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Sai Prayer Group

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Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters,


The idea of doing collective prayer sounds really wonderful. If it is not

too late, please add in my son's name Siddharth.


Thank you

Sai Ram,



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Sai Ram Divine brothers and sisters,

Today is Pournami,the full moon. As everyone knows the auspiciousness of the

Full Moon, a thought just came to my mind after prayer this morning.

Wld it be possible for everyone if not for some in this prayer group to add the

Full Moon day which falls only once a month in addittion to what we'rr doing on

Sundays and Thursdays??

I understand that not everyone wld be able to do it due to their other duties

and commitments. But how abt those brothers and sisters who can?

We use to have a yagna once a month on Pournami or Full Moon dedicated to the

world when I was in S'pore. The reason being, there's so much divine energy

generated and ever- flowing on this particular day. Moreover there rr alot of

pooja activities in all Hindu temples for most deities like, Ganesha, Shiva,

Nayarana,Parvathi,etc and also in Prasanthi Nilayam, I think( based on 1

article I read recently). Not to forget the Satya-Narayana Pooja that is

conducted in Sai Centres. Full moon days are important in Guru poojas.

It is definitely a day we ought to consider and use for the maximum benefit of

the well-being and peace of the people, the world and Baba.

Why put all the divine energies so immensely pouring on this day to a waste?

Full Moon/Pournami is only once a month! Please think abt it. If agreed we can

do it everymonth.


Thank u.


With divine love,

Anita Sakthi

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I think it is a good idea- Yes definetely I think we can make it once a month

by His grace ,so could you please let us know when will be the next full moon

night Pournami

then we can do collectively once a month.

Yes from my side let us hear from all our brother's and Ssiter's.


Sai Ram


SoumendraAnita Sakthi <nit552000 (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Sai Ram Divine brothers and sisters,

Today is Pournami,the full moon. As everyone knows the auspiciousness of the

Full Moon, a thought just came to my mind after prayer this morning....

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Om Shri Sai Ram,

SaiRam Anita Sakthi, that will be a very good idea, the electro magnetic

strenght is immense on every Paurnami therefore perform any pooja or prayer

will have a greater effect and vibration. Let us hear more from our Brother's

and Sister's of SaiFamily

Sai RamAnita Sakthi <nit552000 (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Sai Ram Divine brothers and sisters,

Today is Pournami,the full moon. As everyone knows the auspiciousness of the

Full Moon, a thought just came to my mind after prayer this morning.....

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my dear anita and the sai prayer group too, I like very much this blessed idea

of the sathynarayana day and the poornim worship , my son who is 9 years old

allways tell me :mummy tommorrow is fullmoon day we must to make sweetballs of

coconut and sweet milk for ganesh ..." I have a vaishnava calendar and in this

you will find the poornim days,the ekadasis, the umas day,the


chands days,even in wath kind of sankranti are we now,a wath time you must to

break the fast,when you make ekdasi ...my dears sisters and brothers and now to

share this holy day of fullmoon with all of you is very auspicious for me , the

last ekadasi was in 18 past saturday, this was pandava nirjala ekadassi,

NIRJALA fast even of water, and this is the most sacred because if along the

year for some reason you broke any ekadasy if you do this pandava ekadasi you

restore all the pasts ekadasi that you broke

I like to follow all this vedic things not for be a fanatic person but i find

beautifull meaning behind every act of this , and my soul is very happy to

follow this path .

About the Thursday , you have my vote ,of course.



as SWAMI said: " ... and you bharatiyas whom have the same govinda as god and

are so afortunade this is like to take a express train to the eternity, but in

others gods you must to change the trains to get THIS express..."

for this reason i like too all this holy DAYS, of course this don`t meaning that

i don`t like the other religions .


and the past sunday prayer was fantastic, THANK YOU FOR EVERY THING .


in sailove

sairamdoris (AT) (DOT) es and family

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Let us get a count as to whether or not we will include Thursaday for the

prayers and also the Full Moon Puja.


"Always look at the positive side of things" Sri Sathya Sai

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Sairam Sister Anita ,


We can definetely make this collective prayer once a month that also on the

Pournami day. I am very happy to say "YES" from my side. We should start

this prayer from next month onwords. Because the next pournami will be the

very auspicious "GURUPOORNIMA" which falls on 21st and the day will be

Thursday. It will be a great day to start our prayer. Your Sai Sister Rama.

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Are we praying this Thurs which is tomorrow?


So this will be our first Thursday prayer also another


great idea came up form Sister Anita for prayers on Pournami


day( full moon night)- defininetely Yes from my side-


As you all have read from Swam's recent discourse that mammoth Seva project

is taking place in Parthi where food and water will be distributed in remote villages.

Small children 10 years and above will be doing Seva this is really in magnitude scale


So let our prayers be more vigorous now and may Swami be cured Paripoorna as

He is very busy with this Seva Project- ( so also everyone pain is alleviated too)

Can we take part in this Seva project? Can we anyway contribute? what do you all think?

or prayer is the only way-


Let us pray more Brother's and Sister's this is the time and I sincerely believe this is all

due to effect's of prayers- All His Grace nothing else-


Jai Sai Ram


At the feet of Sai



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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Sairam – Soumendra ji


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Yes, definitely we will pray tomorrow &

Poornima Day also.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">From now onwards, we should have pray on every

Thursday & Sunday and once in a month on Poornami

Day – is it correct Soumendra ji.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Jai sairam

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Ravindra Yemula

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Dearest brother Soumendra and all brothers and sisters,

Thank u,Baba, brother Soumendra and all Sai brothers and sisters for allowing this to happen.

The next Pournami falls on 21st July, on a Thursday. Pls update your calendars.

I will post a reminder closer the date.


I'm so thrilled at the way we'rr all growing together, spiritually and most

devotedly for Baba and for all our loved ones and the world as a whole. This is

the best Sadhana I've ever heard or participated in.

Thank u all for ur cooperation and for the thought u've given in the midst of ur

busy lives. This is definitely a Sadhana laid down by Baba, so lets put our

heart and soul to do this!

May the world be ever-filled and glow with divinity and peace! May all our

brothers and sisters in the world gain to the maximum strength!


Love all,Serve all.

Sister Anita Sakthi

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It is nice to pray for 20 minutes every day. I feel that a core group should

make the time in 24 hours to do the nama japam as we have the core prayer

hymns. Who ever want to do on other designated days, should join as a group

prayer for it's benefits. Remeber now that Swami teaches that every moment is a

meditation when it is offered to the Lord.

I am also interested in this group to join hands as a group that can sponsor

some Deena Jana Seva, as Swami already has the existing Hospitals and is

showing the Royal Road to The path of self realization. There was a call for

this from some other member yesterday, pleading members to consider helping the

needy, in Social, Education and health matters.


Sincerely, in his service with love

Meena Chintapalli

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I replied to this plea earlier. I think this prayer group should become the

International true Seva Sungh in Health, Education and Social Welfare

aactivities to partake in all that Swami is showing us to do. We can sponsor a

certain number of cardiac surgeries. We can sponssor some undertakings through

the Deena Jana Udharana Pathakam. WE can have an opportunity to sher soem

thimngs through the educational system.

Please call me if you have questions or e-mail me at mkchintapalli

Sincerely in his service with love

Meena Chintapalli

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Sairam Soumendra da,

Count me in for twice a week - Sundays and

Thursdays - and once a month -Pournami days - for group prayers. All to pray at

7 AM local time. This way mostly throughout these days combined vibrations will

be created for healing / giving succour to those in need.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.

In Sai seva,


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Excellent idea Sister Meenakshi just superb please

go ahead - we are with you please please tell us what we

have to do how we can sponsor? what are the prerequisite-

You are a doctor so please lead us-

All His Grace - please go ahead with your super noble ideas-


May Swami Bless you profusely

Sai Ram



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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">SAI RAM !!!


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Just a footnote to this message from Sister

Anita – July 21 is GURU POORNIMA !


Sudhir Patel

needOm (AT) bellsouth (DOT) net

(904) 743-7327


font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Anita Sakthi

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:37 AM

[saibabanews] Re: Sai Prayer Group


12.0pt">Sai Ram

12.0pt">Dearest brother Soumendra and all brothers and sisters,

12.0pt">Thank u,Baba, brother Soumendra and all Sai brothers and sisters for

allowing this to happen.

The next Pournami falls on 21st July, on a Thursday.

Pls update your calendars.

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Time and Tide wait for no man. When a problem is

coming it is coming like a tide. So do not wait for

Thursday and Sunday to do prayer for the needy. Do

the prayer every day. Open mail in the morning

and note down the prayer request and pray for that the

same day at certain time agreed by group of people in

your area. All days are Sathayanarayan Day.


Pray often, pray in any place. May God bless you.




Always be happy.

Whatever happens is for good.

Help one person every day so you can go one step near God.

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Will there be a lot of people from this prayer group at Guru Poornima Time.? Can

we all plan something if all can meet in Puttaparti?

Meena Chintapalli

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Sairam sister Meena,

I will be in Hyderabad and participating in

activities in our samithi / Sivam. We are not planning any visit to

Prashantinilayam to Gurupurnima as out flight to US, to support our younger

daughter's first confinement, is just a week later. Be rest assured that I will

participate in our SPG prayers on Sundays, Thursdays and Purnima days at 7 AM

local time irrespective of the place where I am at that time. I did the group

prayer this morning.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.

In Sai seva,



Meenakshi ChintapalliThursday, June 23, 2005 10:53 AM


[saibabanews] Re: Sai Prayer Group

Sai Ram

Will there be a lot of people from this prayer group at Guru Poornima Time.? Can

we all plan something if all can meet in Puttaparti?

Meena Chintapalli

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yes I agree with brother Partha.

Pray everyday and special prayers on Sunday & Thursday and Pournami day.

Eveyone should be at peace. Develop love and peace comes automatic.

Lokha Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu


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Sai Ram Meena ...


I'm back tracking and trying to catch up on this news group

as now it seems to be really moving along ...


This sounds like a wonderful idea .. could you possiblly forward more

information on this and how we could possibly

help from overseas ???


Also .. I'd like to say to everyone .. that I think doing

the prayers on Thursdays, Sundays and on the Full moon's

like Gurupoornima is a wonderful idea .. and those who

do sadhana daily can also add these people to thier prayers .... All help helps

.... all service is important ...


Anyways .. I wish everyone well ...

Sai Ram




Meenakshi Chintapalli


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:53 AM

[saibabanews] Re: Sai Prayer Group

Sai RAm SOumendra Bhai,

I replied to this plea earlier. I think this prayer group should become the

International true Seva Sungh in Health, Education and Social Welfare

aactivities to partake in all that Swami is showing us to do. We can sponsor a

certain number of cardiac surgeries. We can sponssor some undertakings through

the Deena Jana Udharana Pathakam. WE can have an opportunity to sher soem

thimngs through the educational system.

Please call me if you have questions or e-mail me at mkchintapalli

Sincerely in his service with love

Meena Chintapalli

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Through this group I feel that Swami wants to Unite the East and the West.

A bundle of tooth picks can not be trampled by even an elephant. Swami's

students are doing wonderful service either through SSO or Independently all

over the world.

They are the hanumans of Swami who are building the Waaradhi ( bridge) between

the 7 seas. They are fortunate enough to have been his students.

We need to create through Unity, a bridge by joining with them in this humanitarian cause.

This united standing to help in Health, Education and Social Welfare activiites

globally and in India particularly where the Lord resides.

As Swami is withdrawing at physical level from the masses. he will be seen

through all of us globally. People should feel his love and peace through us.

Therefore I suggest

1. We should call for the people who are independently doing seva in their

little way, to be brave and come forward with their names and their expertise.

Mainly the Youth who are charged with Swami's teachings and the divine energy

are doing seva. They should come under one umbrella and should not dissipate

their energies. They are eager to serve the Lord in many.

2. There should be a webmaster and website that these people can respond to and

give their names bravely and the confidentaility should be maintained

3. There should be ground rules and with clarity of understanding that the

International Prayer Group will take up the service activities, for which Swami

will support.

4. Therefore first we need to find the servants locally and in India who are

dedicated for the above three causes and they should work for the cause and not

to seek any fame, popularity or name. As bhagawan says, first BE, then DO and

then TELL. If every individual in the group works this way the collective work

will be revealed through reception by the Lord himself.

5. An example is the Hyderabad Youth and Prashanti group and amy be ,ore in

India and abroad, who are doing independent seva and they are all dedicated to

Swami. Good work like schools are run by them. Old age homes are run by them.

Let the seva be replicated in many towns.

6. We can not call for funds. The zeal for true humanitarian service will be

guided by Bhagawan and Swami himself had recently funded some village service


First use the web to call people together, for united service

In his seva with love and peace

Meena C.

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Sai Ram Sister Melody,

I am attaching a couple of forms not as a conceipt, but how people from

anywhere can respond to the love Swami can give through the physical body that

he has given us,

Please understand that

" What You are is God's gift to you,

What you do is your gift to God" -------source unknown


In his service with love and joy

MeenaMelody McClarty <blngs2sai (AT) tds (DOT) net> wrote:

Sai Ram Meena ...


I'm back tracking and trying to catch up on this news group

as now it seems to be really moving along ...


This sounds like a wonderful idea .. could you possiblly forward more

information on this and how we could possibly

help from overseas ???


Also .. I'd like to say to everyone .. that I think doing

the prayers on Thursdays, Sundays and on the Full moon's

like Gurupoornima is a wonderful idea .. and those who

do sadhana daily can also add these people to thier prayers .... All help helps

.... all service is important ...


Anyways .. I wish everyone well ...

Sai Ram



Attachment: (image/pjpeg) Testimonial-1 001.jpg [not stored]

Attachment: (image/pjpeg) Testimonial-1 002.jpg [not stored]

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Sai Ram Meenajee ,


Excellent simply excellent-


Let us pray brother's and sister's for this mega project in our


Sunday prayer>let us all unite and pray for this unique project .


All His grace- He will make it happen.


Let us all Pray collectively for this Seva project as Meenajee beautifully

said that people should feel His love and peace through us and He will be

known through us globally.


Swamis poem - What evil forces of Kali do to the man whose heart is filled with compassion,

Whose words are immersed in Love,


And whose body is dedicated to the service of others?


May Swamis Bless you all with infinite Ananda and bliss.


At the feet of Sai



Meenakshi Chintapalli <mkchintapalli > wrote:

Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters,

Through this group I feel that Swami wants to Unite the East and the West.

A bundle of tooth picks can not be trampled by even an elephant. Swami's

students are doing wonderful service either through SSO or Independently all

over the world.

They are the hanumans of Swami who are building the Waaradhi ( bridge) between

the 7 seas. They are fortunate enough to have been his students.

We need to create through Unity, a bridge by joining with them in this humanitarian cause.

This united standing to help in Health, Education and Social Welfare activiites

globally and in India particularly where the Lord resides.

As Swami is withdrawing at physical level from the masses. he will be seen

through all of us globally. People should feel his love and peace through us.

Therefore I suggest

1. We should call for the people who are independently doing seva in their

little way, to be brave and come forward with their names and their expertise.

Mainly the Youth who are charged with Swami's teachings and the divine energy

are doing seva. They should come under one umbrella and should not dissipate

their energies. They are eager to serve the Lord in many.

2. There should be a webmaster and website that these people can respond to and

give their names bravely and the confidentaility should be maintained

3. There should be ground rules and with clarity of understanding that the

International Prayer Group will take up the service activities, for which Swami

will support.

4. Therefore first we need to find the servants locally and in India who are

dedicated for the above three causes and they should work for the cause and not

to seek any fame, popularity or name. As bhagawan says, first BE, then DO and

then TELL. If every individual in the group works this way the collective work

will be revealed through reception by the Lord himself.

5. An example is the Hyderabad Youth and Prashanti group and amy be ,ore in

India and abroad, who are doing independent seva and they are all dedicated to

Swami. Good work like schools are run by them. Old age homes are run by them.

Let the seva be replicated in many towns.

6. We can not call for funds. The zeal for true humanitarian service will be

guided by Bhagawan and Swami himself had recently funded some village service


First use the web to call people together, for united service

In his seva with love and peace

Meena C.

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