mantras according to your likings. SO, NO ... it is not OK to change Krishna's name with Christ.

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Christ have nothing to do with Hindusm, Buddhism or Judaism. He is not god not a son of a god or anything.


all souls are sons/sparks of God in Hinduism, whether they are enlightened or not. So Hindus recognize can Jesus as a son of God, just as they recognize every other Tom, Dick & Harry as such. Whether they see him as a special prophet or not, is up to the individual hindu. Hindus would not be obligated to believe in Jesus as a prophet. It would depend on their particular sect and the statements of their Guru on the matter.

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Christ have nothing to do with Hindusm, Buddhism or Judaism. He is not god not a son of a god or anything.

Be it Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi or Bin laden, we are all part and parcel of the supreme being. We are ALL the sons of GOD.

'It should be understood that all species of life, o son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed giving father' (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 14.4)

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I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire”

(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.17)


Also, in Hindusm, it IS the biggest (unforgiveable) SIN to change Sanskrit Mantras according to your likings. SO, NO ... it is not OK to change Krishna's name with Christ.


I also think it is not wise to change mantras that have been handed over by the enlighted beings.

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