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Kapha balancing recipes

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Hello all,

It's been a while since I've posted here however... ayurveda is

addictive. No matter how long a stay away from it's principles I

keep coming back to it eventually. It's the basis underlying

everything for me.... weird,LOL it's the only thing I understand

regarding health because it involves emotions and I understand

emotions. Well, I am in need of some Western kapha balancing

recipes. The last time I checked my dominating constitution was

Kapha.. that was when I'd seen a practitioner, I didn't know much

about ayeveda (as there is still much for me to learn) however.. in

between then and now.. I've noticed that a lot of my lifestyle and

emotions bounce from vata to kapha and back.... as well as having

acid reflux disease that keeps me paranoid of all foods spicy.

Recently I've been stuck in the rut of depression and weight gain

and really into the kapha foods (i went on vacation up to the snow

in Tahoe and came back feeling ICK, not sick though but constant

mucous build up.. it's been weeks now)If anyone has any suggestions

on easy western ayurvedic recipes or... african american sould food

recipes through ayurvedic principles, I could sure use em. book

suggestions??? Thanks

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Acid reflux, depression, weight gain and constant mucous build up

together indicate build up of Ama in the body due to slowed down

liver, inadequate neutralization of the stomach acids (acid reflux)

due to lack of bile, and depression as a result inadequate blood

sugar. All are result of Kapha+Vata disorder. There could also be

harmone imbalance present, as indicated by weight gain, dependeing on

if you are in the age 20-45. This may be seen in inadequate length or

flow quantity during menses.

As soon as you get up in the morning, put four fingertips of your

right hand under the last rib, a little above navel, and check for

pain on pressing. If present, communicate and then some preliminary

guidance can be given.


Dr. Bhate

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I would like to suggest a naturopathy solution rather than Ayurvedic

solution (Ayuvedic solution has only few herbal medicine additions to

what is given below), since in this kind of "remote" medicine, one

should also take into account the possibility that you may be

suffering from Jaundice, which becomes apparent when things take a

serious turn. Even if "Jaundice" is beginning stage, the suggested

course of action will be effective. You have not given an important

input reg. bowel movements.


Loss of appetite is a symptom of disturbed digestion and results from

failure of activity of the stomach and secretion of gastric juices

due to low vitality which, in turn, can be due to various causes.

People suffer when they habitually take a faulty diet and hardly do

any physical work. It may cause from physical stress and strain. It

also can be caused by mental or domestic worry, emotional

disturbances. Difficult working condition and nervous disorder also

may cause this. General body disorder and diseases also lead to this

condition. Sometimes, excess of mucous, a form of "Ama", covers all

digestive track and does not allow secretion of digestive enzymes,

causing further indigestion and build up of Ama. Liver microchannels

get clogged, causing no bile secretion. Clogging of liver occurs due

to toxins in food (pesticide residues), allopathic excess,

intoxicants, out-of-phase with-nature lifestyle. More often, the lack

of appetite indicates body does not want any food and juice fasting

will solve the problem.


The only effective treatment is thorough cleansing of the digestive

tract, and adoption of the sensible diet thereafter, along with a

change in the style of living. To begin with you should fast on

orange juice and water for first three to five days. After the juice

diet you may adopt a all fruit diet for a further five days, taking

three meals a day of juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes,

oranges, pineapple, peaches at five hourly intervals. Thereafter you

may adopt a restricted diet of easily digestible foods, consisting of

lightly cooked vegetables, juicy fruits, and buttermilk for about ten

days. buttermilk builds up intestinal flora of putrifying bacteria

which help final digestion and elimination of toxins.


During the first three to five days of the juice fast, the bowels

should be cleansed with a warm water enema each day or a mild

laxative such as Trifla Churna (equal mixture of Harda, Aamla, Behda)

or drinking about 30ml of olive oil followed immediately by 20-30 ml

fresh lemon juice an hour before bedtime. The poisonous matter will

thus be eliminated by this self - cleansing process. For more details

of liver cleanse you may see curezone.com The recommendations there

have been modified in my experience, for eastern conditions.


In addition Padmasana, Pranayama and Vajrasana are recommended as

Yoga therapy.


If you want to leave the decision making to others, you can approach

a nearby Panchkarma center and in a weeks time the Panchkarma

treatment should relieve your worries significantly.



Dr. Bhate

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Respected sir,


I have one thing for you if your age is between 25-40

or 45-80 i will tell u how keep your self healty and

pain less life up to our death.


I promisse u never been pain more in you whole life


Sir if you want know pl.mail me back i will explain

how keep healthy your self.




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