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Why do I see only Men singing at temple?

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Hari boleeeee friends!


I have been wondering since i've been attending temple..I haven't seen any women devotees singing I have only seen prabhus. Why is that? Is it always been like that or is it just my temple? And another thing I wanted to know is howcome there are only men gurus and brahmans>? Whats the highest position a women can be in krsna consciousness ? I dont mean to offend anyone ..please dont feel like I am ..I am just curious and I just want to know a little more.

Thank you very much.

-Padma :idea:

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Hari boleeeee friends!


I have been wondering since i've been attending temple..I haven't seen any women devotees singing I have only seen prabhus. Why is that? Is it always been like that or is it just my temple? And another thing I wanted to know is howcome there are only men gurus and brahmans>? Whats the highest position a women can be in krsna consciousness ? I dont mean to offend anyone ..please dont feel like I am ..I am just curious and I just want to know a little more.

Thank you very much.

-Padma :idea:

In our Temple it's the Ladies who do most of the singing - and with leading the kirtana - people take turns.


As for women and the station of Guru - in the formal sense there isn't traditionally women gurus - yet in the practical sense women is guru as much as men - we are supposed to address everyone who is a sincere servant of God - as Prabhu or master - that is our mood.


I have seen women do the puja and dress the deities etc., so there is no doubt that they are not shut out of the devotional services in the temples.


It may be that in some Temples there is a local click that prevents this - but it isn't the way its supposed to be.


Without making offense I have to say that there are too many 22-45 yr old male devotees with an ego issue. There may be as many female devotees who've tended to be interested in more worldly association with the male devotees. They all don't mean to be that way it's just how they've become - but we can encourage them as best as possible - especially the men - to be more inclusive and less rigid.





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I think it depends on the temple it self, in india for instance, Mataji's are invited to come to the temple to sing fo the lord. out here Mataji's sing, cook, do puja give lectures... the whole package!!!!

The highest position of a women is to be a mother, The Mother is in fact the first guru, you do not have to were orange robes to be a guru, A guru is somebody who can help you to advance in spiritual life!!!

The gopis were all female and the had the highest love for krishna!!!

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