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Ushna veerya and sheeta veerya

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Dear Martha,

Ushna means "hot" and Sheet means "cold".

When they are described as properties or gunas ushna guna means heat

producing property and sheet guna means cold producing property.

When described as veerya they indicate the basic energetics of the

substance and hence a ushna veerya substance will be hot by itself

while a sheeta veerya substance will be cool by itself.

In ayurveda the science which describes how a particular substance

will act is termed as dravya-guna vigyan. It describes all

substances (a majority of which are plants, hence commonly only the

study of plants is misinterpreted as dravya-guna) using seven

parameters - namely

1)dravya - the name given to the substance

2)guna - the property manifested by the substance

3)karma - the action performed by the substance

4)rasa - the taste of the substance>

5)veepak - the taste produced at the end of the digestion process

(as described by ayurveda)

6)veerya - the energetics of the substance

7)prabhav - a certain unexplicable property or action manisfested by

the substance.


When I mention that "basically any oil whether ushna veerya or

sheeta veerya will help control vata", I am refering to the inherent

property of oil which is sneha which helps contol vata (not increase

or decrease). Sheeta veerya is not helpful in controlling vata. I

think I was not able to explain myself clearly in the last post.

While a oil of a sheeta veerya substance will not be the first

choice, it could be used if the aim is to control vata. In cases

where there is marked increase in vata, ofcourse oil of a ushna

veerya substance will be chosen to both contoland decrease vata.





> 3.Ushna means what? Veerya I understand is about energetics, and

> with the oils mentioned I assume ushna means warming?

> 4.sheeta veerya meens ? As you say it is hepful to control vata,

it must not mean cooling, although it sounds related to the shitali

> (pranayama) in word root

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