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Premature Ovarian failure

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Dear Forum,

I would like to request information on a case. A female around 24 yrs of age

has ceased menstruating and hormonal assays have shown it to be case of

Premature ovarian failure. There are no follicles in either ovary. The only way

she can menstruate is by hormone replacement therapy. The growth has been ok and

she had menarche at age of 13, but since beginning, the periods were delayed

Her previous history includes Asthma, One episode of Typhoid fever and

tonsillectomy in childhood due to recurrent tonsilitis.

Kindly let me know what could be possible causes and likely treatment for such





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POF is theorized to be the result of an autoimmune disease - sorry, not

up on the science at the moment - will get back to you if I dredge up

anything useful. I wonder why if she is infertile (since if all the

follicles are gone she will never ovulate), why she is also on drugs to

menstruate? There appears to be no point...

what tests have been conducted to determine if there are no follicles

left? Caldecott



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Dear Vineet,

Only natural harmone replacement possible is through a

medicine termed "Nari Sanjivani" in PanchGavya Therapy

available in India. From your mail, it appears that

you are in USA where this therapy is patented but cant


Hence, I suggest following as immediate support:


1. Kumari Aasav : 15-20 ml with equal water after


2. Dashamularishta: 15-20 ml with equal water after



Mix following ingredietnts:




Silver Bhasma: (Chandi)

Tamrabhasma: (Copper)


All ingrdeients given so far: 5 gms each.








All the second level ingredients: 10 gms each.


The above mixture is to be made into tablets of

peasize by using resin. This resin itself is to be

prepared by boiling a mixture (add 1 tsp to 1 cup of

powder and boil on simmering heat till thick

consistency syrup) of following herbal powders in

equal proportion.


Galo (more names:Giloy, Guduchi, Amruta)


haldi (Turmeric)


Tulsi (Holy basil)




THis is the classical formulation termed "Nashta

Pushyantak Rasa". Unfortunately, no reputed Indian

pharmacy prepares this med since such cases are rare

here, and the market volume for such a med is nil.


On the other hand, if you come across any US supplier

go ahead.


With above treatment, patients having stopped menses

upto 2 years have been cured. Recently, a girl aged 18

had 8 months menses holiday, but resumed regular

menses after slightly irregular menses for nearly 5

months. A dificult case under treatment is a woman

aged 32 having 4 year holiday.


The cause of these cases, by conjecture appears to be

the pestisides residues in food, fruits, vegetables.

Regards and Best luck,

DR. Bhate

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Dear Dr Bhate and

While thanking you both for the response to my e-mail, I would like to clarify

that I reside in Delhi, India. The case has been diagnosed after all possible

investigations (follicles primarily by ultrasound). Hormone replacement is being

given to avoid bone demineralsation (she already has some depletion.

Thanks again


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and the demineralization occurs b/c the declining levels of estrogen

promotes the release of cytokines such as interleukin-1, tumor necrosis

factor alpha, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and

interleukin-6, which in turn enhances bone resorption through increased

recruitment, differentiation, and activation of osteoclasts.


HRT therapy can be adjusted to reduce the significant risk of cancer.

We have been using either a topical or oral progesterone in primary

(postmenopausal) osteoarthritis, which can help boost estrogen levels

while appearing to have none of the risk of reproductive cancer

(400-500 mg/30 mL, i.e. 1.6% w/v or 3% v/v; 1.25 mL [1/4 tsp] once

daily, equal to about 20 mg/day). With this the patient can take a

source of phytoestrogens such as (fermented-source) isoflavones,

sprouted legumes, leafy greens etc. I would also consider vitamin D

(1000 IU daily), magnesium and calcium (1200 mg ea daily), vitamin K,

boron etc., as well as look at the possibility of enteropathy-induced

autoimmune factors.


in terms of herbs those that restore ojas/shukla/andanu and jing (in

TCM) are all helpful:


Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera),

Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Brahmi

(Bacopa monniera), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Guggulu (Commiphora

mukul), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Tila (Sesamum indica), Yashtimadhu

(Glycyrrhiza glabra), Bala (Sida spp.), Kapikachu (Mucuna pruriens),

Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Shuktibhasma (purified oyster shell

ash), Shringaputa (deer horn ash), Shilajitu, ghee, milk, goat meat


Ren Shen (Panax spp.), Shan Yao (Dioscorea opposita), Huang Jing

(Polygonatum sibiricum), Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia glutinosa), He Shou Wu

(Polygonum multiflorum), Gou Qi Zi (Lycium chinense), Sang Shen (Morus

alba) , Lu Rong (Deer or Elk velvet), Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps

sinensis), Yin Yang Huo (Epimedium grandiflorum), Bai Ji Tian (Morinda

officinalis), Bu Gu Zhi (Psoralea coryfolia), Du Zhong (Eucommia

ulmoides), Xi Yang Shen (Panax quinquefolium), Tian Men Dong (Asparagus

cochinchinensis), Shi Hu (Dendrobium nobile), Han Lian Cao (Eclipta



In western herbal medicine we like herbs such as Nettle, Milky Oats,

Horsetail,seaweeds and bone soups to prevent/treat osteoporosis



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> HRT therapy can be adjusted to reduce the significant risk of cancer.

> We have been using either a topical or oral progesterone in primary

> (postmenopausal) osteoarthritis, which can help boost estrogen levels


whoops! i meant osteoporosis. sorry...

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  • 4 years later...

Dr Bhate ji

Dhanmantri Namaha

You had diagnose lots of bhasma lots of kajjali lots of herbs and many things what you didnt mentioned the Ayurved rasyan specially for the effect of premature ovarian failure..

MOstly all bhsma .. you had mentioned and also you had mentioned the triphala and every thing but i guess you forget to mentioned about The SUpari pak that is speicially working for women .. and only on those bhasma Loah bhasma is specially work for her..


Preparation number 1-

pradrantak loah

Garbhachintamani ras

rakhartha Garbha pal ras

swarn basant malti

Grahini kapat ras

loah bashma


3--4gm twice a day with black cumin poweder 2gm or Honey mix that special compound and take twice a day morning and evening..


compound number 2


pusyanug churna

masadi churna

varadi churna


mix all those churna compound and form one .. take 6-7gm after lunch and dinner with normal luke drinking water..


Preparation number 3


Patrangasava-- 3 tea spoon


Lodrasava ---- 3 tea spoon


6 tea spoon water after lunch and dinner and after compound number 2



Supari Pak

1 tea spoon - 7gm supari pak + kumarkalpadrumak Ghrit 1 tea spoon before sleeping with normal luke warm milk..


take complete course regualarly and i m sure about the guranteed releif..

any doubt you can mail me..

waiting for your reply


adwait tripathi

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