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Holy City Of Dwarka

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Hari bole prabhus!


I was online couple of days ago reading about the holy city of Dwarka. I never knew about this holy place until I read about it and how lord krsna stayed there. I wanted to find out why did the city went underwater ? Did that indicate something? Was there a purpose for that happening? Any replies would be appreciated.


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I wanted to find out why did the city went underwater ?

The city was actually made below the ocean level, but by Lord Krishna's divine power the walls of water would not come down into the city. So one could stand on the edge and look into a wall of water.


Once Krishna withdrew His lila, He allowed the city to be submerged in the ocean, just as He arranged for the gopis to close their prakata lilas, and for all His relatives also.

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Radhe Krishna,


Radhe Krishna, White lotus, whereever we meet, the topic of discussion becomes knowingly or unknowingly - Shrimad Bhagavatham. But I am very happy about it and I enjoy spelling every akshara from Shrimad Bhagavatham.

U would find dwaraka nirmanam in dashama skanda of Shrimad Bhagavatham. After kamsa vadha and annointment of Shri Ugrasena as Raja of Mathura, the city was frequently attacked by Jarasandha. Frequent war means frequent disturbance for the subjects - in spite of the fact that every war was won by the people of Mathura. To have peaceful existence for his subjects, Lord Krishna created Dwarakapuri. After Shri Krishna brought Rukmini from Vidharbha, their marriage took place in Dwarakapuri. With the sankalpa of Lord Krishna, the sad end of Yadavas also took place in Prabhasa Kshethra near Dwarkapuri. The Yadavas under the influence of Alchohol fought with each other and got self liquidated at Prabhasa Kshethra. All these vruthantha, u would find in utharardha of dashama skanda of Shrimad Bhagavatham.


Dwarka is also listed as one of the saptha Mokshapuri:


"Ayodhya Mathura Maya Kashi Kanchi Avanthika

Puri Dwaravathi chaiva sapthaithe Moksha dayaikaha"


The cities, Ayodhya, Mathura, Haridwar (Mayapuri), Kashi, Kanchi, Avanthika (Ujjain) and Dwarakapuri are listed in the prathasmaraneeya Mokshapuris.


Radhe Krishna

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Hari bole prabhus!


I was online couple of days ago reading about the holy city of Dwarka. I never knew about this holy place until I read about it and how lord krsna stayed there. I wanted to find out why did the city went underwater ? Did that indicate something? Was there a purpose for that happening? Any replies would be appreciated.


Thank you


History says a lot of coastal lines including cities built on them have sunk around the world. It is not an unusual phenomena.


If the ice in the poles continues to melt, sea-level will increase and we may just witness more coast lines sinking.



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