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What Happened Today.

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I live in California, in what is called "they valley."

I don't know if all of you have heard of it, maybe you have, it's quite popular.


I had to go buy things for my baby, diapers, etc at Walmart.


Everywhere I went in Walmart, in each section were DEVOTEES.

I have been in that Walmart many, many times and have never seen them before. I was SO happy and so thrilled I went and spoke with them.

They tell me that they go all the time! I told them: "It is a shame that we always missed each other!"


One of the devotees said to me, which is absolutely true: "When you find happiness and love with Lord Krishna, He will show you everything. It is no coincidence that you saw us here today. Devotees are supposed to be together!"


I was so thrilled! I couldn't believe that with all the pain I went through in my life, all these years, I finally found Lord Krishna's love, and accepted His love, and everything has been coming to me!


Love, happiness, and including the devotees!


Isn't this wonderful? It was NOT just a coincidence that so many devotees were at Walmart today! It was NOT just coincidence that we happened to meet!


Have you had similar experiences when you were new devotees?

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My experience is somewhat different.

Devotees seem to hunt me down.

I have always lived far from Temples but I spend alot of time writing and reading. When I have fallen short on my reading and chanting they appear. Some examples, been a while since reading go to DC to see friends and decide to see the museums and wouldn`t you know a large group of devotees on the mall, I got the hint.

Haven`t read in a long time and go with friends to a concert and you can guess the rest.


I am happy you had such a nice experience

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i have gone to a concert, and i meet a familiar face there, seence i was alone but knowingly i did know somepoeple there.. but this man´s face i have seen taking care of some children there, when mahäraja comes by the temple, so he glance on my saying loud, HEY, People is Nice, don´t they?


AN seence i was alone, i thought, Oh, yes he´s being part of Caitanya´s movement.


i was dancing all night to the loud reggae beat, that´s beenloved allready by Sriman MahäPrabhu.


So much so, that when i saw him and realize my own lonlines allthough being so sorrownded by known faces there, i say quietly, Jaya.... !



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Hari Bol,

Yes my friend, its really true.

Even just today , I was chanting hare krishna mantra at the bustop, (uk), abd all of a sudden, a devotee whom I had not seen for a year, suddenly walked past the bustop.

Things do happen with krishna, and I really am convinced it is the only way to live ones life on this planet.

Jai Sri Krishna.

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All is Good yes, also i have seen this brother by the downtown, i was usuallly alone, more offten this dayz, i was parafrasing this holy names, then at a music store bus stop, i saw here the same man, but he has looooong hair more even, when he was checking the music store there, while checking some basse there big big base electronic one, i remember him and then i was like oh, yes He is steel, then he yiawwwgn, like thinking, "Gosh, where is the action".


For me was like, you know, i tihnk shall i keep on with my chantin... then we be doing some music i think over the futures !

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