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Overbearing Personalities

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Hi Everyone,


I am new to KY and would really appreciate some advice on dealing with the after

effects of overbearing, domineering personalities one of whom is my neighbour!


Like others of this personality type, her energy is draining and after she is

gone her non-stop voice seems to linger and reverberate through my mind for what

seems like hours.


It came to a head last night when I decided that it's time to be gently honest

with her and begin to limit contact. Do other people feel as sensitive as this

to overbearing personalities? Could anyone please suggest a meditation or kriya

to help me deal with this and offer some prevention for future encounters?


I would greatly appreciate your responses.


With love and peace,










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I live with an overbearing personality in fact, two of them. I have been

offering my heart through my yoga practice and during my meditations offering

everything that I am and that I have to give no matter how great or small. I

have also been doing the anger Kriya to be rid of internal anger finishing

with a calm meditation on the heart. So far the usual jabs of hurt don't

seem to penetrate and drain me as they used to. If I allow anger, I

immediately offer prayers. I try to project love to that person that angered

or upset me. I also have a Dove of peace in my home, blessed with the

intention of peace and Chimes and peaceful music to break up the negative

energy. Also the added benefit of doing my practices, I have become a better

person and maybe that's what this or these people are hear to teach us.





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