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Ideas for Kapha dinner

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I am looking for some ideas on what to cook for my husband in the

evening. He is kapha body type and significantly overweight. Are beans

ok at night? what grains would be ok?


or should he have salad?


I have also read that Kapha body type should not eat tofu. Why is

this? and are other soy products ok for Kapha? like soy cheese, tvp,

soy flakes etc.


thank you


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Foods listed as "best" may be eaten without reservation on a daily basis.


Foods listed as "small amounts" may be eaten in small portions fairly-often

or in larger portions once or twice per week.


Foods listed as "avoid" should be eaten only on rare occasions. Remember,

it is not what you do occasionally that matters. Long-term habits determine

your health. Healthy habits create a healthy life. Unhealthy habits lead

to an unhealthy life.




Best: Pungent, bitter, astringent


Avoid: Sweet, sour, salty






GRAINS: Toasted breads are very good as they are drier.


Best: Barley, corn flour, basmati rice, amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat.


Small amounts: Millet, rye.


Avoid: Wheat, whole wheat, long or short grain rice (white or

brown), oats.



DAIRY: It is best to use raw or organic milk. Milk should be drunk warm

with a small amount of ginger and cardamom.


Best: Goats milk, skim milk or soymilk.


Avoid: Cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, cream, buttermilk, cottage

cheese, ice cream, kefir, sour cream.






Best: Ray honey only, (Look for honey that is more than six months

old or store some jars).


Avoid: Fructose, maple syrup, molasses, raw sugar, white, and brown




OILS: Use all oils in small amounts. Even the best oils, overused will

aggravate Kapha.


Best: Corn, sunflower, canola, flaxseed, safflower, soy, mustard.


Avoid: Almond, avocado, castor, coconut, olive, peanut, sesame.



SPICES: When spicing, the overall spiciness is more important than

individual spices. Even some avoid spices can be used if balanced

with other spices on the best list. For Kapha, food should be

spiced hot and never bland.


Best: Anise, basil, bay leaves, black pepper, Calamus, chamomile,

caraway, cardamom, catnip, cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, coriander,

cumin, dill, fennel, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, horseradish, hyssop,

marjoram, mustard, nutmeg, oregano, peppermint, poppy seeds, rosemary,

saffron, sage, spearmint, star anise, thyme, turmeric. Hot spices are


Best. Any spice not listed is probably fine.


Avoid: Salt.





Best: Prunes, apples, cranberries, grapefruit, pomegranate,

cherries, raisins. Dried fruits as they are not too sweet


Smaller amounts: Apricots, lemon, lime, papaya, pineapple.


Avoid: Sweet fruits, grapes, banana, berries (raspberry,

blackberry, blueberry, and strawberry), avocado, coconut, dates, figs,

mango, pineapple, melons, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, plums, peaches,

pears, persimmons, tangerines.



VEGETABLES: Vegetables are best eaten raw during the summer and cooked

during the winter and during times of digestive difficulty. In general,

vegetables are good and even the "avoids" if eaten in small amounts will

cause no harm.


Best: Alfalfa sprouts, artichoke, asparagus, green beans, bell

peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale,

carrots, celery, chilies, hot pepper, cilantro, corn, lettuce and

other leafy greens, mustard greens, onion, parsley, peas, potatoes,

radish, seaweed, spinach, rutabagas/turnips.


Small amounts: Mushrooms and tomato. Eat your vegetables raw

during the summer and cooked during the winter, spring and fall.


Avoid: Cucumber, sweet potato, zucchini, water chestnuts, beets,

eggplant, okra and all squash.





MEATS: If you choose to eat meat, limit consumption to 2-3 meals per week.

Meat soups can be particularly nourishing during convalescence. Kapha

individuals can thrive as a vegetarian.


Best: Chicken and turkey, (dark meat only), rabbit, fresh water



Avoid: Seafood, beef, pork, lamb, duck, venison, shellfish, and






Best: Mung beans and red lentils, soybeans (tofu, soymilk), split



Small amounts: Adzuki, black gram, black beans, fava beans, kidney

beans, pinto beans, lima beans.


Avoid: Black lentils, chickpeas, peanuts.





Best: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.


Small amounts: sesame seeds.


Avoid: Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, coconut, filberts, lotus

seeds, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachio, and walnuts.





Small amounts: Vinegar, catsup.

Avoid: Salt, mayonnaise.





Best: Two glasses of spring water per day in cool weather and three

in hot weather unless doing extremely vigorous exercise and sweating.

Herb teas (spicy or bitter), green vegetable juices, and cranberry



Small amounts: Tea, coffee, wheat grass juice, and carbonated

mineral water.


Avoid: Carrot juice, soft drinks, orange juice, and apple juice.








Noel Gilbert


Body, Mind & Soul

LifeStyle Counselor

Ayurveda - Herbalism

Nutrition - Medical Astrology




ayurveda [ayurveda]

On Behalf Of tracey_rao

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:23 AM


<ayurveda> Ideas for Kapha dinner


I am looking for some ideas on what to cook for my husband in the

evening. He is kapha body type and significantly overweight. Are beans ok at

night? what grains would be ok?


or should he have salad?


I have also read that Kapha body type should not eat tofu. Why is

this? and are other soy products ok for Kapha? like soy cheese, tvp,

soy flakes etc.

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thankyou for this list, it is very helpful. This list says tofu is

good for Kapha type, but elsewhere I have read it is not. Does it

depend on other factors? Also, buttermilk was recommended to me for

Kapha and here it says to avoid.


I would especially like to know about the tofu, as my husband was

eating this regularly and I don't know if that was causing him

difficulty in losing weight.






ayurveda, "Noel" <sattva wrote:




> Foods listed as "best" may be eaten without reservation on a daily



> Foods listed as "small amounts" may be eaten in small portions


> or in larger portions once or twice per week.


> Foods listed as "avoid" should be eaten only on rare occasions.


> it is not what you do occasionally that matters. Long-term habits


> your health.

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Tofu and buttermilk are ok if eaten hot and spiced up. Most people cook

something in with their Tofu. So add some hot spices at this time.


Buttermilk can be very hard to digest if drank Cold. It should be warm with

spices Also.


Noel Gilbert


Body, Mind & Soul

LifeStyle Counselor

Ayurveda - Herbalism

Nutrition - Medical Astrology




ayurveda [ayurveda]

On Behalf Of tracey_rao

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:14 PM


<ayurveda> Re: Ideas for Kapha dinner


thankyou for this list, it is very helpful. This list says tofu is

good for Kapha type, but elsewhere I have read it is not. Does it

depend on other factors? Also, buttermilk was recommended to me for

Kapha and here it says to avoid.


I would especially like to know about the tofu, as my husband was

eating this regularly and I don't know if that was causing him

difficulty in losing weight.



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Dear Tracey,


Aside from the most excelent suggestions that have been provided by our

members, I

would like to add one simple addition. I think taking Kitcheree or Kitchadi is

very effective

to reduce Ama (toxins) and also reduce excess Kapha. Kitchadi is made from

split mung

(moong) beans and basmati rice. Using anti-kapha spices in this dish will help

to balance

the excess Kapha also. Taking Triphala is also a good method, and will balance


doshas. It took me a while to develop a recipe for Kitchadi that my family

likes, so,

experiment with it, and have fun doing so. You can find many many recipes on

the web.

Good luck and God Bless.


Kind Regards,




ayurveda, tracey_rao <no_reply wrote:


> I am looking for some ideas on what to cook for my husband in the

> evening. He is kapha body type and significantly overweight. Are beans

> ok at night? what grains would be ok?

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thankyou! so when choosing between milk and buttermilk for kapha

type, which is preferable?




ayurveda, "Noel" <sattva wrote:

> Tofu and buttermilk are ok if eaten hot and spiced up. Most people


> something in with their Tofu. So add some hot spices at this time.

>> Buttermilk can be very hard to digest if drank Cold. It should be

warm with spices Also.

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Ok Tracey ... I think we need to back up here for a moment. Correct me if I

am wrong here, but sounds to me like you're trying to put your husband on a

weight lose program using a Kapha pacifying diet. If this is the case you

can be making a big mistake; just because your husband is over weight,

doesn't mean that he has a Kapha constitution or even a Kapha imbalance. You

can be over weight and have a Vata imbalance and if you put him on a Kapha

pacifying diet with a Vata imbalance you very well could push him into a

Vata Disease. You need to look at all his Pathology, signs and symptoms; and

his Prakruti {primordial constitution you are born with} is not as near as

important as his Vikruti {Doshic imbalance}. You really need to find a

specialist in your area.


The milk! The lighter the milk the better it will be for a Kapha

imbalance... But! It should be raw milk, heated with some added spices to

make it digestible. If you are dealing with a serous Kapha problem, then all

milk should be avoided. There are a lot of other things he can drink...


Noel Gilbert


Body, Mind & Soul

LifeStyle Counselor

Ayurveda - Herbalism

Nutrition - Medical Astrology





thankyou! so when choosing between milk and buttermilk for kapha

type, which is preferable?




ayurveda, "Noel" <sattva wrote:

> Tofu and buttermilk are ok if eaten hot and spiced up. Most people


> something in with their Tofu. So add some hot spices at this time.

>> Buttermilk can be very hard to digest if drank Cold. It should be

warm with spices Also.

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Thankyou Noel, yes we saw an ayurvedic doctor in NZ and along with

several herbal medicines including gugul, liv 52, brento and some

others i can't remember, he has recommend an anti-kapha diet. he

said my husband is Kapha-vata constitution. and unfortunately he used

to eat a lot of junk food (as a single guy) causing him to be close

to 100 pounds overweight. now he is about 60 pounds overweight. even

if he eats the same size meal as me, he will gain weight and I will

not. So it is hard for him as he likes to eat a lot!

especially sweets, and indian fried foods!


what recommendations do you have instead of milk? the ayurvedic

practitioner in NZ said in the morning cereal with skim milk would be

ok, and also warm buttermilk. Not sure what would be the best kind of

breakfast though. We didn't have a lot of time to discuss foods.





ayurveda, "Noel" <sattva wrote:

sounds to me like you're trying to put your

husband on a

> weight lose program using a Kapha pacifying diet. If this is the

case you

> can be making a big mistake; just because your husband is over


> doesn't mean that he has a Kapha constitution or even a Kapha


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dear tracy


not all forms of obesity are created equal

in fact, in is very common to see a vata-variant of obesity, which relates to a

deficiency of

key nutrients in tandem with an excess of others - basically, the

mineral/vitamin depleted

north american diet that is also rich in rapidly-digesting carbohydrates


in such circumstances, the typical recommendations regarding diet to reduce

kapha may

not be appropriate, and in fact make the condition worse


true kapha obesity will be symetrical, whereas the vata-type will be localized,


in the truncal-abdominal region


two different conditions, and two VERY different approaches in diet are required

for each


best... todd caldecott





ayurveda, tracey_rao <no_reply wrote:


> I am looking for some ideas on what to cook for my husband in the

> evening. He is kapha body type and significantly overweight. Are beans

> ok at night? what grains would be ok?


> or should he have salad?


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That is a very interesting point you make about Kapha obeisity. It

is interesting, because actually my husband has quite skinny legs and

arms and carries all the weight in the stomach. he doesn't appear to

be "big boned" although he is tall (6'1"). He currently weighs 225



Please can you point me in the direction of more information about

this vata obeisity?

thank you again,





> true kapha obesity will be symetrical, whereas the vata-type will

be localized, particularly

> in the truncal-abdominal region


> two different conditions, and two VERY different approaches in diet

are required for each


> best... todd caldecott


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Hi Tracey . You really need to see an Ayurvedic specialist more then once or

twice. Follow up and follow through is just as important as the first

diagnose. Its important for the practitioner too see the reaction to the

food and herbs; to fully understand the condition of the Srotas {Pathology

or path ways through the body} a man has 14 where as a women has 16. Is that

Srota dry? Wet? Inflamed? Does it have a fast flow? Excess flow? Blockage?

or perforation? These are just a few things that have to be assessed and

followed up on. Ayurveda is as close to an exact science that there can be.

it has the least amount of trial and error that there is. You can even see

the disease before the manifestation state. There are four stages of disease

before this state, Accumulation, aggravation, overflow, relocation and

finally manifestation.


If your husband was born Kapha/Vata then he is probably ok with a Kapha

pacifying diet for the short term. But if he has a Kapha/Vata imbalance then

a Kapha pacifying diet could push him into developing tumors, {Vata pushing

Kapha} and if this is the case then oily-ation is required before the Kapha

pacifying diet.



This forum {I believe} should be more for the exchange of Ayurvedic

Knowledge, not a forum for diagnostics and prescribe treatment. Not that I

don't want to help you but it is next to impossible to treat someone through

e-mail. It is very important to see clients face to face, where as it could

be life threating other wise.


I do treat people online, but only when there is no other way.


Breakfast! . Forget the milk . Breakfast is the best time to eat fruit...



Noel Gilbert


Body, Mind & Soul

LifeStyle Counselor

Ayurveda - Herbalism

Nutrition - Medical Astrology




Thankyou Noel, yes we saw an ayurvedic doctor in NZ and along with

several herbal medicines including gugul, liv 52, brento and some

others i can't remember, he has recommend an anti-kapha diet. he

said my husband is Kapha-vata constitution. and unfortunately he used

to eat a lot of junk food (as a single guy) causing him to be close

to 100 pounds overweight. now he is about 60 pounds overweight. even

if he eats the same size meal as me, he will gain weight and I will

not. So it is hard for him as he likes to eat a lot!

especially sweets, and indian fried foods!


what recommendations do you have instead of milk? the ayurvedic

practitioner in NZ said in the morning cereal with skim milk would be

ok, and also warm buttermilk. Not sure what would be the best kind of

breakfast though. We didn't have a lot of time to discuss foods.



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