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?Chicken Pox

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Sat Nam Sara!

The virus varicella zoster causes chicken pox, it can lie dormant for many

years. It's "hiding place" is the nerve cells of the spinal column. Although

there are many hypotheses on what awakens its dormancy, from excess sun exposure

to compromised immune function, when it awakens it appears as herpes zoster

which sounds like what you are experiencing. It is basically the same virus as

chicken pox but only affects one side of the body as its break out follows

nerve pathways. One spot it affects is the face, only on one side as you


It will clear on its' own but if your immune system is compromised get

attention from a doctor. There are many precautions you can try on your own, but


it nears your eyes seek medical attention. Miasms are seen in Kundalini Yoga

as I'm sure there are plenty of us here that can attest to that. Miasms are

diseases working their way out from deeper levels(cellularly) to a surface

level(skin). You mention you are working on the lower chakras, be aware of the

yukkiness(?) that can be stirred up there! Don't forget the heart center, bring


all up for healing and softness and LOVE! Om Namah Shivaya! Be kind to

yourself, love yourself, love your hip, love that you have found a group full of

compassion, advice, and wisdom to assist you! Any rashes or skin eruptions on a

spiritual Kosha level is Pitta out of balance. If you are not familiar with

Ayurvedic Medicine visit www.skyoftheheartyoga.com and take the Ayurvedic

assessment. If you have any questions on ways to bring yourself back to balance

I will

be happy to help anyway I can.

All Blessings for Optimum Health!

Guru Ravi Kaur




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[[(Shingles) is basically the same virus as chicken pox but only affects

one side of the body as its break out follows nerve pathways.]]


Not "only"--"usually". If it affects both sides of the body, it can be



- BS

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