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What is Shakthi Panchakshari mantra

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Radhe Krishna


before knwoing the what is shakthi panchakshari, it would be better you should better know what is a manthra. it is defined as "Mananath thrayathe ithi manthraha". The the one which is repetitively repeated in your mind. Then one should know the difference between Nama and Manthra. Expressions like - "Jai sitharamJai srimannarayanaRadheshyamHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"

"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare"

- These are Bhagawannamas.


What is the difference between them.


1. Regarding God Realisation - absolutely no difference. Chanting of either manthra or Bhagawannama gives equal opportunity to the person to realise God

2. Way of chanting : Lot of difference . Uthama, Madhyama and adama ways of chanting manthras are explained. Uthama way of chanting a manthra is to repeat the manthra in your mind. Even there should not be any movement of your lips. Madhyama way of chanting a manthra is there is movement of your lips but the voice does not come out. The adama way of chanting is that there is movement of lips , the voice comes out but even a person sitting nearby your side should not be able to hear the chanting. Basically a manthra sadhana is a way of yogic sadana. It trains a person to concentrate his mind. Then how about chanting of nama? Puranas explain how "Bhagawannama" is to be chanted. The way of chanting is prescribed is "Bhagawannama keerthanam". And the meter. "Uchaiswaram". That is at a pitch people at far off distances should be able to hear what is being sung.

3. Importance of Pronounciation and niyama :

A lot of niyamas are prescribed for chanting manthras. Kaala, desha, sthithi and a series of kriyas like Sankalpam, Anganyasam, Karanyasam, Dhyanam, laghu puja, manthra japam, udyapanam. Even though manthra is repeated in mind, the pronounciation is very important. Wrong pronounciation is offense. Manthras like "Gayathri" has apart from pronounciation restrictin has restriction of swaraas like "Udhatam, Anudhatam, Swaritham and Deergaswaritham". Chanting of the manthra without complying with these restrictions is an offense. But not so with Chanting of Bhagawannama. It has been explained in "Ajamilopakhyana" of Shrimad Bhagawatham - That Bhagawannama Chanted in "Saanketyam paarihasyam va sthobam helana meva va" is approved by lord. Chaitanya mahaprabhu encouraged his sishyas to chant Bhagawannama at a high pitch so that even those people who are engaged in their material businesses could atleast get an opportunity to hear it.

4. "Manthra" irrespective of any manthra of any "Upasya Devatha" is kept "Guhya". These are provided to only those people who are seriously interested in persuing Bhagawath sakshathkara and could comply with all the niyamas in chanting of manthras. But Bhagawannama is provided to everybody who are no serious religious people. Because there are no "souchaasoucha niyamas" for chanting manthra.

This I am telling because the shivapanchakshari is typed out above which is not as per the strict tradition of manthra saadana. Shiva Panchakshari is extracted from exactly the middle of Yajur Veda. The centre point of Yajur veda is "Shri Rudram". Shiva Panchakshari appears in the middle of Shri Rudram. Since this is an extract from Yajur veda this is bound by restrictions of swaras. Shakthi panchakshari is in essence Shva panchakshari but with a difference that shakthi beejakshara is added to the shiva panchakshari. In the tradition, a upasaka is provided at first "Shakthi Panchakshari" and if he progresses well in his pursuit he is blessed with "Shiva Panchakshari".


Radhe Krishna

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thank you for the info


i practice 20 rounds of om namah shivaya japa daily. i am waiting for when i go to college because then i will be very close to my Guru. i am no inferior in spirituality. i have various past-life samskaras which make me very spiritual at such an early age.


i dont think its an offense to chant wrong pronunciation. what matters is the devotion within the heart. the longing. the peace and quiteness of the mind.

what if an american takes up a mantra? his accent will ruin the mantra. but God will not care. God knows. what matters is what is within.


i was just curious as to what the shakti mantra was. so if u can tell me it would be very nice. as for some reason i have suddenly developed lots of bhakti for Sri Kali Ma.


do u know any formal mantras for Her?


can u cry to Her?

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Radhe krishna,

There was no question of showing any inferiority. I just gave out information as much I know in the context. Scriptural knowledge that was taught to me clearly says wrong pronounciation give bad results. The father of Vruthrasura conducted a yagnya with a wish that he gets a son who can kill indra. Alas . The pronounciation was correct but there was mistake in the swara. That resulted in such a bad manner - rather than getting a son who could kill indra - he got a son who was killed by Inrda.

But - But - But - Yes - sincerety and dedication is above anything else. That is strictly between you and your upasya devatha.

My father was somachara shaktha upasaka. And I am advicing you in this background.

Shakthi upasana consists of somachara and vamachara where vamachara is condemned by vaidikas but it is practiced by a good lot of people. There are many shakthi manthras like Navakshari, Baala, Panchadasakshari, the top of above shodasakshari. In any traditional system, the manthras are not sent by post or stored in computer but are provided to shishyas by Guru through initiation. My humble advice would be that you meet a Guru who would properly help you in this regard.

The best way to cry to "Maa Kali" is just to cry "Maa". The single syllabied word "Maa" is such forceful that I am sure that the jaganmatha would answer your cry and properly guide you in the shrividya upasana. I have seen in Calcutta kali mandir many darshanaarthis simply crying "Maa". May Jaganmatha bless us all with bakthi.

Radhe Krishna

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Radhe Krishna,


The importance of the shabdha "Maa" is explained in two Shri vidya granthas.


1. Lalitha Sahasranamam

2. Devi Bhagavatham


The first nama among the 1000 names of Lalitha Mahathripura sundari starts with : "Shri Mathre namaha"


In Devi Bhagavatham You would find the following shloka :


"Ya devi sarva bhuteshu matru rupena samsthitha

namas tasyai nams tasyai namas tasyai namo namaha"


Meaning obeisances to the divine mother who is present in everything in the form of mother. And as you also find the nama "mathre namaha" comes first among the 1000 names of devi - You would find what force the "Maa" shabdha has got.


Radhe Krishna

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