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Need Help Reconciling Krishna Conc.

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I have been hot and cold with KC. I have been through many maifestations of religion only to be let down by most. I was raised Catholic and in my teenage years began to search out other types of spirituality. I searched through Judaism, Islam, Wicca, Protestantism (various forms). I have also taken up Yoga at first Hatha, now also Bhakti. I have come to the realization that all religions are mearly vejicle bringing one to the same place. Along this journey I fell in love with straight edge hardcore music and found a band named Shelter which led me to ISKCON. I have been involved with KC to varying degrees over the past ten years, at times very involved and at others not involved at all.


I am now married with soon to be three children. I want to get back involved in the path of KC but we are raising our children as Catholics and do not see any reason to change that. How do I make the two worlds mesh? My wife is very supportive... she often thinks my spiritual pursuits are quirky but just wants me to be happy. The issue is that in the past the closer I came to KC the further I felt from my family. It is difficult to reconcile a life where I am teaching my children to love Christ and my wife cooks meat as I recite Japa and eat prasadam.


What do I do? How do I reconcile these worlds?



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I just read the following words from Srila Prabhupada and thought I'd share them with you. Hope they help.


"You write that you are becoming very involved in Krsna Consciousness but your wife is not very interested and you want to know from me whether you should leave her. It is not necessary to leave your wife. The important thing is that you yourself become Krsna Consciousness, she cannot check you one way or another, but you must surrender yourself to Krsna and be engaged in devotional service. We do not say that one has to leave home. Either you leave home or you remain there, and whether or not she becomes Krsna Consciousness, you can go on with your progressive interest and participation in this great movement. By and by if you are strong in your determination, she may also follow you. If you have further questions you may write me or consult with the devotees in the temple. Actually I have already answered all questions in my books such as Bhagavad gita, so kindly read them and chant Hare Krishna Mantra."


[sP letter, March 6/74]

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I see... I can be close to Krishna and be close to my wife. All I have to do is persist. I do admit, my main failing in the past has been that I see my family eat meat or I see them unified praying Christian prayers and I feel that 1) I may be doing something wrong by following the KC movement and 2) I want to be unified with them, the ones I love, in what they do and are. I will continue to chant and abide by dietary rules as well as I can and hope that Lord Krishna blesses me with peace.

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" So Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that I am servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna [Cc. Madhya 13.80]. So if anyone loves Krishna, he must love Lord Jesus Christ also. And if one perfectly loves Jesus Christ he must love Krishna. If he says, "Why shall I love Krishna? I shall love Jesus Christ," then he has no knowledge. And if one says, "Why shall I love Jesus Christ? I shall love...", then he has also no knowledge. If one understands Krishna, then he will understand Jesus Christ. If one understands Jesus Christ, you'll understand Krishna". -- Srila Prabhupada conversations May 12,1969

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Dear Tony,


Please don't worry. You're not doing something wrong by following the KC movement. Most Krishna devotees in the West were born and raised in Judeo-Christian families, but have reconciled their faith very nicely. If you read Srila Prabhupada's books and interviews, and inquire from devotees, you'll see that the essence of all religions is the same - to love and serve God. Otherwise it would be impossible for so many people with such diverse backgrounds to join the movement and become devotees of Krishna.


And by chanting Hare Krishna and serving the Lord in love, you will certainly be unified with those who you love, even more so. Srila Prabhupada gives the example that if you water the root of the tree, all the branches, leaves and twigs will be automatically nourished. Krishna, or God, is the root and all of His parts and parcel are the branches, leaves and twigs. So when you love Krishna, your love will only expand and not contract. It will include all living entities, even the birds and animals, what to speak of dearly loved ones. So there is no loss, but only gain in Krishna consciousness.

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I'm probably a lot older than you but the situation is the same, and it's been this way for 20+ years...I'm much more a "devotee" in the traditional sense; my wife is kind of christian/new age and not disciplined in sadhana but has a very high regard for Srila Prabhupada and Krishna Cons in general...she sees my ongoing involvement as very positive as long as I don't go overboard with it...and she's right, she was there first and we exchanged lifelong vows when we married. I'm relating this because you say your wife is also positive and that's great, just keep your priorities with your family up and faithfully chant your rounds, etc., and Krishna will not forget you, nor will you forget Him...you're in a good place, believe me.

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" So Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that I am servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna [Cc. Madhya 13.80]. So if anyone loves Krishna, he must love Lord Jesus Christ also. And if one perfectly loves Jesus Christ he must love Krishna. If he says, "Why shall I love Krishna? I shall love Jesus Christ," then he has no knowledge. And if one says, "Why shall I love Jesus Christ? I shall love...", then he has also no knowledge. If one understands Krishna, then he will understand Jesus Christ. If one understands Jesus Christ, you'll understand Krishna". -- Srila Prabhupada conversations May 12,1969


I offer my prayers and thanks to Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I offer my prayers and thanks to Lord Caitanya as my Savior. I offer my prayers and thanks to Srila Prabhupada as my Savior. I find no conflicts.


The conflicts have arisen over the years due to those I associated with telling me I cannot do this. Once I learned to be indifferent to all such voices I experienced great piece over this issue.


You are in a difficult position but there is alot you can do and you will be stronger for it. There are many Christian vegetarians and there is no reason your wife cannot learn to be one of them. Google 'Christian vegetarian' and help your wife become interested. Not by force but by persuasion and example.


You as husband and father are the natural guru of your family. But here you must be very intelligent. Do not leave your preaching field out of frustration or try and become too controlling and make her leave. Rather help them advance towards Godhead.


There is only one God and prayer is prayer. Encourage your family to be the best Christians possible by learning and following the precepts of Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said the essence of religion was to love God with all your heart mind soul and other living beings as yourself. THAT IS CHRISTIANITY!


Some practices are better than others. The Eastern Orthodox have in their tradition the constant chanting of the "Jesus Prayer" which they perform on beads. It is something like this, "Lord Jesus Christ please have mercy on me." Their idea is that their chanting progresses inwardly until they chant it spontaneously from a surrender heart. Please read the small book 'The Way of the Pilgrim' about a monk and his experiences with this chanting. It's a gem. Google 'Jesus Prayer' check out the sites that come up.


You may even put one nice picture of Lord Jesus on a table and place incense, fruit and flowers before it much the way Buddhists do and teach (by example) your family how to always honor Lord Jesus Christ in these simply ways.


Pray to the Lord to make you an instrument for uplifting your family.


Krsna devotees are expert at transforming material situations into spiritual ones. We must intelligently follow their example.


Trust His guidance.


Hare Krsna

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I wonder would christians call krishna lord or a false god. some people here are to generous, when you know you wouldn't recieve that generousity back, slave mentality I guess!

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I wonder would christians call krishna lord or a false god. some people here are to generous, when you know you wouldn't recieve that generousity back, slave mentality I guess!


This is not a business proposition, "I'll respect you only if you respect me." THAT is slave mentality.


There is no such mundane mentality in a genuine mission for spreading the mercy of love of Godhead as is this the purpose of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement.


Not to say you have to listen to some nonsense sectarist step on your beliefs. But mercy is not bartered. It is offered and accepted on the heart level and not the pocketbook level.

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