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Stress & Shankapushpi?

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Good morning. I am suffering from mild diarrehea sometimes and

constipation sometimes. I have gone through different allopathic

doctors and all the tests they did are negative. There has been stress

in the past and now. I think, though I did not realize before, there

has been some amount of stress from the last 10 years or so. I live in

US and saw couple of ayurvedic doctors as well. Basically, I was told

that there is Pitta and vata Imbalance, along with Ama (I don't know

much about Ayurveda, I am just repeating what the Doctors told me). I

took some herbs for a while. It is lot better now, as far as my bowel

movements are concerned. Before I used to have 4 to 5 bowel movements

in a day and now it is reduced to 2 or 1 a day. However, I am still

feeling stressful. Of course, I practise Pranayam and couple of Asanas

as well. I read in an ayurvedic book that a herbal compound of

Shankapushpi, Brahmi and Jatamamsi (all in equal proportions) is good

for combating stress. I tried this medicine (taking 1/2 tsp before

going to bed) and I did notice that the agitation in the mind has

reduced, sleep quantity reduced. However I also noticed couple of

other issues: I was getting more bowel movements after I started

taking this medicine (this is similar to the case if I eat any pungent

food), I was getting cracks along the center line of the tongue and my

eyes were dry, like when you did not get enough sleep, but not feeling

sleepy, though. Observing my symptoms, it seems like this medcine is

increasing Pitta, which is already in imbalance for me. Could somebody

please help whether this medicine is good for me, or should I recuce

the dosage or any other suggestions? I am really looking for some

medicine for my stress, that I can use for long term, till I get

little far in my Yoga practise, for example.


Thank you very much,


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Dear Venkat,


The combination of drugs what you are taking is good for combating

stress.Infact none of these drugs increase vata pitta as you are

suspecting.Because Jatamamsi and shankhapushpi are Tridosha hara drugs, means

these perfectly balance vata pitta and kapha and brahmi is kapha pitta hara

drug.What I observed from your post i would like to make some suggestions.


1.As many of the ayurvedic single or compound medicines are more effective

with association of appropriate ANUPANA( an adjuvent or vehicle).Often these are

prescribed based on constitution,disease, and many such parameters.In your case

you need to take these medicines with cow ghee if not avaiabe take with cow

milk.This will solve your problem of craks in toung.And also if you gargle 3-4

spoons of cowghee for 20 minuts every morning after brushing is additional

advantage to have a speedy recovery.

2.Avoid using pungent diet,more salt,sour items,Take light and easly digestive

food and.Maintain regular diet timings.Avoid taking food at late night.

3.The syptoms you mentioned such as altered diarrhoea and constipation is

obviously suggesting that you are prone for a disease what ayurveda referrs as


"Muhur baddham muhur dravam".

You have to be very careful in future because once this disease becomes

chronic makes deficulty in curing.


Continue pranayama without any inturruption.


Al the best.....


I remain for further suggestions..









Dr.Venu Gopal Rao.T




> I practise Pranayam and couple of Asanas as well. I read in an

> ayurvedic book that a herbal compound of Shankapushpi, Brahmi and

> Jatamamsi (all in equal proportions) is good for combating stress.

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Hello Dr. Venu Gopal ji,

Thank you very much for you reply.

Where is your AGASTHYA AYURVEDIC CENTER? I have this problem of bowel

movements and fatigue, stress for a long time. I have given the case

history below after my questions.

1. You suggested to take the medicine with Cow ghee. Should I mix the

medicine in the cow ghee and then eat it or could you please tell me

how to take with Cow Ghee? Is it good to put these herbs in ghee and

cook for a while and then sip/drink that ghee? How much Ghee I should use?


2. Will the dosage of 1/2 tsp good enough or should be taking 1/4 tsp?

What is the right time to take this medicine, before bed or in the

morning? I noticed that I was having difficulty falling asleep after I

started taking this medicine. That is why I am asking about the right

dosage and the right time. Is it supposed to be taken on empty stomach?


3. I have been gargling sesame oil from the last two weeks and I

noticed some well being, though I cannot describe completely. I read

it in Charaka Samhita generally browsing through and started doing it,

because it seemed safe. But I can use cow ghee as you suggested. I am

surprised you suggested this. Is this for stress reduction or for

better digestion or both?


4. I also read in another source, that we can add bhringaraj as well

for this combination for stress reduction and improving memory. Is

that advisable for me? Will bhringraj increase Pitta, by any chance?


Thank you very much, Dr. Venu Gopal ji, I really appreciate your help.

I would like to write to you on my problem in more detail. Is that

okay to write to your email?




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only after advising member approves. On the other hand, when communication is

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ayurveda, "Dr. Venu Gopal M.D

\(Ayurveda\)" <dr_venug> wrote:


> Dear Venkat,


> The combination of drugs what you are taking is good for combating

stress.Infact none of these drugs increase vata pitta as you are

suspecting.Because Jatamamsi and shankhapushpi are Tridosha hara

drugs, means these perfectly balance vata pitta and kapha and brahmi

is kapha pitta hara drug.What I observed from your post i would like

to make some suggestions.


> Dr.Venu Gopal Rao.T

> M.D(Ayu)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have few more questions on the suggestions and I posted a message on

this board before, but did not get any reply. I really appreciate if

any one of you can answer the questions.


Thank you Dr. Venugopal for your answers.


Can you or somebody please give some more details on taking this

medicine with Ghee ? Like I just mix the ghee and these herbs and eat

it? Or do the herbs need to be cooked in Ghee? How much ghee I should



How many times I should take the medicine in a day? And at what times?


Should I be continuing with 1/2 tsp per day?


The Allopathic doctors said I have IBS kind of problem. But various

tests they have done did not show up any problem like liver, thyroid

etc etc. I am thinking that the problem is because of the stress which

I have for a long time and trying to address stress and see how it

changes the digestion problem.


Thank you very much.



ayurveda, "Dr. Venu Gopal M.D

\(Ayurveda\)" <dr_venug> wrote:

> The combination of drugs what you are taking is good for combating

stress.Infact none of these drugs increase vata pitta as you are

suspecting.Because Jatamamsi and shankhapushpi are Tridosha hara

drugs, means these perfectly balance vata pitta and kapha and brahmi

is kapha pitta hara drug.What I observed from your post i would like

to make some suggestions.

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Dear Venkat,

Cow Ghee is the best Anupana for the Medhya drugs such as


Because it said in ayurveda as "Ghritena vardhate bhuddhim" and also

all these medhya drugs proved effective in combating stress and its evantual



You need to mix ghee about 1 spoon then take, preferrbly 1 hr before

break fast and 1 hr before dinner. Not to take any orals except

plain water till an hour as ghee takes due time to get digested

along with the medicines which are being carried by it.


I would like to suggest another medicine wich would be much

approriate in condition like IBS along with the above.


Take 1 tab Manasamitra vati at bed time with 1/2 cup warm milk after dinner.

Use it till you get a fair improvement.


Your feed back is appriciated..


All the best................



Dr.Venu Gopal Rao.T





> Can you or somebody please give some more details on taking this

medicine with Ghee ? Like I just mix the ghee and these herbs and eat

it? Or do the herbs need to be cooked in Ghee? How much ghee I should


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Dear Dr. Venugopal,

Thank you very much for your help and guidance.

Waiting for your reply, I tried taking 1/2 tsp of shankapushpi +

Jatamamsi + Brahmi with 1 tsp of ghee about one or two hours before

breakfast. I have been doing this from the last one week and I did

notice some improvement in my bowel movements and reduction in stress.

I also noticed the quantity of the stool reduced (the stool became

slightly harder too), I hope this is a sign of improving absorption. I

am having two bowel movemnts now, one in the morning when I getup and

one in the afternoon. Right now, I am taking this medicine only once

in the morning. I also noticed slight improvement in energy. When I

was taking this medicine before I wrote to you (without ghee) before

bed or before dinner, I used to getup at 3 AM in the night and used to

feel very dry eyes. So I am taking only once. Given this condition

before, I would like to seek your advise about taking twice a day.

Shall I be taking 1/2 tsp of this mixture two times or 1/4 tsp two

times or continue 1/2 tsp only in the morning?


Could you please tell me where I can get Manasamitra vati? I tried on

the internet, but could not find any seller. I live in USA, but I can

get the medicine from India, if I know where I can get in India.


I also would like to write to you in detail about the problem. I would

be very grateful if you can go this long letter and suggest any other

medicines or change in food etc besides the above two medicines.


Problem before taking Shankapushpi+Jatamamsi+Brahmi:


Usually, when I get up, I don't have a regular bowel movement, but gas

comes. And sometimes, I may have stool like round and hard balls. It

is very strainful to have bowel movement when I get up. But half an

hour after eating breakfast, bowel movement happens easily. Sometimes

again, in the late afternoon also, I get bowel movement. Usually 2,3

bowel movements a day. Sometimes I used to get 4,5. I feel energyless

after having the bowel movement. If I eat any pungent food, I get more

bowel movements. Sometimes I see black patches in the stool. Fatulence

with foul smell, Sometimes bloating in the stomach. I also get burps.

They are not sour, but heavy burps. Body aches when I get up in the

morning. Feeling weak. I feel exhausted very quickly if I do any

physical work even for a little duration. White coating on the back of

the tongue (once in a while, bad breath) Very Dry skin with white

lines. In winter it gets worse. Feeling stressful. I get irritated

quickly. Feel like taking more and more rest. Itching in the ears,

happens once in a while, not everyday. I am very sensitive to food in

restaurants, if I eat that food, I get burps, bloating in the stomach

gets worse. If I eat any strong food like kidney beans, my digestion

is not good. In the past, I used to eat chicken, but from the last 2.5

years, I am on vegetarian diet. If I drink milk, I used to get more

gas.But recently, I am trying fat free milk and I seem to tolerate now.


If I don't have enough sleep, or do any physical work even for a short

while or if I travel longer distances, I get fatigued very badly.


There has been stress in my life for quite a long time, about from the

last 7 years or so, to some extent. I am 35 years now.


Medicines Tried so far:

Before an year ago, the problem used to be very worse. I had to go to

bowel movement immediatley after eating. Somedays, I used to have 4 to

5 bowel movements. But I went to couple of doctors both allopathic and

ayurvedic. There is some improvement, but the problem was not gone

totally and is coming back.


One allopathic doctor diagnosed as deficient Pancreatic enzymes and I

was put this enzyme supplement. It helped little bit that time (about

one and half years ago). I was put on Flagyl (antibiotic supposed to

cure the illeffects of other antibiotics!), but that did not help.

Then I consulted couple of Ayurvedic doctors, who suggested more on

change of the food and improving the digestion. The energy levels

improved slightly, very slightly, but the actual problem is not

gone.I don't know what medicines were given to me, they are more of

proprietary blend.


I would like to write about two treatments I tried till a week ago.


I started Oil (Sesame oil) gargling about a month ago, primarily

thinking of removing tartar on the teeth. I read somewhere and thought

it was safe. I am doing it twice a day. After 2 weeks, I started

noticing considerable improvement in my digestion and overall well

being. The stool became hard, but the quantity of the stool reduced.

The stool used to be sticky before and but not any more. The dark

pouches kind of thing below the eyes are gone. From fatigue, I moved

to full of energy. My sleep quantity reduced. For two days, I got up

at 3 AM in the early morning, completely energetic and feeling fresh.

I do yoga, I started doing Yoga. This thing happened for 2 days. After

that I started getting back to my original problem, the bowel

movements became more again. And slowly the energy is gone too, and

the stool and other things are becoming like before with the problem.

I stopped this now.


I wrote to Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakal, Kerala

(http://www.aryavaidyasala.com) (Those of you who don't know, they

have an online consultation form). They sent me the following

instructions. I am not sure these are well known medicines, so I am

giving their ingredients as well.

1. Indukantam Kwatham tablets 2 before breakfast and 2 at 6PM.

Ingridients of Indukantham Kwatham are Putika, Daru, Dasamula, Panchakola.


2. Vilwadi Leham, 5 gms before lunch and dinner. Ingredients of

Vilwadi leham are: Vilwa, Guda, Ghana, Dhanya, Jiraka, Truti,Twak,

Kesara, Tryushana.


3. 15ml curry leaves juice + 5ml honey at 6 AM.


I started these medicines about 10 days ago and after couple of days

of taking this medicine, the bowel movements reduced to 1 per day and

I felt like my energy is improving.


But again after 3 days or so after observing slight improvement, the

bowel movements became more and the fatigue is coming back. Dark

pouches kind of thing below the eyes and coating on the tongue are

getting back again. I called up AryaVaidya sala and they asked me to

stop the curryleaves + honey and continue the other two. But since I

have been trying shankapushpi+jatamamsi + brahmi with cow ghee, I

stopped taking AryaVaidyasala medicines. I have to admit that during

this time it relapsed, I was very stressful.


This is the MOST TROUBLESOME to me, a medicine seems to work and then

the disease is RELAPSING acutely. SO far, the shankapushpi + Jatamamsi

+ Brahmi mixed with Ghee seems to be working okay.



My Food:

Breakfast: I take rice cooked in milk with some fresh ginger, cinnamon

and turmeric. Or I take mung dal and Quinoa grains boiled together and

then sauted in Ghee with Cardmom, turmeric.


Lunch: Rice, A vegetable curry cooked in olive oil with spices: Curry

leaves, Cumin, powder made of Fenugreek, turmeric, fennel. Masoor Dal

with some tamarind (sweet variety)( More like South Indian style,

without any chillies). I take buttermilk with some spices (fenugreek

etc) after the lunch.


Dinner: Rice, a vegetable cooked similar to lunch and South Indian

Rasam without chillies. All these spice mixtures are suggested by an

ayurvedic doctor here in US.


If I am hungry, I take an apple in the afternoon, around 4 PM.


I practise Pranayama from the last 3 years, But I am not able to do

well because of fatigue.


I get up around 6/6.30 AM and go to bed around 10/10.30 PM.


Medical History:

When I was about 20years or so ( I am now 35), I got some problem

lever, I used to get fever with chills as soon as I take lunch or

dinner and I took allopathic treatment. After that I started observing

this problem with bowel movements. Before, I used to get constipated

once in a while. For a long time, I did not know that it is actual a

disease. I did some Asanas for a while around 25years of age and then

it was gone for a while. It became very severe from the last 3 years.


Thank you very much,




> Cow Ghee is the best Anupana for the Medhya drugs such as

> Shankhapushpi,Saraswati,Brahmi,Vacha,Guduchi,etc.

> Take 1 tab Manasamitra vati at bed time with 1/2 cup warm milk

after dinner.

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